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A Secret Corner

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Everything posted by A Secret Corner

  1. Hard to say... for the longest time as a child, I pretty much hated fantasy and fiction in general... if I remember correctly, I just found them to be stupid, filled with ridiculous stuff and I found them to make no sense. At somewhere around 8-10 I think I remember having read a few fantasy books in all but if my remember correctly, my experience, hazy, but probably around when I was ten years old, I discovered Brandon Sanderson. I believe I had heard little bits of his work from my parents listening to him on audiobooks, so long ago... In his work, I truly found that fantasy can be plausible, that it can make sense, and that it can be great. The fantasy book that I would have to say really started my love of the genre was Mistborn book one, The Final Empire. I do believe it is Sanderson who truly turned my views on such upside-down starting with that book. Meanwhile, I have since come to love fantasy and fiction of many types, devouring all of Sanderson's works, much of Tolkien's stuff, Asimov, Lewis, and many more. I still look forward to more good books, with probably the best book I've ever read being one that I've read since the start of my reading being The Way Of Kings. And I find it ironic, funny, and fulfilling that now I have in several things, defended fantasy's ability to be plausible, make sense, and be good.
  2. I watch Shadiversity David V. Stewart (for: MACHICULATIOOOONSS... social/political commentary, and writing scmuck) I also watch Mumbo Jumbo Wisecrack (occasionally) EckhartsLadder The Act Man occasionally LNG a little bit of spacedock Ben Shapiro and much, much more.
  3. Clearly, none of y'all knows the proper usage.
  4. Awesome work! Do you plan to add the glyphs at all, or what?
  5. *sniff* *sniff* It's okay... oh well, better contribute to this thread as that's always what we do here on the Shard. People have already said it, but Vivenna. She was very annoyingly self righteous, but then Brandon, in usual fashion, upended my expectations and gave her a rather interesting arc. Vivenna had a lot of very good character development.
  6. What I meant was a joke of sourts on rule 34, except it's cosmere and brandon, so it's got to be 16.
  7. That's actually something that I've thought about. Then when I've had such thoughts, I tried to think in perspective, and I know that not every book has 1000+ pages into which worldbuilding packed, even when Brandon is the writer.
  8. Obviously you are not familiar with rule 16.
  9. Well, I don't have the reference, I believe it's in TWoK's prologue, but from Szeth, we know that if he died, the Stone Shamans would retrieve his honorblade. I don't think out that the Stone Shamans wouldn't go to what was once the Parsh's land to retrieve a Honorblade.
  10. The Final Empire The Stormlight Archive
  11. @Wyndlerunner My first physical book of Brandon's is a Dragonsteel edition of TFE... It's beautiful... it looks awesome, all sorts of stuff. The inside covers are art. In the front of the book is a bunch of art, as well as some maps. The paper is awesome, the leather cover is awesome, all sorts of things. If you want an awesome version of the book, a true collectors addition that you can treasure, these things are for you, so long as you have the money to spare.
  12. As a qualified, non-biased, welcoming sharder, I second this recommendation. I also think that there a dozen or two sharders who could also back this one up.
  13. Please no... just... no but you are the self proclaimed Herald of Bad Jokes I suppose
  14. And someone finally linked to that thread... so much cringe there but points for the idea I suppose.
  15. Well as far as I see it, it probably is death. That is, if whatever that thing was was designed smartly, it should have captured and destroyed/corrupted Jezrien's soul. And if Odium and his forces are incompetent in this, then Jezrien's soul might be captured in that gemstone or whatever is precisely going on here, but intact. I don't think we know enough to tell the difference. The difference matters, as with the latter option, it might be possible to have Jezrien's soul freed and have him be able to live... but from a narrative standpoint, I think he's dead, and will stay dead.
  16. How about some good villains? Can we get some more of those?
  17. Just about all of it. Alcatraz is for any age and is absolutely hilarious as a deconstruction of, well, pretty much everything. Rithmatist was a good book, available to all ages, but targeted more towards a YA audience (what @Sandra said about differences) Reckoners was good, and a rather interesting interpretation of superhero stuff IMO, but ending of third book was a bit more meh along some lines, as far as Brandon goes.
  18. No, I've only read wot twice or so. It just wanders so much... I'm with patient books generally, but WoT stretches it a bit Anyways, add I posted right again, I feel the need to contribute. You know your a Sanderfan when you get annoyed at the Last Jedi (hold your chulls a moment) for not properly using foreshadowing... For just about anything... And then go begin another re-read (literally) of Mistborn and feel pleased at all the amazing foreshadowing Edit: and feel very good as you begin it in your brand new, just arrived, personalized Leather Dragonsteel edition!
  19. I don't think there is any of Brandon's books any less than 7-12 times, some of them more, save Oathbringer and Snapshot. Though I have not gotten my hands on White Sand yet... :(
  20. A Secret Corner


    Dashing dress, fine long hair, very tall, crisp colors, and some very interesting use of lines in the design. I like it. It's a good rendition! The facial expressions displayed on the right are great and hilarious Also is that Ashi in the air between the front and back views of Sarene?
  21. I've been thinking up some Kaladin memes lately
  22. When, because your one of the students who actually is good and does their work, you have a bunch of extra time in math class, and as you like math and want to do math, ponder how to calculate the amount of force in steel pulls (including duralumin)
  23. I find it hard to go much more than six months without rereading Brandon's books, Mistborn especially. I don't even know how many rereads of the original mistborn trilogy I've done. Probably at least 10-15.
  24. Agreed, and I guess this is why in my own mind as I've been thinking about this, I don't think Stormlight would be really good as an adaptation, or at least as one of the first.
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