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Everything posted by Kered

  1. Also, as of right now the Stormfather accepted the Oath on the premise of not being "bound in such a way as to kill me".
  2. So much to unpack. But all I can think of is love coach Syl. "Well it looks like someone isn't so talented with his personal spe-" "Syl. No"
  3. I'll edit this for my blow by blow when I get off work. This little scene brought an amusing thought into my head, though. I can just hear Lirin's thoughts during this. "This isn't how it works. None of this is how it's suppose to work".
  4. I'm now High Prelan, up from Oldblood. I feel dirty now.
  5. Yeah, I'd prefer to not draw comparisons to Irma. Doesn't satisfy anything. My unit is currently prepping for a convoy down to southern Florida for debris and supply relief. We've had to plot out our route 3 times now due to the mass exodus of Florida residents. There are very real dangers coming. Many will lose everything that's possible to lose. It's the time to do whatever we can to help, not draw comparisons on an internet forum to a book series.
  6. I read the Roshone punch as I was shopping with my lady, and I may or may not have given a loud *whoop*. PS I'm sorry to the lady that jumped when I whooped and dropped her carton of eggs. Collateral damage.
  7. Isn't it big theory that the Dawncities and Dawnsingers are going to play a big role in defeating Odium, and that's why we have to little info on them? I couldn't find it, but I know I've seen. And if that's the case I don't see them being ancient listeners, I see them as Honors way of combating Odium's Listeners Gods. Am I nuts for thinking that?
  8. The "I am the king of a place which resides everywhere and nowhere" line is epic. EDIT*** Sorry for the double post! Computer glitched up when I went to add a quote.
  9. Thanks! "The bones of the world shook when the tears of blood and fire poured down her face". "Life, love and compassion were in her eyes, but death and madness were on her tongue". "I wield creation and destruction in my hands as a solider holds his blades. I tread paths and know of things the Gods fear, I am chaos unchecked and unchained". .
  10. So, this is another exercise my English Comp. professor came up with and has us practice every week on Friday. It's pretty simple. Sometimes a writers biggest weaknesses to place powerful, poetic sentences in their stories in order to cause max emotional impact to the reader. So, instead of writing whole stories around impact sentences, my professor has us just make individual impact sentences in order to get practice. I thought this would be cool concept to add on here and have peeps write their own impact sentences and read others. I'll start it off with a few of mine that I came up with for my finals paper. "I was a witness of the First Creation, child. I was on there on the day of no yesterday. I will be there on the day of no tomorrow". "I am the totality of forces. I am the Creator, seer of all known, knower of all seen. Nothing came before, I was the First". "I am not a demon, boy. I am something your mind cannot conceive or comprehend. I am the first and last evil. Every being, every thought, every drop of hate and malice belongs to me. I am Ludax. I am the Primordial, shaper of evil as it is known by humans".
  11. Syl's PoV right before Kaladin's oaths. Szeth's PoV during his first assassination attempt on Dalinar. Dalinars PoV when he gave his cloak to Kaladin at the end of WoK. Zahel's PoV when Kaladin comes to him when the ardents are cleaning out the practice grounds. Kaladin's PoV when he spots Dalinar flying through the air and see's Szeth again.
  12. Syl's PoV right before Kaladin's oaths. Szeth's PoV during his first assassination attempt on Dalinar. Dalinars PoV when he gave his cloak to Kaladin at the end of WoK. Zahel's PoV when Kaladin comes to him when the ardents are cleaning out the practice grounds. Kaladin's PoV when he spots Dalinar flying through the air and see's Szeth again.
  13. Say hello to Lightsong for me. Tell him to not overexert to much.
  14. The best audiobooks of the the cosmere are the SA books. It took me a few chapters to get used to it but I'm glad I did it. I picked up on a lot of new things listening instead of another re-read.
  15. I could see something like this working in the General Brandon Discussion or Creator's Corner threads. That is if it isn't against any forum rules. Creator's Corner General Brandon Discussion
  16. It was suggested to be for multiple reasons to attempt poetry. Never thought to try for what I assume is the main reasons why other people don't think to try it. I was told that it helps you develop stronger writing and feeling inside that writing. Not gunna say what it's about, would like to see what you guys think about it before I do that. That is if anyone reads it haha. So here goes nothing. Into the deepness Deeper into thought Into the deepness Deeper still sought Into the deepness Deeper in can yet be fought Into the deepness It can still be caught
  17. Just opened up The Passage by Justin Cronin. One of my all time favorite books is The Stand. This book/trilogy seems to be in the same vein as The Stand, but a bit more dynamic and a lot more gruesome. If you're looking for a good apocalyptic story with a little bit of technology and supernatural mixed in, I highly recommend it.
  18. Warbreaker for me. I didn't totally dislike it, just my least favorite so far. I slugged through the Viv chapters, they were really dry to me. I read Warbreaker before I found out about the Shard or Coppermind, so I wasn't privy to any spoilers, and I still skimmed her chapters. I don't usually do that, I think it has to do with me not liking the Vivenna character at all. She wasn't poorly written, I just didn't like the premise of her character and how she fit into the story.
  19. I've seen topics like this one, but not one that includes some of the newer books. What is your guys favorite and least favorite characters in the cosmere. And if you can take one character from one story and put it in another story, which would it be and why? Favorite characters are Kelsier and Siri. Kelsier for a lot of obvious reasons but mostly because of the dynamic of his character. Brandon said it best when he said if it was another time or place, Kelsier would have been a villain. Couldn't be more true, and it's interesting to back and read Mistborn with that thought in your head. Siri because I think she's the best female character has written besides Jasnah. Siri doesn't have astounding skill in any specific area, but through her morals she's strong. Least favorite characters are Shallan and Vivenna. I've written my reasoning about Shallan in the Kaladin and Shallan topic in the Stormlight section, so I wont get into as much here. Plain and simple I think my distaste for her is an example of how good Brandon is at creating characters, and her inner monologue irritates me to no end. Vivenna is pretty much the same reason as Shallan. The only additions it that I disagreed with almost every choice she made in Warbreaker. If I had to take a character from one cosmere story and put them in another, I would put Kelsier in Stormlight as a member of Bridge 4. His hatred for nobles would mesh with Bridge 4's disdain for more most lighteyes. As well as being the bridge crews would be akin to Keslier going to the Pits of Hathsin. Also I think the dialogue between Kelsier/Kaladin and Kelsier/Dalinar would be extremely interesting to read.
  20. I feel the same way. I think's it's because if he were to die it would effect the most storylines in the series. It would also turn a lot of things on there head. Great for storytelling. Bad for my emotions.
  21. Agreed, one of best posts I've seen on here, man. Logical and simple. Before I saw your post I only came up with the fabrials and gemstones, and not as in depth as you went with them. But going back to the Harmony getting involved in Roshar, I'd like to bring up these WoB's With that, I doubt Harmony would be involved in something as complex and grand as putting a Shard back together. From the tone of the WoB's, Sazed has enough to worry about.
  22. I can also see the conversation between Ivory and Jasnah. "Ivory, what weapon did you just turn into" "A sabre, Jasnah" " A sabre?" "Its french" "What"
  23. I think it's okay. I think it's Jasnah. I personally feel that the US cover is more visually stimulating than the UK one. I think the US one tells more of a story. But, the UK version does kinda make Jasnah look like a boss.
  24. Now I'll never not see Tanavast as Mr Miyagi in my head.
  25. Welcome to the Shard, pal. Looking forward to seeing you around.
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