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Everything posted by Kered

  1. I will, again, emphasize The One's Lanceryn theory. Again saying that Rysn riding in and saving the day on a great shell would be waaaaayyy cooler than her becoming a KR. Gotta have some awesome characters that don't have the "cool crutch" of being a KR. Edit: I may or may not have realized that there was a 5th page and totally ignored all comments on said page.
  2. Welcome to the Shard, pal.
  3. I'm sure someone's already said it, but bacon. 9 outta 10.
  4. Airshow is happening on my base this weekend. Means I'm about to work 13 days straight, 12 hours shifts. I'm going to need a lot of red bull and panda express.
  5. Haven't yet, but it's coming. What can I say, I english well good.
  6. Today I finally finished my outline. It's taken me about 10 months to do as I was very indecisive on where I wanted the story to go. But, it is finally done. I'll start making headway into the story this weekend and I'm setting my goal for about 3 pages a day.
  7. 1. Naruto, both series 2. Seven Deadly Sins 3. Fairy Tail 4. Yu Yu Hakisho 5. Induyasha
  8. New Jay-Z album. Not very good, haven't found one song I actually like.
  9. I just have a gut feelings it's going to be one of them. It would create the conflict then eventual resolution of Dalinar finding his next oath.
  10. You know you're a Sanderfan when you say the sentence "benevolence of the stick".
  11. We must spread the word. Shout from the rooftops about the benevolence of the Stick.
  12. Do you hate the stick or do you hate the stick? There is a mild wide chasm between the two. .....I think. I was going to edit and correct my mistake by changing mild to mile, but I laughed when I realized it so I'm keeping it.
  13. I'll see if I can get a go-pro on the next op. It may or may not result in a other than honorable discharge, but the Stick is worth it.
  14. 1. We get a Jezrien appearance. 2. Szeth stops following Naln. 3. Dalinar and or Kaladin find out Taln is(or was) a Herald. 4. Odium will have his first on-screen scene 5. Someone important will die for good. Thinking either Renarin or Adolin. 6. Jasnah and Kaladin meet, but only briefly. 7. Kaladin will travel to Shadesmar 8. We'll find out what Shardplate is 9. Kaladin's parents will be dead or sold to slavery. 10. The final climax scene will be two of the main protagonists fighting (suuuuuper long shot).
  15. King Killer Chronicle No kings die. Dude tells a story to another dude.
  16. When your riding in the gun mount in a convoy, see a stick in the middle of the road, and screaming "STOP! THE STICK MUST LIVE" and stoping the entire convoy.
  17. Welcome to the Shard. Don't. Eat. Cookies. Offered. By. @StrikerEZ.
  18. Kered

    Kaladin & Syl

    Solid sketch man. I like the elvish look to Syl.
  19. Ehh, I will hold true to my opinion of saying they should have kept Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. Holland wasn't bad, but Garfield was for sure better. The movie was good but not great. I wasn't really feeling the whole Peter trying to desperately trying to be a superhero and failing. Just didn't feel right to me, nor did it hold any faith to the comics in that sense. But it did get a lot better once the plot twist with the Vulture happened. The ending was also good, so happy to see Piper back and I'm glad Aunt May found out. Favorite part of the movie was defiantly Karen.
  20. So, little back story before I start this. Harry Potter is what introduced me into reading. When i was in high school, I was kind of an idiot. Idiot in the sense that I didn't take it serious, always skipping class and never doing homework. This led my pops to super grounding me. All my electronics were taken out of my room. Lost my car keys and access to the home phone(back in the day when we actually used home phones). This left me with only thing to do in order to pass the time, read. At this point I had never been a big reader, I was always out with my friends or hanging out with my brothers and cousins. But that changed when I was super grounded. I picked up Goblet of Fire(had no idea at the time that it was a series) and I never looked back. Being in the military I have random spouts of down time in between missions, training exercises or just doing the old navy tradition of "hurry up and wait". This down time has led me to knocking out three or four books about every two weeks since 2013(some re-reads). And I would have never been able to do that if it wasn't for Harry Potter. Without HP I would have probably never discovered the Cosmere, Middle-Earth, Tamerant, The Magicians, Inherence Cycle, aSoIaF, Gaimen, Goodkind, King, or other great amazing worlds. I literally owe all my experiences to HP. Sorry to go on that tangent but I always see the "*insert book* changed my life" and I just wanted to give my actual reason behind that statement. Annnnd, back to the topic haha. What is your favorite book? PoA. In my opinion, besides the fight between Albus and Voldy, it had the best ending in the series. Also this book is really where Harry comes into his own and starts to become the person he is suppose to be. The Quidditch House Championship and the story explaining who Sirius is are my in my top 10 favorite scenes in the series. Lastly, totally didn't see the plot twist coming at the end of the book. Besides finding out who Aberforth and Snape were, this was the only plot line that surprised me. Favorite character? Ginny. My biggest issue with the movies(and there are a lot of them) is how bad of job they did portraying GInny, truly awful as Ginny was one of the best and well rounded characters in the books. Also, besides Harry, I think she had the best character development. Which house are you in? Only sorted twice. First time was Gryffindor, second time was Hufflepuff. So I pick Huffle. My favorite book is probably the fourth, favorite character is McGonagal, and I am a Ravenclaw.
  21. Don't. Take. The. Cookies.
  22. Welcome to the Shard, bud. You have a lot to look forward too with Mistborn. Don't want to spoil anything, but its a very good series.
  23. Usually when they say things like that your application goes on top when the next opening becomes available.
  24. Same, I just take everyone's word on it. I've tried to go back and I still didn't see it.
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