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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. You know, I've seen this a lot too, and it is extremely disheartening for those who weren't around for the old days. Thanks for that food for thought...
  2. I'll bet if you do the proper amount of sleuthing you could find the first name of all the admins... just sayin'.
  3. Go you! PC typically stands for "personal copy" and are sent to the author for personal use.
  4. If Isaac isn't willing to, I might be able to. I'm out of practice, but I should be able to do something. (Mind, my glyphs don't look exactly the same as Isaac's, but he did train me on the official way to do them.) I could for sure do it in Alethi.
  5. The intent was a place for fans to gather and discuss Brandon's books, among a few other things. The original name of Hoid's Compendium was chosen since Hoid was the only character we knew (publicly) at the time that was all encompassing of the Cosmere. We mentioned the name to Brandon and he said the much better name was already created... thus, 17S
  6. Open the start menu, and in the search bar type "command prompt". That will pull up a weird looking (usually black and white, or black and green) dOS looking window. Simply type the command and hit enter.
  7. I dunno... I'm personally two degrees away from Kevin Bacon. As for the Tropes: They Walk among us -> Five Races -> The Smart Guy -> WoT -> Brandon
  8. Hello Marvin! We've actually got an entire sub forum for discussing this book, as well as thoughts or reactions! You can check it out here.
  9. Also known has Happy Birthday Peter! For all of you newbies around here, this is a fun little tradition we have on 17S. Back on Brandon's original forums Peter used to have the username of Ookla the Mok, and to honor him we have started once a year, on his birthday and for about the week after, changing out names to "Ookla the __". The original plan was for it to be a im--- word, in the style of his acknowledgement titles, but at this point you can do anything you want! So, join us in becoming an Ookla yourself, and see if you can figure out who everyone else is!
  10. He's the beggar talking to the bride and groom at the wedding.
  11. Alternately, keystroke loggers are amazing. I have one on my computer, which is free to use. Each time I type something it saves it to a doc, so if I lose something like that, I can just open the doc, copy and paste. If you're interested, I use Steel keystroke logger.
  12. Yup! Assuming we're not dead, or working on dying (or wanting someone to just put us out of our misery) we will be back at 8 eastern/5 pacific on Wednesday to have more crazy conversations.
  13. Thanks for the offer, but we're looking at a few things that are different from what a school would. Often, schools get a huge discount because they buy in bulk over many years, or simply because they're a school. I've reached out to a couple of people who have done something similar for pricing, but if we're going to order enough to plan for orders we also need to know that we will sell them, or make enough profit off of the three or four we do sell to justify the other 50 that is might take us three years to move. Over all I'm looking at a lot of things. I think once I've figured out the exact cost of setting up the store, how we're doing both the store itself and the holding location and the way we're shipping things, I'll post an official topic with things to get opinions on if it is worth it to continue.
  14. I think we're still working on transcripts. Keep in mind that over three days we got over 30 (I think that's the number I heard) hours of audio.
  15. Okay, so I've been looking into a few things since we've actually got the fan based to make it worth while now, and a custom hoodie (for just our logo) that is actually of good quality would be about $50 or more. Is that actually something people would want right now, or something we should wait until later to offer? And, just so I'm looking at the right things, let me run this past everyone. Right now, I'm looking into T-shirts, decals of the logo, lanyards (dang it, I want a lanyard! Plus, the logo would look awesome on one), and metal water bottles. I will update you guys with pricing to see if it's worth it, but would right now would you guys buy at least one of these things?
  16. Why hoodies? I see a couple of people want them, and I'm not sure I understand why.
  17. Okay, since there is an interest, in case I ever get off my lazy butt and get this kickstarter going, what type of things would people want to see?
  18. We have discussed having custom 17S merch, including t-shirts (possibly a custom designed shirt from Isaac. The idea has been thrown around but never had a "Yes, absolutely"). I personally want lanyard, or a water bottle thing, wrist band things, a few other ideas I've batted around. The issue is getting the funding to get the store set up. Eventually I'll get off my lazy butt and attempt to do a kickstarter for it, but, well, that requires time.
  19. Hey everyone! Because of internet is going down (like Eric's internet crashed just a couple of minutes before we were set to go live), and other such problems we started late! We have since finished up, and you can check it out here!
  20. Popping up with nothing useful to add, nor anything on topic. Instead I would like to say... HOLY COW, SILK IS STILL ALIVE?!
  21. Utah has some really great places, that using tricks of the camera, and possibly some CGI you could turn into the shattered plains pretty easily (I think). The first place I think of is Goblin Valley. Also Zions has some great plateaus.
  22. In the new style of Shardcast we are answering a question from you each week! Please keep it to something we can answer within a few minutes, preferably no longer than 15 minutes. The question we answered in the first episode was "Can Hemergy be fueled by something other than metal". It doesn't have to be a question we have an answer for. If we don't, we will speculate on the answer for a few minutes. If it is something we have an answer for we will do our best to find the answer for you, and give it out. So, what would you like to see answered?
  23. Feel free to discuss your thoughts, feedback, and such about our first episode of the new format of Shardcast. You can find the video feed for this episode at http://youtu.be/xMN6VA0p5hw. We also have the audio only here, but it might not be as fun, since you can't see our crazy gestures (or the pillow that was thrown at me.)
  24. Robot, that sentence makes no sense whatsoever. I would be happy to ask a question for you, but can you please re-word it to be more clear?
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