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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. I am curious what people's biggest "HOLY COW! I did NOT see that comment" moment was. For me, I think it was Vash being Warbreaker. I remember freaking out a ton when I read it. I'll see if I can find a link to my comments to show how much I freaked. How about you guys? What was your biggest moment?
  2. Keep in mind for the cover vs the in book: Brandon could have said to Whelan "Hey, we're going to need to have the symbol on the flag be crab like, and very symetrical." and he tried to do his best, while at the same time Isaac was working on making the real glyph since Whelan doesn't know how to write the glyphs, and Isaac might not have been done with that particular one at the time.
  3. OOo, pretty fire! *starts roasting marshmellow* S'more? *offers to kchan*
  4. Someone in the "Who would you date" made a side comment that really got me to thinking about a fun game that forgers could play. The challenge of the game would be to be shown a picture, or given memory, and then be told to forge a room or something into an exact recration of the... whatever. So, that's got me to thinking. What other games could be played using the various magics as a requirement? (Like, there was an old topic on TWG about allomantic sports). What do you guys think?
  5. Actually, that could be a really fun game for forgers to play. I'm off to start a new topic!
  6. Congrats. I hope you enjoy it! Just a friendly reminder that anything you read in it is not considered canon, and thus can not be used when citing for theories. Also, please do not reference any spoilers from it in the main boards.
  7. Um... probably pretty soon. I've got them made already, I just need to get some good light to take pictures and then... take them.
  8. The top is "life before death" and the bottom (the only one you can see it in the bottom) is "strength before weakness"
  9. As soon as I can post a reference of all of the ink colors, I will. I have found only a couple of them look good with every color.
  10. Oh... thank you. *blush* I don't know if I'd call it a work of art. You should see glyphs. Now THOSE are some works of art!
  11. Again, double post for viability! An example of the colors of the actual bookmarks (and two of the ink colors) for those who would like to see it! (Thanks Jeremy for letting me show these off). I'll post again once they're laminated so you can see the final product.
  12. I am willing to consider this. I had someone offer to pay me a little bit extra to do exactly this on one of their bookmarks, so I'm going to see how hard it is to fit the text into the space, and then go from there.
  13. I am planning on taking pictures of them, for sure. Also, I think if I do get permission to do a kickstarter, I will.
  14. It's not limited, no. Feel free to order when you've got the money. Once I have the inital wave of orders sent, I'm planning on asking Brandon to pimp them a bit.
  15. Currnetly looks like for both the UK and Aussie (I can't spell) is about 6$ for shipping.
  16. I am looking into the costs, so I'll let you know for sure! Edit: So it looks like to go to Aussie it will be about 6$.
  17. NO worries. The bookmark itself is 10$ if you only want text on one side, and 13$ if you want the text on both sides (+shipping costs)
  18. I think that we could fit multiple bookmarks into an envelope, so it would depend on how many you were wanting to order as for how much shipping you'd need to pay. PM me and I'll work out details with you. If you're planning on ordering multiple bookmarks, but the coloring is going to stay the same (three that are red ink with gray background) then one form is fine. If you'll be changing background color, please submit a request for each (both for tracking purposes and for ordering. ) Thank you!
  19. Double post to make sure it stands out! To order, see instructions here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1imKV_Nhk5fq2kxdo2u3zeWmBqtV1wNHG7kXmYDdwf18/viewform
  20. That would absolutely be doable. . I am hoping to get the order form finished soon, and then I'll be pming/posting instrucations. Edit: Okay, so I just need to finish the order form and then I'll be posting instructions! Thanks to everyone for your interest and helping get this started!
  21. I actually considered it. However, I want to check with Brandon and make sure he was okay with me selling the bookmarks on that scale before I do. But if he's okay with it, you can bet that I will!
  22. Great question windy it's just an aspect of the font.
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