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Everything posted by Eki

  1. We have also heard about worldhopping kandra though. Not all kandra have to be Harmony's agents, of course, but still. I doubt Harmony would take much action on other worlds though, not yet. But I do think he's trying to watch, and learn. But I suspect most of his actions will be in the final Mistborn trilogy, assuming he CAN act at that point, and isn't paralyzed by the conflict between his two shardic parts.
  2. Well, we know that something is trying to prevent Harmony from seeing beyond Scadrial, and that wouldn't be necessary if Sazed didn't want to see that far in the first place. Also, Sazed was curious as a human, and he probably still is as a Shard. I definitely think Sazed would want to know more about Cosmere-wide things, just from knowing who he is.
  3. I think part of the reason that we see so many worldhoppers in Stormlight is that it's one of the latest series chronologically (almost contemporary to W&W Mistborn books), so we just have more characters and worlds that CAN show up. It's possible that there were more worldhoppers in, say, Warbreaker, but we wouldn't have met them before. (Though there weren't that many characters in Warbreaker, so maybe bad example) And, of course, Brandon hadn't invented as many characters before, so that's another reason why there would be more now. And yeah, I don't think Harmony has any special connection to the 17th shard?
  4. Either created, or at least influenced, by Adonalsium, long before the shattering. And we don't yet know if the humans were created by the shards, or just brought there. Vorin mythology about the Tranquiline Halls seems to suggest humans immigrated to the planet rather than being creted there, but we don't yet know for sure.
  5. Eki

    Origins of Life?

    They might also be ancestors of worldhoppers, from Yolen or somewhere else. Not necessarily created by Honor and Cultivation.
  6. Not to mention that BBCode still works, so you don't HAVE to use the buttons or anything. Obviously doesn't quite work for quotes, but still.
  7. For the record, it doesn't seem to work for me on Firefox. Neither in Windows or Ubuntu. I think it worked early on, but then quickly stopped.
  8. You can't lash someone in shardplate, so there is more to it. Whether this is because shardplate is full of Investiture or not, we don't yet know, but it seems likely.
  9. Yeah, I think most news reports in English made the same simplification. You might have a ¨ key though, that can be used to create an ö. It's also common to exchange an ö for oe, but I'm not sure if that works for Icelandic.
  10. Hmm... Completely unrelated, don't eat the cookies! Welcome to the forum!
  11. Nitpick: It's Eyjafjallajökull. Ö and O are completely different letters, even if they look almost the same.
  12. Hard to say. He seems to have been seeing the same kind of spren (either that or he's really hallucinating) as Shallan did, so he might become a Lightweaver. But then, will he have time to be king as well? I think he's on his way to becoming a better person, regardless. Good for him!
  13. Couldn't you solve the american gun issue by just giving everyone a keep and a pair of bear arms, and then banning all the guns? I mean, guns are pretty hard to use with bear arms, so it might all work out anyway. Edit: How much is a keep these days?
  14. He was explaining his religion, yeah.
  15. Humans are not native to Roshar, so at some point, their ancestors all worldhopped to get there. (Or they were created by Cultivation and Honor, but I don't think so.) We don't know how or when, but it seems likely to me that Cultivation and Honor brought them there. If Ym's religion is based on knowledge about the Cosmere... who knows? Probably.
  16. I think this is what Frost (or whoever did write that letter) thinks. I don't know if Frost thinks Adonalsium was omniscient, but at least he seems to think that the shattering was part of Adonalsium's plan for the cosmere. That's why he doesn't want Hoid interferring. Of course, if Adonalsium's shattering was part of the plan, so could Hoid's actions, so...
  17. I tend to use Ubuntu (with GNOME), but there are games I want to play (and some other applications) that only work on Windows, so I dual-boot.
  18. Probably why Kaladin could wear that one helmet as a glove without that part having gemstones. I don't remember if there's any clue to that in the actual text though. There are theories that shardplate is made out of non-sentient spren, specifically the kind that corresponds to an Order's sentient spren. So in Kaladin's case, his Plate would be made out of windspren, since Honorspren seem to be some kind of sentient windspren.
  19. Well, this is the Stormlight section. From the Spoiler Policy:
  20. Not sure if intended or not, and fairly irrelevant really, but posts in the Q&A section don't seem to increase your total post count.
  21. I think it was Shashara who did the actual Awakening, but that they both conducted the research. Seems to fit everything we know so far. But if I recall correctly, we do know what caused Vasher to change his mind. It was the Battle of Twilight Falls, where Nightblood was freely unleashed (wielded by Shashara) the first time. The destruction Nightblood caused horrified Vasher, and when Shashara still insisted on revealing the process of creating more Awakened blades to the world, Vasher killed her.
  22. I recently asked pretty much this question in another thread, but I don't know if anyone has asked Brandon about it. I'm not sure how you would destroy a shardblade... If you did, what would happen to the spren? They are splinters, so would they just be even more splintered? Would they be impossible to 'revive'?
  23. Pokémon GO! I am a Pokémon MASTER, I'm telling you!
  24. I think he said that Hoid uses Feruchemy, which (BoM spoilers)
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