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About Hero-of-Pages

  • Birthday December 29

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  1. Syl isn't a horse... Fantasy and sci-fi are wrought with interspecies relationships. Dwarves and Elves and Humans. Syl and Kaladin are both intelligent individuals capable of making their own decisions, developing relationships, and giving consent. Gallant can't. I don't have an issue with a listener and human relationship, or siah aimian and human, or siah aimian and listener. You might, and you might have a problem with Aragorn and Arwen, or Eragon and Arya for the reasons you stated, in which case I think you can stand by your argument I guess. But it is something that happens consistently. For me the biggest problem I have with Syladin is simply a lack of understanding of spren biology, and that is only assuming that people want their relationship to evolve physically. For me I just love the relationship that has developed between the two. I see it as a wonderful friendship that I hope to see evolve more, whichever route Brandon takes. I appreciated the tender moments between Syl and Kal in Shadesmar.
  2. I think this makes sense. I generally believe that the resonances are tied more to the attributes associated with their order than their surges. As for Shallan and Lift, I think explaining is going to be more abstract. Shallan uses her mnemonic abilities to facilitate her drawing, so it could be creativity. Or it could be honesty because she is remembering things as they were exactly, without her biases coming into it. For Lift my best guess would be that it has to do with communication. Like... in order to express love for someone there has to be some level of understanding and communication? IDK. It could also be that it is more connected to their oaths then to the attributes.
  3. I think the idea they are trying to get across is that surgebinders have resonances that seem to have little to do with combining their powers. Kaladin has strength of squires, Shallan has her memory, and the guesses we have for others are Lift potentially understanding languages and Dalinar... drawing out surges? While these are all supplementary to their nature, and seem sort of connected to their oaths, or helpful to their surge in the case of Shallan, none of them actually seem to be a combination of the KR surges, unless we use mental gymnastics.
  4. My problem with Odium being Trell is that Sanderson will have to write about Trell in such a way that we don't know it is Odium, otherwise he spoils book 5 of SA. Basically the identity of Trell will remain a mystery until Mistborn Era 3. Definitely possible, but this fact, combined with the whole "Someone else moves us lawman" makes me think Autonomy is more likely.
  5. Just wanted to point out that in Shadows of Self
  6. I personally think Mraize works better as an antagonist for Shallan. Everyone else has an antagonist they know to some extent, who is similar yet different.
  7. I really doubt that the title of high prince is going to stick with Adolin. Not enough chaos. Brandon already has an interesting story arc to flesh out, and Adolin avoiding everything just because of his title as a Highprince is not only uninteresting, I think it would be bad writing. So either Dalinar is going to use his power as Highking to punish Adolin, or Adolin is going to degrade mentally, and mess up as High Prince, maybe stepping down himself. I really don't know what's going to happen, I believe Brandon is gonna lull us into comfort, and pull the rug out from underneath us.
  8. In regards to healing and the Honorblade... could someone just give Adolin the Honorblade and some stormlight? Until Renarin figures out progression, or another radiant who can heal *cough* Lift *cough* shows up, would the Honorblade be a good substitute healer?
  9. For some reason I never thought to check on that. Gonna go edit it in.
  10. Zahel is the ardent who trained Renarin, Kaladin, and Adolin. We see him in WoR. Glys is Renarin's spren. We haven't really seen him. I think he is only mentioned a couple times.
  11. I'm pretty sure that somewhere in WoK or WoR it mentions that Elhokar does have a considerable amount of skill with a blade. Though because I don't have a source I will treat that as false until I can find the passage. Nonetheless I would say that giving Elhokar the honorblade does make some sense. He is a very important man, and the honorblade may be one of the best ways to protect him. Maybe in the future we will find that it is best used by someone else, but for now the choice seems sound. He could even lend it for battles in which he won't participate.
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