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A Secret Corner

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Everything posted by A Secret Corner

  1. Heal Endowment; hurt Autonomy 3. Preservation: 8 4. Ruin: 9 6. Honor: 11 7. Cultivation: 9 8. Endowment: 5 9. Autonomy: 8
  2. Agreed! Hurt Autonomy, heal Endowment 3. Preservation: 8 4. Ruin: 9 6. Honor: 11 7. Cultivation: 8 8. Endowment: 5 9. Autonomy: 9
  3. Don't we have some cookies that are high in iron? Iron that is used to manufacture hemoglobin?! Hemoglobin that is used to transport the ever essential oxygen through your body!?!
  4. Heal Endowment, hurt Autonomy 3. Preservation: 8 4. Ruin: 10 6. Honor: 11 7. Cultivation: 8 8. Endowment: 4 9. Autonomy: 9
  5. Well hello and welcome to the 17th Shard Forums! I hope you have a nice stay while here. Have an upvote and some cookies (note: upvote goes best with the cookies)
  6. When I finally find this some 3 shards are already killed :'( Hurt Odium; heal Honor 3. Preservation: 8 4. Ruin: 9 5. Odium: 3 6. Honor: 8 7. Cultivation: 7 8. Endowment: 7 9. Autonomy: 8
  7. Good to hear that they taste great! I have been studying Hemalurgy bakery for years!
  8. So no combined shards? Are we agreed on doing shard with no combined shards?
  9. Would we include Harmony and Ruin/Preservation? Or would we only have one of either? How would we work with combined shards?
  10. "I want you to tell me what happened to Chris," "Do you want the long version, or the short version," "I want you to tell me what happened to Chris," "Okay... Chris is dead now," "WHAT?" "He died like, a few hours ago," ...
  11. Heal Iyatil, hurt Khriss 1. Khriss--32. Iyatil--67 @sirchesh @Elenion @Zizoz FINISH THIS!
  12. "My strength has become my weakness, death has become my life, the journey is over." Adolin
  13. Hurt Khriss, heal Iyatil 1. Khriss--192. Iyatil--51 funny that for around 2 pages I can copy and paste all of someone's post and post it again... @I_am_a_StickYou accidentaly posted hurt Khriss, and heal Iyatil, while in reality you hurt Iyatil and healed Khriss
  14. @antabrWelcome to the forums! Have an upvote and a cookie! (note: upvote goes best with the cookie)
  15. @Nikto You should eat the cookies, in fact, I made some fresh for you
  16. Heal Iyatil, hurt Khriss 1. Khriss--272. Iyatil--43 wow, exact same stats as in my last post... @ElenionIndeed
  17. *A voice speaks from a distance," "The skies are MINE. I claim them as my own. They have been mine since I was a child!" I'm actually surprised that Kaladin and Szeth ended up dueling in the semi-finals. How fitting Kaladin
  18. Time to end this! Heal Iyatil, hurt Khriss 1. Khriss--27 2. Iyatil--43 Edit: @Rasarr You could help make this faster by healing Iyatil.
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