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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. First off, if you want to post spoilers, do so in the tags! I want this to be open to everyone! So, the rules are simple. I will post an idea of something that I think will happen in one of the later books. From there, the next person will first say if they buy (can believe) or sell (no way that's going to happen!) this idea. They will then post their idea of what is going to happen. So first off: I think that the King's Wit shall be seen in WoR.
  2. (yes, double post, but of very different natures, so it's allowed. ) I guess I should probably share my story, since most of you haven't heard it. I used to shop at a Waldenbooks in one of the local malls often enough that the employees there knew me by name, and that I wanted to be an author myself. One of the employees (Steve. I think he's in the acknowledgements of a couple of the books), knew this and suggested Brandon to me, figuring I'd enjoy his works. I have to say, honestly, I put him down the first couple of times. I was given the hardback the first time, and didn't have the money. I was given the paperback the second time, and the back didn't catch my attention. (Really, that back is TERRIBLE!) Well, Steve told me one time that Brandon was going to be at this huge Authorpaloza type thing, and since I wanted to be a author I should come and pick his mind. This was on Black Friday, and it was insane! When I tried to find Brandon I was directed to the front. I asked one guy, who instead of saying "No, I'm not him, he's over there" he was all like "I'm not him, but let me talk your ear off about about medival history." (Which, was kind of cool. Also, when I said Brandon's name he was close enough to turn around and see who had said it, but I of course wasn't able to go over...) From there, my mother demanded I come home, so no luck that time. However, a little bit after that he held the pre-release launch party for Mistborn, and I was like "This is my chance!" I also decided if I was going to pick this guys mind, I should probably know something of his writing. It was only proper to support the guy, right? And while I was planning on picking up Mistborn, I figured I should also go into it knowing his stuff.) I picked up Elantris. I was blown away, simply put. I remember discribing it to people as a book that had predicitable twist, and things that you could never see coming. (I think it was the twist ending that I loved the most. I am usually able to pick up on foreshadowing a mile before it actually happens, so for someone to surprise me was awesome.) I went to the launch and ended up having a million questions to ask. At one point I had my recept, and kept on scribbling questions on the back so I wouldn't forget. I actually got teased for it a bit at the time. Mind you, this was a group of MAYBE 20 people asking questions. The total number of books sold had to be less than 100, and most of those were only sold because the book was being offered 3 days before the actual release date. From there it's a long story about how I ended up here, in charge of the site. I don't know that you guys would want to read that wall of text...
  3. Just a quick update, I will almost definately be able to go to the release party! So I will be seeing everyone there, I'm sure!
  4. I am going to do everything in my power to be at both the release and the signing on the 19th, but no promises.
  5. Original Comment by Aetae in the "How did you first hear about Brandon?" topic:
  6. I think I'm going to move this discussion onto it's own topic, because it is interesting to discuss, but is also currently hijacking this thread. Please check the "Should they have died?" topic in the general discussion board. Thanks for your understanding!
  7. What the... I don't even... ...I like it though. I think...
  8. *shocked face* Brat! I'm gunna tell on you... to.. to... someone... (Actually, I don't care too much.)
  9. The points don't mean something to everyone... I don't exactly care. (Though, I guess I post so little that it doesn't really matter too much either.) Sometimes it's just about having fun!
  10. As soon as we know the date we shall let you know.
  11. Okay, so I got a chance to speak with Brandon and Isaac, and Brandon said he would for sure come by and hang out for about an hour or so while the line waits, and Isaac said he would try to. So, not exactly a con, but definitely more than just a line. NOW who's coming?
  12. For everyone who has said they're interested, but they don't want it to just be a one night party, I can assure you it won't. Josh and I will be there for at least a couple of days before the actual release, as will others. Usually, it ends up being a big party of people hanging out and talking about their thoughts and theories and such. If we can get enough people who are FOR SURE coming, I would try to see if we could have something... I don't know what, since I don't want to appear to commit to something without checking with people first. But we'd do some sort of event. (Note, when I say for sure, I mean no questions asked you'll come, and you'll be there for a couple of days. The reason I stress this is last time there were a ton of people who said they'd be at the event, but then at the last minute ended up not coming.)
  13. One thing that is a pet peeve of mine that a lot of people mess up: The scars should go up his arm, not around it. I can't tell you how many fan art pieces I've seen that picture them going around, and it drives me bonkers.
  14. Typically, think the clothing worn by men and women of the american civil war. It's pretty close to what I've always pictured, as well as the others I've spoken with.
  15. Assuming Kal had been successful and had taken his people to the Shattered Plains, how do you think he would have reacted to the bridge crews? In the book it says he would have ended up in Sadeas' army, which means he would have utilized the crews every time he went on a run. He was a very honorable man, and says in the scene where he buys Cenn that he hates to see a life being wasted. What does everyone think?
  16. Fblthp is a creature featured on a couple of the "Magic: The Gathering" cards. (Totally Lost and Doorkeeper). He's very cute, and I fell in love with him pretty much from the first time I saw a picture. So, I decided to crochet one! Do instructions in [brackets] in one stitch FINGERS (make 4) 1: Magic ring 3 2: sc around 3: sc, in, sc 4: inc, sc, inc, sc 5-6: sc around THUMBS (make 2) 1: magic ring 3 2: sc around 3: inc, sc, inc 4: sc around 5: sc, inc, sc, inc, sc 6: sc around Sew fingers and thumbs together on inside. ARMS 1: (start in finger loops) sc around (I got 15 scs) 2-4: sc around 5: sc, dec around 6-13: sc around 14: sc, inc around 15-22: sc around TOES (make 4) 1: magic ring 3 2: sc around 3: inc around 4-5: sc around FEET 1: Magic Ring 6 2: increase 3: sc, inc, sc, [sc, hdc], hdc, [sc, sl], [sl, sc], hdc, [hdc,sc], sc, inc, sc 4: sc, sc, inc, sc, sc, [hdc inc], [hdc inc], sc, sl, sl, sc, [hdc inc], sc, inc, sc, sc, sc 5: (backloops only) sc around 6: 6 sc, 4 hdc, 1 sc, 2 sl, 1 sc, 4 hdc, 6 sc 7: repeat row 6 8: 6 sc, 2 dec, 4 sc, 2 dc, 6 sc 9: 4 sc, 2 dec, 4 sc, 2 dc, 4 sc 10-25: sc around BODY 1: magic ring 6 2-9: increase 10-16: sc around 17: increase (8 sc, inc) 18-20: sc around 21: increase (9 sc, inc) 22-28: sc around 29-30: decrease around (9 sc, dec) 31: 7 sc, dec, 10 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 10 sc, dec, 7 sc 32: 7 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 7 sc 33: 7 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 7 sc 34: 7 sc, dec, 4 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 4 sc, dec, 7 sc 35: 7 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 7 sc 36: 7 sc, 2 dec, 12 sc, 2 dec, 7 sc 37-40: sc around 41: 3 sc, dec 42: 2 sc, dec 43: 1 sc, dec 44: dec around EYE 1: (with black) Magic ring 6 2: (with green) increase around 3: sl, [2 sc], hdc, [2 dc], hdc, [2 sc], sl, [2 sc], hdc, [2 dc], hdc, [2 sc] EARS (make 2) Note: this is worked back and forth 1: chain 6 2: sc across 3: 4 sc, dec 4: dec, 3 sc 5: 2 sc, dec 6: dec, sc 7: dec 8: sc TAIL 1: magic ring 3 2: sc around 3: inc, sc, inc 4: sc around 5: inc, sc, inc, sc, inc 6: sc around 7: inc, 6 sc, inc 8: sc around SPIKES (make 3) 1: magic ring 3 2: inc, sc, inc 3: sc, inc, sc, inc, sc MOUTH *note: I hooked into the body to create the first row of the mouth* 1: 3 sc, drop row, 7 sc, go up row, 3 sc 2-5: sc across Sew everything together. As before, I suck at making patterns, so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
  17. Clarification of quote in question (earlier in the topic): Brandon has clarified that the shard or splinter is needed in order to understand how to create and utilize some of the alloys. Understanding realmatic theory... well, we listed quite a few people who could do that.
  18. Though, you can go to the library if you want. Dragonsteel usually isn't there, but it's right across the path, so you could go and check. *shrug*
  19. I think the main reason that it was going to be a mini-con of sorts is just how many fans are planning on being at the release. I mean, of course Josh and I will be there, plus our friends in the area. Though, I would be curious to see who is going to be there. We might have to do something... larger if we have enough sharders.
  20. I am very careful with the way I word things on this site for a reason.
  21. Effing White Sand man!!! This is by far the thing I'm looking forward to getting movement on.
  22. Because Josh had decided he's going to collect them. ...also, we have 8 copies. Our release party copies (1 and 2), Josh has a second hardback copy number 1337 (which is part of another collection. All of his number books are that number). We each have our own paperback copies (so we aren't destroying our super nice numbered copies), and then Josh has an ARC and his British copy, and the Thai edition (you can see it next to the Elantris audiobooks. in the third picture.)
  23. It's always great to have someone else back up what I say. Also, you have yet to see the entire *book collection, it's that big. edited: she saw the entire Brandon collection. It's mostly in the pics (we've gotten maybe one or two things since, but she's seen those too.)
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