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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. The thought we had on necro-ing a topic was just don't bring a topic back to say "yay" or something stupid. If you're bring it back to add something new to the conversation you're more than welcome (and in fact encouraged) to do so.
  2. If you would rather send a pic or a copy of the receipt that will work just as well. Alternately, if you want to hold it up in front of the site, that would also work.
  3. @eero, a must, for every halloween! Multiple times if I can. I love that movie.
  4. He is supposed to finish answering questions at some point. Just no idea when.
  5. Oh yeah! I forgot about Shadows. I'm kind of excited for that one.
  6. There's also Defending Elysium, and Centrifugal that are generally available. As well as I hate Dragons which isn't complete yet. (Here's another version). This was a short story he started for a Writing Excuses exercise. (Also, for the lazy, a link to Firstborn.) OH! And the short story he co-authored in Armored. I forgot about that one... As for things he has sent out when asked, there was Mistborn Prime and Final Empire Prime, White Sand, and some early versions of Scribbler (which now will be published next year). There were a couple of others I've heard of people receiving, but I'm not sure if it was a "I'll send this to anyone who asks" or something else.
  7. Is it possible that you actually picked up an ARC? They're usually paperback, but the size is usually the same as a hardback novel.
  8. I will just leave this here.... and watch it spread...
  9. His on screen cameo was cut for the final book. He was originally in the prologue. His character is still referenced however.
  10. What? Zack!!!!! *sniffles* First my brother, then my cousin. Everyone's abandoning me! Just teasing. Have a great time. I know you'll be a great missionary.
  11. Personally my opinion on hoods is based on earth where hood=cloak and no hood=cape. Brandon might think differently, but that's my opinion.
  12. Per Brandon (and part of what I used to make mine) (Found here: http://twg.17thshard...27193#msg127193) I can tell you about how I made mine, but I don't know if it will help much.
  13. If they're the same size they were before (which I think they are) they're about two or three inchs or so. I think you should be fine if you want it for a laptop.
  14. Source? I know that Emperor's Soul was done on the plane back from Taiwan, but I haven't heard anything like that about Legion.
  15. Also, this one was written with being turned into a movie. It was part of a set of movies that was pitched to hollywood a while back. Still, super exciting to finally see movement.
  16. That is indeed a first edition. My suggestion is e-mail Peter. Ask him if Brandon has any first editions in the werehouse, and if he does how much it'd be to get it. That's your best bet right now.
  17. OH! This makes sense now. Though, Josh and I don't think that book is Cosmere. It's just a random short story.
  18. What cubeworld is this? I've never heard of it before.
  19. Welcome Leon! How did you hear about us/Brandon?
  20. Haha! Josh was able to trick it with DiZ from the kingdom hearts series. It took like three continues to get the right name. The rest however it got pretty close to right. (Siri took a second attempt.) Edit: We totally kicked his smoke tail with Chi-Fu from Mulan. He'd been guessed 9 times apparently.
  21. So, it appears Elantris is the winner. We'll get started on this once I get back to my regular work hours (mornings SUCK!) and have a brain again.
  22. Was anyone wise enough to take pictures and/or videos? Please tell me someone did! Also, what else caught fire now?!
  23. I do want to make sure we get to the Alcatraz series at some point. For now we'll be focusing on cosmere books (while we wait for Al 5 to be published). Plus, we want to focus on books with annotations at first. However, I assure you that if the demand is big enough we'll put them higher up on the list.
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