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Posts posted by alder24

  1. There are little to none armor on the soldiers in the books, most of them are running around a battlefield with only uniforms on them, some pov characters even got an armor and never used it. And when armor does appear it doesn't do what it should have - protect. The only exception is Shardplate. There is so many different swords in his books, but only like 3 armors, which is much more important on the battlefield.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    That's one WoB mentioning it, but he doesn't mention the difficulty, just that it's possible

    Here's two saying it's much harder to drain active investiture.

    The problem is, this WoB is only talking about lashing and using other Radiant abilities on something/someone invested like lashing shardplate, or Radiant breathing in light from shardplate. It's not the same as leeching. If it was the same for leeching, than leeching misting that activity burns iron would be very hard - however this is not the case. Nale's larkin also didn't have any trouble leeching Lift's light as she was Awesome at that moment. So leeching is clearly an exception. Leeching is able to stop summoning the Shardblade.

    I would say that if Skybreaker would use division on Mistborn that is touching him, that investiture pushed into division might be the first to be leech off.

  3. How I've missed that extrema effect of duralumin powered Atium that was able to pass through Marsh's Atium? That alone is a huge deal. But Eland now saw the Preservation plan? That is massive. 

    But I agree, electrum would focus only on misting life, but most likely entire life in different possible ways. 

    And pure Atium with duralumin could see even more. 

    TLM spoilers


    However now era 1 Atium and Lerasium might be coming back, so there is a possibility of making new era 1 Atium mistings and replicating Elends vision. 

    It seams that Scadrial really have the best future visions in the entire Cosmere, rivaled only by Shards.

  4. She only needs to live for more than 10000 years...

    (I put more in spoiler as I don't know how much you know about Cosmere and Hoid - not much spoilers there just some general Hoid things)


    bond Dawnshard, shatter Adonalsium, refuse to take a shard, jump from planet to planet wherever something important is happening, help important people on the way, collect all types of investiture and powers, be hated by half of the Shards, have a dragon for a friend, be hunted by 17th shard, be constantly RAFO by Brando, be swallowed by a giant fish and punch some important guy in the face.  

    Other than all of the above, she is on a straight way to be new Hoid. But she already made few guys red from embarrassment and anger.

    However I agree a bit differently, she would make a great storyteller - she already told a few of them in engaging way, and she can definitely aspire to be a new Hoid of storytelling. And if she goes to a wider Cosmere, she would collect and learn all kinds of stories. 

  5. 3 hours ago, therunner said:

    Considering they are unable to refill regular medallions, and not even Malwish know what the hell Bands are, I doubt they can.

    Unable to refill regular medallions? Quotes? And how does weight medallions works when they are just tapped and filled?

    3 hours ago, therunner said:

    And how many telegraphs are in Roughs?

    They have telegraphs on Scadrial? 

    They have trains, industry, gun production and Wax was able to acquire full, expensive and specialized laboratory equipment. Electricity might even already get to Roughs at the end of TLM.

    3 hours ago, therunner said:

    You still need to hit correct bind point to steal specific things, see HoA and https://wob.coppermind.net/events/390/#e12677 , https://wob.coppermind.net/events/270/#e7711  .
    So somehow Scadrial would have to figure out which bind points corresponds to Nahel bond, something they have exactly zero experience with.

    Additionally Terris still don't really understand even Feruchemy connection powers, and Hemalurgy is even less known (some Set scientists, and whoever Marasi showed the book), and no one has even demonstrated they know how to use it beyond stealing attributes and Allomancy/Feruchemy, which still took either Shard-provided knowledge (TLR, Set) or years of experiments (Set, Spook).

    I agree that would be the hard part. But as it is said in the WoB - make a spike gun and try until it worked. Marsh has the biggest knowledge from all of them and he might have some idea. Set did not have his help. 


    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Her Transformation isn't different, and the stones said Radiant before they realized she was a singer, so their powers should be similar enough. Additonally Khriss notes that Stoneshaping has divination properties.

    Still calling her Radient is not wrong, she is a Radient but not Stonewards. 

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Which was in response to his request.

    He asked if Ardets have them, and then laral interrupted. So at least two sets of spanreeds in a town - very little 

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    I keep forgetting you aren't a native speaker, you're so good. And it can refer to a thief depending on context, but it can also refer to someone, specifically children who live on the streets.

    Good? Nah, I just for spelling mistakes after I write a post. There is too many of them in my opinion. But thanks, as long as it's understandable it's good.

    Again Wayne went from the bottom to the top! 

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    He didn't kill anyone, he got two people falsely imprisoned.

    Which resulted in his death, because his best friend the king/prince make sure they will never cause any troubles. 

    You can use an example of law privileging rich people as a example of rights pore people "have".

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Because they aren't human. Scadrians won't convince any singers, because they too, are human. And the humans won't accept them, as seen by how almost an entire cityleft the fused control as soon as they got a chance.

    I don't need singers, just humans. Scadrials need to convince only humans on Roshar. Human to human.

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Wax and Marasi both gave spikes and notes to the university.

    Trellium spikes as they were unknown. Plus regular spikes - I'm not sure about that. It doesn't mean that university will know about plans of invasion of Roshar.

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    On Scadrial only children can go, on Roshar it doesn't mater your age.


    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    The Malwish were willing to let half the Basin die if they didn't get the bands of Mourning.

    Yes, I said tensions exist, and they are having an arms race. But are not in war yet.

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Then why can they only make medallions with 3 abilities?

    Because making more is hard. And Bands already have all of them. That's why Malwish need them - to study and make better medallions. But Bands are already there, ready to be filled.

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    You know that for certain? And how many radios are in tinweight? Probably none, and it's much larger than Hearthstone is.

    Radios non - trains are in Roughs. And other new equipment as I mention above 

    15 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    No, it really isn't. It's known that it steals Connection, but f-drualumin can store multiple types of Connection I suspect there is a different bindpoint for each type, and the one for Nahel Bond is certainly unknown.

    Soo try and error? Again, I admitt this is hard part, but this can be done. Most likely in heart or around. Spikes guns! One will work and then they will know. Or experiment on Scadrial before invasion on spiking connection - Ghostbloods can provide them with Aviars as they are basically similar to Nahel Bond 



    I just discovered that i can separate long quotes by pressing enter 2x. I love it! 

  6. 1 hour ago, Heretic333 said:

    I understand your viewpoint.

    Unfortunately in the Cosmere, shards overcome each other and there is no evidence to suggest shards are automatically equal while in a vessel. 

    What you are saying cannot dispute my original post. 




    For Adonalsium to create the universe, therefore he must have infinite power to create an infinitely sized universe. Therefore, infinity divided by sixteen is equal to infinity. Therefore, why don't the Shards have infinite power, which they clearly don't, because they can be killed?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The power can't be killed. The entity controlling the power can. Infinite power existing and being able to access the infinite power are different things, and a finite mind, even added to a very powerful sense of power, isn't necessarily able to tap all of that.


    What about Ruin and Preservation in Well of Ascension? We hear about Ruin using some of its power. Therefore, it must not have infinite power, because if you minus something from infinity, it's still infinity...

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, infinite power is changing forms. It's not going anywhere, right? So, the Investiture, the power, is becoming energy, which is doing work, which is being released back into the system. Nothing's growing or shrinking. It is simply changing forms, and potential energy is becoming kinetic.

    Oathbringer London signing (Nov. 28, 2017)


    Chaos (paraphrased)

    Will Sazed eventually go mad trying to hold two Shard's power at the same time (being pushed to two different Purposes simultaneously for millennia)? Why hasn't anyone else tried this trick before in the Cosmere?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    No. Since they're so opposite they work together to create a whole. However, after a LONG time it would change him as a person.

    Footnote: The two Shards do influence Sazed, and did by Era 2.
    Ancient 17S Q&A (May 1, 2010)

    You suggest that Preservation's power will be decreasing/destroyed under Ruin's pressure. How can a shard's infinite power be destroyed? For decreasing Preservation's power, Harmony would have to purposefully gave up chunk of that power and invest something significantly. Otherwise the power won't go anywhere. It also takes deliberate will and action to splinter a shard. Ruin doesn't have a will of its own. It's controled by Sazed.

    However both Ruin and Preservation are now one new shard - Harmony. But the Vessel controlling Harmony doesn't act harmoniously, Sazed favors preserving people - he is acting against intent of the shard. More over there is more Ruin than Preservation. Harmony can be change to Discord - then it doesn't matter what action would Sazed favor, it is within Discord intent, and it doesn't matter that there is more Ruin or Preservation. 

    Ruin and Preservation are not clashing with each other - it's a fight between vessel Sazed and intent Harmony.





    If I can ask a question, I just read the Mistborn trilogy and, were Preservation and Ruin two different shards or a single one with their power split somehow? If they were two shards, does that mean a single person can hold more than one, since Harmony apparently holds both now?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They were two shards.

    Yes, one entity can hold more than one. Remember that holding a shard changes you, over time. Rayse knows this, and prefers to leave behind destroyed rivals as opposed to taking their power and potentially being overwhelmed by it.


    I have a question, if you are willing. Would Ruin be more compatible with Rayse, would he pick up that shard had he visited Scadrial and shattered him? All the shards we have seen that he has shattered seem rather different in intent than him- Honor, Cultivation, Love, Dominion. But Ruin seems more in line with Odium. Rayse has ruined the days of quite a few people.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Technically, Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation. Ruin's 'theme' so to speak is that all things must age and pass. An embodiment of entropy. That power, separated from the whole and being held by a person who did not have the willpower to resist its transformation of him, led to something very dangerous. But it was not evil. None of the sixteen technically are, though you may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse. Whether you think of Odium as evil depends upon how much you agree with Hoid's particular view.

    That said, Ruin would have been one of the 'safer' of the sixteen for Rayse to take, if he'd been about that. Odium is by its nature selfish, however, and the combination of it and Rayse makes for an entity that fears an additional power would destroy it and make it into something else.

    General Reddit 2013 (March 14, 2013)

    Also no shard is technically evil. Is Ruin negative? Depending how you view it - Ruin is all about increasing entropy - so it can be called positive force as it actions always leads to increase of entropy.

  7. 12 hours ago, Kuldak said:

    am willing to bet, based on percent of population, that more people have risen from the lowest classes to the high classes in the last 300 years on Scadrial than on Roshar. As in they themselves moved up, not their family through generations of work.

    Wayne did

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    They know where it is, and stone can guide them.

    They don't know where it is - Ocean current can drift it hundreds of kilometers away until it hits the bottom, kilometers Inter water. It's still in aluminum, so the stone can have troubles in guiding them - and we don't know if Stonewards have exactly the same manifestation of surge like Venli. Most likely not, as Venli is a Listener. 

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    If Laral gave him one why would he look for others.

    ... He asked before Latał showed up.

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    And the basin all belongs to the Basin's government, there is no difference.

    You can't be serious? It don't, there is whole senate, laws and constitution restricting What they can do. Government doesn't possess the entire ground or cities within the Basin, they can't force their own mayor to rule a city. This is not a feudalistic Monarchy like on Roshar. 

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    "You're poor that automatically makes you a criminal"

    Soryy, I was unfamiliar with the word and it translated as a "rascal/thief" - Wayne went from being among the poorest to the richest and help many other like inventors to climb.

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    And the fact that Roshon was givent he strictest demotion we have ever heard of is completely ignored.

    Dude killed 2 people and what he get was remote domain to rule over, girl to marry and house and money. Great punishment. 

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    If they actually valued anything that Scadrial had to offer the fused would have popular support.

    And they do, among Singers.

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    My proposal doesn't require everyone on Roshar to know how to do it, just a small handful.

    And how would they know that, considering the fact that on Scadrial only elite group of loyal soldier trained by Death himself would know how to do Hemalurgy?

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    1. On Scadrial you have to go to the school, it doesn't come to you.

    2. Willingness has nothing to do with it, you have a right to learn, the ardents are required to teach you. And teachers knowledge is just as much or a restriction on Scadrial.

    3. It is provided by the government, who do you think is taking care of the ardents.

    On Scadrial you have to go, on Roshar you can go - difference.

    On Scadrial teachers have to know stuff required by the government to met programs of education created by government.

    Religion figures? Teachings of Arden's are limited to what their holy superiors agree to teach.

    But I admitt, I'm not much familiar with what poor people are teach on Roshar. Quotes?

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Scadrial will not be unified by Era 3, Roshar very well might be by the end of SA 10 which will happen first.

    Roshar is in active war fueled by hatred with many fractions and even with distrust among the same fraction. Scadrial has tension, yes, and won't unify with north and south. But we're not talking about SA10 but SA 5.

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    And before that the common people could not afford to have their picture taken.

    Kind of - photography was invented in 1839.

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    ... Brandon literally said that it contains spoilers for Taln and Jasnah during book 6 and 7.

      Reveal hidden contents


    By the way, the chapters from Way of Kings Prime were pretty interesting when I read them in the [Altered Perceptions] anthology. I assume the rest of the book at the moment is still pretty spoilery... about where in The Stormlight Archive series would you consider it 'caught up' enough to do something with the rest of WoK'?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Unfortunately, one of the ways I made the series work was by splitting the character into two groupings, and doing half in the first five and half in the second. This means that WoK Prime doesn't spoil anything for Dalinar/Kaladin/Shallan. But it has huge spoilers for books six and seven, with Jasnah and Taln. So it will be a while.




    Meaning that Taln is alive at that time.

    Not sure what better evidence you want.

    But it's still not a canon. 

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Considering we know next to nothing about the bands of mourning, but we know that pressure can be manipulated by the surge of Adhesion, I think you have it the other way around.

    The band can be easily fill again. You just need like 32 people.

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Considering that 100% of Scadrial improved in 300 years, because it's literally impossible to get worse without extinction, you would be right.

    But considering that in the past 8 years Roshar went from: officers can afford spanreeds, and heating fabrials are invented. To: common soldiers can afford to send messages, teleportation, powered flight, common heating fabrials, water attractors, alerter fabrials, half-shards, force redirection, pumps etc.

    And Scadrial was only able to go from from: pictures and trains. To: Radio, short range missiles, and video. With Autonomy's direct intervention,

    I think it's safe to say Roshar is progressing quicker.

    And how many of that things are in possession of the remote villagers? 2 spanreeds. And that's all. 

    11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Being able to steal the Nahelbond, something almost No Scadrian even knows exists, and is part of Connection which even fewer of them understand, is just as unlikely.

    Considering that the Hemalurgic metals are literally made to steal any kind of connection and it is already all known, I would say it's easy. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Heretic333 said:

    I didn't read anywhere where any shards agreed to settle the same system. Perhaps the vessel of Ruin wished to have a counteracting shard to keep him in check, and perhaps the vessel of Preservation agreed.. but none of the above is written and is therefore speculation..

    The reality is that shards override one another.. but there is no shard that stands above the rest. 

    The same obvious law should apply to vessels holding multiple shards... hence Discord becoming worse...eventually.. and the need to impede or restart the balance. 





    It’s really heavily implied in the first Oathbringer letter that the Shards made a pact not to settle near each other. Given that a full half of the Shards ended up doing that, what is the cost for them breaking that oath? You implied earlier that there’s always a cost for Hoid, for taking his protections.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The wording of those things allows them to agree together, but it also gives them a little bit of power over one another, and you’ve seen the side effects of that on the planets where it’s happened. It has not gone well for any of them, if you kind of run the numbers on that. But the wording of it allows two, later on, to say, "Okay, we both agree." (If one said no and one said yes, then they were in trouble.) This should imply to you that Odium did get permission, as well.





    Shards don't override one another, they are equal to each other. Power of the Shards don't disappear or get destroyed, power can't be destroy.

    Also the balance is not needed. Discord might seam worst for us, readers, but for a shard it will be more stable than Harmony. No need for change as Discord already assumes that there is no balance. Sazed can be only balance or no balance. Unless he splinters himself. Sazed is perfect for holding both shards as he his ruinous and preserving 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Heretic333 said:

    What happens when something is unbalanced in life? and it receives no further counteracting force?

    The unbalance continues. and continues. Thats why I think Sazed will give up both shards to perhaps restart the process somehow. 

    Many shards can easily splinter the other, if they are held by the same vessel.. what law of the Cosmere have you observed which protects one shard over another at large, let alone in the same vessel?

    Or it finds new stable state. Two stars with different masses orbit each other in not spherical ans imperfect orbits, but they are stable an will remain in that shape untill stars change, die or get pulled by outside force.


    There is a deal the Vessels made that force them not to settle in the same system. Most splinter Shards violated that deal and that exploded them - like Dominion and Devotion. Ruin and Preservation agreed to settle and create together and therefore they did not violated that deal. 

    Easily is not the right word. Shards are equal. Ambition and Honor might be splinteres with involvement of multiple shards.

  10. 3 hours ago, nyxvoid said:

    what about thunderclasts. they are huge and . huge. and there are lot of thunderclasts. that  we have yet to see.

    You mean the huge monsters being scared of a Radient? They cool and scary, but not that powerful tbf. 

    9 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    The less crazy ones. The others just stare at walls.

    Taln is in the same state and he still was able to catch the dart with impossible speed.  Even the craziest Fused would most likely still be able to fight - muscle memory 

    7 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

    I truly hope the last 30 hours of oathbringer are just an unfortunately dull point in the story.  Kind of feels like Brandon perhaps wanted this epic thriller mashing up all the good stuff from his other stories but has 100% missed on any jaw dropping moments. 

    Spoilers aside, when a certain returned met an unfortunate end my jaw hit the floor.  That was so out of left field and highlighted beautifully just how mortal they were.  

    I haven't had any of that yet in stormlight.  The most significant death so far was Sadeas

    The Oathbringer starts slowly, but in the second half it's full of great moments, even the most jaw droping, and emotional moment from SA for me is from OB. And if you like Vasher you will get more of Awakening in OB. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Heretic333 said:

    Forgive me, but this proves my point. Why go from Harmony to Discord? 

    You said slightly more Ruin than Preservation?  What does this mean? When does this end?

    When does the counteracting force of the shard of Preservation hold the line? 

    Why didn't it hold it at Harmony?

    Therefore why should it stop unbalancing? 

    Because it wont be held at Discord. Its going to steadily decrease until Sazed gives both shards to someone else to start the cycle over again. (my theory at least)

    Discord is already unbalanced form for these Shards. Where else can it go from being unbalanced? Preservation is not getting weaker, it's constantly the same, Ruin is also the same. They are not gaining or losing power at this moment. Ruin is stronger just because Preservation gave more of himself to humanity during Scadrial creation. 

    With two shards combined they can only be in harmony or with one of them dominating the other. 

    But now Harmony is not in harmony, Sazed works more on preserving people without providing equal amount of ruining. 

    Unless Sazed gave up one of his shards, I doubt it will end up in total Ruin.

  12. 7 minutes ago, StanLemon said:

    There is definitely power creep, but even more importantly for me the Fused ended up being...disappointing. They are supposed to be these ancient immortals who have honed their Surge and are meant to be a real threat to the Radiants, yet what we've gotten are enemies with a singe gimmick use of their Surges who despite their age aren't monsters at fighting despite literal millenia of fighting. 

    I agree, the Heralds are shown to be masters at fighting, beyond any human capability, and yet Fused seems to be too normal, despite having the same time to master their skills as Heralds. They are a threat, but they are lacking as a fearful enemy.

  13. 39 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Fused souls wear out after each rebirth

    But the crazy one are still fighting.

    12 minutes ago, Letryx13 said:

    There's a reason why the Radiants never lost a Desolation before.

    And there is a reason why before Aharietiam people go back to primitive copper and bronze.

  14. All of god metals are connected to a specific Shard. They are named after its vessel. Bavadium - Bavadin vessel of Autonomy, Raysium - Rayse - vessel of Odium, Atium - Ati vessel of Ruin, Lerasium - Leras vessel of Preservation. The patter is right here. We know the names of all of them. 

    And we don't really have much information about any other god metal and its attributes.

    Trellium repulsion can be easily connected to Autonomy and its desire for well autonomy.

    Raysium conducts investiture the same way humans/parsh "conducts" emotions. It fuels fabrials like Odium is fueling emotions.

    Harmonium is stable but explosive the moment it gets pushed a little - like Harmony himself stable for now with Discord looming closer.

    Lerasium preserves connections of its alloy partner, and tie it within spiritual web of a person using it.



    What's the incentive of alloying lerasium and becoming a misting when you could just burn it normal and be a Mistborn?


    My guess is that you'd presumably you'd use less of it? Also, arguably, not every way of using a magic is going to be the most optimal way.

    It's probably just a way that lerasium can work. If you alloy it or somehow mix it with things from other systems, it's quite possible you'd end up getting those magics instead, because it'd Connect you more strongly to a different Shard.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The replies to this are correct.

    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 12, 2018)

    Honor/Cultivation metals are glowing (Shardblades are glowing sooo maybe).


    The pattern proposed by me is a stretch, I admitt. But that's all we know. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Any Heavenly one Windrunner, or Skybreaker that knew where it was could get it out.

    Still disagree on this one, you already tried and you won't convinced me. Ocean is just to insanely vast to found small box in it - we can't find a plane in it, with all the modern tech.

    2 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Is Laral the only one who has one? Or just the only one we see?

    Form OB chapters it looks like that - only Laral provides Spanreeds but Kal mention Ardent might have one.

    3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    The nobles title, and rank is tied to the population of their city, if enough people leave they could be removed from their position. And there are severl cities without lords.

    And if enough people gather in a city without lord, that city will be the new lord's property, because it ALL belongs to the Archprince and King.

    3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    More likely than an urchin becoming govenor on Scadrial.

    Yeah, that's a good thing, we don't want criminals to rule the country. Criminals that were elected to rule just becasue they didn't die are not the best candidats for rulers.

    3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Don't know were you live, or what rights your government claims to care about, but I garuntee you that they violate those regularly. In the US we have a right protecting us from unwarranted searches and seizure, but that doesn't stop the government from recording our activities. We also have protection against cruel or unusual punishment, but look up "Enhanced Interrogation techniques" sometime. Or MK Ultra for that matter.

    Scadrian governments will be no better.

    Scadrial government already proved it's value, when people arested arrested corrupt together with police. Because there were laws agains corruptions, that could be executed. Roshar doesn't have much of those.

    3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Great, where is your electricity coming from? Where is your food coming from, and how are you protecting your factory from ceaseless raids?

    Plant oil, local farming and animals, guardposts and people wills to stay on invaders side as they provide more than Roshar.

    3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    There are just as many hemalurgic bindpoints, so if Scadrial know how to do Hemalurgy, he knows how to do this.

    Again, scenario provided to us by @SwordNimiForPresident doesn't require whole population of Scadrial to know Hemalurgy, but just 1000 people. That's not all Scadrial. Not to mention not every bindspot is filled with spike. We were also clearly showed in TLM and Era 1 that few spikes are not enough even for a Shard to mind control someone. Talk to him yes, not mind control. Now hemalurgy is even more restricted. So no, Dalinar doesn't know how to do it. He might heard the name Hemalurgy, and it's about Ruin and powers, but not that with connection he can break them.

    3 minutes ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    You go to the ardents and they will teach you any trade you desire.

    Only if your local villige Ardent have that knowledge. And you're proving my point - on Roshar YOU have to find a teacher willing and knowledgeable enough to teach you, it is not provided to you by government. Thank you.

  16. 3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    How's his plot spoiled by WoK Prime if he's dead?

    Is that canon? I didn't read it but I heard that Kaladin take Sharblade...

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    If he takes over them and the Scadrian army is closer they will attack them. And you know he isn't coming back because...

    From all places they could hide him, bottom of the ocean inside aluminum box is as good as inaccessible.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Fabrials are common enough that most families have a heating fabrial, and even enlisted army men can afford to send messages via spanreed. Spanreeds are easily an equivalent of late stage telegrams as they stand right now. And not only that but they're getting cheaper, the have breeding programs making larger gemhearts(RoW 745), and fabrial techniques are spreading.

    Most RICH families. Spanreeds are still not common among poor people. - from all of the people in Heartstone, only Laral has spanreeds, because she is noble and can afford it, rest can't.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    The Azish have an established right to protest for a month where they can make known any grievance, and the government can't interfere. People of fourth nahn or higher can leave their city which decreases the rights and powers of their former citylord. They have a lot of influence.

    Aizsh are quit good on bureaucratic level, to the extreme.

    Leaving the city is very bad example, as everyone that is not a slave always could do it and relocate, no matter medieval or ancient times. That's not really the right. Very influential to leave the city ruled by noble to another city ruled by noble - nowhere you have any saying about what to do.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    And that's not to mention, that on Roshar, anyone, be they a king, or an urchin beggar, can overnight be thrust into the highest and most powerful groups in society.

    Considering Roshar's population, compared to spren's - that is extremely rare to occur.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    They have the right of inquest.

    And how it helped Moash grandparents? How their killers were punished? Was justice served or they were allowed to cause more harm and devastate another family? Great example.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    That food has to cross multiple planets to get there, and then you have to not only have enough to feed your army, but also a significant portion of the population?

    Or, hear me out, they can build a factory ON Roshar and provide Roshar not only with canned food, but with new workplace.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Vin discovered it on accident.

    By using emotional allomancy. And didn't she earlier experimented this on OreSoon? Dalinar can use connection on 1000 different ways, so intent will be pretty important or he just might connect to them and learn their language or vision of the past and gain nothing useful.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Vorin rights of inquest, travel, learning, etc.

    So were schools for countryside kids in Vorin culture even mentioned? I don't remember tbf.

    3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    When I said these discussions can go for 73 pages I wasn't kidding.


  17. I will say, you nailed it - that's how Radiants look like judging from discussions on this forum. But that's what we do here - we're discussing the ultimate limits, thinking of masters of their surges, we cross the line between believable and possible, we explore the theoretical possibilities to extreme. All of that is just for fun, and frustration when we disagree all the times.

    But that what is happening on this forum not in the books. I really encourage you to finished SA, as this will erase your doubts. The heroes struggles with themselves and their enemies, they have limits and weaknesses. They are decades away from being masters, but separated only by thin red line and collapsing from their trauma and depression. Their actions are determined by what's moral and right to do, and align with their Oaths. And all skills and proficiency with surges are lost when they die.

    On the other hand they are fighting enemy that is immortal, and can't be killed. Every Fused that they kill will come back and they will have to fight with them again. How to you fight with forces that ignore death? They had 7000 years to master their skills and surges, Radients have at best few months. There is hundreds of them, and still more is coming, Radiants at best 100. And Fused are surrounded by thousands of Regals, that can summon lightning and can also use other powerful abilities. 

    When Radient dies, the one that takes his place has to start from beginning, all the training, all the learning, everything has to be acquired again. When Fused dies, he just comes back during next Everstorm.

    And Fused have a living god standing behind them and guiding them, all Radiants have is shattered memony of one.


    And draining out light is a more and more common, you've seen it before, larkin that Nale used on Lift. But there are other ways to do it. 

  18. 14 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Actually, it doesn't matter. The earth isn't exercising any stronger pull on the moon, just one continuous pull of the same strength. Ergo, Vin doesn't need anything stronger than a simple pull on the gate 

    Actually Moon is moving away from Earth at the rate of  3.8 centimeters (1.5 inches) per year, so the Earth's pull on the Moon is weakening as the distance is increasing F=(GMm)/D^2. Also orbit of the Moon is not perfectly spherical, and its distance from Earth oscillate from 362,600 km to 405,400 km, which generate different gravitational pulls on the Moon. Ergo you are wrong.

  19. 11 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

    Then why is it that as soon as Nergaoul is bound Amarams army is released?

    Thrill only provided necessary mind set for soldiers, like Parshendi that sings specific rhythms to attract and bond sperns for acquiring new forms. This allowed voidsprens (the army of sprens in CR seen by Kaladin and Venli) to bond with humans. Even one Fused asked Odium confused how he've learnt to bond with humans, to which Odium answered that it was always possible.

    When Thrill was captured, humans could no longer maintain bonds as their mind set changed back to normal.


    Seems like everybody can burn proper alloy of Lerasium to become misting



    I was also wondering if... I just finished reading the Ars Arcanum in the back of Bands of Mourning and I heard it mention that god metals could be alloyed to give different abilities or traits.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Could you give an example of one?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, you could alloy lerasium with certain metals of the sixteen in the table and get, if you had just enough lerasium, it would make them a misting of those powers.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing (Feb. 20, 2016)

    And here is how you gain tie to Honor/Cultivation and ability to start burning Shardblades - alloying it with Lerasium



    What's the incentive of alloying lerasium and becoming a misting when you could just burn it normal and be a Mistborn?


    My guess is that you'd presumably you'd use less of it? Also, arguably, not every way of using a magic is going to be the most optimal way.

    It's probably just a way that lerasium can work. If you alloy it or somehow mix it with things from other systems, it's quite possible you'd end up getting those magics instead, because it'd Connect you more strongly to a different Shard.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The replies to this are correct.

    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 12, 2018)


  21. Harmony is two shards for now, and no matter what they are, one shard can't destroy the other while being held by one vessel. Harmony can be splintered back to Ruin and Preservation, but Ruin can't destroy Preservation while held by Harmony/Discord together. Harmony is becoming Discord not because Preservation is decaying away, but because there was always slightly more Ruin than Preservation. It will never end up with pure Ruin, as long as those two are together, there will always be Preservation.

    Cultivation is about growth/change, not necessarily good, it can be bad as well. Cultivation is better opposition to Preservation than Ruin in my opinion. Both Cultivation and Ruin are about change, and would be better match together than with Preservation.

    Ruin again is not necessarily pure negative thing - sometimes you need to destroy old house to build new and better one. So with right combination, Ruin can be positive. 

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