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A Secret Corner

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Everything posted by A Secret Corner

  1. Might CU Consider for Psych 190 Sarene and Hrathen as Guest lecturers? For Business 375, Iadon, Lukel, Roial, or Sebarial? I know shards can't be teachers, but could Harmony do Guest lectures at Philosophy 1000? One Sixth of the Dusk might be able to assist in PhysEd 400 for CJ 100 could alternate/assistant teachers include Lord Waxillium Ladrian, SliderKing Wayne, and all Journeyman Skybreakers as assistants? And Advanced Criminal Justice having bonded a highspren as a requirement, and progression through the order as the years go bye? Edit: And could King Eventeo possibly do a guest lecture on Rakish Weed Soup and its application?
  2. Granted. One of the effects of the coffee is that it makes you sleepy (in the magic system). Your bane is that coffee beans are as valuable as aluminum, and are priced similarly. I wish to petition the nightwatcher for 10 more wishes.
  3. They are good for you and provide many beneficial minerals, and as you asked, here (spoilered for length)
  4. I have plenty of cookies to offer you if you want them. They will be shown in spoiler. I'm normally the first to greet, with cookies at least, any newcomers, but I've been busy lately. Oh, and good to hear someone doing something with the Rithmatist. I really liked it. anyways, here.
  5. Ruin! By the forgotten gods! Stormwinds! (or if you want a string of it, Stormwind curse this storm-cursed storm). Ashe's Eyes! Color colors colors! Austre, God of Colors! National Union of Teachers! Gak! Shattering Glass! Shadows!
  6. I actually liked it, it just was more that I rarely see it mentioned on here.
  7. Its actually more along the lines of how long it takes your body to digest food, at least that's what I think is also relevant here.
  8. I would say ^this of all metals.
  9. True, though for sentient entities, their presence and awareness of the three realms varies. and @Elendtheking, the god metals investiture is in a solid form. As was mentioned in the books, this investiture in a solid form is powerful, but doesn't have an expansive use. Each metal does certain things, and both Atium and Lerasium do things in the spiritual realm, Atium gives you sight into the spiritual realm (in varying ways, depending on burn rate), and Lerasium rewrites and adds to your spiritweb, adding the power of a Lerasium Mistborn to all allomantic powers. It also does something else, which we still don't know. Currently searching for reference in database. EDIT: here! Interview: Mar 16th, 2012 A "Late-Breaking" Report (Paraphrased) BRANDON SANDERSON (paraphrased) Lerasium overwrites Spiritual DNA. It can do some interesting things, and can overwrite your Spiritual DNA in different ways if you do it right. If a Surgebinder ate lerasium, he would become an Allomancer, but Brandon implied other things could be done. Tags mistborn, spiritual dna, lerasium, surgebinding, alomancy,
  10. *sniffles* I guess a aerodynamic shield would work *sniffles*... I just wanted to use some fun magical solutions... But I guess in some ways an aerodynamic shield would work better.
  11. Hm.. Worldhopping might be possible to there through more traditional means, but with access to feruchemy and alomancy, compounded steelrunning and enhanced steelpushing (and manipulation of other powers) would probably be what's going on. Drawing on health and heat would probably help with the problem of friction from air resistance. (on heat, Brandon has stated before and we've seen that by necessity, drawing or storing attributes gives a measure of resistance to things, so thus drawing on heat should help with that.
  12. Hm... I would say that it was hinted that it was possible to change more than her hair, which I find to be very likely though. I'll do some searching, but if you can look and try to put up exact spots, that would be helpful. Now without any specific information, my guess would be that Vivenna is possibly on Roshar, but not there with Vasher. I think that something devastating is going to happen in Nightblood, resulting in more guilt on Vasher's mind. That's all I can think of right now.
  13. We see ^this talked about in mention of both the God King and of Lifeblesser (or Hopefinder?), specifically with lifeblesser it was mentioned that he returned as a two year old, but he learned to speak and matured quickly. I personally think the reason for the increased rate of maturity has something to do with the nature of a divine breath's cognitive and spiritual aspects. Edit: It was Hopefinder who was a returned child
  14. *waves hand slowly in a circle* These are not the cookies you're looking for... Yes, cookies count as weapons. Always handy to have some on you.
  15. These cookies are good, Fish. You will probably start hearing voices in a few days, but do not worry! This is perfectly natural, and you should probably listen to them. These voices might tell you to kill people, so make sure you have weapons!
  16. Put on the bridge crews. Less torture involved, more outright death. Far more desirable. Would you rather have the Lord Ruler's knowledge, or his powers?
  17. When you read The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia) and you read about... well... *spoilers* ... and you think wait WHAT! SHARDPOOLS? Well.. *spoilers*
  18. You know your a sanderfan when you're doing a read of The Magician's Nephew (chronicles of Narnia) and you read about the forest... well um *spoilers* ... and your only thought is SHARDPOOLS! Literally.... *spoilers*
  19. Not at all! They are Nutritious and grant powers a sense of pure ecstasy from the great taste!
  20. Obsessed with the Silmarillion and the Valaquentia (was that what it was called)
  21. The cookies are spiked with extra iron, you know, a beneficial mineral?
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