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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Okay, so I love seeing new fan art, don't get me wrong. I love seeing how each person's view of the characters vary slightly in appearance. However, it drives me crazy every to see new Kel art because EVERYONE GETS HIS FREAKING SCARS WRONG!!! I mean, really, let's take a look at the text: Okay, so we've got scars that go up his arm. Note UP. Not across, or around. And if you think about it, that makes sense. He's having to reach his arm into a hole with pieces of crystal hanging down. That would scratch your arm not in a circle around, but in a wrist to elbow direction, right? Well then, why can't I find any pictures where the artist has done this? Please, someone, feel free to correct me about all of the art. And if you're planning a picture, please do it right! Okay, rant over. And I'm sorry if this offends someone, I don't mean to. It just confuses me to see it otherwise.
  2. I agree with the amazing-ness for McGonagall. Also, I've found that you need to try to memorize as much as you can about the potion before you make it. As for page two, you just wait until the time is done and it automatically changes.
  3. I kept on having issues as well. When you drop the snake fangs it adds three at a time. Make sure they've all been added before you start grinding or else it doesn't realize it.
  4. Congrats! While your in salt lake you'll have to make sure to let us know. We'll go out to lunch or something.
  5. Ah ha! You be my mortal enemy... but really we'll still be friends, right?
  6. Thanks for sharing the info with us! It seems Brandon is being a tease again... Also, just a quick reminder to anyone who reads, Brandon has asked that we stop saying "cosmere hint" as the signing suggestion, and instead ask specific questions, or give him specific instructions.
  7. If anyone needs something, let me know. I've found all of them.
  8. I just signed up and verified, but I'm still waiting on the "you're free to explore" e-mail. My username is sigdnetqueen-soemthing. And I may be spelling part of that wrong. I'll update with the whole thing once I can see it again. edit: ha! Got the username finally. SnidgetQueen11514. My first thought on realizing it wasn't saying signet was "what the heck is a snidget?" Yeah, I need to brush up on my potterknow. Now I need to figure out how to be sorted. edit2: I don't know how, but I am in gryffindor. Yeah, didn't see that one happening. I expected Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Also, I got an aspen wand. I don't think I like it. (pheonix core)
  9. If you want to send them to me, I'll pass them onto Brandon for you. Alternately, I'd be willing to have them.
  10. So Brandon put up a new blog post today outlining a bit of what we can expect from him as far as fiction this year. The first thing he mentions is a military SF story he co-authored titled Heuristic Algorithm and Reasoning Response Engine. You can pick it up now in any bookstore that sells the Armored anthology from Baen. Josh has read a bit of it and says it's pretty good. The other thing that caught my interest, however, was the talk of a new cosmere book. It's to be published by tachyon publishing, and I have to say it looks SO AWESOME! I'll let you read the blurb yourself, here. Josh said he thinks he's heard of this before, and if he remembers correctly it's set in the cosmere, but isn't a shard world. Can anyone find details? If it is a shard world, which do you think it is? Also, can I have it now?
  11. Just to clarify, is this original fiction, or a fan fic?
  12. Please make sure to transcribe everything as it's said, minus "uh" and "ums" and such. (ie, include the beginning of a sentence even if it's changed mid-way, or excessive "ands") Sometimes those small changes are hints he's dropping, or letting slip. I know they'll look bad, and flow horridly, but in the end it's best to keep things the same.
  13. That reminds me of one I saw once: A midget psychic escaped from a local prison. Headlines read "Small Medium at Large".
  14. Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy your time with us.
  15. Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here.
  16. That my friend would be The Princess Bride. It's a quote between Indigo and Wesley as they're fighting at the top of the cliffs of despair.
  17. Welcome to the site! It's always great to have new members, and I love hearing how you became a fan.
  18. Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy yourself.
  19. Random question for smart people: can you equip an artifact or enchantment on another artifact, or strictly creatures?
  20. Per Zas' fantastic question, and Brandon's answer it is after. http://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy_Bookclub/comments/oji9u/the_alloy_of_law_qa_with_brandon_sanderson/#c3huhis
  21. The in cosmere chronology at this point is Elantris, MB, WB, WoK, and finally Alloy is set shortly after WoKs. However, it doesn't matter too much what order you read them in.
  22. It can be done, but it's not worth the time and effort it would take to make it an option. Josh says we won't do it as a font for the site because there is not an official font, and any fan fonts are going to be an incorrect character map. (Josh and I discussed the fan translation that is out with Isaac, and he said that while it is pretty good (and workable enough to read with) it isn't 100% accurate)
  23. It's a website standard that is something typed in a font would show up for those who also have the font installed, but in a regular one for anyone who doesn't. However, I'm not sure how that would work on the forums. Usually, if you're working with custom fonts it's best to just take a picture of it.
  24. There we go. That made it work. Thank you for an awesome font!
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