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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Oh... right.... that stuff. *is not a fan of the snow* I hope you have fun while you're here!
  2. Why in the world would you vacation here?!
  3. No worries. I've made sure to keep my mouth (mostly) shut. And I shall continue to not say anything too dangerous or mean. In fact, the above is about all I'm going to say on the matter until we get closer/I am told otherwise.
  4. (Quick disclaimer: I feel safe saying this since anyone who follows Peter on facebook already knows I've read this storming book.) Wait, we're allowed to post reviews? I didn't know that. Also, don't feel jelous. You guys are still waiting for book two. Those who have already read the book are waiting for a book that has yet to be written, or even outlined! It's torture I tell you, pure torture. Plus, the way we had to read it was not fun either. We were sent part one (and let me tell you, the cliff hanger that part one ends with is INSANE!), then we had to wait a week to get the next part. So, those of who you are fast at reading an planning on devouring the thing in one night, feel super lucky you weren't part of the beta. In other news, I think the book is better than WoK. And I can't wait to see the finished product and hold it in my hand.
  5. Honestly, I thought it too for a minute. But not what I was thinking of. Either of them.
  6. Sorry about the delay. Work and all that jazz. Let's see... A large crack.
  7. Not going to comment on selling, but I did want to say if you're worried about receiving your book on time contact Wellers Books once they start offering books. They ship international, the books are signed and numbered, and they do the best they can to get the book to you on, or very close to, the release date.
  8. Signed is just his siggy. Nothing else. Signed and personalized would have your name (To XXXXX), as well as any tidbits or what have you. If you would like a cosmere hint, I would advise asking for something specific. (For example, if I were ordering a book I would select sign and personalize, then in the personalize box I would say "Have it written to Princess RainbowRose. Also please include a line from an unpublished book" or "Please include a tidbit about a world hopper that we have seen on screen to help identify him.")
  9. Um, is it really fair for me to say? how about this, I'll say the person who SHOULD get the credit, which is Winry Writer. (I think. I never look at spellings.)
  10. Hm... we have Ook fest, we have Koloss Head Munching Day... we need something for the new couple as well. *goes off to think* Also, Happy Birthday Peter!
  11. I did. Nothing truly interesting to discuss, I think. One clarification about the color of the next book, and that Kaladin's order is the combination of Air and Pressure. Some fancy physics stuff about how there are 3 major force or pressure thingies, and in SLA there are ten, but I didn't really get most of that , so I won't be very good at explaining it to you.... sorry guys. In other news the new book will be purple!
  12. At a guess the publisher scheduled it and he is pretty much told "oh well, it's already been planned."
  13. Weiry you are correct. You can select the next person!
  14. I doubt that name drop my name would help much since outside of this site I doubt anyone knows who I am. (Heavens knows it didn't help me at one of the signings. Those guys pissed me off so much.) I'd say just talk to one of the employees before the signing and say something like "Hi, I'm a member of the official fan site, and we like to record the questions Brandon is asked by people in line. Do you think it would be okay if before he starts doing the actual signing I drop my phone off at his table to record everything?" I personally would even offer to do it at the end of the general presentation, but before people are lining up to make it clear you're not trying to jump the line at all. Some people are willing to let you, other people are insistant that you can't. Either way asking doesn't hurt.
  15. So, I've decided there's way too much serious talking going on, and we need to have another topic that us... not quite so avaid people can understand. So, I figured a new topic. I've seen a topic on reddit that was a lot of fun. Basically, it is try to discibe something in the most boring way that you can think of, and the next person shall try to guess what it is. I think we'll keep this to Brandon things for now (to keep it kind of fair), but I am also going to add that we can't move on to the next one until the answer has been figured out. This can be anything or any one. A book, an object, a character, whatever. So, I'll start us off, and keep it simple for now: Boy dates girls and makes them angry.
  16. I just wanted to pop up really quickly on the question about recording and say I usually just use an app on my phone. Before the signing I usually just tell the staff "Hey, I'm part of his offical site, we like to record what he says during the signing. Is it okay if I drop my recorder on the table?" (Of course, part of mine might be because the staff usually knows me). Anyways, if I get the chance I will throw my phone in airline mode, drop it on the table and walk away. That's how we get the awesome line questions.
  17. The list is: Elantris (x3) Warbreaker (x2) Mistborn (x9) Dragonsteel (x7) [note: this includes Liar, Dragonsteel, etc.] SLA (x10) White Sand (x3) And I know there's a couple of others, but I don't have my list on hand. Blah.
  18. Also Kythis, I know for a fact he doesn't come around very often. He's said that he's worried about how much time he would end up spending here, so he avoids the temptation.
  19. I am pretty sure Brandon doesn't hate the Sharders. If the gleeful smile he gets on his face is any indication, he loves thwarting us and our questions. If you want a code, a costume is a pretty good chance. I don't think he's been giving them for good questions (since there are so many) though that could get you a RAFO card. Traveling a ways can also get you a code... um, just impress him in some way.
  20. I'd buy that. Counter offer. Tonk Fah is in the 17th shard.
  21. About time you guys found this! I was wondering how long it would take... ...I mean, I didn't see this until just now! I haven't known about it since it was only an hour old...... *whistles innocently* Really though, watch his Reddit history. There's some interesting tid bits all the time.
  22. I am going to pop up not to reply, but to say to anyone who reads/comments on this thread should be aware that the admins will watch this topic VERY closely. If at any point the conversation turns caustic, or turns away from being reasonable. Any attack. Any rude comment and it WILL BE shut down. No questions asked, no chance of reopening. I love an open discussion, but we will not tolerate disrespect of ANYONE's beliefs.
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