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Everything posted by Eki

  1. I think babies Return outside Hallandren too though. Presumably, those babies mostly die after a week, or a few weeks if the parents give their Breaths away. Maybe some rich parents actually manage to travel to T'Telir and make their babies Gods, if they know enough about the Iridescent Tones. Also, I don't think all babies are attempted to be made into God Kings. If the current God King has only been around for a decade or so, I bet they just make the baby a normal God.
  2. Eki

    New market

    I've been thinking about this a lot... I think there's a big risk for exploitation. For example, rich people paying poor people to sleep for them.
  3. Also, [quote][/quote] and [spoiler][/spoiler] work, if you hate buttons.
  4. This is how it works for everyone, so it's not differently for you. What people mean when they say you can't play in a car is that eggs won't hatch over a certain speed. (But of course, NEVER play while actually driving)
  5. Yeah, I only read them my second time through the book, when I already knew the story and stuff. But they do contain some very interesting details!
  6. Has Brandon confirmed if Vo really was the first Returned? And if so, why did no one Return before then? What changed?
  7. If you read the Warbreaker annotations, I believe Brandon explicitely says that rarely, babies really do return, and the priesthood sees that as a sign that a new God King should take the throne. This is why they were so insistent on Siri getting pregnant quickly: an infant had already recently Returned. So they either wanted a "real" son of Susebron, if the child Siri gave birth to was male and Returned, or they wanted to install the already Returned infant as God King (and claim it was Susebron's biological son), if Siri's child was stillborn or female. As to how babies can make the choice to Return... I guess they have a natural instinct to want to live, and Endowment can sense that wish? And sees it as a deliberate choice, even if the babies don't really know they are making it? Maybe?
  8. That is true. My point was just that we can't necessarily expect Rosharan geology to look like it does on Earth. Maybe Rosharan mines are really deep though, going below what used to be the bottom of the sea. Then you might reach more "natural" deposits. Or maybe the mines are where there used to be natural islands, that crem just buried.
  9. Is that second paragraph from Sigzil's PoV?
  10. Yeah, but remember that most of the continent is pretty much hardened crem, and we don't really know the chemical composition of crem. The Roshar continent is very, very odd in many ways.
  11. Vasher is referring to the Command to forget memories there. The one he used on the kidnapped child earlier.
  12. The earring causing Vin pain when she enters the Well so that she has to rip it out is actually one of the early hints towards the nature of hemalurgy.
  13. Finished The Light Fantastic. I definitely appreciate the Discworld books more the more of them I read. People say the first ones aren't as good, and I agree, but they set up things that I now recognize from later books. It's nice to know their beginnings. They didn't have the third book when I bought this one, so instead i also picked up Guards! Guards!, which a lot of people recommend (even as the first book to read, I believe,?).
  14. I'm definitely going to pick up a physical copy of Warbreaker at some point, even if I've read the free online version twice. Warbreaker was my second series, after finishing the third Mistborn book. I probably would have read Way of Kings eventually anyway, but Warbreaker being free was a great way to get deeper into Brandon's books without committing to a purchase. Definitely made me more interested in his other books.
  15. It's also interesting that Szeth didn't feel any nausea when looking at and touching Nightblood... Though he had just died, so maybe he had other things to worry about. Edit: He didn't feel the urge to possess the sword either, so maybe Nightblood just works differently off-world.
  16. Yeah, Nale specifically says he had wondered which of the two Lift was after she healed the Prime. (I say the Prime, because of course, he was always the Prime, they just hadn't realized it yet) And I'm not sure why people are talking about Nale not going to the Shattered Plains (haven't read everything, sorry)... He did, he's there at the end of WoR. As to why he didn't go there before, I think everyone makes great points. He needs the law to agree with him, and that would be difficult to achieve for him there.
  17. Word of Brandon. Things that aren't in the books but have been said by Brandon.
  18. Awakening wasn't known for the majority of time Hoid has been alive, so it's unlikely that Breaths are his primary way of being immortal. Also, when he commented on having perfect pitch, it seemed like a fairly new thing to him. I'm guessing he picked them up around the time of Warbreaker. Mostly for narrative reasons, but still. Of course, there's time dilation and other things to mess up Hoid's timeline. I still wonder if Hoid is much more active now than he used to be in the few thousand years after the Shattering.
  19. I'm yellow too, and we are definitely a minority where I live. I don't mind that much though, it means more gyms to take over. Tough to get a good defender bonus though. Type matchups aren't as important in this game as in the main series. Still important, but the modifiers aren't as big. I think they are 0.8 for resists and 1.25 for weaknesses.
  20. The rest of Jupiter is also a storm, pretty much. The spot is also, if I recall correctly, a whirlwind. Highstorms aren't, they blow in one direction. I don't think Jupiter is a fair comparison.
  21. They are too regular, too fierce, too... unnatural. Using normal physics (and we know the Cosmere has fairly normal physics before magic comes in), highstorms just wouldn't happen. That they are somehow created through magic doesn't necessarily mean the storms themselves are Invested though. But I'm fairly certain they need magic to exist in the first place.
  22. Huh? What? Kicked out? Comms? Training? POKÉMON training??
  23. True, but the highstorms themselves wouldn't work without magic of some kind.
  24. Jezrien was the Herald of the Windrunners. Szeth used his Honorblade. Oh, and Taln was a Stonewarden.
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