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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. We, the staff, have decided that due to the nature of the Steelhunt, and the information provided, we will not allow discussions of the information revealed at this time. It is not fair to those who may not have a friend within the forums to taunt them with information that they do not have access to. We have also decided that asking random people for a code is against the spirit of the rules, and will not be allowed. If you gain a code, and would like to share it with someone, YOU may send it to THEM, but they cannot ask you for it, and you can't post to the forums in general that you have one. These rules may change as plans are put into action, and as soon as we have more information about what we are working on we will let you know. Please be aware that any posts after this that do not follow these rules will be hidden. We thank you for your understanding.
  2. We, the staff, have decided that due to the nature of the Steelhunt, and the information provided, we will not allow discussions of the information revealed at this time. It is not fair to those who may not have a friend within the forums to taunt them with information that they do not have access to. We have also decided that asking random people for a code is against the spirit of the rules, and will not be allowed. If you gain a code, and would like to share it with someone, YOU may send it to THEM, but they cannot ask you for it, and you can't post to the forums in general that you have one. These rules may change as plans are put into action, and as soon as we have more information about what we are working on we will let you know. Please be aware that any posts after this that do not follow these rules will be hidden. We thank you for your understanding.
  3. Sell. He's already died. Shadows for Silence is based on the same world as Silence Divine.
  4. Oops, that was supposed to say if I remember... as in, if I remember to ask.
  5. Please keep in mind that this is a system we the admins created. We don't know if the cosmere works the same way...
  6. Hey, if you have something valuable to add to the topic, you are welcome to necro! And this is a valid question. Let's just see if Peter answers it.
  7. Sell. He seems pretty much part of the world. There will eventually be a magic system based not on music, but related to music in some way.
  8. Dude, even glyphs that I've made I can't read. Partly because I keep on forgetting how they work.... Alethi is so much easier to understand. Plus, it's tons of fun to write in!
  9. To clarify a couple of things. First, the sword glyphs are in fact words. They're really complicated forms of the same glyphs mentioned throughout the book. Don't expect to be able to read them though.... you just can't. (Trust me on this one. I've tried. Not even Isaac can read them.) Which actually brings me to my second point, which is that it was Isaac who created them, not Ink. (Just a minor point of fact) As for the fun goodies inside of the book... well, I can't wait to get the official book in my hand, and see if they're able to do half of what Brandon has been wanting to do.
  10. I'm too lazy to say something like that (read as I forgot!)... but it's the case.
  11. Sell. Too cliche. By book five of SLA they will be able to make shardblades/plate again.
  12. The first could also reference the Gathering Storm, since that's what the cover looks like.
  13. First five? I'd buy that. I've thought, for a while, that in WoR Adolin is going to hate Kaladin's guts because of the way that Kaladin treated him in WoK.
  14. Peter thought the same thing when I mentioned it to him...
  15. Sats, I promise that there will be options for those who are out of the US to get the codes. Brandon knows that there are those in other countries, and doesn't want you to feel left out.
  16. Sell. I'm pretty sure he said no. Shai will appear in Elantris 2
  17. Sell. I think he's planning on doing good, just in a different way than most people would like. Vivenna is going to end up hooking up with Vasher in "Nightblood".
  18. I have got an idea that I want to run past Brandon and the other admins to see if maybe we can come to a happy medium for this. For now, I am going to say do not post codes. There will be some hard codes to find, and I would encourage everyone to talk together to try and find these codes, but once the code has been found do not post it to the forums. We'll update you when we figure out otherwise.
  19. I do want to clarify that he didn't request that we be called the 17S. When we went to him originally it was with the name of "Hoid's Compendium", and we explained that the reason we chose that was because Hoid was a world hopper and represented all of Brandon's works. He then said that Hoid wasn't the best example, but rather there was an orinization of world hoppers. He also said even back then that there were world hoppers in the books that had time on screen, but we wouldn't realize they were from another world without seeing the book or scenes from their point of view, so there is that....
  20. Hey Serendipity! I wish I had known you were there! I would introduced myself!
  21. Sell! I think that Lord Joshin and his lovely, wonderful, charming (just kidding) wife will show up on another world at some point.
  22. I'll buy that. Once we finally get Hoid's story, we (even those of us who are kind of in the know) are going to be blown away by what we read. His story is going to be more intense than anyone can guess.
  23. Sell. I think, based on the fact that there is already one song in evidence, that WoR will end up being a musical, similar to the way that TLotR books are constantly filled with songs.
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