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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Seems fun! http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/night-owls-creative-intelligent/686025/ Of course, if you paste and find out that it's not within the site's guidlines, please don't post it... find a sesame street video or something.
  2. Okay, just going to pop up here to request we keep the conversation civil. Right now, there's nothing too harsh, but I could see a couple of these conversations becoming very biting in the way the comments are traded. Please try to be careful about how you word your thoughts.
  3. We admins have batted the idea for a Sandercon, or Shardcon or some such. The main issue right now is it takes a lot of money, and twice as much time to plan such events, and we're all in need of our regular lives. Still, it's something we're hoping to do at some point in the future. In the mean time, plan to come to BYU for the next release. It's always tons of fun, and we would love to meet new Sharders. (Plus, while you don't have the panels, you could think of it as a five hour con... kind of...)
  4. Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your time with us! Just to help make sure you don't have any problems, I suggest checking out the site rules here. Over all, you'll find we're a pretty easy going bunch!
  5. This the reason for the YA rereleased marked at teen girls...
  6. Very awesome! What part of Utah are you in, so I know if I will see you around?
  7. Hey Everyone! It's official! Brandon will be at Salt Lake City's Comic Convention this September. No word yet for the panels he will be on, but no matter what you'll get to hear it, since this time we're going to be there as well! Sad you missed out on hearing the Alcatraz five reading he did? We'll try to beg him to do it again, and this time we'll have our recorder ready and waiting! Be warned, Brandon will only be there on Saturday, so don't be surprised if you can't see him on Thursday or Friday. If you'd like more information about the Con, check it out here.. Also, don't hesitate to say hi if you see us at the con!
  8. That awkward moment when you realize your poll is not collecting the information you want... Let see if I can fix this or I have to create a new one... You guys can't revote can you? I'm sorry... can you just reply with what your vote would have been? I've just noticed that I've never heard a female say that Shallan drives them crazy, like I do a lot of male readers. I wanted to see if that thought was accurate.
  9. I've noticed a lot of people seem to hate Shallan, and it got me to thinking about those who haven't complained about her that I've noticed. I"m sure you can see what I was thinking with this, but oh well. So, I wanted to ask: Do you love or hate her?
  10. I can say that the staffers didn't get a recording. We were in charge of the game room on the Westercon side, and we were working at the time. We were very disappointed when we found out what we missed out on.
  11. To clarify, Peter's name on TWG was "Ookla the Mok". The Mokvila is a festival here on 17S to celebrate his birthday.
  12. I wanted to say thank you for the kind words, and give you a bit of a heads up. We have discussed putting ads onto the site, but if we do we can promise they will be very unobtrusive. As you mentioned, it does take time and money to run a site, and right now admins are paying for everything out of pocket, and we don't have the pocket money to be spending. However, we can promise you that it won't be flashing annoying ads that make you want to scream. If we have our way, they will be insanely targeted.
  13. inah sat at her desk, feeling overwhelmed by the number of papers that had piled up. She had chosen to stay in bed for the last two days before being forced to face the truth of the situation. With a sigh, she picked up the first page as the sounds of a scream was cut short outside of her window. What a lovely melody, she thought with a shake of her head. Appropriately grim sounds for such grim work. If you can't tell, I'm a bit behind. Hopefully over the weekend I can actually catch up on my proper doc and junk...
  14. Seventeenth Shard or else the Newcago court thing.
  15. In the end Hanih didn't have the courage to travel out of the city. All she had ever known was life with her family. Instead of leaving she spent the night in her bedroom, trying to ignore the scuttle of feet and the occasional grunt or cry. At the thought of leaving, she was overcome with shaking that she could not stop. I can't, she thought. I just can't leave. I can't face that again. Dropping her head to the pillow she decided that unless something required her to leave, she was going to stay in bed, and the consequences be hanged.
  16. Letting out a squeak of fear, Hinah pushed herself against the pillar of a home, silently praying that the rough looking man coming down the road was more interested in his own needs than her. She had heard stories, even as a child, of voidbringers in the shape of men taking small women such as herself. Of course, those stories were often followed by the proper brother being boxed about the ears, but the stories still left her wide eyed. With the recent change in the city, every time she stepped outside it felt as though those stories had come to live. Men, and women even, going about as though the Almighty had abandoned them. And who's to say he hasn't, she thought. Stepping back onto the street, she tried to ignore the way that thought chased itself around her mind. It terrified her, more than the thought of a voidbringer brought to life, to consider what it meant if the Almighty was gone. Why, there would be no one to protect us. No one except... Mentally pausing, she thought about the way her favorite Uncle had been banned from the family. One morning she woke up to him in the front room, tears streaming down his face as he begged her mother for forgiveness. At the time, the thing that fascinated her the most was the way his skin seemed to glow like polished silver, and the hair on his head changed to an almost golden color. When she asked her father how she could also receive such a pretty change -- after all, men were more likely to want someone as beautiful as her uncle had become -- she had been sorely punished. Her backside hurt from the memory. Now, as an older woman she understood the taboo her uncle had completed. Though, she thought, passing through the door into her home, if the Almighty has abandoned us, it's not much of a taboo. It was a thought worth considering...
  17. Big news today: White Sand, an unpublished cosmere novel, is going to become a three part graphic novel series, the first coming out next year. White Sand was the first novel Brandon ever wrote, and he eventually did a complete rewrite of it around the time of Elantris. That version of White Sand was good enough for Brandon to get his agent, though they decided to submit other works instead. White Sand was to be the first in a planned trilogy, but Brandon was never satisfied with how the plot turned out originally, but we now we'll finally get to see it and its world. From the announcement: Aside from this, we have had references to Taldain (the planet in the cosmere where White Sand takes place) before. We know that Bavadin, a person who holds a Shard that was mentioned in the Letter in The Way of Kings, is in fact a Shard that exists on Taldain. It is possible we have seen characters from White Sand as worldhoppers as well. It isn't clear whether the three graphic novels will cover all the books in what would have been the White Sand trilogy, or if it will just cover the first book, but either way, we're excited to finally see Taldain.
  18. I kind of hate you a little bit right now. Even with help, I couldn't figure this out. However you do so, without a key, within a few days. Meanie.... ...now, are you willing to work on the second code in the top and bottom of the page? *edit: Oh, that's how you did it. You're really brilliant, you know that? You've broken both of them now. I have to say, I am impressed. I still kind of hate you.
  19. I created my avvy about a day after reader that chapter because I loved it so much. I was wondering when someone was going to start noticing... Also, there's a secret in it if you look close enough.
  20. Wait, he tweeted us? Jodh and I are in the orange tent.
  21. To clarify, I believe the quote in question refers to the end of the book as a whole, and if so the piece will be very obvious once you have read it.
  22. Not to worry. We got the same e-mail, and I called to find out what is going on. They said the e-mail is a "we don't have any copies in stock right now" thing, and not a "sorry, we're sold out so no book for you."
  23. No, he's not. But sure do love to tease him with his signings. The last one I believe was what was the name of a shard we don't know and Josh wrote in the front "Esticacy" with a fake signature. (Josh is really good at forging Brandon's siggy). Then somewhere in the middle Brandon gave the real answer and the real signature. We've also had his book signed up side down, and all sorts of craziness. Also, you are totally welcome to ask for something custom! We've had the opening paragraph of Eye of the World in german (or swedish), a lot of doodle request. One guy asked for a random fact (and got the fact that a squid's pupil is square shaped with a picture of a squid)... I'm trying to think of some of the other crazy stuff that's been done. A lot of it is really tame. Lots of cosmere questions (which always gets the question of "Is this one of you guy's people? Seriously, if you're a sharder, put so and your username in parathesis. We might have some fun with it!). Lot of just "to x" and then whatever the standard answer is. Actually, that the most popular thing I see is "To X".
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