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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. It's a writing thing-that-I-can't-spell where authors (mainly who live in Utah) come together and give advise about how to write.
  2. Josh and I will probably stop in for the class during LTUE. But for that we'll be down there all day long. Anyone else planning on attending? The price has changed this year, and they're charging $20, but from what I've been able to get out of people it's going to be way awesome...
  3. Categories: Best Novel A science fiction or fantasy story of 40,000 words or more that appeared for the first time in 2010. Best Novella A science fiction or fantasy story between 17,500 and 40,000 words that appeared for the first time in 2010 Best Novelette A science fiction or fantasy story between 7,500 and 17,500 words that appeared for the first time in 2010. Best Short Story A science fiction or fantasy story of less than 7,500 words that appeared for the first time in 2010. Best Related Work Any work related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom appearing for the first time during 2010 or which has been substantially modified during 2010, and which is either non-fiction or, if fictional, is noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text, and which is not eligible in any other category Best Graphic Story Any science fiction or fantasy story told in graphic form appearing for the first time in 2010 Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form Any theatrical feature or other production, with a complete running time of more than 90 minutes, in any medium of dramatized science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects that has been publicly presented for the first time in its present dramatic form during 2010. Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form Any television program or other production, with a complete running time of 90 minutes or less, in any medium of dramatized science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects that has been publicly presented for the first time in its present dramatic form during 2010. Best Editor, Short Form The editor of at least four (4) anthologies, collections, or magazine issues (or their equivalent in other media) primarily devoted to science fiction and/or fantasy, at least one of which was published in 2010. Best Editor, Long Form The editor of at least four (4) novel-length works primarily devoted to science fiction and/or fantasy, published in 2010 that do not qualify as works under Best Editor, Short Form. Best Professional Artist An illustrator whose work has appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy during 2010. If possible, please cite an example of the nominee
  4. (credit for all text goes to Renocon, since I'm just copying and pasting from their newsletter. Why mess up the info by trying to retype it and getting something wrong, eh? Also, some of this is about how to vote, in case you're wanting a little bit more information.) The 2011 Hugo Award Nominations The Hugo Awards are given for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy. The nominees and winners are chosen by the members of the World Science Fiction Convention (
  5. Okay, here's the information you need to know to submit a book for nomination. Please make sure you follow these rules when you request to do a write up. Also, I would like to see a few things in the write up: Title of the book short explanation of the plot Bio about the author Why you think it qualifies Why you think it deserves a hugo (Or the Campbell) If you've got a book you'd like to do a post about, then reply to this topic. We'll update this post with the titles and who's doing them as we approve them. From there you'll receive instructions on submitting your post.
  6. Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that inkwing.com is currently running a contest to give away a free t-shirt. The rules are simple. You just need to post a link to the website (inkwing.com) anywhere, and then you're entered. They say more than one link is the same as more than one entry. Kara's official post is here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163313317017409 So, my friends, go and plug shamelessly, and hope that you win something for your selling yourself to inkwing.com. </entry>
  7. Harakeke over on TWG was able to crack the code on the pictures in TWoK (much to my dismay. I spent how long looking over them?!). So far they've got the first page, and part of the second. Here's what they've gotten so far:
  8. Another point (I'll add it to my other post when I have access to a computert). Page 607 he uses one of the radients sayings, and they're obviously not common known by that point.
  9. Okay, I'll cite where I can, but I doubt I'll stick around to post much. First theory: Hrathen's religion in ELANTRIS is from the same source as the early one in TWoK. The one where it mentions the people worshipped the priests. Theory Two: Axies the collector is a shardholder/world hopper. Proof for this one will come later when I can type it up properly. Theory Three: Urithiru was built in shinovar. See the quote at the beginning of chapter 35 (page 519) Theory Four: the ten high princes are each from the knights raident. see page 306, about half way down. Theory Five: Teft is one of the radients left to wander roshar. I can only assume that they were immortal, and since they didn't return to the place they would go to, they just wander the world immortally. And his line of "the envisagers were gone. Dead, because of what he had done." (page 557) makes me think he is one.
  10. Love you little man. And you know I didn't force you. I just suggested you should a couple of times.
  11. We're going to have a post on the main site, once we get the main site up. For now, it's just kind of a back end thing. Though, the good news is that the site will be up soon.
  12. Okay, so since everyone else has I guess I had better add an intro of my own. I am firstRainbowRose, a.k.a. Mi'chelle (pronounced me-SHELL. Think the Beatles). I'm afraid I won't post much right now, since I'm kind of crazy busy (planning a wedding and running PR for a site will do that. Add onto that the fact that I don't have steady access to a computer, and I'm sure you'll understand.) However, when I can jump on, I will. I can't really tell you about myself. I think Will's explanation was mildly accurate. I dunno... if you want to know more about me, ask and someone will answer. *shrug*
  13. Yeah, that was me. I was also the pysco red head in a green dress that was running around the entire night.
  14. We know for sure that there are three. One is cultivation. For the rest, not a clue. I know there's a topic on here somewhere about it though.
  15. very well done at finding the wiki. *snip* What I thought turns out to not be much of a problem.
  16. They had enough request for the bookmarks, that you can actually now purchase them on the website. inkwing.com
  17. She is actually just a pretty woman who is Alethi. I think... you do mean the girl with the yellow hair who is also on the side of the epic bookmark, yes?
  18. MIDNIGHT RELEASE Hello Everyone, First, let me start by saying that my report might not be the same as someone else who was just a participant at the signing, so if someone who was there wants to add their comments on what they thought, it might be nice for everyone to have a second opinion on the events. My time for the release started a few days earlier than most. Originally, us here at 17th shard had planned on having a couple of the staff members show up extra early to start camping out. Well, that plan still went through, but instead of another staff member it was my little brother and I. (Sadly, Chris wasn't able to join us, and was missed.) So I spent a couple of days in a big green tent getting asked "Why are you here?" or "What's going on?" about ten times an hour (no exaggeration.) By saturday we were joined by phoenix373. I ended up having to run away for a bit because I had work, so I missed out on the initial wave of craziness, that was the Freshman Party. BYU had a party planned that night, and wanted all of Brigham square -- so they told us we have to leave, but we were welcome back at midnight. So, while I'm at work I got a text that informed me of this. I rushed back as quickly as I could to see if there was anything I could do to change it -- unsuccessfully. So, we packed up and went back to the house to relax. While we were at the house my finance, Rubix, was able to finish up his day at work, pack and come down to join me. So by midnight sunday morning, it was the two of us hauling all of the junk back to the door. Sunday brought a lot of funny looks from people in their Sunday best, but not as many questions since we had gotten smart and put up a FAQ's list on the side of the tent. We were also joined by Nehex and Swiffy at around six or so. Sunday was a big night since the next morning, numbers were being handed out. So, the four of us traded off and stayed up the entire night, writing numbers on the palms of people's hands as they arrived so we could mingle without losing our places. 6:30, monday morning. I wake up from my sleep shift, and step outside to see that our numbers have swelled quite a bit during my little nap. The world has the slightly dusty gray look it gets just before the sun rises. Mainly I spent the next two hours sitting in a chair blinking and talking with people. Then at around 7:30 Tami, the amazing woman at the bookstore who was charged with putting the entire event together, steps out and has everyone get into a single file line and the official sharpie number on the back of your hand. Then at around 8 tickets were handed out. An interesting thing to note was that the last number in line that morning: 42. The next few hours were uneventful for you. For us it consisted of getting candy, paper plates, a wig, and taking down the tent. Things started to pick back up again at around five that evening. By this point we were in costume and ready. However, what we were ready for wasn't all that much since until 8:30, we stood around chatting some more. Brandon showed up at around 8 to start signing and numbering copies of the book. Then, at 8:30, they had everyone line up in order to prepare for 10, which was when everyone was going to be ushered into the bookstore. At 9, our work began. The shardbearers and staff were sent up and down the line, handing out papers for the many contest offered, and warning about the assassin in white. A couple of our number were pulled away and taken inside to help, while the rest of us made sure things were running smoothly outside, and helping out the bookstore staff as needed. At ten, everyone was let inside and then informed that as long as they were back in place by 11:30, they were free to go where they chose. We had a game set up in one of the areas of the store where by answering questions about all of Brandons books, you earned candy. I think, at this point I'll explain all of the contests, and the prizes since I was mostly running around making sure that everything was running smoothly during this time. *The bookstore offered just a general drawing. The prizes for this were two ARCs for THE WAY OF KINGS, Iron symbol necklace from Badali, and the Mistborn table of Allomantic Metals. Brandon also donated an ABM of TWoK. *Death by Szeth -- This was a fun little contest. We had white ribbons with an information sheet attached to it, and Nehex -- who was dressed as Szeth for his costume -- went around giving it to people to kill them. Once you were killed you tied the ribbon to your wrist and filled out the paper, which entered you into a drawing to win ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS on audiobook. *Trivia -- Rubix, Chaos and I came up with ten of the hardest questions we could come up with for the bookstore. These were handed out to each person, and everyone who handed it back was given a chance to win ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS on audiobook. Sadly, no one was able to get every single question right! Here they are, in case you want to try and see if you can get the answers: *Wittiest Insults -- In honor of the king's Wit in TWoK, we had a contest where the challenge was to write a clever insult about Brandon, BYU or TWoK. Then two of the shardbearers and Rubix, who was the king's Wit for the night, shorted through and found the cream of the crop. We had some really great entries, so it was hard to decide who could win! However, I think you'll agree that the ones we did chose were great. Each of the winners received a copy of ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS on audiobook. They are (in no particular order) (P.S. for those of you who play, this one always makes me lose the game.) *Isaac Stewart, the man behind the maps and archways in TWoKs launched inkwing.com, a store where you can buy officially licensed T-Shirts, and other great merchandise. To help promote the site, he brought two of the mistborn shirts to give away. I think that was all of the contests that were offered. Congrats to all of those who won! At 11:30 everyone got back into place, and starting at twenty seconds to midnight we counted down. FINALLY! We had the wonderful novel in hand. By this point I was running on about five hours worth of sleep, and not very good sleep at that. So, I took about a half hour or so to sit, and relax. However, for those of us of the staff, our job wasn't done. So we set our books to the side and went back to work walking through the line and chatting with people, trying to make sure the wait wasn't as hard on them. Peter arrived at around 2, and got to show off his wonderful claymore which Brandon had given to him for as a thank you for a years worth of service. Engraved into the sword was "The Way of Kings" and the release date. Finally, at around 3 am the last person left with a smile on their face. Over all I think that the night was a ton of fun! Of course, running around without the use of my left hand was a bit awkward at times, but I got used to it. Mainly, I hope other people hand fun.
  19. Hello Everyone, First, let me start by saying that my report might not be the same as someone else who was just a participant at the signing, so if someone who was there wants to add their comments on what they thought, it might be nice for everyone to have a second opinion on the events. My time for the release started a few days earlier than most. Originally, us here at 17th shard had planned on having a couple of the staff members show up extra early to start camping out. Well, that plan still went through, but instead of another staff member it was my little brother and I. (Sadly, Chris wasn't able to join us, and was missed.) So I spent a couple of days in a big green tent getting asked "Why are you here?" or "What's going on?" about ten times an hour (no exaggeration.) By saturday we were joined by phoenix373. I ended up having to run away for a bit because I had work, so I missed out on the initial wave of craziness, that was the Freshman Party. BYU had a party planned that night, and wanted all of Brigham square -- so they told us we have to leave, but we were welcome back at midnight. So, while I'm at work I got a text that informed me of this. I rushed back as quickly as I could to see if there was anything I could do to change it -- unsuccessfully. So, we packed up and went back to the house to relax. While we were at the house my finance, Rubix, was able to finish up his day at work, pack and come down to join me. So by midnight sunday morning, it was the two of us hauling all of the junk back to the door. Sunday brought a lot of funny looks from people in their Sunday best, but not as many questions since we had gotten smart and put up a FAQ's list on the side of the tent. We were also joined by Nehex and Swiffy at around six or so. Sunday was a big night since the next morning, numbers were being handed out. So, the four of us traded off and stayed up the entire night, writing numbers on the palms of people's hands as they arrived so we could mingle without losing our places. 6:30, monday morning. I wake up from my sleep shift, and step outside to see that our numbers have swelled quite a bit during my little nap. The world has the slightly dusty gray look it gets just before the sun rises. Mainly I spent the next two hours sitting in a chair blinking and talking with people. Then at around 7:30 Tami, the amazing woman at the bookstore who was charged with putting the entire event together, steps out and has everyone get into a single file line and the official sharpie number on the back of your hand. Then at around 8 tickets were handed out. An interesting thing to note was that the last number in line that morning: 42. The next few hours were uneventful for you. For us it consisted of getting candy, paper plates, a wig, and taking down the tent. Things started to pick back up again at around five that evening. By this point we were in costume and ready. However, what we were ready for wasn't all that much since until 8:30, we stood around chatting some more. Brandon showed up at around 8 to start signing and numbering copies of the book. Then, at 8:30, they had everyone line up in order to prepare for 10, which was when everyone was going to be ushered into the bookstore. At 9, our work began. The shardbearers and staff were sent up and down the line, handing out papers for the many contest offered, and warning about the assassin in white. A couple of our number were pulled away and taken inside to help, while the rest of us made sure things were running smoothly outside, and helping out the bookstore staff as needed. At ten, everyone was let inside and then informed that as long as they were back in place by 11:30, they were free to go where they chose. We had a game set up in one of the areas of the store where by answering questions about all of Brandons books, you earned candy. I think, at this point I'll explain all of the contests, and the prizes since I was mostly running around making sure that everything was running smoothly during this time. *The bookstore offered just a general drawing. The prizes for this were two ARCs for THE WAY OF KINGS, Iron symbol necklace from Badali, and the Mistborn table of Allomantic Metals. Brandon also donated an ABM of TWoK. *Death by Szeth -- This was a fun little contest. We had white ribbons with an information sheet attached to it, and Nehex -- who was dressed as Szeth for his costume -- went around giving it to people to kill them. Once you were killed you tied the ribbon to your wrist and filled out the paper, which entered you into a drawing to win ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS on audiobook. *Trivia -- Rubix, Chaos and I came up with ten of the hardest questions we could come up with for the bookstore. These were handed out to each person, and everyone who handed it back was given a chance to win ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS on audiobook. Sadly, no one was able to get every single question right! Here they are, in case you want to try and see if you can get the answers: *Wittiest Insults -- In honor of the king's Wit in TWoK, we had a contest where the challenge was to write a clever insult about Brandon, BYU or TWoK. Then two of the shardbearers and Rubix, who was the king's Wit for the night, shorted through and found the cream of the crop. We had some really great entries, so it was hard to decide who could win! However, I think you'll agree that the ones we did chose were great. Each of the winners received a copy of ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS on audiobook. They are (in no particular order) (P.S. for those of you who play, this one always makes me lose the game.) *Isaac Stewart, the man behind the maps and archways in TWoKs launched inkwing.com, a store where you can buy officially licensed T-Shirts, and other great merchandise. To help promote the site, he brought two of the mistborn shirts to give away. I think that was all of the contests that were offered. Congrats to all of those who won! At 11:30 everyone got back into place, and starting at twenty seconds to midnight we counted down. FINALLY! We had the wonderful novel in hand. By this point I was running on about five hours worth of sleep, and not very good sleep at that. So, I took about a half hour or so to sit, and relax. However, for those of us of the staff, our job wasn't done. So we set our books to the side and went back to work walking through the line and chatting with people, trying to make sure the wait wasn't as hard on them. Peter arrived at around 2, and got to show off his wonderful claymore which Brandon had given to him for as a thank you for a years worth of service. Engraved into the sword was "The Way of Kings" and the release date. Finally, at around 3 am the last person left with a smile on their face. Over all I think that the night was a ton of fun! Of course, running around without the use of my left hand was a bit awkward at times, but I got used to it. Mainly, I hope other people hand fun.
  20. Hi Jemron. Welcome to 17th shard! And thank you for being willing to let us steal your pictures.
  21. Well, it's time to officially announce who is going to be a shardbearer! We had a tough time deciding from all of the great applications, but finally we narrowed it down to: MIDNIGHT RELEASE Zach Stay Spencer Pranger Chris Hansen CHICAGO Chris Long ATLANTA Rachel Little If you are interested in doing a report for one of the other signings that aren't already listed, we still have options available. Thank you for everyone sent us an application, and make sure you enjoy the book!
  22. We've decided to hold off on that and save it for when scribbler comes out next year. Instead (if we can get permission) we're going to have something cool going on.
  23. Trust me, it's going to be BEYOND AWESOME! We've got a best insult contest, we've got a death by szeth thing going on, we've got (hopefully) Crossing the shattered plains, we've got people getting their name's in glyphs, and tons of prizes being given away. It's going to be way cool.
  24. As per the great one: this is a two part mistake. Part one is that Jeff (the map artist) didn't get to read the book so he was just going off verbal advise from EUOL. The second half is that Brandon said it was a legitimate mistake, and the line should infact be inside Elantris. Of course, if you ask now, he might have an in world answer that works too.
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