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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. @Mestiv, thank you. It depends on how sloppy I'm being. I was careful with that one so about three minutes? @A Budgie Haha, that was actually me who makes the bookmarks. Haven't had an order in years though.
  2. Join, please! Twitch.tv/basstrace Josh, little wilson, and I are playing jack box games. We've called it for tonight, but hopefully can do it another time.
  3. Haha! Also, I think that's the in world history. Though, it might be a good trivia piece for the page. Good to know you've got a decent picture of it. Josh's phone that we took the original picture on wiped itself.
  4. I think it's supposed to specifically be "in", and should be unrealistic. Insolvable, indivisible, so on.
  5. Yeah. With Warbreaker he posted the chapters once a week and allowed everyone to comment and such. Last I heard the plan was to do the same for Nightblood.
  6. Nah. I just happen to notice these things. THat and I'll idoly flipp through different topics without posting.
  7. I like your yarn choice. RH Monet has always been one of my favorites. (Literally my reaction. *sees mention of yarn* "Yarn craft?! I must see what is going on!")
  8. Nah, you're good. Brandon's team typically have games set up for people to play while waiting for the main event (in this case it will be things like Cards Against the Cosmere, Pictionary (I think...) and one I'm running that I want to keep a surprise). There's also a running tradition that I have stickers that have the 17S logo on them at our location for sharder to come and pick up. It helps everyone identify each other.
  9. For any sharders who come, we'll (hopefully, if I remember to finish up tomorrow) have a game going in the game room. We'll also have our usual stickers to help identify each other.
  10. Oh the length of time I've been waiting for that book. Some day. Hopefully he sticks to the plan.
  11. So I just finished WoA for the first time in FOREVER... Still don't love this series as much as some of the others, but I do understand why I used to love it as much as I did. In related news I can't wait for Worldhoppers Guidebook!
  12. Haha, probably not. But you would get eternal recognition each time we used one of your images while banning. (That is, of course, if you're okay with us using them.)
  13. I have to say, I am very interested in seeing the results of this thread.
  14. You know you could always fly out and join us, right? I mean, it's not unheard of for people to come to Utah just to visit Lagoon. There were a TON of people who did just that last year (and probably part of this year) because of one of the coasters we have.
  15. I meant for the future and you know it.
  16. Haha, look at how awesome the summon thing is! I am totally still interested, I just open PMs and then forgot about it after. My gmail is [email protected]. Thanks for being awesome and following up!
  17. So, I'm at Lagoon today, and I keep on thinking how fun it might be to have a 17S day. If we were to do one, how many would 100% be down? If we can get 25 people or more we qualify for group discounts and reserving a pavilion (you know it's be cool to see that sign!) It might be fun to do it this year, but if we need to we could plan for next. So, what do people think?
  18. Hey everyone! So, I know it's been a couple of weeks, but we finally have the winners of the contest to announce. There are some great entries! Congrats to our winners! I'll reach out to you to get the correct information over the next couple of days.
  19. His writing group was the only ones who have read it. Maybe a couple of other friends/family members. So, at the very most I'd imagine 20 people.
  20. Haha, this is what happens when you wait a week or so before posting the information. I've gotten that fixed.
  21. *The contest is over now! Winners will be contacted via PM, and once we've got replies from all of our winners, we'll put up a full list.* Hey Sharders! It’s been a couple of months since Calamity came out, and I know a lot of you have seen the cool swag that was given out. I’m quite sure that a few of you have also really wished you could get your hands on some, yet weren’t sure how. I mean, I know that feels like your soul is constantly seeking the one thing that will sooth it from a terrible sunburn it’s received, but only finding butter. (Trust me, that’s terrible to put on a sunburn.) Well, 17S has your back! We have gotten 25 Calamity swag packs that we’re giving away. These include all three of the lenticulars, all three of the punch out character stands, a decal, and the Mitosis comic. Entering is as easy as giggling at Wayne’s latest inappropriate comment! Just reply to this post with your most David-esque metaphor. Here in about a week (April 30th to be exact), we’ll close the contest and announce the winners. Technical boring information: One entry per user. Contest open to all users of 17th Shard. You must be a member to enter. So channel your inner David, and good luck!
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