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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Part of that speech can be explained by something on our forums.
  2. So to make sure I understand correctly I am trying to get to the crescent, while stopping you, yes? Or does everyone start where you started and go from there? (Just making sure I understand properly before making my move. *nods*) (Also, I am now at 57 minutes, and I think I might be getting hyper without anything other than this video. Josh is going to kill me! But that's an explanation for the odd seeming posts I may post.)
  3. I'm game! So, first off *studies map* Where the heck is mornington crescent?
  4. Anyone who actually accepts this challenge and completes it will get epic points in my eyes. As it is, I'd love to see what the record would be. I am now at 26 minutes. I plan on watching until Josh tells me to stop. . . and he doesn't get home for another 40 minutes. I think I might be crazy by then though. We'll see... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VznlDlNPw4Q&feature=related Edit: Pausing, then restarting does not count! Edit2: He said to stop about twenty minutes in. The count when I finally hit pause was 1:38:03
  5. I started on this and knew I had to share: http://thedesigninspiration.com/articles/70-cutie-baby-animals-bring-your-a-good-mood/
  6. I will do a proper report when I get a chance to review the audio. Full report for you guys, when I'm feeling a bit better.
  7. He did, but we decided it would be easier, and less stressful to have a device. That way if he gets a call or something the recording isn't interrupted. Plus, then I can record things if he's not around.
  8. I will say that it is for sure a dula, however he won't confirm (right now) if it is Galladon or not. Eventually hopefully we'll get that one out. But it is absolutely a dula.
  9. Oh no, both of those are still planned too. Eventually...
  10. I haven't read all of the comments yet, but I wanted to jot down a couple of my own. 1: To the common solder ALL shardplate would be amazing. If I remember correctly (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) the old radient's shardplate seems to glow. Maybe it's someone who has found a way to do that? 2: To the comment of honor dying -- it's just in Kaladin's mind that honor is dead. To him, what happened killed his ability to believe there were honorable men in the world. 3: I think Kaladin's anger was fueled by the Lust or whatever Dalinar and everyone calls it. Either that or else a rage at the loss of his brother, brought to the surface by the death of the kid who reminded him of his brother. I do agree that there's something odd about this shardbearer, but I'm more inclined to think it was one of the heralds than the shard himself/herself.
  11. So, who all here is planning on going to worldcon this year?
  12. Peter posted this on facebook recently, and I thought it was too cool not to share! Isaac did the cool pic. This is the charater for "Ch" and is the number 16^3 (or 4,096).
  13. So, I was on facebook just a few minutes ago and saw Peter posting this: Yeah, I thought it was awesome too. I quickly asked for permission to re-post, because I was sure everyone would want to see. He says it's the character of the "Ch" sound, and the number 16^3 (or 4,096 in our number system.) Amazing artwork here by Isaac Stewart. Anyone else super excited after seeing this? I know I am.
  14. Can we have a link to the blog post stating that it's part of the cosmere? I remember when he first started writing this (for a crazy true story, find out how long he took to write the last half.) It's an alt-history where America is a set of islands, and there's this crazy guy going around killing Rhythmatic students.
  15. Okay, so I recently found out about the coolest things! They're called shimejis and basically they are these little people that play around on your computer. Video example: (WARNING: Video contains explicit lyrics) I was thinking it would be really awesome if there was... Oh, I don't know. Raoden. Vin. Marsh. You get my point, right? (devart page for downloading: http://shimejis.deviantart.com/gallery/?set=26762732&offset=0)
  16. ... that as of 9-ish this morning Josh and I will be front row when Weird Al comes to Utah to preform. It is awesome. That is all.
  17. Or if you'd prefer something a little bit more anonymous you can also go here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZVYZTYP
  18. I guess I might as well post it. About the only thing worth mentioning is the Mistborn themed cursors I created forever ago. User is firstRainbowRose. (I know, big shocker there)
  19. Zas, Brandon asked for a bigger room, and they ignored his request. He asked a lot too. All: He's said he has considered it in the past, but he doesn't think BYU would approve of it. And he's very loyal to them. He's been offered to teach at the other local uni, and has considered it (they would pretty much say "Yes, Mr. Sanderson, sir. Would you like a nice supply of free everything at the same time? Someone to shine your shoes? Any dry cleaning to pick up?" Well, not quite, but you get the idea.) This year with the smaller room he might actually consider leaving, but he also may just decide it's time to give up the class. BYU has a thing it seems against the scifi/fantasy community (LTUE has been getting a similar treatment of "Of the devil"), and he has so very little time any more. Currently the only reason he has taught the class this year is he feels it would be too sad to see such a class disappear (since, if he stops teaching it, the class would more than likely never be revived.)
  20. I crochet like mad, and am working on trying to teach myself/learn how to knit. It's being... interesting.
  21. Well, I know half of the newbies won't really care, and if you do then... wow. I feel special. But, I wanted to say I am in fact alive, and will be able to post again!!! Steady computer access=very awesome!
  22. Josh and I will of course be there. Not sure about grouping, but I'll pass the word on.
  23. Hey everyone, So we've been getting tons of entries (well, maybe not tons, but a lot) for the drawing. Thanks to everyone who's already entered. (I don't know about Josh, but I wish we had more prizes so we could give just "cool location" things away too. Maybe I'll make a badge for the forums for those people... *starts to doodle*............. ............. Oops. Blog post. Right!) Anyways, since all good things must come to an end, we're setting the deadline for your entries as monday at midnight. On tuesday morning we'll do the drawing and announce the winners. So if you haven't already entered and would like to, please e-mail your name and address to [email protected], for a chance to win!
  24. Josh, Eric, and I would like to say congrats to our two new staff members! Eerongal will now be a mod, since he does such an amazing job at catching the spam. Now, instead of reporting it, just delete it! Also, mycoltbug has now been made a mod of the news forum since there's very few signings here in Utah that he hasn't attended. So congrats to both of you... and no killing the minions. They cost quite a bit to brainwash.
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