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Everything posted by Eki

  1. It's likely that the Rider was around for a long time, at least if he is the one who sends/controls the storms. The storms have been around for a very long time after all - the native ecology is completely adapted to them, and in many cases even reliant on them.
  2. How would this even work? I mean... You kind of have to accept that a) Jigglypuff doesn't have a butt, or b) Jigglypuff is a butt. Right? In either case, twerking would be weird. Am I wrong? What is a Jigglybutt? Why am I wondering about this Help
  3. Oooh, you're right. I must have confused myself somehow. Well, never mind then Although, I wonder how you fill a metalmind with Connection to nowhere... I guess that's a different issue though.
  4. I'm guessing storing speed would be difficult because it's dangerous to slow down much at all. Imagine if it also slowed down the flow of blood, for example. Then again, that would probably make it dangerous to speed up as well...
  5. So, we know if you fill a Connection metalmind, you get some default Connection to the present location, and can temporarily speak the local language(s). But that leaves lots of filled metalminds, right? Could someone tap those minds to temporarily get the same connections as whoever filled them? Would translation work the other way? Or would they just get increased Connection to whatever they are already connected to? We know there are metalminds that kind of work both ways: gold just stores generic health, but copper stores specific memories. Does duralumin store specific Connection?
  6. The Stormfather existed before Honor died (and most likely before Honor even arrived), in a slightly different form. We usually call him the Rider of the Storm to distinguish him from the current Stormfather, but if course the Listeners still call him that today. Presumably that entity, a spren of Adonalsium rather than Honor, was the one originally connected to the highstorms.
  7. You'd need to learn FROM something though, and copper memories degrade when not in storage. Copperminds have many advantages, but so do books, etc. One isn't clearly superior in every way.
  8. Those are names though. Poop is just a normal word.
  9. Well... The books are teeechnically translations into English. The word for poop isn't actually "poop" in Alethkar.
  10. OK, thanks for the recap! Seems most likely it refers to Kaladin, if Szeth used that line. But it could refer to Szeth at the same time, like someone mentioned, because it's past tense and Szeth just lost the ability to Windrun.
  11. Well, yeah, but what is it about? I don't have the book available. Sorry about the confusion!
  12. I think there's a WoB about him being native to Roshar. He probably has worldhopped, though. I don't remember what's in this chapter, but from just the title, I would assume it referred to Kaladin. Which chapter was this?
  13. Hogfather? I know that's wrong but the AI in that book is v. cute
  14. I wonder how it is for people on the other side of the whole thing: people who play Ingress but don't know anything about Pokémon. It must be bizarre for them too
  15. Being an active Pokémon fan, seeing this craze is very... odd. It makes me happy, though! But it's really odd to see so many people suddenly obsessed by something I myself have been fairly obsessed by for so long... And without the knowledge those years have given me. It's a very different experience from when Pokémon was completely new, for me AND everyone else. Like, I saw someone ask "Is there a rare Pokémon for every element?" That seems like a question by someone who thinks the Pokémon were designed for this game, rather than the other way around... and I'm not even sure what they meant by "elements" there. Types, I guess? But then, what about dual types? I dunno... For now, I'll enjoy being able to talk about Pokémon with random people and have them actually being interested. I even got to brag about my Pokédex from the main games to someone I had never met before! Oh, and about team Harmony: There are three teams in the game, based around the three legendary birds from the first generation. Some players have shown animosity to opposing teams (though most are just joking around), so some people decided to make an "unofficial" team to promote friendliness between the other teams. They based that team on Lugia, who (spoiler alert) makes the three birds stop causing chaos in the second Pokémon movie.
  16. Ruin's shardpool was mentioned by Alendi in his journal, on the way to the Well. It seemed pretty deserted then (and on the surface), so probably no one was mining the atium. The only one who would have been interested in it was Ruin himself, and he had to get himself released before the atium mattered to him. Edit: I see you were the one who asked the same question on the Q&A board, so it seems my answer wasn't that useful to you... Sorry about that!
  17. Even though I agree with you, that COULD have been Honor sending a vision of a future he knew would happen. I do think he was alive at that point, but because of shardic future sight, it's not necessarily for certain.
  18. I'd think that the influence dissipates over time rather than just cuts off straight away, but who knows. And it's a good point about the spiritual realm, but would that limit him to learning about the history of his shards in particular? Place isn't really a thing in the spiritual realm either, after all. Seems like memories from the shard itself. But the same epigraph mentions that the knowledge isn't the same as experience (which was the whole point about Sazed using his copperminds, to succeed where Rashek and Vin failed), so... I guess if the shards are mostly in the spiritual realm, then their memories and looking into the past is kind of... the same thing? I guess?
  19. Yeah, it's not so much the holder dying that splinters the shard, but the fact that no one is holding it - controlling all that power. But that doesn't mean that the splinters all contain parts of the mind of the Vessel who just died. Although, splinters MAYBE can contain memories in some sense - we know that Sazed came to understand some of the history of his shards after picking them up, including the name "Adonalsium", even if he didn't quite know what it was (though by W&W's time, he might have figured it out). So maybe in that sense splinters can be considered to contain parts of the shardholder's mind, personality, or at least, memories.
  20. It might be over 9000 years (yes, yes, the meme and everything) before TLR's ascension. The Coppermind says probably 11000 years before WoK, which should be around 1300 years after that event.
  21. I think there is a difference between a shard giving out a piece of their mind, and a piece of their power. Preservation gave up most of his mind to create Ruin's prison, but that wasn't a splinter, presumably. Similarly, I don't think Endowment loses a piece of their consciousness by giving out a splinter - just a piece of power, not mind. And I think it's implied in many places that splinterings of shards happen because the holder dies, rather than that the holder dies because the shard is sufficiently splintered. Many (all?) splinters seem to develop a consciousness over time, but there's no evidence that that consciousness would be related to the original one of the shard (other than them being aligned with the Intent of the shard, of course).
  22. Eki

    Preservation and Ruin

    Presumably Preservation destroyed his mind permanently to make the prison. It wasn't that he was concentrating on keeping it going, he had literally used it up to create it in the first place. Who controlled the atium, if anyone did, I don't know. But Ruin probably didn't have enough physical presence to make use of his knowledge about it at that point. Ruin's shardpool (what would later become the Pits of Hathsin) was in the Terris mountains; Alendi mentions it (without knowing what it is) in his journal. So if anyone was protecting the atium, they would likely be of the Terris people.
  23. Eki

    Bands of Mourning

    I think there is a WoB about Autonomy and Odium working together somehow to splinter the shards on Sel. I don't think Autonomy would ever work FOR Odium, but they may have a deal of some kind.
  24. Eki

    Bands of Mourning

    There have been many theories. Some think Trell, others think Odium, and some think a third force. It seems likely to be related to some shard or another though.
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