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Everything posted by firstRainbowRose

  1. Absolutely! Right now I have misplaced my supplies for some reason, but as soon as I find them again I would be happy to let you know!
  2. Wait, you mean it isn't normal to write in Alethi when you're writing a note on something?
  3. I'm pretty sure there was some font size and such reshuffling that happend to make the book fit anyways. That's why the book is at the maximum size that can be printed... (I am not sure of this, but it is a personal theory.)
  4. haha, that will teach me! When I use Chrome, I just click on the topic and it automatically jumps me to the newest post. When I'm at work I'm stuck with IE, and it didn't do that. Now I know!
  5. That is really cool that you are a chocolatier! I don't suppose you have a recepie for home making chocolate that you'd care to share? ...seriously though, one of the coolest professions I've heard on here.
  6. To clarify a couple of things: He's been a fan of Pratchett for a while. I belive he got into him as a kid. (I know he recommend him to me like five or so years ago when I asked for his suggestions) Also, by way of Malazan I think he has read at least the first book. The comment I've heard about it is if you want a book that has a very steep learning curve, but once you understand what's going on it's a pretty good book. I don't know if he's read anything past the first book. A couple of other books I've heard him mention is Dragon Prince by Melene Rawn (I can't spell her first name), and it's sequels, also Dragonsbane, which is the book that got him into fantasy. I'll edit this if I think of any others.
  7. Actually, it's usually a lot of fun.
  8. Aether, I like the idea that broken sky refers to Taldain. Also, please keep in mind that Brandon said "to the casual observer". That prompted me to ask there at the signing if it was a published book, and he just kept on repeating it until I followed the logic through. A casual observer would likely be someone who knows that the worlds are connected, but not do a lot of theorizing. They also wouldn't have access to a ton of WoB details, nor any of the unpublished works. So, by that logic it has to be Sel, Scadrial, Nathias, or Roshar. (Yes, I know I can't spell). It MIGHT be the world of Shadows for Silence, but I doubt it since even knowing that is cosmere is not something a casual observer would realize.
  9. I like your theory that the idea that it describes how the world looks in shadesmar.
  10. I personally have always assumed that the expanse of vapors was Scadrial (vapor=mist).
  11. At the signing in Sugarhouse on the 21st Brandon was chatting with us and we brought up the end pages in WoK, specifically the expanses and such. He gave out the tidbit that "to the casual observer, the mists of densities should be pretty obvious." He also told us that it might require a leep of logic, but it make sense. So, what do you guys think? I am thinking personally that it would be dense as in densely populated, but at the same time... I want to see what everyone thinks. Which world is that refering to?
  12. This topic is highly amusing to me. I shall have to watch it closely.
  13. We're teasing Windy because we know him, and know his real name. As a joke Josh and I (who help when the books Wellers sends out) pull on the staff. Your book would be completely safe if you order from them.
  14. I liked them well enough. I read the first three while I was sick, and I enjoyed them. There was a seeming budding romance between the two main characters and will be rather frustrated if it doesn't become a thing in the last two. Still, I plan on finishing the series myself.
  15. It looks like they may not have gotten the info, or may be keeping it quiet, but I'm also going to be doing some bookmarks for the give away too. (That is, if they still want them)
  16. Some people will camp. Other people will show up the night of. It's mostly just a "come when you feel like it" type thing. However Brandon hanging out will be a couple of days before the event, and may not be planned. The last couple of times he has shown up without us knowing that he was even coming.
  17. That kind of what I was thinking myself... In all seriousness though, if someone who is going to be at the release knows how to get such a thing set up (besides just "bring a laptop with a webcam and put it on the table. We want something slightly better than that) let me know!
  18. What are you complaining about? You'll be at the actual event!
  19. We would love to do a live stream! Sadly none of us admins really know how to....
  20. Mine is something I threw together from a line in a book that I found amusing.
  21. Is that the number of steps to teod from Elantirs?
  22. Pretty much what the title says. I'm curious to find out where everyone is from (since I keep on seeing all these exotic locals in the intros). I would also request that even if you're a lurker, as long as you have an account pop up long enough to type your location? I am really curious to see our demographic type things. (Also, if you don't feel comfortable with details, a country works for me. I am honestly just curious.) I am, obviously, in Utah.
  23. Hey everyone! We've had a lot of new members coming to the site (Welcome all of you!) and it seems like some of you haven't had a chance to review the rules yet, and some of us older members may have forgotten. As such, I've seen a bit of a problem rising, and I wanted to remind everyone that there is No talking about unpublished works allowed. Period. This is to help keep those who haven't read the book from feeling frustrated that they don't have the same opertunity. (I know, it seems slightly off for me to say this in light of a recent comment I made, and I plan on doing what I can to undo that.) If you would like to talk to someone, you can do so through private messages. Any comments seen on the site will be hidden. Thank you for your understanding.
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