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Everything posted by alder24

  1. I feel offended! I love animation! I don't watch a lot of movies, so I avoid voicing my opinion on the casting, but Roshar has an Asian-like population, so the only casting I will accept is Asian actors. And I don't like 100% CGI movies, sometimes it's too visible it's CGI.
  2. Just no. Friction. Friction makes the limit. It's like a spaceship reentering the atmosphere (~7-12 km/s). The greater the speed the greater the friction, and at some point it will just burn them. And if you give them even greater speeds, like meteorites entering Earth's atmosphere (11 km/s to 72 km/s), the damage done by this to them would be even crazier - most small meteorites doesn't reach Earth's surface, they got turn into vapor by friction or explode high in the air. The fastest crewed plane flight (X-15 Flight 188) reached the speed of 2 km/s but suffered extensive damage due to heat despite heat shielding. Repair was deemed uneconomical. So no, they can't move as fast as they want.
  3. We already had that fight, Marsh vs Sazed in WoA. Sazed had only very small amounts of attributes in his rings, but he almost won if not for lack of speed. But that was in the close space. Feruchemist is able to disrupt steel/iron allomancy with weight, he can heal, he can move very very fast and strike even harder. Mistborn can't heal. Pewter makes them withstand more wounds, but a deadly wound is still deadly. Feruchemist can heal. Not to mention he can think faster and this is very handy in combat. With speed and strength that increases the muscle mass, he can dodge and withstand coins. If the fight happens in the open space, Mistborn can stay in the air. Feruchemist can still get to him, by reducing weight, increasing strength and jumping really high, but Mistborn has the advantage. Mistborn can slowly drain him out of attributes. If Mistborn have Atium, he wins. If they both starts on ground and Feruchemist has 10h of attribute, he wins, he will get to Mistborn with insane speed and kill him before he jumps in the air.
  4. Oh here we go! That chapter was a great one. I think Taravangian was thinking he will be able to reason with people and convince dumb people commit suicide, and nobody would blame Taravangian, they will agree with him - well that's what he was thinking back then. He probably wanted to increase intelligence levels in population, and that's one way to do it. So now you have one answer about Szeth. 99 more to go! Nightwatcher isn't that bad. It's not her fault people come to her with wishes. They know the cost. Yes, this was a very satisfying chapter. So many things got resolved. Bonding a Shardblade requires carrying it everywhere for a week or two, so to make sure nobody will see Dalinar with it, he fakes an Illness. That has nothing to do with throwing a Shardblade, as throwing it requires a mental image to make sure it won't disappear into mists as soon as it leaves his hand. Wow, it's the first time I have no Idea, but you're Elantrian now, and you guessed it, it's from Elantris.
  5. They are the flashback characters, I doubt we will have much more Kal or Shallan in back 5 books. They will become minor characters. Having a fresh PoV who interacts with characters we already know would be much better than just more Kaladin, doing more Kaladin things. Oroden, Kaladin brother, would be an excellent new PoV. I think that the end of SA5 will be a satisfying ending, yet won't bring full resolution to the conflict on Roshar with Odium, it will change the rules of the conflict. So here are my predictions for some characters: Dalinar - he will lose the Contest of Champions and will become Odium's servant. It's a great way to introduce us to Cosmere scale conflict. He wil have lots of philosophical discussions with Taravangian. Kaladin - He will be forced to become king of the Tower, as the Death Rattle predicts. He will reach 5th ideal. He could be killed. Shallan - She will finally fully uncover her past, speak the 5th truth and become a mother. She will also be a major worldhopper in Cosmere, main rival of Ghostbloods Adolin - he will bring Maya back to life, and they will made reverse bond where it's Maya who is the knight and gain strength from Adolin, and Adolin will "fill the cracks in Maya's soul". Navani - She will bring fabrial industrial revolution and SA6 will starts with industrial Roshar thanks to her Szeth - probably dead but he will cleanse Shinovar and bring it to the Coalition. Jasnah - She will change the rules of government and society. She will be the last authoritarian ruler of Alethkar and most likely of Roshar. Vyre - dead, killed by Kaladin Taravangian - Alive and free, however weakened as his action will lead to accidental destruction of Kharbranth, which would mean breaking the deal he made with Odium, which would weaken Odium. Death Rattles predict this. Stormfather - dead or severely hurt, highstorm cycle will be highly disrupted, or ended. Death Rattles predict this.
  6. More. This is great a series, with a lot of characters, everyone has their own thing going on, in different locations, so they need space to develop them properly. And as @offer said, more worldbuilding interludes. They were just great in WoK and WoR. Roshar is such a huge place, with so many cultures and countries, and we've barely get to know a few of them, and we still are focusing mostly on Altekar in book 4.
  7. No? Mass holds equal value in momentum. p=mv. But on impact there are a lot of more factors than mass or speed to consider. I'm not an expert on arrows, but I think lighter arrows have smaller cross sections (thinner wood, different arrowhead), and on impact they tend to bend more, therefore absorb energy of the impact. They break more easily than heavier arrows, so more kinetic energy is lost and not delivered to the target. That's most likely why there is such discrepancy on impact. Also when they are airborne, lighter arrows are bending more, so again, they’re losing energy. But I admitt, I don't know much about this topic. It doesn't have to penetrate, with sufficient force it will break a bone. I think rocks on shorter distances can be surprisingly deadly as with 30 lashings you're getting close to 300m/s2 of acceleration, so you can get crazy speeds with that within just fractions of a second of fall. Jeez, I didn't know that. That's scary. Thanks @cometaryorbit Now I know why they're making uranium tipped bullets. I'm not taking any side here, not today, I don't have a brain for it now. Tbf I skipped 12 pages, so... Maybe one day I will join.
  8. After careful consideration I'm surprised how little allomantic powers I would take. Tin - Feruchemy - I can store pain and isolate irritating stimuli Pewter - Allomancy - it give you more than strength, speed, balance, tirelessness etc. Iron - Feruchemy - this was hard, however weight seams to have more daily uses. Steel - Feruchemy - I'm speed, I like being speed, with Pewter and Iron it would make me very dangerous fighter. Copper - Feruchemy - having access to every thing you ever read and see is quite useful Bronze - Feruchemy - very good Zinc - Feruchemy - mental speed is also a speed Brass - Allomancy - I think the ability to influence other's emotions is very useful Aluminum - Feruchemy - useless in allomancy Duralumin - Feruchemy - useless for me in allomancy, and playing with connection and identity is fun Chromium - Feruchemy - Fortune! Nicrosil - Feruchemy - again more useful Gold - Feruchemy - is this even a choice? Electrum - Feruchemy - I need determination Cadmium - Allomancy - time travel Bendalloy - Allomancy - more time travel This is getting out of hand, there areso many polls here. Why?
  9. You are wrong. This is the equation for drag force: It has nothing to do with object's mass or density, but ONLY its speed and cross sectional area. Smaller objects have smaller cross sections, therefore drag force is also smaller. Moreover, the equation for kinetic energy E=1/2 mv^2 means that the most important factor is speed of the object, not its mass. That's what matters during collision - kinetic energy, not momentum.
  10. Is the title "Windrunners vs Skybreaker" or "Windrunner vs Skybreaker"?
  11. How fast? I don't know. Nightblood requires exponentially more investiture the longer it's being held. At some point it would just draw more than is being provided. But that's when he's sucking it out of his wielder. RoW spoilers:
  12. Welcome to the Shard Here's one WoB about it: Most investiture held by Shards and Adonalsium is in Spiritual Realm. If there was an Anti-being its anti-investiture would be also mostly in Spiritual Realm, which would annihilate itself with investiture that is already there. So you would be left with nothing. Similarly to how our Universe was created, slightly more matter than antimatter was created, for unknown reasons, and this lead to Universe being filled with matter. In Cosmere there is just investiture, and no anti-investiture.
  13. So reverse lashing would be mostly useless here, and Adhesion as well. In Gravitation Windrunners are slightly better than Skybreakers, but Skybreakers have Division. And this can do damage. So if Skybreaker manage to touch Windrunner he can use Division on him and harm him that way, why Windrunner can't do much with touch. I have to give this one to Skybreaker. Also it's 1v1 so no squires.
  14. If Callandor is not invested but is just a gateway for investiture to pass through it would be like, again RoW spoilers: This would mean, that while Callandor is passing investiture, it's getting slightly invested (temporary), preventing it from being immediately destroyed. However Nightblood would most likely draw more investiture than Callandor could provide and collapse/sever the link between it and True Power, ultimately consuming the sword after it. It would be like trying to power Nightblood with an Aon.
  15. Yes, that was what I wanted to write, but do it wrong. Only 2-3 times stronger rest is somewhat bigger. My reasoning here was, while Shardplate increases strength, so does pewter and it's additive. So for example, I put some random numbers into it, Pewter gives 2x strength, while Shardplate 10x, which would result in 12 times stronger punch, while without pewter only 10x. So pewter Kal would be slightly stronger, faster etc. If his plate would get damaged and locked he would still be very fast, and we've seen how Kal can fight someone with Shardplate and dodge, blades and punches, so losing the Shardplate is not a death sentence yet. But the advantages of pewter are not the great in fights with plate, that's why I consider them mostly equal fights.
  16. Just for clarification, it's not the speed or faster travel that changes the terminal velocity, it is the force of gravity that does it. The bigger is the force of gravity, the bigger force of air drag needs to be to equalized gravity which results in 0 acceleration. Terminal velocity is the speed in which there is no longer any acceleration. Stacking multiple lashings results in greater gravitational force, which means a bigger force of air drag is needed to cancel it out, and therefore you can accelerate longer which increases terminal velocity. I know you know this, so I just want to clarify that so there is no confusion. Edit: However the drag force does depend on the speed you are traveling. The greater this speed is, the bigger this force gets. If the speed is greater than terminal velocity, drag force would be bigger than force of gravity, which would result in negative acceleration slowing you down.
  17. Feruchemy is far more practical in daily life. And I take steel for compounding, infinite speed is just so useful and powerful.
  18. I don't think they are. They're currently fighting a global war, and their leaders are using SIngers as puppets just to return, killing thousands of them. They had to migrate and leave their homes after Everstorm came, some might get killed due to Hightstorms and harsh traveling conditions and many were forced to war immediately and were thrown at walls of Kholianr and fields of Herdaz. Most Fuzed care only about winning the war not about maintaining Singers population. I would say Singers are currently at a steep decline, however there is tens of millions of them, so the effect of that would not be seen yet. Also Singers now have access to human slaves and workers on occupied grounds, so workforce is provided when they change to mate form. Singers can choose mate form whenever they want, become pregnant and maybe even go back to their form and work after that while being pregnant. Kids seams to be growing faster than human kids and are more independent - they don't need their parents, their parents can work, while the babysitter takes care of those who needs it.
  19. So from Coppermind about Stormlight: I admit I don't remember if Stormlight gives more strength or speed, but Coppermind suggests it doesn't, so Kal with pewter would be 2 or 3 times stronger, and somewhat faster, more agile and more balanced, than Kal with Stormlight. Kal with Stormlight can heal however. Both don't feel exhaustion. So while pewter makes you stronger, faster and able to withhold wounds, Stormlight can heal, so I would say they cancel each other out. I assuming dead shards are used in this fight, for simplicity and to make it more equal. So in the fight without shards, Kal with pewter would have just a slight edge, as both can take more damage, but he can strike much harder than the other, draining other Kal's Stormlight faster. Pewter Kal would be much harder to hit because of his speed and balance. With Shardblades, I say the balance shifts to Stormlight Kal. He can heal a Shardblade cut, pewter Kal doesn't. He needs to only strike him once and precisely, and he wins. Stronger hits are not that advantageous with Shardblades. With Shardplates and blades - I think this would be mostly an equal fight, with a very slight edge for pewter Kal. He can strike harder and therefore faster damage the Shardplate, and he can immobilize Stormlight Kal that way - Stormlight would be drained out of him to repair damaged plate, so he would last much longer. Kal with pewter could most likely move with locked Shardplate on him. That's why I say it's equal. With only Shradplates - I think it would look similar to the one with Shardblades, but Kal with pewter can strike and break the plate more easily, while Kal with Stormlight would have a much harder time doing that. Mostly equal fight.
  20. WoB confirmes that Kel is lying to Ghostbloods Also Kel as a sliver is harder for Harmony to control via Hemalurgy, that also might apply to hearing and talking to him. Also also, why would Kel Soulstamp himself become without Allomancy? All he tries to do is to make invested arts common among people of Scadrial. This would be counterintuitive, as if he has that kind of Soulstamp, then they are just one step away for making Soulstamps granting Allomancy, and they have access to Dor to fuel it. This would also mean that Shai would know his is without powers while stamped, contradicting the WoB, but just a little bit. Interesting but I don't think this is the case. I think Kelsier learned how to see the world through the spike to replace his eye - it's more similar to how Awakened objects see
  21. Aluminum is already used like everywhere, That includes weapons and missiles. So with surveillance covering most of the Earth, it might not take them long. Against Scadrial they would figure it out very fast.
  22. Alright, let me clarify what I meant. I'm assuming you want to create a fully aware, fully sapient/sentient Awakened body with free will. In the image of what Returned are (Returned are Type 1), but not like they are made. It might be possible, but by the categorisation it won't be Lifeless or Type 2 anymore, as it is now much more "alive". Yes, we know Lifeless are aware, some are more than others, like Clod, but they are not fully sapient/sentient yet, and definitely don't have free will. To create that, we need more than just putting Breaths into the body, we need a new Command. Command for Lifeless is "Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and my word". It doesn't provide any room for free will. But new Commands can be made. By WoB you provided (nice one), it also would require the right Intent. If you don't want free will, then with the right intent and enough Breaths, you could bring the dead body's personality back. That Lifeless might be also more aware. But would it be fully sapient/sentient? I don't know. So you have lots of Breaths and dead bodies. Can you Awaken it with right Command, and right Intent so it gains full sapience/sentience, full awareness. total free will. and starts talking and reasoning like Nightblood? Would its personality take the shape of a deceased person's personality, or would it be determined by your Command/Intent? For this I don't have an answer. It might be possible, similar to how Nightblood was created. But there is no number of Breaths that you can just put into the body and it will become fully sentient. You need more than that, you need Command and Intent at least - that's why I said it's not possible in the first post, as simply putting more Breaths into Lifeless won't necessarily make it sentient. And that's what I was arguing about. Failing to make a sapient Lifeless means no sapiency, so no Returned. You get just regular Lifeless. What I meant is success in making sapient Lifeless would make him more like Returned, much less like Lifeless. I wouldn't call it Lifeless anymore. So yes, it's a flaw in categorisation as you are making something that is not categorized, but that result would be much more closer to Type 1, than Type 2. Type 1 is "Spontaneous Sentient BioChromatic Manifestations in a Deceased Host - Returned". Impractical? You think that the ability to create Cognitive Shadows by a regular person is impractical? For now only Shards or huge amounts of investiture can do it. If there is a way for Awakener to make artificial Returned (Cognitive Shadow) it would be extremely practical. You could bring dead loved ones truely back to live.
  23. I already talked what I think about it. Was that reverse lashing or was it an adhesive full lashing? Quote? Coppermind, RoW Ars Arcanum - "The Surgebinder must maintain contact with the object to Reverse Lash it"
  24. Yes, that's a difference but tanks not only have computerized fire control but also machine guns on them. And if there are multiple targets, there will also be multiple tanks with infantry and IFV. Tanks are not alone on battlefield. Again, many anti-aircraft systems are missile based, most probably. Missiles that are attached to jets - yup, they can correct its own course to hit any given target. Not to mention manpads - those are rockets fired by infantry that can correct its course to hit the target - famous Javelin or TOW. They are not fully self guided, but they all can change directions during flight - that's what matters in this case. Reverse lashing won't work if the rocket is guided by laser beam, heat signature, radar, optics, wire or whatever is used - it will correct itself to remain on course and hit Radiant. Moreover missiles move at such speeds that reverse lashing won't have time to change their course. Not to mention, Reverse lashing requires touch to work, Windrunners can do it only to things he touches, so lashing a rocket to a door frame he stands next to would be just as harmful.
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