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Everything posted by alder24

  1. There is no official name. We just call it either Atium-electrum alloy, or just Atium, while referring to the pure god metal as pure Atium. TLM spoiler WoB: There was a person who called it Nalatium, but nobody is using that name in the community and it's also not canon:
  2. Nothing much would change. You would still see all those different shadows. You have choice and free will which stays with you through every single point in time. At any moment you can choose to follow a different shadow, stop following shadows at all or do something else. But it would be quite hard to choose one shadow and follow it. There are dozens or hundreds of electrum shadows swarming around you, each showing you a different future. They overlap and cross each other's way, so you would need to focus hard on keeping up with that one shadow and not get distracted by all others. It's difficult but still possible if you train enough. Electrum, unlike Atium, gives you no mental enhancements, so it's really hard to comprehend what's happening with those shadows - it's also really hard to understand them all at once - truthfully it's impossible. But electrum still have some uses.
  3. Lacquer is a sap (liquid) and it's contained in a perfume sprayer - which isn't much different from soap dispenser you might use every day. With the access to Soulcasting, which can soulcast any shape into any material you want, it's not so hard to create such a small device. No pressurization needed, no plastic needed, just some ingenuity. WoK ch 7:
  4. That's why I don't believe there is such a thing as "infinite Identity." If identity is meant to work like an encryption key, then by tapping your own aluminummind, you would change your identity and that would prevent you from tapping your own metalmind! There would be a mismatch of identities. What does it even mean to have a stronger Identity? This doesn't make a lot of sense. You even have it or not. I believe F-aluminum simply blanks your identity and you can't store anything in aluminum - there is no aluminummind. It's aluminum after all, it can't be invested.
  5. That's a very big IF. Odium isn't bound to Roshar by his imprisonment, he's now bound to it with his very essence because he invested so much into this system. This means that even if Dalinar were to free him, Odium would have a very big problem with leaving Roshar - he can't just leave without Splintering a huge chunk of his power and leaving it behind (which would weaken him), or trying to rip it off the world, which would be very hard. Moreover Odium wouldn't target Scadrail - he expected Ruin to implode - he would go to kill Autonomy. It was said before, but yes. Ruin and Odium fit each other quite well, or rather Ruin is a safe choice (WoB posted by Treamayne). However I wonder if Devotion wouldn't be a better pick for Rayse. At first it seems like Devotion would be Odium's opposite Shard and that's true. However, because Rayse claims he's Passion, not Odium, it seems to me that he might have a much easier time combining Odium with Devotion than Sazed combining Ruin with Preservation. Rayse claims he's all emotions, yet emotions like love or care seem to be missing (Vanli's words) - if he were to combine with Devotion, I believe he would finally become true Passion - and might even be better at it than Sazed.
  6. Possible, but hard to say. It does depend on a Vessel, but it doesn't have to change. Personally I don't think so.. Harmonium is so unstable because its Spiritual nature, which is made of Ruin and Preservation's investiture, is in conflict with itself and those two parts don't merge well together. This won't change with Discord. Moreover I highly doubt Brandon would just introduce us to Harmonium and switch to something new without exploring Harmonium at all.
  7. Ok, when did Kelsier receive the Survive Dawnshard? Because if it was when he snapped, he wouldn't have been killed - Dawnshard ALWAYS self-protects and heals. Kelsier would quite literally snap Rashek out of existence. I'm not a fan of Survive Dawnshard. It doesn't fit. It doesn't have the same feeling as when Rysn became Change. There was nothing suggesting that Kel was a Dawnshard, no change, no healing, no immortality, no weird abilities - everything was normal. Preservation just told Kelsier to survive and Snapped him, making him into a Mistborn - that's it. Surviving is Preservation's thing after all. No Dawnshard is needed. If Ruin had a Dawnshard, Scadrial would be just gone with no warning. Dawnshards are incredible weapons, which amplify the power you use. A Shard with a Dawnshard would be almost unstoppable. Ruin wouldn't have needed to find his Atium, he would have just burned the entire Scadrial to ashes in a matter of seconds. And if Ruin had a Dawnshard, he would have never given it up to Endowment or Vasher - why would he? Nightblood also isn't unique - there was a Father Machine Awakened on Komashi (Yumi book), which was ever more powerful and destructive than Nightblood. No Dawnshard was used, just some bad Awakening practices and imprecise Commands. No. Hoid, like Noman, can't hurt a fly. He can't fight, he can't kill, he can't even eat meat. He did participate in the Shattering of Adonalsium and kill him, but that's different. And he could fight with Kelsier in SH, because Kelsier was dead - he wasn't hurting him. We don't know if Rysn's Dawnshard has the same effects. Yes, that's a good point. WoK happens a few generations after Warbreaker, but also around 350 years after Catacendre. Manywar happened 300 years before Warbreaker. So it's true that Nightblood was created when Ruin was still imprisoned in the Well.
  8. Spren, Aethers and even Shards all have spirit webs of their own and those bonds are all connecting them together. Connections are bonds between spirit webs and they all exist in the Spiritual Realm. The Nahel Bond exists also between Aviars and their owners - and Aviars are very much not from the Cognitive Realm. We suspect Luhel Bond is the way Sand Mastery works as you exchange water for the ability to manipulate White Sand - which is exactly what Luhel Bond with Aethers does. But with Sand Mastery you don't Connect to any Aether. Yes, there are different kinds of bonds. But why did you choose the number 3? Why do there have to be 3 special bonds? Why not 16? Why not any other number? Actually, it's the opposite. Most examples of Cognitive Shadow we know of were people who weren't heavily invested and became invested when they die - Fused included. Yes, the only special thing about Returned is that they have a Divine Breath. But I tried to explain that it actually makes them weaker, not stronger - their Connection to Endowment is weaker than Fused Connection to Odium. Fused can feed directly on Odium because of how strong is their Connection but Returned requires Breaths. Fused can't leave but Returned can with no problems. This clearly demonstrates that Returned Connection to Endowment is not that strong compared to other Cognitive Shadows. There is something to it. But Vasher is trying to imply with his name Zahel that he's connected to divinity, that he's a Returned, because that's what Nahel means:
  9. Theoretically that's possible, but very, very unlikely. You can't just leave Ghostbloods, you know too much. Not all Ghostbloods are even from Scadrial - most we've seen aren't. And Allomantic genes would get diluted and be much weaker if they were combined with a non-Scadrian. So chances of someone with mixed heritage becoming a Metalborn would be much lower. Still. Shallan would have to ingest copper and burn it - that would be felt by her. Vin described her abilities as "luck" before knowing who she was. Shallan would feel her metal reserves but nothing ever in books suggested she had it. She also had no source of copper to burn in the first place. Trace metals last just for a short moment ONLY if you can get them from somewhere like cutlery or contaminated water. That wouldn't hide Stormlight visually, it would just be undetectable for entities who can detect it - like Seekers on those Odium's seeker spren form OB. Don't remember this. She could just exhale it. Or maybe she was already hidden by an illusion.
  10. Breaths aren't a soul, they are just an additional part of the soul. People without Breaths are just Drabs - they still have a soul, they just lack this extra part. We don't know and we won't know if there is a true afterlife in Cosmere, but there are ways to cheat death - like Returned do. As for the last question - no. It's the Shard of Endowment that gives Breaths to people, and she has basically infinite investiture at her disposal. She won't ever run out of Breaths to give and as long as Endowment wants to do it, people on Nalthis will always be born with Breaths. And this is happening ONLY on Nalthis, people on different planets won't be affected if Endowment stops giving Breaths to newborns. On other planets this additional part of the soul is more independent from the will of a Shard - they are just have it because of how invested is the world they live on.
  11. Hello, welcome to the Shard! Check out Sharder FAQ for some useful tips you may not yet know. As said before, Allomancy and Feruchemy are genetic, but also you have to have a Preservation's fragment in your soul, which is given only to Scadrians. Only on Scadrial people Snap and become Mistborn, because Metallic Arts are manifestations of Preservation and Ruin's power on the world they are invested in, among people who live there. People from other worlds can't Snap to become an Allomancer. It's also very hard to fuel Metallic Arts with some other type of investiture. You would need to get through some additional steps to make Stormlight fuel Allomancy - probably unkeying it and purifying it like the Dor. But there ARE Allomancers on Roshar, they were burning metals on Roshar, if you want to know who did this, see the spoiler box below: WoBs: Edit: @The Unsoulcastable Stick Truthfully I don't remember this. Could you provide a quote? In general, small amounts of Stormlight aren't visible and this was used by others - Kaladin did this a lot during WoK and WoR, he breathed in only a little of Stormlight to hide his abilities.
  12. Hello, welcome to the Shard! Check out Sharder FAQ for some useful information. Next time know that the Cosmere Q&A section is for asking question, if you want to post a theory like you just did, you should post it in a subforum corresponding to the books you want to discussed - for a topic like this, it should have been posted in the Cosmere Discussion section. They are ALL Spiritual Bonds - they are all Connections. They all have different effects, the Nahel Bond is a bond between a Cognitive entity - spren - which grants them more Cognition in the Physical Realm, while the Luhel Bond is a bond in which you exchange a physical matter - water - for investiture. But they are all Spiritual in nature. All Connections are Spiritual. Returned are Connected to Endowment, that's true, but they are Cognitive Shadows - they were invested when they died and they became a kind of a fossil of a soul made out of investiture, which strongly Connected them to their Shard. Returned are like Heralds or Fused - they work the same, they are functionally immortal like them, they are very invested etc. However, unlike them, Returned are less Connected to their Shard - that's why they need to feed on Breaths and that's why they can leave Nalthis. A Divine Breath is like a Splinter of Endowment, just like Spren are Splinters too, but unlike Spren a Divine Breath isn't self-aware. It sticks their soul to their body and keeps their body alive. However, this Splinter isn't tied that heavily to Endowment. It's given to them with no strings attached and because of that they can leave their home planet, unlike other Cognitive Shadows who are directly Connected to their Shard and can't leave. But this allows Heralds and Fused to feed on their Shards to stay alive, while Returned can't and need to consume Breaths. So it's other Cognitive Shadows who are strongly Connected to their Shard, not Returned. It's not a type of a bond, but they are Connected to a Shard because they are very heavily invested and that investiture is tied to a Shard. It's because of their super-invested nature that they stay alive and can do all that stuff. Visions are specifically given only to Returned (no other Cognitive Shadow receive visions) because when they died, Endowment showed them those visions of the future and gave them a choice to return. It's because of their Divine Breaths - a Splinter of divinity - that they can peer a little into the Spiritual Realm and see what they saw when they died. RoW ch 15:
  13. No, it's the same as Stormlight healing. It heals both the body and the spirit. This will never happen because the spike is now spiritually a part of their body with its charged Hemalurgically hot wired into your soul. A Hemalurgic spike changes their spirit web, which changes their body to accommodate the spike and this makes it a part of their Ideal self (as long as you have that spike). Most, if not all forms of Cosmere healing work in the same way. Please, check out dates of last posts and when the topic was made before responding to it. This thread is dead for more than 2 years now, there is no need to revive it -necro-posting is theoretically against the site's policy - link. Other threats you're responding to are months old and already have a sufficient answer provided by others - personally I find it pointless to answer to any topics in the Cosmere Q&A section of the forum that are a month old (especially if a good answer is already provided), unless there is a discussion still ongoing.
  14. alder24


    Not permanently. And you can only do this with F-nicrosil (because it's the only attribute that's innate investiture). As long as you store a lot of it, you will be like a drab, but once you stop everything will be normal again.
  15. I believe she just soulcasted her blood back into blood and by doing this she Soulcasted poison into blood as well. WoK ch 48: Yes. Doesn't really matter what, as long as it provides enough blood.
  16. The reputation points are just a fun game, nothing more. They have no real meaning, no real value, we don't judge anyone based on their reputation - it's just a little title from books we all love appearing under your name. Don't attach too much value to it, it ain't worth it, it's just a number. It's fun to see your titles change and wonder what's next, but you'll soon forget it's even there and miss many of those changes. Just be yourself and have fun on the forum. Post your thoughts, write about stuff you like, but don't try to please the masses just to gain more rep. We appreciate honesty and kindness, insightful posts, fun theories and new perspectives - and you will get likes for posts like this. Eventually you will rise through the reputation ranks if you’re just active enough. It might take a few months or a few years to get a thousand points, but as long as you stay with us, you will get there one day. But again, it's just a number. If you want to check what reputation titles awaits you in the future, you can find them here: https://www.17thshard.com/forums/topic/7084-new-reputation-levels/?do=findComment&comment=116468
  17. Maybe, but why would he do this? He may not like Odium ruling over Urithiru, but he clearly keeps his distance away from any fighting. Moreover creating anti-light requires expensive equipment, to which Vasher wouldn't have any access during occupation. Not to mention that just playing anti-Odium Rhythm would alert every Fused, Regal, Singer and spren in the nearest area. I think it's very unlikely. It's more likely that his past with Gavilar came to bite him in the rear so he went hiding. I wouldn't be surprised if Ghostbloods found out Vasher was working with Gavilar discovering anti-light and they try to find and capture him during the chaos of the occupation.
  18. My advice is to not say it at all if someone hasn't read the series to the end. Just mentioning it is a spoiler on its own. It would be good if you edit your post and put this in a spoiler box (upper right corner -> three dots -> edit -> eye icon from the toolbox).
  19. That's not true. In SoS chimera has only one spike, while in TLM they have two. Coppermind: It's unlikely they would change. Hemalurgy changes the spirit web itself. Koloss, Inquisitors and Kandra aren't humans anymore, they are each a new species. Under normal circumstances this would prevent them from healing back to a human form and spikes would always push back for restoration of their construct form. Hemalurgy twists the soul which is reflected by twisting the body - there is nothing wrong with them to be healed. Inquisitors are quite sane already - Marsh proves this. They are very prone to behave ruinously, but it's not like they lost their mind. Kandra are gaining their sanity with spikes. Spikes don't always cause insanity.
  20. But there is nothing like that. Investiture is coming from SR in its raw and pure form and gets filtered into its "keyed" attribute form by a metalmind. There is no intermediate stage of a general attribute. It's either raw investiture, or a specific attribute. You can't store a general sense into a metalmind for it to key raw investiture into a general sense. At the very best case, you can use raw investiture to fuel any attribute in Feruchemy - but you need another source of investiture for that. That's not true. God metals aren't keys for investiture drawn from SR like normal metals are, they are the fuel themselves. God metals are investiture in the physical form. There is no conduct of investiture from SR when you burn a god metal, you're using the investiture that makes it up. I think the WoBs I've posted before disprove that already. The structure of a metal and its Feruchemical charge tells incoming investiture what form to take. It doesn't create power directly, investiture is copying the form of investiture present in burnt metalminds. Imagine the metalmind being a tuning fork which tunes investiture passing through it to a specific tone, which the fork resonates with - the specific attribute stored in that metalmind.
  21. I considered this for a moment but in the end I think Dalinar would have no way of cheating death. Firstly and most importantly, Eshonai joined the fight only when Kaladin set his bridge down and Alethi escape began. Before that, she didn't participate, she just watched. She would watch as the fight progressed and see her warriors kill both Dalinar and Adolin and then use their Shards against remaining Alethi. Secondly, there was no way for Dalinar to return back to the camp, even if he were to speak with Eshonai. At best, he would have to be escorted back by Parshendi warform, but I'm not sure if they are even capable of jumping over chasms with a person on their back - I doubt it. Even if Dalinar was returned back to chasms connected by bridges, he would be seen as a traitor. I'm certain Sadeas wouldn't miss his chance to tell a story of how Dalinar tried to lure him into a trap he set up together with the enemy and betray Alethkar by joining Parshendi - the fact that he was carried by them back to the camp and Dalinar started talking about peace with them would only strengthen Sadeas position. For Eshonai, the battle of the Tower was a chance to turn the tide of the war. They would see this as an opportunity to annihilate one army and exhaust the enemy. They would gain two sets of Shards. For them it would be a way of showing Alethi that they are too dangerous to continue this war and force them into a negotiating table. Of course this probably wouldn't work, but it's very likely that this is how they view this battle. Killing everyone would be their most desired outcome. This was a war of attrition - in principle dealing huge losses to the enemy would make them more willing to end this war. Parshendi even stopped harvesting the gemheart during the battle of the Tower, because they were so focused on killing all those surrounding Alethi. Dalinar wouldn't survive this battle without Kaladin. I think he would still want to prove others that he is a good leader and would want the go anyway.
  22. You mean volunteered into Amaram's army? That's fun to speculate. I'm guessing Kaladin would still end up as a Windrunner at the Shattered Plains due to Fortune and Connection whims, but through a different way. Without Kaladin, Amaram would be dead, while Helaran would be alive and a full Skybreaker. Kaladin however would travel to Kharbranth to train as a professional surgeon, setting the stage for a grand conflict with Taravangian. I think eventually Kaladin would discover the true purpose of Taravangain's hospitals and he would meet with Jasnah and Shallan eventually. Together they would expose Taravangian and overthrow him, dismantling the Diagram. This is also the moment Kaladin would swear the second Ideal - the end of WoK. Then we have WoR, Kaladin, Shallan and Jasnah travel together by a ship to the Shattered Plains, Kaladin would foil Ghostbloods assassination attempt, guaranteeing their safe arrival at the Shattered Plains - which would prevent Shallan's Ghostblood story arc from happening. And what would they see at the Shattered Plains? Chaos. Dalinar is dead, killed together with his army by Parshendi during the battle of the Tower, Renarin is now a Highprince, while the king is under Sadeas' heavy influence. Jasnah's presence would shake the entire political stage, providing counterbalance to Sadeas' camp. Shallan would be engaged with Renarin instead (sadly), while Kaladin would not be organizing any sizable army - instead he would be like a private guard of Jasnah/Renarin, maybe joining the Cobalt Guard. However, the defeat of Taravangian and the Diagram would mean that Szeth was not sent on the murder spree across Roshar and he certainly isn't active at the Shattered Plains anymore. Eventually Jasnah's drive to discover Urithiru would lead to a similar expedition into the center of the Plain, probably not as sizable as it used to be. The Everstorm would still be summoned, but most Listeners would survive it this time - and they would stil bel active in this region during future Desolation. Starting with OB - Urithiru is rediscovered, Knights Radiant returned, but there is no Bondsmith, no Stormfather. The assembly of the coalition against Odium would be much harder without Dalinar. However a side effect of Szeth not murdering people with crowns, would be that most countries are far better prepared for the incoming Desolation. Most importantly Jah Keved is at its prime, with their military might ready to respond to a sudden Voidbringer attack. However I wonder if they would join their Vorin Alethi brothers with their struggles, who are similarly overrun and under siege as they were in real OB, or rather attack Alethkar instead, defeating the Voidbringers, but also occupying the country as well. I suspect they would become allies because of the Vorin religion. The mission to Kholinar will still happen, but this time it would be a smaller reinforcement mission, brace the city while awaiting a land relief force from Jah Keved - which this time would be fully successful as it doesn't rely on opening an Oathgate. Elhokar might even survive. Without both Dalinar and Taravangian, the coalition would struggle to be established, it's likely that Azir won't join, but maybe the Vorin coalition would be established (if Jah Keved doesn't attack Alethkar). In the end, Alethkar wouldn't fall into Odium's hands, but Thaylenah would certainly be conquered. It's really hard to predict what would happen in RoW at this point. Everything that we know was a direct response to what happened in OB and with the timeline completely shifted, it's hard to predict what Odium would do with his success in Thaylenah, his failure in Alethkar and how would a smaller, but not weaken by internal conflicts, coalition with no Bondsmith respond to him. Urithiru invasion is probably off the table, because there won't be a way for Odium to lure coalition forces out into Marat and after their defeat at Thaylenah they would be probably more concerned with defense. There would still be a sizable threat on the Shattered Plains from former Listeners. So I have no idea what would happen next. Odium would probably use his dominance over the Southern ocean to divide coalition, and maybe attack isolated Azir from both Marat and Iri at the same time. I can't really predict anything more. But there is also another possibility - Kaladin would fail at exposing Taravangian and he would be killed by the Diagram instead. Taravangian's plans would be in full swing and with Dalinar being dead, he would be the leader of the coalition in OB. With his knowledge given by the Diagram, he would be able to probably strike a deal with Odium, stopping the war while saving what's under his rule - the entire coalition. This might require the contest of Champions, or not - it's hard to say. Would he Ascend to Odium without Dalinar? Don't know, it's hard to say. Too many changes to the past creates the butterfly effect and it's hard for me to predict what would happen as the time passes. If he were to Ascend, Taravangian would become Odium and the leader of the entire Roshar - which I think would be a very bad thing.
  23. But Aethers claim they didn't originate from Adonalsium (and even predate Adonalsium himself, not just the Shattering), while the Wind was said to be left by Adonalsium after the creation of Roshar. The fact that Aethers investiture wasn't assigned to Shards during the Shattering seems to support their claim of being separate from Adonalsium. Moreover its the bud in an Aetherbound that allows them to communicate with their Aether - Kaladin clearly has no buds. I highly doubt she's an Aether. TLM ch 42: Re Shephir has Midnight Essence, but it doesn't have to come from an Aether. Midnight Essence is a Cosmere-wide phenomena of investiture responding to corruption, which keeps it one step away from full awareness, by becoming Midnight Essence.
  24. We will see. I don't think it was breaking his oath, but his Highspren might be disappointed. Perception will matter a lot here. If Szeth believed that by doing this he was protecting Dalinar, it most likely wouldn't matter. However it seems it wasn't done for this reason, Szeth did it out of anger. He disobeyed Dalinar, but I don't think it would mean breaking oaths. He just went a step backwards. Szeth hasn't sworn the 4th Ideal yet, so he still has to follow Dalinar. RoW ch 113: However this might count as something positive, a step towards his 4th Ideal. He made his own choice, trusting his own judgement, something that the 4th Ideal requires of him. RoW I-7: He did. Quote above plus: Not even Szeth knows Odium was there. RoW ch 114:
  25. That's new In my opinion no. I am always very wary of Hemalurgic spikes of any kind because of this soul-warping and damaging part of Hemalurgy. But if you're starving, with little to none food to eat, it's better than death. Edit: Far more than that, Coppermind:
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