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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. I am so glad this is not necessary for me. I love being a fast reader. (Seriously. Every Harry Potter book, less than 24 hours. I know, not huge, but they're the only ones I can think of where I've kept track.)
  2. Having just done it myself, it makes perfect sense. Eventually, you'll find an article about X book written by Brandon Sanderson. This is a link to the proper page. From there, the first link on his page is the Ken Jennings page.
  3. I don't know. Some of the best jokes I've heard were nothing but the truth told in an amusing way. I think that would count as a joke.
  4. We also did fix the terms like we said we would, so you're doubly good!
  5. Buy. Each book published so far has a secret message hidden in it, and the master key to this message will be in WoR.
  6. I know you want a Steelhunt code. I want one too! And, well, to make sure everyone in this wonderful community of ours gets on (so that we can stop trying to police the topics) we were able to get a code from Team Sanderson. Oh yeah, and it's an unused code. So the first person to find it gets to claim that glory too. However, just giving you that code is not what they wanted us to do. Brandon wants these things to be a bit hidden. So, you get to do a scavenger hunt around the site (and parts of the site) to get your answer. A couple of quick rules. First, do not BREATH a word about this to anyone outside of the site. If this code is used too much it will be shut down. Also, keep it fair. No just giving the code away to anyone. Really though, you just want to see the good. To do so, you'll need to make sure you stay on TOP of the news, from anywhere. EDIT: As the Latest News has been updated, the link for the Shardhunt can be found here at http://www.17thshard.com/hunt/
  7. Well... David should feel bad.
  8. I may have been a little bit over enthusiastic in making the rules for the site. However, a few things to realize. First, the request for codes were starting to become a spam problem. If you look through earlier pages in this very topic you'll see it turned into people just asking for the code. (Some people, I believe, even going so far as to register an account strictly to ask for a code. I don't think they've posted outside of the one post, but I could be wrong about that one.) We also had multiple topics each day popping up where the entire point was to beg for a code. That isn't in the spirit of the hunt. Also, please be aware that in the future, we would prefer that if you have a problem with the site you let us admins know before you go to Brandon. While we are the official fan site, and we are the official forums, we are also our own site. Sometimes we will make rules that might not be the exact same as what Brandon has said. But we are always happy to explain why we've made a choice if you ask!
  9. Sell! Brandon will hold a surpise contest, and the winner will write the rest of the SLA!
  10. Sell. We pretty much already know how they're made. Inkwing will come out some awesome stuff for WoR.
  11. I can change my color at will too. It's called hair dye....
  12. I think your best bet is the awakening or scribbler. I mean, gray pants, white button up shirt, and gray sweater vest (I think). Put chalk in your pokets, and tada! Vasher, you're pretty spot on. Dark clothes. Otherwise, you could do gray pants and a bright shirt. Or, if you want to go totally awesome, gray clothes, gray hair, gray skin -- easy lifeless!
  13. An awakener would be rather easy too. Especially Vasher. If you have some sewing skill, Szeth would be rather easy as well. Also, a duster from Scribbler would be crazy easy!
  14. I may have had two screens open at the same time...
  15. Wait, how am I in the top 20 for rep points? I don't ever say anything of value. You people are crazy.
  16. Having not followed the convo, I did want to pop up and say I think what the quote was that every WORLD has a pool. But he may not have confirmed that one, or I'm misunderstanding/misremembering something...
  17. Make sure you introduce yourself to me! I'll be the crazy girl running around!
  18. Hey Everyone. I suck at making articles, however it was pointed out to me that there's one that really should be made. Isaac Stewart is the awesome artist who has done a ton of great artwork that everyone loves to reference all the time. However, right now on the wiki he barely has a sentence for his effort. Can we give him his own article that at least references all the great work he's done?
  19. Huh... I don't remember saying that! Where did I say that?
  20. Sell. They will discover a way to "unmake" epics.
  21. Welcome James! We're glad to have you with us! Just a quick heads up, at this time we are requesting that information found in the Steelhunt not be discussed. Thanks!
  22. Thank you for letting me know! I will look through the post to see if anything needs to be hidden. I am happy to say I just recieved notification from team sanderson about our little surprise, and we will be posting a notification about it soon! Please be patient for the next week or so, and then all will be revealed, and I think everyone will be happy with the results...
  23. I can understand your frustration karaokeang. I do want to assure you that we admins are working on a solution to the problem, and hopefully will be able to share the new shortly. (We're just wating to hear from Team Sanderson about the idea, and get the green light). I did also want to let you know that you are correct about how the codes work. However, it seems like most of the posts lately are people asking for codes, and Brandon has said specifically he wants this to be a little bit more of a challenge for people to get the information. Keeping with that request, asking for a code from someone you may not have noticed before isn't what he was wanting.
  24. We, the staff, have decided that due to the nature of the Steelhunt, and the information provided, we will not allow discussions of the information revealed at this time. It is not fair to those who may not have a friend within the forums to taunt them with information that they do not have access to. We have also decided that asking random people for a code is against the spirit of the rules, and will not be allowed. If you gain a code, and would like to share it with someone, YOU may send it to THEM, but they cannot ask you for it, and you can't post to the forums in general that you have one. These rules may change as plans are put into action, and as soon as we have more information about what we are working on we will let you know. Please be aware that any posts after this that do not follow these rules will be hidden. We thank you for your understanding.
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