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Posts posted by alder24

  1. Cultivation is about growth and change - Aon Shao (Transform, Change). I think unity could be the opposite to Autonomy. Honor is also strongly about keeping oaths - Aon Sea (Chastity, Faithfulness)? Preservation - Dao (Stability, Security)?

    This is an interesting connection. We don't know all Aons yet, but Aons make a writing system, so there is an Aon for every word, and every Shard. 

  2. Don't forget Sazed was the only full Feruchemist that survived Era 1, and he was eunuch and ascended. There was no other full Feruchemist that could pass his genes further. And most Terris men were also eunuchs (do we know if Sazed restored them?). In fact Sazed didn't have to do anything to suppress Feruchemy, it already was suppressed.

    Medallions were introduced in Southern Scadrial by Kelsier, who Sazed didn't want to return. So I don't think Sazed wanted or helped to develop them.

    I think Sazed simply did nothing special. Feruchemy was already very diluted, without any living Ferring or Feruchemist, there was only one Mistborn alive and few Mistings, so Allomancy was weakened too. I'm only surprised that as far as we know, none of Spook's descendants was a Mistborn, because with genes that strong it should have happened within those 300 years, so maybe this is the only moment Sazed suppressed it. Maybe he made him a Mistborn without changing his original Misting genes, and these Misting genes were later passed on, if that’s even possible.

  3. The Valley is most likely the most fertile land on Roshar, a thick jungle full of plantlife. Its growth was probably cultivated by Lifelight. So either it won't do anything as it's a Lifelight that can't be used by Radiants. Or the Valley would cultivate Radiants in a similar way the Valley was. Making their surges more powerful could be that form of cultivation. It might extend surge's reach, make learning progress easier and more intuitive  It can also look the same as Urithiru effects.

  4. 14 hours ago, HSuperLee said:

    Doesn't Mraize say he's found a way to get it off-world in RoW?

    Yes, Mraize said they know its a Connection issue and that they have a solution for it, yet it will be very hard to implement. - ch 13 

    At the end of RoW Ghostbloods still didn't do it, but they have around 10 years between RoW and TLM to do it. Knowing their interest in BAM it's likely that they want to use her in some way, because she is able to manipulate Connection.

  5. 10 minutes ago, SteelBagel said:

    I thought you got a spren as part of your second or first oath, not third? Source on squires not usually graduating to their own spren until the third ideal?

    A Radiant becomes a knight after swearing 3rd Ideal, like Kaladin, which allows him to have squires. Squires attract sprens when they are on 1 and 2 Ideal but up until they swore 3rd Ideal they are still a squire. So while they do form bonds with sprens before 3rd Ideal, they can't swear it without a spren. Szeth became a squire of Ki after swearing 2nd Ideal but he already attracted a spren. He went alone with Nale to Thaylen, so I think his spren already gave him surges, but he was still technically a squire. From coppermind about Windrunner's  squires:  "The modern Windrunners consider those of the Second Ideal to be more than a squire, but not a full Windrunner." - RoW ch 12

  6. 11 minutes ago, AquaRegia said:

    It strikes me that ultimately, the Ghostbloods are really just an extension of Kelsier.

    Is it possible that access to Stormlight will somehow help him solve his own personal problems?

    I don't think so, but if they found a method to move Stormlight out of Roshar, they can use the same method to disconnect Kelsier from Scadrial allowing him to freely move around Cosmere. This is one of few problems Kelsier has right now. 

    Stormlight won't help him keep his mind sane, nor will it give him back Allomancy. But even if he can't use it to fuel his invested arts, there are many others in Ghostbloods that can. And Stormlight is far easier and safer to get than Dor.


    @Frustration you are on fire lastly with all those theories and connections! They are so simple yet so logical it makes me wonder how could I miss it.

    Edit: Kelsier's main goal on Scadrial is to popularize metal arts, so everyone could have it. And if they also would have easy access to Dor or Stormlight to fuel it, Scadrial would suddenly become a very powerful faction in the Cosmere. Then they could easily defend themself and also project power across other systems.

  7. So, there is this WoB



    Has Nohadon been a Dawnshard in the past? (my guess is maybe he has and now it’s stored inside The Way of Kings, or jumped to Dalinar from there, would explain the Nohadon dream and the warmth he feels and Unite Them)

    Bonus second question: is the ardent Pai actually the Herald Paliah? Other than the name similarity, the other ardent remarks on the name being weird, she’s obsessed with showing the world “The Truth” about Aesudan, and the Taravangian interlude in that same block swears by Pali’s mind, which seems a bit suspicious as it’s an uncommon curse.


    Good question on Nohadon, and a RAFO to boot. :)

    Actually, both questions are RAFOs. If you ever meet me in person, be sure to demand a card!

    General Reddit 2020 (Nov. 8, 2020)

    And this one is suspicious


    Lerasium Mistborn

    Dalinar had two non-Stormfather visions. First at the end of Words of Radiance, and second with Nohadon in Oathbringer. I'm curious if these two are related or they come from different sources?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, by even answering that, this is one of those questions I tend to RAFO because by answering it I'm implying that your postulations are correct, which I am not even willing to do. It's more of a RAFO in that... let's just say I'm not even willing to confirm the postulations.

    Skype Q&A (Oct. 8, 2018)

    And this one:



    While reading Dawnshard I remembered something...Dalinar's odd dreams about warm golden light that is very similar to what Rysn experienced.

    Is there any connections? Maybe Dalinar is connected to another Dawnshard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I will RAFO this, but it's a worthy line of conjecture.

    Dawnshard Annotations Reddit Q&A (Nov. 11, 2020)


    I think Nohadon was a Dawnshard and a Bondsmith, but put his Dawnshard in a vision, like Change Dawnshard was put in the mural. Dalinar was able to enter that vision, because of the connection between him and Nohadon, and felt it in a similar way that Rysn was feeling when she was looking at a Dawnshard. It seemed familiar to him, he knows it very well, yet he didn't pick up this Dawnshard yet. The description of Dalinar's last vision in WoR was too similar to the Dawnshard's description Rysn made. This Dawnshard is still locked in the vision. Nohodon is most likely still alive, due to Torment, but doesn't hold a Dawnshard anymore. Nohadon doesn't seem like a guy who would keep the Dawnshard to himself forever, he might pick it up at some point because duty compelled him to it, but once it wasn't needed anymore, I think he would give it up. He was a honorable man.

    However I never thought about "the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal" the way you did. I always thought that Dawnshards can either be picked up by anyone, or they can be used against anyone. I like your interpretation far better.

  8. That's a great idea. It'll be fun to read.

    12 hours ago, Tglassy said:

    1.  Snapping.  How does it work in Era 2?  I know the Mist snaps you, but at what age?  And what are the side effects?  I assume it's similar to what it did in Era 1, just more gentle.  And does your Feruchemy also Snap at the same time, or is that something seperate?  

    There isn't much about it. Probably with some age people just get powers, most likely young age, like Wax was before he went to the village. Maybe it's happening in the mists.

    12 hours ago, Tglassy said:

    2.  Bulletproof.  First, assume that he can compound his Allomantic Pewter strength so can grow strong without increasing his muscle size.  How strong would human muscle need to be to block a bullet?  I know this isn't possible no matter how strong it is for a normal person, and I know that Pewterminds store Strength, not Durability, but my thought process is that if a person were strong enough to lift a train car, then hitting them with a hammer while hulked out isn't going to do much.  The muscle would be strong enough to resist being torn or moved.  LIkewise, at some point the muscle fibers should be strong enough to stop a bullet, right?  I imagine he would blow through the vast majority of his stored strength doing so, as he wouldn't have access to infinite strength at the moment, just be able to completely fill extremely large metalminds, but it should be possible, shouldn't it?  

    It won't work. F-pewter gives strength by increasing muscle mass, but those muscles grow on your body, you become bigger, so the density of the muscles doesn't change. A-pewter just gives magical strength so it doesn't increase your body characteristics, it doesn't stop bullets or coins, it makes you able to withstand damage cause by them. Density of the muscles is around 1.06 kg/L, and the density of the water is exactly1 kg/L. Human body is 60%, muscles are around 75% water, so it makes sense that those tissues have similar density. You can't make muscles bulletproof. Even just bigger muscles won't stop a bullet, in Mythbusters they had 14in (35cm) muscle that didn't stop a bullet.

    12 hours ago, Tglassy said:

    3.  Family.  I'd assume in a setting like Elendel, having a known Allomancer marry a known Feruchemist and have a number of children would be, like, news, even if they aren't nobility.  In fact I'd imagine it would be encouraged.  But we don't really get that from the books.  Wax' Uncle seemed intent on ignoring the fact that Wax was part Terris.  Like there is some discrimination between them.  And most Terris seem to stick to themselves, away from everyone else, though obviously not all.  How would Elendel society treat them?

    I think as a ferrings they would be welcomed in Terris as long as they don't use allomancy/use it to fight. Ferrings are just too rare to ignore them. Marrying an allomancer might worsen their relations however. But their kids would still be welcomed in the village, like Wax was, in hope that they would choose to stay there. I don't think that it would be a big news, judging that Wax's grandma may have done it. Elendel society would just ignore it. They are not noble afterall. Twinborn happens in Elendel, ferrings and mistings too, it isn't big news until you are involved in politics. Only Wax's grandma knew who was the steelrunner in the city, and that was the only one, and it wasn't big news in Elendel.

    But as said before, that's a lot of powers, and twinborns for a single family. They are rare.

    12 hours ago, Tglassy said:

    4. Resonence.  What resonence would twin pewter have?  I know these are subtle, but supposedly every time someone combines the powers, there's a resonence of some kind.  

    I like the idea proposed by @Werewolff Studios

  9. 3 minutes ago, offer said:

    What are you basing this on? Odium was able to talk to Dalinar in the vision without the everstorm or some connection (unless maybe you count Dalinar`s connection to the thrill). Am I missing something?

    That was because there was a strong connection between them, as Dalinar was seen as a champion. But I think that even Venli spoke to Odium only in the Everstorm, and Taravangian at the beginning as well.

  10. 30 minutes ago, agrabes said:

    I really like this approach to who this being might be. That said, I think there's a possibility you may be missing here.  I think that Gavilar was being approached by more than one entity - one of which was the Stormfather (who sends the visions, etc) the other was something unknown.  Sometimes, the Stormfather behaved like normal and others he didn't.  I don't know that the Stormfather would know when or if another being is getting into Gavilar's head.  Do we know of anything that would preclude two voices in Gavilar's head, both claiming to be the Stormfather? It would require a few things as I see it:

    1) Real Stormfather can't detect others' influences in Gavilar

    2) "Stormfaker" can detect the Real Stormfather's conversations with Gavilar and insert its own snippets to lead him astray

    Both of these things seem like they would be possible and it gives me a strong Ruin/Preservation vibe.

    The only very visible "not like Stormfather" moment for me was when he told Gavilar that he will be a "... Herald". They had very consistent conversation through the whole chapter, and even this herald moment was not out of place. While he sometimes behaves weirdly, he still is consistent relative to previous conversation. If there is some Stormfaker, then you are right, he would have to hear what the Stormfather and Gavilar are talking about, to make conversation not out of place. Stormfather might not notice this intrusion, but Stormfather saw Lift as soon as Dalinar saw her in his visions, so if Stormfaker was talking to Gavilar during visions, Stormfather should be able to detect that as well. Therefore Stormfaker can't talk to Gavilar in his visions at all to avoid detection.

    37 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    The only person who could do all of that would be Cultivation I belive.

    I think Odium might also be a likely candidate, as Gavilar traveled to Braize for Voidlight, and might acquire some kind of connection to him. But this is a shard level power.

  11. So there is this huge and beautiful WoB relevant here:



    Let's say we have a hypothetical situation with Miles Hundredlives. In this scenario, he is wearing a gold metalmind filled to the brim with stored healing power. He is then spiked with a cadmium spike and loses his gold allomancy.

    Now, if I recall from various WoBs, he would be able to heal using the gold metalmind and regain his gold allomancy. I could be misremembering and he cannot heal it, but I believe he would be able to since it is part of his Identity.

    However, one question I have never seen the answer to is this: what happens to the ability in the spike? Is the allomantic ability still contained in the spike, leading to a duplicate? Or is the spike's ability lost? Or maybe I have this whole thing wrong and Miles could never have regained the ability in the first place.

    If the ability duplicates (which I doubt), that could lead to some crazy things. Also, this applies to any Twinborn with gold Feruchemy, I just thought Miles was a good example I guess :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'd like to see the exact WoB's here to make sure I'm being consistent, as I don't know that I confirmed you could regain lost powers--only that you could heal from hemalurgic soul damage. Most likely, what you'd end up with is a person who has been healed and can remove the spike from their body without damage, and without needing it to hold their soul together--but who has lost the ability in the spike.

    Regardless, though, what you want here (the mass production of spikes charged and even blanked) is possible with the right levels of investiture. It's an energy, like things in our world. The difficulty is finding out how to 1) get enough investiture and 2) key it to the right people and/or magic.

    Hope that's a little more clear.

    That said, a lot of times people just ask me if something is possible--and a lot of things are possible, but just very difficult. And with the right boost of investiture, in the right circumstances, it WOULD be possible to regrow lost (to spikes) powers. It's just highly unlikely.

    I'm not sure if the questions people are asking me are ones I've qualified, or not, in these instances. Also, this is all something I'm playing with still behind the scenes as we enter the modern age of Mistborn.


    As requested, here are the WoBs I believe are related. They might be obsolete, however. And I assume things will get changed a lot before Era 4, but hey, it's fun to ask anyways :)

    WoB #1:


    This one states that as long as Miles still has his Identity, he would be able to use his Feruchemical metalminds after being spiked and would be able to heal.

    WoB #2:


    This one says that Miles would be able to heal his soul using Feruchemical healing and regain his gold Allomancy (assuming he survives the spiking). I think this is the most essential one!

    WoB #3:


    This one is only somewhat related - implies that the Feruchemical and Allomantic powers are spiritually part of him.

    WoB #4:


    Also tangentially related - damage to the soul from Hemalurgy can be healed (Although this might just be a Hoid thing). I guess the question could be expanded to include non-Feruchemical healing as a way to repair the soul after being spiked.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, I don't think any of those are specifically inaccurate. I just didn't quite understand what people were trying to get out of me. A lot of times, I don't know quite what people are trying to get out of me. I can see now they're trying to figure out.

    I see now, and I appreciate you putting this all together for me so I can see what the fans are trying to figure out. So the answer is a cautious yes. The problem here is that he'd need to compound a TON of healing first--but yes, it would work. You could theoretically turn someone like Miles into an invested spike factory.

    If he didn't have enough healing stored, though, he'd end up with a healed soul but a gap (like a scar on his soul) where his spiked-out abilities were. That could theoretically be healed with application of more investiture, depending on things like how he views himself, and if you could get the right type of investiture.

    General Reddit 2020 (Nov. 6, 2020)

    So by this you could spike a Bloodmaker, and if he's somehow still alive, give him that spike (it would most likely be placed in a different place than where he was first spiked, so it's a different piece of soul), and if he has enough health stored, he would be able to heal back his soul, restoring his feruchemy, then you can take that spike and give it to someone else. It would work far better with someone like Miles, as after spiking out his feruchemy, he can still compound his full goldminds and heal it back.

    But you brought up an interesting topic. The spike contains a piece of someone else's soul, identity and connection. However that piece of soul is disconnected from the rest of it, so unlike how it is in SA


    When a spren soul fills gaps in Radiant's soul, however spren is fully there. Their souls are kind of merged together, always very close to each other. And there is a very strong connection between them, Nahel Bond. 

    Here you have a disconnected piece of soul that is forced into your soul. There will be some weak connection between that piece of soul and its original host, it has the same identity, but because it's disconnected I doubt there would be any effect. At the very least it might be possible for the original soul donor to have some sort of weak life sense, just enabling him to detect proximity to his stolen piece of soul. But I don't think it would work both ways.

  12. It depends on what you already know about era 2 and certain stuff, and I can't really ask you about it because the question itself is a spoiler. The best experience of SH is after reading BoM, so I agree with @Frustration. But SH is mostly about events in the original trilogy, and it gives an interesting new perspective. So while you can read it right after finishing Hero of the Ages, it's better to read it after Bands of Mourning.

  13. 1 minute ago, IlstrawberrySeed said:

    Why wouldn't it require large amounts of stormlight?

    Radiation poses danger because of long term effects - it breaks the DNA chain, which prevents cells from copying and healing themselves. Your body slowly loses cells that it can't replace anymore. Radiation also breaks the bonds between molecules, atoms and electrons. Radiation doesn't kill instantly. Death is usually caused by infection, as Radiation kills immune cells. All Stormlight needs to do is to heal those bonds between atoms. That's it. This is microscopic damage. And if it's healed immediately after being damaged, there are no long term effects to heal.

  14. 8 minutes ago, SPECTRE120 said:

    How would lashings work in space? Because there is no resistance, could this be used to reach near-light speeds?

    Yes, in the atmosphere there is terminal velocity, and that's because of the air drag. In space there is nothing that would stop acceleration, so just like man-made objects with propulsion in space, they would just keep accelerating until reaching near-light speeds. But it would take a long time. It would also take a long time to travel between planets or stellar systems. In cosmic scale the speed of light is painfully slow, so it wouldn't be a good way of traveling between planets.

  15. Interesting, very interesting. I think it also depends on how much hemalurgic charge can be in one spike. If it's enough for all 4 powers then it's extremely useful. I would have to think about it more, but I would take some more useful powers from allomancy and feruchemy and compound them (if Harmony allows it, for now it's a no).

    Taking both physical feruchemical and allomantic powers would be a good choice. While gold compounding is op, only allomantic bendalloy is very useful form that quadrant, so I think it would be a bit of a waste. F-zinc and emotional allomancy is very useful, but rest only occasionally. Spiritual Feruchemy seems to have great potential, but only duralumin and chromium have some uses, so I would take just feruchemy from that quadrant.

  16. So they form a bond with Ryshadium? For Windrunners it seems a bit useless? We have it foreshadowed with plate and lesser sprens but with a mount there was nothing so far. No Radiant, except Dalinar, is close to Ryshadium, and they are sapient enough to choose their own rider. But, from Coppermind "They are often referred to as "the third Shard" in addition to a Shardblade and Shardplate." OB ch 10.

    However Notum in RoW was riding on some kind of majestic spren so maybe they do bond some spren, and maybe that's only in CR to allow for easier transportation? 


    And just a note, I would be very grateful if you also put the chapter number with the source so that it can be easily found in other language versions of the books.

  17. Not much tbf. She and Honor arrived first on Roshar, before Odium came



    What was the order of the Shards coming to Roshar and changing allegiances? Did humans come with Odium?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So... you're talking about on Roshar specifically? So, Odium had visited Roshar. The humans gave him more of an ear... The Dawnsingers would have considered him the god of the people who had come, but-- I mean, it wasn't like they necessarily brought him. He was capable of getting around before that. I mean, he did kinda come along with them, he was instrumental in what happened there.


    Okay, but he was separate, and after Honor and Cultivation had really settled there?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, he was after Honor and Cultivation had settled.

    Oathbringer Glasgow signing (Dec. 2, 2017)

    We know she wants Nightwatcher to develop without influence of people and learn by herself.



    So, in Oathbringer, when Dalinar goes to the Nightwatcher, we see Cultivation intervene directly. How closely does she supervise other Nightwatcher visits? ...Could the Nightwatcher give a boon that Cultivation wouldn't want her to?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, yes. "Wouldn't want her to" is a strong phrase. Like, Cultivation is always aware of what's going on. Cultivation rarely intervenes, even if she thinks it would be a bad boon, because she wants the Nightwatcher to learn. And she also is very interested in seeing what happens. So, rarely intervenes, but is aware.


    Would she intervene if she thought the boon would help Odium?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not necessarily.

    JordanCon 2018 (April 21, 2018)

    She was romantically involved with Tanavast


    StormAtlas (paraphrased)

    Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


    Rithmatist Albuquerque signing (May 22, 2013)  

    She helped Honor with fight against Odium



    If Cultivation and Honor were romantically involved, why did Cultivation not help Honor against Odium?

    Brandon Sanderson

    She did.

    Idaho Falls Signing (Nov. 28, 2015)

    And was close enough to learn from Odium how to splinter Shards



    Was Cultivation close enough to when Odium got  Honor, to know how to fight back?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Heheheheh. I would say yes.


    And Cultivation, is she--

    Brandon Sanderson

    She is still there.


    Alive and kicking. Okay, you've said that before--

    Brandon Sanderson

    She is alive and kicking.


    And she can probably know how to not turn her back to the--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, I mean... She has learned from the experiences of others.

    Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing (Dec. 6, 2016)

    And currently, despite what people in world think, she is still fighting against Odium



    How does Cultivation figure in this conflict between Odium?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, what people assume is that Cultivation is hiding. I would disagree with that. People in-world would assume that.

    Oathbringer London signing (Nov. 28, 2017)

    Cultivation was also briefly on planet Ashyn, and established Cultivation-based magic there



    You have talked about writing a book about Ashyn, the first planet in the Rosharan system. You said that they have a magic system based on disease, but they are currently without a Shard. Can you tell us what the source of that magic system is?

    Brandon Sanderson

    A lot of the magic systems in the cosmere, I kind of in my head differentiate kind of the primary worlds and the secondary worlds. And even on the secondary worlds, there is magic. And any place that a Shard has been in presence is gonna leave behind an aftereffect, but it's not always that. I would call most of the magic on Ashyn Cultivation-based, most likely. And Cultivation's in the system, but has only briefly been to that planet. But it doesn't mean that... basically, it's kind of the level of Investiture. If you go to Scadrial, on Scadrial, you're gonna have a high percentage of the population, cosmereologically, that are gonna have access to one of the Hemalurgic [Metallic] arts, right? Same thing on Roshar. And indeed, the people are going to be Invested on a level that is beyond the others. This is my in-world canon reason that people just don't come down with colds very often or have tooth decay very often, and things like that. On the primary Shardworlds, we're talking about people who are just naturally, highly Invested.

    All the other worlds, though, you're still gonna have the occasional pop-up of magic, here and there. You're still gonna have effects of being in the cosmere, and things like that. Just much smaller chances. And the magic's probably going to be less likely to be planet-destroying potential, and things like that, like happened on Ashyn.

    Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021 (Nov. 23, 2021)


    That's most likely it. She came with Honor on Roshar, was involved in cultivating sprens and the planet, allowed humans from Ashyn to settle on Roshar, and later helped Honor and humanity fight with Odium. She learned how to splinter shards and is still fighting against Odium in a way, as we saw in RoW. She wants Nightwatcher to learn by herself, and made her in such a way to be un-Connected to humans and is unaffected by the way they think about her.

  18. Lesser sprens seems to have some lesser abilities related to surges. I remember Kaladin thinking that Windsprens stick things together (that was when he was slave in Tvlakv's caravan, and Syl was doing that, but it wasn't a surprise to him). But are they granting those to Radiant or they just extending the reach of Radiant by transmissing their surges? What Kaladin did was just pressure manipulation - adhesion. Windspren allowed him to precisely target it. So this tunnel Kaladin made was because of Windsprens innate abilities, or Kaladin's surges used by those Windsprens? Both possibilities seems valid to me.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    I was more thinking that the Connection is locked on to the original Radiant 's Identity, kind of like metalminds, but thinking about it now it could require both Connection and Identity manipulation to work.

    After Jezrien's death, his connection to Oathpact was fully broken, it would look the same with Radiant's connection to his Shardblade. You might be right, and identity would be also needed but reestablishing that connection is necessary as that's what granting surges.

  20. 17 minutes ago, therunner said:

    I would say that probably any sufficiently trained Windrunner could do that. They (and most orders) get access to all surges immediately, only Dustbringers and Skybreakers are confirmed to get access to Division only at higher Oaths.

    We have seen Windrunners use Adhesion early on (even prior to swearing 1st Oath), and this is 'just' more advanced application of Adhesion.
    Even in OB Kaladin created a windbreak large enough for several people to be in and move, so it was not just immediately around him.

    But it is for sure a more speculative application.

    With sufficient training they might be able to do it. But Kaladin in OB did this with the assistance of Windsprens, creating a wall of some sort that stopped Highstorm. Windspren just extended Kaladin's reach, but I don't know if Windrunner would be able to do that on some target away from him. Using the assistance of Windsprens is more intuitive for 4th Ideal Windrunner than 3rd.

  21. 13 hours ago, Frustration said:

    So I was digging around in the arcanum, looking for ways to manipulate time using surgebinding because it's mentioned in WoK prime's double eye chart. You know, as you do. When I stumbled on something completely unexpected.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Havoc (paraphrased)

    In Way of Kings, Shallan is being chased by Cryptics. She begins to summon her Shardblade, stops and then Soulcasts for the first time. We know from Words of Radiance that it's her bond to Pattern, her Shardblade that allows her to Soulcast. So my question is, if Shallan had not begun to summon her Blade, would she have been able to Soulcast?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    She would not have been able to. Good question! Wow. No one has ever asked me that before.



    Given what we now know about that scene some interesting things come into play. We know that Shallan had some powers left over from her original bond, and that summoning shardblades brings them back slightly.

    So when Radiants break their oaths their spren become something closer to Honorblades that work exclusively for them, and have to be summoned in order to grant most of their powers.

    This has interesting implications if Roshar figures out a way to remove Identity from the deadeyes, or potentially from themselves, as it would mean there are a lot more Honorblade type weapons out in the world.

    Nice one. But I think this is a connection issue. Radiant's powers are granted by connection between Knight and Spren. Shallan and Testament still have remnants of their bond and connection between them. But all deadeye’s Radiants have been dead for more than 1500 years. So this connection is now fully broken, and can’t be remade with regular Shardblade connection. It isn't a Radiant connection. But Bondsmith could be able to restore that connection copying what Shallan has. I don't thnik manipulating Identity would achieve this.

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