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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Okay, so I've made this for a couple of reasons, but it's really pretty easy. The most difficult part is how tight the arms and legs are. Hook used: US G Supplies: -Yarns: Green (body, legs, arms), (small amounts of): deep green, black, white, tan -Needle Terms: sc=single crochet, hdc=half double crochet, dc=double crochet, sl=slip stitch, mgr"X"= Magic ring with the number for starting, dec=decrease stitch, inc=increase, blo=work stitches in back loop only instructions in [ ] are done in the same stitch Body 1: mgr 6 2-7: inc around 8-13: sc around 14: dec (5 sc, dec) 15: sc around 16: dec round 17: dec round 18: sc around 19: dec round 20: sc around 21: dec around. (I usually will crochet in the string I'm using as the closure.) Horns (x2) ch 3. [sl, sc] in 2nd ch sp, [hdc, dc] in 3rd Foot (x2) 1: 5 around 2: [2 sc], [sc, hdc],[2 dc], [hdc, sc], [2 sc] 3: (blo) 3 sc, 4 hdc, 3 sc 4: dec round 5: sc, dec, dec 6-17: sc around Arm (x2) 1: mgr 5 2: inc around 3: sc around 4: dec around 5: sc, dec, dec 6-15: sc around Eye 1: (in black) mgr 6 2: (in green) inc around 3: (in white) 1 sc, inc around sew in mouth. Sew piece to body. Personally I sew the arms and eye on at row 12, main part of mouth at row 10, and and horns at 17 -- 3 spot from eye
  2. I like a lot of your books. You have good taste. Also, Josh and I have too many bookshelves to take a picture of each of them. (Seriously. We have four that I can see just where I'm sitting. Six if I move a little bit. And those are just in the front area of the apartment.) However, considering what site this is, we figured we'd show you the "good stuff":
  3. You must make sure you're VERY observant. Remember, this site was made by geeks, and geeks like eggs. *nods*
  4. I'm afraid I'm not understanding, and I don't see where you're going with some of your comments. To help me understand, will you explain what you're thinking as though you were talking to someone who has only a passing understanding of cosmere theory?
  5. Word of Brandon is that none of the books set on Earth (or alternate earths such as Scribbler) are cosmere. Sorry.
  6. The general 17S policy is no public discussion for any unpublished works, for a few reasons. One is to keep things fair to those who aren't able to read it. Also, to help avoid any accidental spoilers. You are welcome to discuss it with other members through private message, and I've heard there's a few of them out there.
  7. firstRainbowRose

    Alethi Bookmarks

    If you like what you see, you can order a bookmark of your own here: http://goo.gl/MwzHA Each bookmark is hand made by firstRainbowRose, who was trained by Isaac Stewart on how to write Alethi. Bookmarks are $10 for a single sided, or $13 for a double sided bookmark, plus shipping costs. For any questions feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
  8. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    The other side of reddit user JRandomHacker172342's bookmark Bookmark color: Zircon (light blue) Text: Dying storms illuminating the silence above Font: Szeth Font Color: Garnet
  9. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    A bookmark purchased by reddit user JRandomHacker172342. Bookmark color: Zircon (light blue) Text: Above the silence illuminating storms Font: Szeth Font Color: Garnet
  10. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    An example of Jeremy's finished bookmarks before lamination. Text: Life before Death | Strength before Weakness Font: Shallan Font Color(s): Diamond and Sapphire
  11. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    Another example of Jeremy's bookmarks, once completed. Bookmark color: Diamond Text: Life Before Death, Strength before Weakness Font: Shallan Font color: Sapphire
  12. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    An example of each of the "fonts" available. I created each of these personally.
  13. firstRainbowRose

    Bookmarks 3

    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    Again, bookmarks purchased by thorongil. He said on the forums the gray is very easy to read in person. Text: [white]Read and find out [red] Gambler, Farmboy, General Bookmark Color(s): Diamond (white) and Garnet (red) Font: Syl Font Color(s): Sapphire and Smokestone
  14. firstRainbowRose

    Bookmarks 1

    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    Bookmarks purchased by thorongil. I love the staging done! He said that it was very easy to read the gray in person Text: [white]I do read... sometimes [red] There's always another secret Bookmark Color(s): Diamond (white) and Garnet (red) Font: Syl Font Color(s): Sapphire and Smokestone
  15. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    An attempt to show how sturdy the bookmarks are. This was near impossible to do! All bookmarks are laminated with 10mm lamination.
  16. firstRainbowRose


    From the album: Alethi Bookmarks

    A picture of all of the bookmarks that user Jeremy ordered. A great example of all the paper colors. Text: Life before Death | Strength before Weakness Font: Shallan Font Color(s): Diamond and Sapphire
  17. Wow, those pictures are staged beautifully! Also, thosee got to you really quickly! Over all, I'm glad you like them.
  18. I thought it was spook while hhe was reading it, not because Brandon changed his voice, but... well, the word choices. Just like how Sazed ends a lot of sentences with "I think" or something similar, spook always tends to sound like a modern teen in his word choices. I think that's what it meant by "sounds".
  19. It is the first book, but Brandon and Peter aren't sure if the series is going to have two or three books in it (at least, they weren't the last time I heard of it.)
  20. We can keep it. I promised no spikes. We can steal all the rest of his magics. *nods*
  21. Trust me, I don't forget them. I just. . . never get any answers worth answering. Also, you should send Isaac a picture of the tattoo. He also loves seeing things like that!
  22. Welcome! I am that person who told you to join! And as promised, we shall not spike you. (Now stealing breath, that was never mentioned. I mean.........)
  23. If you'd like, I can tell you what that scene consists of. It wasn't anything large that you're missing out on.
  24. I'm pretty sure he said the bead. Singular.
  25. I love seeing all of these interesting theories about how he dies! I wish I were half as creative as some of these. I think my favorite so far is that the touch of another epic makes him vulnerable.
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