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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Are we doing transcriptions for Shardcast eps? If not, can we get volunteers for it?
  2. Hey guys, We're torn on where we should start with Companions, so we're throwing it to you! The book has to have the annotations out, but other than that, what would you like us to start with?
  3. We'll be starting here shortly... hopefully. And we were planning on going in order of publish... kind of. We're still trying to decide if it should be order of publish via cosmere and then other things, or just flat out order of publish.
  4. I can neither confirm nor deny if I have read this novel. I can confirm that I've heard of it, and am looking forward to it's release. Pass that, anything I say could be speculation, could be fact, or could be me pulling an ook. You'll never know! *evil giggle*
  5. Well, from here we can pin him down on the specifics and find out how those details worked out. (You know that he'll figure something out as an answer...) Also, thank you for being amazing Zack. You are for sure the man in the suit.
  6. So, it seems we have FINALLY gotten an answer on the question of how Sazed can send and receive in Alloy of Law. You can see it all here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Mistborn/comments/uk7ga/questions_about_hemalurgy_and_alloy_of_law/ (Also, can we get all of the random questions that have been answered through reddit on the database? Please?)
  7. I am going to do a bit of advertising, and tell you all why the podcast I'm in charge of is the best! See, it's Shardcast: Companions. We're going to be your guide to the world of the cosmere as we do a chapter by chapter read through (or, you know, multiple chapter in an episode), with note of foreshadowing, and cosmere hints, and awesomeness. Plus, you know, it's me and Josh chatting. I think it will be really awesome. *nods*
  8. I believe I read somewhere that in this version they put dreamed a dream back into it's original place which is after "lovely ladies" (which does make sense since the song is pretty much "I thought I would never have to sell my body like this. My life sucks."
  9. I have been excited for this movie since I first heard it was happening. Then I heard that Hugh Jackman was attached, and I was hesitant. I knew the man had a voice (Josh has a DVD of him staring as Curley in Oklahoma, and he proved his acting/singing prowess there), but I wasn't sure what I thought of him playing Jean Veljean. (And honestly, I'm still not sure what I think of the fact. However, I'm willing to be hesitantly optimistic) And then Anne Hathaway was confirmed and I was a lot less sure about her. However, having seen the trailer I think I'm going to love her. (Again, I wasn't too fond at first, but now I'm loving it.) Point being, is anyone else here super excited as well? (Like, I'm going to go midnight if I can at all help it.)
  10. Our wonderful dhalagirl pointed out on the forums that the cover for "Legion"--a novella that will be published by Subterranean Press later this fall--has been released. Check it out here! What do you all think about it? Also, you can discuss this in our forum topic about it. UPDATE: Pat's Fantasy Hotlist is reporting that this isn't the final cover. Warning, that post has some Legion spoilers in it.
  11. I was crazy excited to see your post, but I'm a lot more subdued now that I see the cover. I'm trying to decide if I like it or not. I don't hate it, but I also don't love it right off.
  12. Personally, I would disagree with the statement that just because you're married sex is suddenly going to work out just fine. If people don't exactly connect on a sexual level before they're married it's not magically going to be fixed because they both signed a piece of paper (or said "I do" or what have you.) However, for Vin and Elend the change from dysfunctional to working out does make sense, especially since you do see that it's not all sunshine and daisies. Vin makes comments about her concern -- in a light-hearted manner, but at the same time she is the type to have true fear behind the words. After that she becomes super focused on kicking koloss butt, and we don't see her and Elend again for a year. At that point they've had enough time to talk through and work out some of the major issues, and the rest would be taken care of off screen.
  13. Hey Everyone! We're going to be playing the Mistborn RP at our apartment this saturday starting at 8, and are wondering if any of the sharders want to join us. Right now we've got Josh and me, plus Goradel's Nephew, who will be our GM. If you're interested, please let us know.
  14. That's is correct. We don't want to have any sort of a "better than you" type feel, simply because someone has read something or has access to something others don't. I hope you enjoy the book.
  15. More than likely that will be when we get a lot closer to the release date. (He seems to do them starting about a month or two before the actual release. If it's a bigger book, it starts sooner.) Also, be warned that those previews are always subject to change. He may have appeared in a reading in February, but have that chapter cut by the time the book is released.
  16. And... we're going to stop that discussion right now. If you two want to talk about weather or not the LDS religion is christian or not, please do so in private messages or else on it's own thread. If you decide to make it a public discussion, please be aware it will be VERY CLOSELY monitored to make sure everyone is civil. This isn't a religious site, but it's also not a community for insulting another's beliefs. Please be respectful.
  17. I made some awesome sugary yummies. Chocolate chip cookies (half with mini reeces in it), and brownies.
  18. Brandon told Josh and me when he was first telling us about 17s that there are characters in the books (at that time, WoKs wasn't out) that are from other planets, but you wouldn't know it unless you saw the book from their point of view. So there are supposed to be a few different hidden characters, we just won't always be able to see them.
  19. I know for a fact that Dragonsteel is in the cosmere. I strongly suspect this was a slip of the tongue and should be a different world.
  20. I can agree with Terrorific, I guess. Have you heard his version of Major Tom? *shivers in horror*
  21. Dude, all of his "singing" is scary. And don't let anyone tell you he's bad on purpose -- he's not. He thinks he's fantastic.
  22. I believe the putter-outer link is gotten by clicking on it... I'll look into it a bit.
  23. I feel you with the job complaint. My suggestion though is say "If you want me back, make me full time, and pay me more. Otherwise, find someone else." (Who knows, it might work. I have friends who did this and got major raises.)
  24. I stole this one from another site: A newly-wed couple sit down on a train. Soon after, a large Russian man sits across from them, and introduces himself to the two as Rudolph. As the train starts to move, the wife looks out the window and sees that it's started to... something. "Darling, do you think that that's sleet or rain?" Asked the wife to her husband. "I'm not sure, sweety, but it looks like rain to me." replied the husband. "Is rain," said the Russian, with authority. "I think it's rain, sweetums," agreed the husband. "I don't know, it really looks like sleet to me. Ooh! Maybe it's hail! Wouldn't hail be exciting, honey?" said the wife. "No. Is rain," said the Russian, again with even more confidence in his opinion. The wife is about to protest, but the husband cuts her off. "Don't you think Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear?"
  25. I meant the wrist to elbow direction mainly. Thank you for showing me at least some art that was done right.
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