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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Sweet! I will pm you soon with details. I have to say, I'm willing to do the quotes, but they might be a bit hard to all fit in the space. However, if I can fit it, I'm totally willing to.
  2. Probably not. I was sworn to secretcy on all of the things I learned that day... But eventually you might benefit from the less painful spiking style.
  3. Will do! I hope I'll be able to get them started soon. The size would vary with each bookmark. A longer phrase (I help those who cannot help themselves) I'll have to break onto two or three lines in order to fit. So, they may not all be perfectly centered. As for the font, currently all of the fonts I've seen have errors in them. Plus, again, I would be using my home printer which would print at a lower quality than I'm wanting. Maybe later in I'll see if I can do something that is printed.
  4. I will try to get a quick mock up made up tomorrow and post it then. I'm still debating on bookmark sizes, which is why you haven't seen something yet. Also, for now everything would be hand written. For the backgrounds I don't plan on doing anything too fancy, simply because if I were to print something it would be with a normal printer, and that would just look kind of cheap. Also, I have a few "font" choices you could chose from as well, so that could help spice things up. Edit: So, here's a super quick mock up of a bookmark. The size is going to be 2 inches by 6.5 inches.
  5. This is an old one that looks kind of bad. I'll try to take some better pictures of the dress tonight, but here's a starting point.
  6. Hands down, no questions asked, Lord Joshin. He's a hot man. *Nods*
  7. I've got a costume that my aunt made for me that I'll take a picture of once I get home. It's based on a couple of concept art pics Ben did. I showed it to Brandon at one point and he said it was pretty close to what he pictured. Hopefully that will help.
  8. I'm still looking at a couple of payment options, but I will let you know!
  9. Kind of. It would be on regular paper, and it would also not be laminated (though, I could show you something else that I've got that is laminated) and not on the cardstock, but I could show you a mock up of what the bookmark would look like.
  10. I am totally willing to ship to the UK. Since I'm getting started, and using the sell of the bookmarks to fund the project, and I am charging shipping above the price of the bookmark. So, if you're willing to pay for it to get shipped I'm willing to make and send!
  11. Okay everyone, I am wanting to get your opinions. I am considering selling custom, hand made bookmarks. You would be able to chose a short phrase, and I would write it in Alethi and send it to you. (And you could know for sure it was the right since I have actually been taught by Isaac how to write in the women's script. ) You would be able to choose both the color of the bookmark and the writing (one color for each of the ten Surges, based on the gemstones). There would also be a choice of a few "fonts" to chose from. The bookmarks would be 2 in x 6.5 in. The bookmark would be made of cardstock, and would be covered by some heavy duty lamination. I would ship them between two pieces of cardboard to make sure it doesn't get bent. I am currently thinking the cost would be $10 for a bookmark with Alethi written on only one side, and $13 for Alethi on both sides, plus shipping (so the most expensive one would be about $19 total). My question is this: How many of you would not only be interested in buying one, but would be imediately able to do so? I'm thinking right now I can get the supplies and get things started if I can pre-sell at least ten of them, and I was checking to see if there's enough of a demand for it. If you would be able to, please just reply and let me know. Also, if you have a question feel free to ask!
  12. I am so sorry. I did something similar when I read it.
  13. ooo, this is a great question! I'm hoping someone answers it as well!
  14. Welcome Rosa! We're glad to have you. Which Mercades Lackey book is your favorite? Right now I'm loving the 500 Kingdom series a lot!
  15. Don't feel too bad. I"m sure you'll have another chance to see him! I mean, lots of tours are still head of him. He might stop by on one.
  16. Who thirsts for the blood of fluffy bunnies. Also, in your insanity you see your world similar to (so you hate killing the bunnies)I wish I could I knew the secret of Adonasium...
  17. Oh, that would be a lot of fun! (Also, side note, but some "what if" is fine, but let's not get too seriously theoretical. Keep it fun!)
  18. You are correct, that it was I who was urging you to join. Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy now that you're here.
  19. Yeah, probably should. I'll get that fixed.
  20. So, I saw on a couple of post that people feel like these forums are a lot more theory based, and not as much lighthearted, or casual. I personally agree with you, and don't like that fact. So, I thought I'd start something a bit more fun. What do you think would happen if any of Brandon's (non-wot) characters were to meet up. Personally, my favorite idea is Vasher and Al... I could just see Vasher getting extremely frustrated over the fact that everything the boy touches seems to break and eventually in exasperation going "just... Stand there. Don't move. Don't. Touch. Anything."
  21. I'll come from the other side and give some insight into why I dislike this couple so much. For me, (and mind, I haven't read these in a while so this is subject to change) I dislike them as a couple because you never really see them fall in love. It's very obvious they will end up together, but most of the time that they spend at the balls is shown off screen. So, for me I dislike them because it doesn't seem real. Either that, or else I'm also drawn to the topic that was either here or TWG (I get them mixed up) that said they were rather passionless, and I rather agreed with it. It's true that it's a bit more realistic in that it's not over the top gush, but it also seems rather more like friends than potential lovers for a lot of their time together. (At least from Vin's side. From Elend's side, I remember that being a lot more emotional.)
  22. The first question is truly subjective. I think the favorite of most of the people on the forums is mistborn, followed by WoK (that's the opinion I'm seeing at least). As for the second, you never have to worry about Brandon's content.
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