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A Secret Corner

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Everything posted by A Secret Corner

  1. I've just started Arcanum Unbounded (couldn't at release as I was busy) ... I've got the feeling that this whole ookla business has to do with Edgedancer, am I correct? Edit: A few minutes after post I randomly stumbled into a thread about this...
  2. Heal Limelight, hurt Regalia Heal Conflux, hurt Regalia. 3. Firefight--20 5. Limelight--9 6. Conflux--16 10. Regalia--5 @JondesuThanks for killing Obliteration, as it was annoying dealing with him.
  3. Hurt Regalia, heal Limelight 1. Steelheart--5 3. Firefight--14 4. Murkwood--4 5. Limelight--7 6. Conflux--9 9. Obliteration--5 10. Regalia--6
  4. Hello and welcome to the cosmere and the 17th Shard. Glad to hear that you've been enjoying Brandon's book for a year. Have an upvote and some cookies (note: upvote goes best with the cookie)
  5. Finish the series, its... interesting. Glad to hear that, as of my post, you should be hearing voices in a few days...
  6. @RasarrYes indeed Heal Murkwood, hurt Regalia 1. Steelheart--6 2.Calamity--4 3. Firefight--9 4. Murkwood--4 5. Limelight--6 6. Conflux--5 8. Fortuity--5 9. Obliteration--5 10. Regalia--6 And I'm a forescout now... guess I can only survive...
  7. Well hello and have a great time here on the 17th Shard! Theories are probably the best threads for starters here. Have some upvotes and a cookie.(note: upvote goes best with cookie)
  8. I've read Ender's Game and most of the books in that universe. Did you read the prequel series (Earth Unaware, Earth Afire, Earth Awakens)? Anyways have a good time here on the shard, have a cookie and some upvotes (note: upvote goes best with the cookies)
  9. I'm fine with hurt two heal one Heal Honor; hurt Preservation 3. Preservation: 25 6. Honor: 25
  10. or perhaps voidus, the void in all of us
  11. Hurt Preservation, heal Honor 3. Preservation: 256. Honor: 25 You are incorrect. Honor was persevered and Preservation was honored. Simple as that.
  12. I'd probably bring a 30 ft. Dragon or something along with me. Or maybe a penguin. an adult penguin though...
  13. @Rasarr "Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do!" Hurt Preservation, heal Honor 3. Preservation: 256. Honor: 25 @Stark
  14. I've always thought compounding luck would be like being Mat over from WoT
  15. Exactly. Rowling's magic was whatever was needed, with the only rule being that Harry Potter is the strongest, or something like that. Or that the power of love has random unexplained all-powerful abilities.
  16. Ahh... memories of my magical first read of the Mistborn Trilogy...
  17. Preservatives are bad for your health. Hurt Preservation, Heal Honor 3. Preservation: 24 6. Honor: 26
  18. as established in a previous thread, the person DRAFO
  19. *Do they have food here daddy?* Wasn't it already established that Brandon compounded the Epic God Metal? People all over Roshar have their Parshmen turn into Voidbringers
  20. @Quothe Why would you want to have Dominion over a Shard? *different version of the Cosmere... "Dominion is dead, but I'll see what I can do!"* Heal Honor, hurt Ruin 3. Preservation: 22 4. Ruin: 7 6. Honor: 21
  21. Oh for a bit of Autonomy Heal Honor, hurt Ruin 3. Preservation: 23 4. Ruin: 9 6. Honor: 18
  22. *"A new vessel," a Stranger thought, "A new vessel." "Daannggeerroouuss," another voice added. "Indeed," the stranger spoke aloud, "After all the trouble we went through to kill the last one."* *A bright flash of light, and a tall man with a mustache and glasses appears.* *"Shardslayer," a careful voice asked? I had enough of Steelslayer. "Obliteration!?!" the stranger asked, "What are you doing here?" "I," Obliteration began. "I don't have the time to deal with you," the strange responded with a hint of irritation in his voice as he pushed a coin at Obliteration, causing Obliteration to disappear.* Heal Honor, hurt Ruin 3. Preservation: 22 4. Ruin: 12 6. Honor: 16
  23. Hurt Autonomy, heal Honor 3. Preservation: 22 4. Ruin: 12 6. Honor: 13 9. Autonomy: 3
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