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A Secret Corner

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Everything posted by A Secret Corner

  1. Correct. Matter gets converted to energy, and the amount of energy created dictates the loss of a certain amount of matter. This is what e=mc^2, and all derivatives (from using algebraic and multiplicative rules). I guess this would depend on what precisely happens to the metal. I don't know much on this from WoB, but I personally think that as the metal acts as the focus, the investiture sort of, flows through the metal, atomizing and destructuring it from the energy of the investiture, like how too much electricity can burn up a copper wire.
  2. *shhhh* And I just came here to point out that this thread should be kept mostly silent, as WoT is over, it looks like nothing more is going to happen, Two Rivers Woman will be stubborn for longer than eternity, and this thread has been necroed so much it should be dust.
  3. I've seen a lot of necromancy, and felt an urge to meme about it...
  4. Since this not the Sanderson memes thread, I will not post a meme of necromancy, necromancy anywhere. I however find these to be good questions. With the first one, I'm actually wondering what distinguishes all circles, for some reasons that you might see if you think about it. for #2, the Rithmatist was originally planned to be Cosmere, but by decision of Brandon, he decided that it would not be Cosmere, for reasons laid out above. But here's some information related to this, not shard-related, truly, but important as I see it. According to Brandon's original plan for the Rithmatist (formerly The Scribbler,) the Shadowblazes and the Forgotten would have been creatures who lived completely and only in the spiritual realm. This is one of the reasons why they (as well as wild chalklings) are afraid and confused by man's perception of time, as in the spiritual realm, time and space are somewhat, irrelevant. ... cannot find relevant WoB anywhere... anyways, Yes, (for #3.) The height of a Line of Forbiddance is based upon width. This is discussed in the book I believe, or at least mentioned. And you probably could make LoF's that you could reach over, but given that we don't see anything go over a LoF in the book when LoF's are probably less than 1 cm. thick, I think that this would be rather impractical... But these were some good questions, and someone should probably ask them sometime. Sorry for cluttering this thread with what I know of this subject!
  5. *answer* *more pugs needed* activate meme subroutine CANINIS MAXIMUS 314 RESTATION ALL *PUG* ASSETS to PRIORITY 10 INTERFACE DIRRECT ALL PRIORITY INTERFACE ASSETS TO COUNTER VALUSPA THREAT *boredom* stop stop stop!
  6. Could these get linked to the Sanderson memes page? These are all great, and I think that they could get some more exposure of they got linked from this thread to the Sanderson memes thread.
  7. This needs to be a thing. We should probably start actually writing down the books in steel just to be safe as well. But this really needs to be a thing.
  8. I guess. But as @ccstat mentioned, at least it shouldn't be to much of a problem. Can this please be the reason? Inefficient, but indeed awesome. And like anything good for you, it's Awesome on multiple levels. (excuse all the puns in the last sentence).
  9. This one is not-toxic. Actually, this cookie is one of my more treasured pillars of *ahem* culinary achievement. It has some, *ahem* special *spoilers* *ahem* *spoilers* in it. That's all I'll say.
  10. Well that's the penalty for starting a series at the third book. Now starting at book 4, you sneaky time travelers. At least its not as bad as Alcatraz making fun of you with a extra magazine if you start the Alcatraz series at book 4.
  11. Here, and oh welcome @I am Witless to the 17th Shard. I've been less active on here for the last few weeks, in part because of lots of school, but I should've been the first to respond in any case. Now, as is my solemn duty, I bring cookies as a *ahem* welcoming present to new Sharders!
  12. The thread necromancy is strong with this one
  13. Memorize the nickname of every Twinborn combination. Far easier, and less Chasmfiends. Would you rather be force fed Rakgish Weed Soup (or however it was spelled), or dirt.
  14. One: Sharblades aren't light. They are a physical manifestation of an invested transformative cognitive entity, to be precise. A sharblade, I think would be more useful than a lightsaber in many circumstances, for many reasons. However, What's being said above is that due the way lightsabers and sharblades work, they would likely just pass through each other. Also, have a cookie!
  15. Well.... The thing is that Rashek would win against pretty much any protagonist, character, etc. that we've seen so far, excluding Hoid or a shard. Vin was lucky and skilled enough, and even then required the use of Preservation's pure power and a target that would easily take him out. Taking the Lord Ruler to be old in any fight, one of the only ways that I could conceive someone winning against him would be to take out his metalminds, and between compounded feruchemy, steel, strength, etc. and extremely powerful alomancy, I think that the Lord Ruler could do against just about anyone (including Heralds) what he did to Kelsier. Take them out with a single extremely powerful blow. That's just one simple way for him to kill you. And on the matter of steelpushing, I wouldn't be surprised if the Lord Ruler could push most things, including the Heralds themselves, though very likely not the sharblades. Its mentioned that the Heralds would have enhanced speed, among other things. However the problem with this is that the Lord Ruler can have true super speed inbetween healing, heat management with F brass, and F steel compounding. Any stat of the Heralds, he could easily tower over by magnitudes. Inbetween F stats, alomancy, Atium, and everything else the Lord Ruler has up his sleeves, I think that even all 10 Heralds might not be able to kill him. And as far as Inquistors and their steel sight, the Lord Ruler could probably use that if need be, as it is a matter of connection to the power through savant-ness, and he could probably replicate that through F aluminum and F Chromium. As far as metals go, I'm personally convinced that the Lord Ruler knew about chromium and Bendalloy inbetween all his experiments through time and what he learned while holding the power of Preservation at the Well of Ascension. So the Lord Ruler could use say Chromium to wipe stormlight reserves as stated above. I personally would think that this would likely work. Based on what we've seen of the Bands of Mourning, I think that the Lord Ruler could easily see and probably distinguish stormlight illusions and reality, through seeing the investiture compared to other things. If the Lord Ruler can gain savant-ness, than he could due things like attach speed bubbles of both types to himself, and whatever else savants of all types can do. Than again, there always is Atium as well... TL:DR The Lord Ruler can easily match and tower over by magnitudes any stats of the Heralds, could survive the one thing that the Heralds have that he dosen's (sharblades), and use Atium to easily crush the Heralds as he has all but the last Skaa rebellions. An open mind must be kept on pending knowledge of Herald's powers.
  16. Ruin, as having a non-lighteye'd status, can be imprisoned. Would you rather spend one week as the cognitive aspect of one of Sarene's paintings, or one of her woven designs?
  17. Aluminum. There are some interesting and useful applications of this power even by itself. Would you rather spend one year at Silverlight, or one month at Cosmere University?
  18. Yes, I've thought about this. Harmonium however is not an Atium/Lerasium Alloy. There are probably a lot of effects of Harmonium that we don't know yet, a whole lot that we don't know yet. Oh and to provide some raw estimates, considering the 16 base metals, Atium, Lerasium, and Harmonium (ettmetal), there should be something of 135 metals. 16 base metals 16 base metals alloyed with Atium 16 base metals alloyed with Lerasium 16 base metals alloyed with Harmonium 16 base metals alloyed with Harmonium and Atium 16 base metals alloyed with Harmonium and Lerasium 16 base metals alloyed with Atium and Lerasium 16 base metals alloyed with Harmonium and Atium and Lerasium Atium Lerasium Harmonium Atium alloyed with Lerasium Atium alloyed with Harmonium Lerasium alloyed with Harmonium Atium alloyed with Lerasium and Harmonium
  19. Will Vin be doing a Guest lecture on Physics 108 specifically in relation to men and horses?
  20. Of Sanderson Elimination or RP? There are several RP things going on, such as the Reckoner's RP, a mistbon rp, and others
  21. Help wayne with logic. Far more interesting Would you rather spend one month at Damnation (or rather Braize, and you get a heat medallion to help), Hell (Forests of, and you start ~100-150 miles from any homestead or waystop), The Pits of Hathsin, or Elantris (starting about 1 year after the Reod).
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