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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Does anyone wonder why he has his Caw award any more?
  2. lolol. That would be interesting (especially the one that only shows up on the award page).
  3. Trunk novel: books written before the author got published. Basically they're the type of books that they write and then get thrown into a "trunk" (think like old style suitcase) to be pulled out eventually, dusted off, and looked over. I think the trunk novel that Peter's referring to is the Elantris sequel. (But that's just my guess.) (Most of what I understand of this comes from one of the WE eps they did on it. http://www.writingexcuses.com/2010/08/22/writing-excuses-4-33-trunk-novels/) The core of the cosmere's story is Mistborn, WoK, Dragonsteel, and I THINK Elantris. I know for sure though that books like WB and Silence Divine aren't in there. From what I understand, this basically just means that they don't reveal vital information about the cosmere. (We learned nothing big about shards, realmatic theory, or such from these books. You could skip them, and still get the important part of the cosmere theories.
  4. eh, maybe. I just haven't bothered to make one yet. Besides, it makes me stand out since I'm the only admin NOT to have one. So you could say my award is not having an award.
  5. Aether is a cosmere book, and at this time is a stand alone. (meaning he may write an Alloy style sequel, but at this time it's not planned. Of course, he may write an Alloy style sequel to anything, so that's not saying much.)
  6. I love both of these so much. They are made of win: (first originally linked by Miyabi. Second hubby found, and I fell in love with)
  7. I wanted to say that I feel like I successfully made some yummy egg drop soup last night. It was my first attempt at said soup and I'm happy with how it came out. I used a recepie online, and then modified it to my liking. Start out by boiling about four cups worth of chicken broth, and then from there drop well mixed eggs (I used two, but next time I'd probably use less) into the boiling liquid. From there I think I used garlic salt, onion, ginger, regular salt (I think I'd cut back on that too), and I can't think if there was anything else. I tried mixing in some cornstarch to make it thicker, but that didn't work out too well. I thought it tasted really good, but that's just me. There's a few other things I enjoy cooking, but I'll post them later.
  8. I know that he's said in a few different q&a's he's done that most of what you would learn from the class you can pick up from Writing Excuses, and it's rather true (I've sat in on the class a couple of times now.) The basic structure of the class is that Brandon lectures for about an hour, and then you break off into writing groups. The lectures are things like world building, creating characters... I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I agree that most of it comes up in WE.
  9. You know you're going to make people's head explode with that image, right?
  10. It's a special award since Josh thought it was crazy that all the other admins had an award and he didn't. Basically, the A-team is what Brandon dubbed the Hussey twins (who's first names are Austin and Adam), and Josh. Whenever they'd go to signings that's what he'd call them and such.
  11. There's a font that was created for the books, but currently it's only available for those who worked on the book (meaning, Peter, Isaac and Brandon have access). You might be able to purchase it in the future, but right now no such luck.
  12. I was looking over a few things on IMDB and stumbled across a new film called The Raven. Basic idea is Poe is hunting down a serial killer who is killing based around his stories. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
  13. Another fanfic. My goal behind this one actually was to try and make people feel sad and cry, but also a small tribute to the series. He stared at the graves, trying to push down the lump in his throat. "Spook." He didn't jump when she said his name, having heard her walk up behind him. He didn't have it flared like he used to - he had learned his lesson in that regard - however, he still could go throughout the day without at least a little burning at all times. "Spook," Beldre said again, setting a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, their waiting for you." He laid his own hand over her own, nodding his understanding, still unable to speak. After a moment like that she sat down next to him, putting her head where her hand had been. "I never did get to met them," she said finally nodding slightly to the two trees in front of them. "They were-" He started to reply, but was unable to finish. Swallowing, he tried again. "They were som-" His voice wobbled and he stopped, eyes blinking. However that only seemed to make the tears come faster. "It's been a three years," he finally croaked out as tears started to stream down his face. "It's been three years, but I still feel slightly lost. The world was changed while I stood in darkness, yet somehow I still expect to be able to turn around and see Vin glaring at Breeze for some trick he played. Or to see El smiling, trying to find someone to discuss his latest scholarly ideas with. Or to find Sazed trying to tell me that this religion or that would be good for me, ready with the reasons. "It's not just them," he added, streaming eyes staring ahead, not really seeing the landscape around him. "It's just as bad when I think about my uncle, or Kel. It's been longer since I lost them, but it still hurts just as much." He fell silent, unable to speak past the sobs that wracked his body. Beldre wrapped her arms around him, allowing him to cling to her as he tried to get his emotions under control. When he had finally calmed down a little, he continued. "I realized when Kel first told us his insane plan that if we by some miracle actually succeeded everything would change. How can you overthrow a god and not have things change? But I didn't realize that it meant everyone would have to die for that to happen. "I can kinda' see how Kel's death was needed. The skaa never would have had the courage unless something major happened. I won't say that I understood that at the time, and I still wish there had been another way. But I do understand why he did what he did. "But I don't understand why we had to lose everyone else! Dox, who was a genus when it came to numbers and organizing. Or El - he was so optimistic. He would have loved to see how things are now. He always wanted a system like this one. It would have been nice to have him to go to if I have questions. "Or Vin. Small, paranoid, wonderful Vin. She really made me feel like I wasn't good enough. She did so much for everyone - for the world. I wish I could have done more, helped her more. She deserved to be able to relax and live a little without having to worry about betrayal or fighting. "Hearing about her past made me really appreciate what I got with my uncle." As he said the word his voice cracked. He sat in silence, trying to fight the sobs. When he felt he had enough control he continued, voice still thick with tears. "I think he's really the person I miss the most. He saved me, you know. My parents were going to let me be killed, but he came and took me away. He took care of me." "And then there was Sazed. He was have been fascinated to discover how much the religions have changed in this short time. Although," he added with a half laugh, whipping away his tears, "I guess he's getting to see it anyway. I still have a hard time believing that." "It sounds like they were great people," Beldre said watching as her husband stood, adjusting his jacket. "They were the best people I've ever know, and I suspect the best people to ever live."
  14. So, I decided I should probably post these over here. I wrote this one YEARS ago. I realize it's bad, but oh well. The priest sat in a room full of pure light. It was rather plain, consisting only of a desk of a white wood, and a chair on each side. A door he hadn't noticed opened, and a man stepped through. There wasn't anything unusal about the man beyond that he radiated with an unknown power. Thinking about it for a second he realized it was like the AonDor that the Elantris had used, but rather than being something that strugged to get out, it just seemed to flow through him. "My Lord Jaddeth?" the priest asked hesitantly. "I go by many names Hrathen. But yes, I am equal to the one your people call that name." The man replied, stepping behind the desk and sitting down in the other chair. At hearing his words, Hrathen dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "Please, my child, sit." Looking up, he saw the man smile and motion for him to return to his seat. He did as he was bid, confused. Squaring his shoulders, he waited to be judged. After a few moments of silence, he said, "My Lord, I know I was wrong in betraying your ways, and your land of flesh. I know I should have just listened to what your servant Grador Delif commanded, but I couldn't stand for killing people when I could have converted them without the bloodshed." "Be at peace my child." His lord said, raising a hand as if to stop him from talking. "I have watched over your actions, and know your intentions. I saw how you were first filled with light and understanding, and how you caused an entire nation to turn on itself." Hrathen cringed slightly in guilt as he was told of what he had done. Before he was able to say anything to defend himself, he heard Jaddeth continue, his tone slightly softer. "I also watched as you promised yourself that with your new assignment you would not make the same mistakes. I saw when you learned to trust in yourself and do what you felt was right, even if it was wrong to all of those around you. And I saw when you learned to love, and I was proud." Hrathen looked into the other man's eyes in surprise at the final words. The compassion and love he saw there startled him. "My Lord, I don't understand. I was always told that you were the great punisher, the one who would reward those who served you best, and punish any who oppose you or did not treat you with the respect you deserve." "I told you before that I am called by many things. I am the one who listens to the prayers addressed to Jaddeth, but I also listen to those addressed to Domi and DoMin. "Hrathen of Fjordell, you were once a Gyorn of your religion, and in this position you committed many grievous sins. However, not all is lost." The priest furrowed his brows. "My Lord?" "Because you have shown a true remorse for your actions, I believe there is a way you could redeem yourself. I would like you to become a Seon. You would be charged with guiding and serving whomever you are given to, and guide them through life. If you serve well in this task, I will consider your soul repented, and allow you to abide with me in my palace. Would you like to take this opportunity." "Yes my Lord. Thank you." Hrathen replied, eyes brimming with tears of gratitude. "Very well then. I want you to focus on protecting the child I am going to assign you to. With all your prior training, I'm sure it will be no problem." He replied, smiling. On the side of the mountain above Elantris, a pool of blue water stirred slightly, and out came a small ball of light, with the Aon Edo at it's center.
  15. I think I know what you're going after, but you might want to clarify that statement so you don't get people ticked off without meaning to.
  16. I would say let's leave that for when they're released, so that we don't have people who haven't read the book getting jealous of those who have. Plus, then it's even more exciting to read when they come out.
  17. Dude, that owl is amazing... though sad that they had to bind him up.
  18. Great to hear that there's an interest! It's something we've been considering, and actually I was going to make a blog post/survey about this and other ideas a little bit later in the week. Still, if anyone has any other thoughts we'd love to hear them!
  19. This is true. Originally the plan was to write a new version of Liar (thus the reason we have the preview chapters everyone is so fond of.)
  20. I actually once asked him about why he changed so much in his blog posts, such as dropping the amphagory elevens and such, and he said that since he was now the public face of WoT he felt he should present a more professional apperence. It's been interesting to see the changes that have come over him over the years, and the way he sometimes seems like his old self as well. (See the reddit thread troll comment.)
  21. I'm pretty sure (mind, someone else who speaks it better could correct me, ie Chris) that the word you're looking for is "ecchi" which means risque. Pervert is "hentai" and porn type things are just called "h".
  22. I really like your trailer. It's defiantly the best I've seen so far! I agree that some of the flashes were a bit fast. Also, I thought the different period clothing were slightly odd. However! I LOVED your casting choices for a few of them. Especially Vin. I mean, she looks pretty much spot on.
  23. Not over quite yet. If Terez is willing to let us, it'd probably be better to use hers. I'm going to try and fix the rest of the post soon, so it's at least on the forums.

  24. Remind me while you're down here and we'll watch one of the movies!
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