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Everything posted by Kered

  1. I know the feeling. Active duty on top of a 2 year has resulted in approximately 5 hours a night. If I'm lucky.
  2. Welcome to the shard, pal. Stellar kitten, all around good form.
  3. "One knew everything but had experienced nothing". That line blew me away. Will probably be thinking of the deeper meanings of this line for a couple days now haha. I also agree with this. Being in the military, life sometimes gets hectic. Would've been gone ballistic if I didn't take like 10 minutes after work to just sit quietly and reflect. Highly recommend it for everyone, especially for people that have stressful/chaotic jobs.
  4. Just finished Shadows of Mordor again in preparation for Shadows of War. I forgot how good this game was.
  5. Agreed, it's fun to read some of those debates haha.
  6. You can talk, but it's mostly used via typing. As theres usually 8-9 in the chat, everyone voice chatting would just cause chaos haha.
  7. Basically a beefed up version of Skype. The Shard has a server on there where you can create sub-groups and IM with the group.
  8. I'd be interested, we could also make sub-groups on the Discord server.
  9. Yeah, i didn't catch this until my second read through. Has huge implications in my opinion.
  10. Now every time I read a Rysn chapter, this will be the first thing to pop into my head.
  11. Doing a re-read of the Lightbringer series. Picking up a lot of stuff that I didn't catch the first time around. Also doing another aSoIaF read in preparation for this Sunday.
  12. i think this is the one you're talking about.
  13. Haha i didn't take it has mocking. I saw the questions and thought it was testament to Brandon that it still makes sense that all those characters could have the same question, even though this abstract topic.
  14. Hmm...I'm sensing the developing of pattern. Vague, yet still there.
  15. And she didn't even have to sacrifice her sanity to beat me.
  16. So I've always been iffy when it comes to sci-fy novels. I've read a few of the Star Wars EU books, Dune and Enders game but that's about it as far as my experience in the genre. I tend to stick to Fantasy and thriller. But as I was at Barnes and Noble a couple weeks ago, came across the book Arkwright. It took me about a week to pick it up, but when I did...you know how the story goes. I couldn't put it down till I finished. It is now officially in my top ten favorite books of all time. The style of this book is amazing, the progression and pace is insane. Highly recommend reading it, especially for that small group of people who share my views on Sci-Fy. Basically it's about space travel, how over generations the human race would practically approach building a star ship and exploring deep space. It starts in current time, flashes back to 1942 and ends in the year 2123(i believe). Following generation of generation that were descended from the same man. Nathan Arkwright who was one of the greatest Sci-Fy authors of his time, and his dream was to make his books in a reality. To send man where no man has tread before. Watching his plans play out and unfold over decades is captivating. The thing that gets me the most about this book is it's realism. While reading it you get the honest feeling that our own world is on cusp of deep space travel, and all we have to do is take a few practical steps demonstrated in the book.
  17. Kaladin dies and Syl, after a grieving period, will bond with Adolin. Totally wasn't the theory I was going to post, but it popped in my head as I was typing the original theory I was going to post.
  18. Seconded. Rysn coming to save the day on a huge greatshell would go down as one of my favorite scenes in Stormlight.
  19. Got another cat today. My 3 cats now outnumber my 2 dogs. My girlfriend has finally won the slow game we've been playing over the past few years.
  20. Warning, sorta not a theory. Earlier today I made a topic in the General Discussion forum about questions. How it was told in a story once that all people have a question that is at the root of who they are as a person. This got me thinking, and I think it would be a cool concept to try and guess at and explain the questions that are at the root of the various characters in the cosmere. I'll start it off with some somewhat easy ones, feel free to disagree and add your own. Kaladin- How far can loyalty take you? Shallan- How poisonous can the past be? Adolin- Can courage solve any problem?
  21. Agreed. I think it's my favorite book ending in the cosmere, and top three on my all time list. Had a little bit of everything that makes a good, whole ending.
  22. I agree with this. Dalinar describes himself as a man of extremes, most of the time theres no middle ground with him. The sacrifice of loosing the one he loved most would make for logical character development.
  23. Which makes me think Renarin is going to carry the back 5 books quite a bit.
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