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Everything posted by alder24

  1. Investiture resists other forms of investiture. Nightblood is the most invested object in Cosemere, full of corrupted Breaths. I doubt Sja-Anat has enough investiture to break through, and Nightblood would just consume it anyway. Touching Nightblood might not end well for Sja-Anat.
  2. Not all Allomancy is fueled by Preservation - Atium and it's alloys are fueled by the Atium, Ruin investiture, itself. I doubt making everyone into Mistborn would weaken Preservation - this rewrites Spiritual DNA of a person, making connections, but they are not invested with pure investiture (I think so), but they have connections in Spiritweb that allow them to use Aloomancy Investiture used by Allomancy returns to Preservation, so it isn't weakening him Also, about hemalurgy - during the final battle in HoA, when Elend fights Marsh, Elend's allomancy was fueled directly by Vin and it looked like Ruin was doing the same to Marsh. I do agree with the explanation above, but this fight makes me think that Ruin could fuel hemalurgic allomancy if needed.
  3. Ruin care about the end result, which is death and increasing entropy. Cultivation cares about change, growth, good or bad, doesn't matter as long as it changes. Cultivation side can change in such a way, to make people more destructive, or die as the end result, thus satisfying both intents.
  4. I've found this WoB which suggest that power didn't have to be used This doesn't however mean that someone at one point held the power of the Well, neither released it or used it, until it disappeared. One of the Ascended might use its power to create Lerasium that was placed near the Well.
  5. Don't tell me you wouldn't want to do it? If I were on Roshar, one day I would surely face Highstrom as long as I could. I like storms. I think that it was the first time for Shallan to witness an incoming Highstorm from that close, and her scientist instincts just took over. Maybe, but he is a Highprince, and relative of the King, heir of the Kholin House. He is one of the most powerful people in Alethkar, and suddenly some girl out of nowhere is his fiancee. Maybe they don't like him (most likely all of them dated him at some point), but they like the power he has. So she is in the room with all of Adolin's exes. Probably. The Emperor's Soul. Short novel. Forger can make object look different.
  6. Endowment seems pretty chill. For people of Scadrial it is understandable why they think that way. After all, for thousands of years Ruin wanted to kill them all, and only Preservation was stopping him from doing that. It is not known if Ambition settled on Threnody. There was a battle of 3 shards there, with chunks of Ambition being thrown into Threnody. So I wouldn't say it's a good example. I wouldn't call Roshar balanced. You know, dozens of Deslations and near human extinctions that happened there aren't really sign of "balanced" system. But you are right. No Shard is inherently evil, and no shard is good as well.
  7. Nightblood leaks corrupted investiture, not Ruin. So I have no idea how it would behave.
  8. It's not just the speed that matters. It's the energy! You still have that energy when impacting! Force is there. Your impact would be still very forceful. It's still deadly. Conservation of energy must also be fulfilled. Where did that energy that he already accumulated by falling went? Disappeared? It can't. Energy can't be destroyed. Where is that energy, which determines if impact with ground is deadly or survivable? This is what is important. It can't just go away. It's still with him. Edit Also tricky thing, with near instantaneous changes of speed, G forces should be involved. But this is weird physics, as falling objects in our world can't just change mass to change its speed like a Skimmer can. Deceleration is happening here - kind of. So I don't know if G forces are applied here, but if they are, G forces alone would kill him, when changing mass that drastically.
  9. Yes, but Harmony was not the only option Sazed could have become, he could also be Discord. It is likely Discord would not have the same limitations as Harmony. Combination of two Shards can have more than one intent, depending on a Vessel.
  10. Ruin and Cultivation, they are both about change. Maybe Devotion and Endowment also. Devotion was said to care and provide for people, and Endowment is about gifting. But those are Shards with intents which align, but it doesn't mean that Shards with opposite intent would be as unable to act as Harmony.
  11. No, just half of Shard's investiture, it would react with the other half and annihilate completely. Like matter anti-matter reaction. But to harm it severely or maybe even splinter it, even less than half be enough, which is still an insanely large amount of anti-investiture. Shards hold near infinite power. So what is half of infinity? But just to collapse perpendicularity, if Nightblood could do it, then enough anti-investiture could also collapse it, without harming any Shard however.
  12. We don't know what had happened to magic on Ashyn, we know however that now it is some kind of illness based system from WoBs - how it works, we don't know. Some WoBs: Singers most likely didn't have access to full Surgebinging powers, as It's sprens who mimic what Honor did with Honorblades gave first surges to humanity. Also one of Parshendi songs says Which implies, humans were the first to use full Surgebinding on Roshar. Singers had most likely access to some form of powers derived from their spren bond in gemheart, but how much power, or what could they did with it? We don't know. We only know what stone showed Venli in RoW.
  13. We don't know, but it is very likely that it all had happened before. Stories have to have their origin. Haddek said it himself, there is Ruin and Preservation, they know it. Scadrial was modeled after another planet from where humans came from. So pre-Rashek world was similar to ours, but it all changed with his Ascension and ash. Many animals went extinct, but were later brought back by Sazed. But during Rashek rule, wildlife was probably very limited.
  14. I think with a brass mind I think you could get rid of the heat, but that's just one part of the problem. It's like the spaceship entering the atmosphere, that compresses air in front of it, as air can't move fast enough to get out of its way. This generates heat that is transferred into the spaceship. The second problem is the air which is still there, compressed to limits. With that speed every step would feel like running into a solid concrete wall. The air itself would cause you damage. So gold mind is required, and to do it for long, gold compounding. This would require a lot of gold. So it means, you need to be Fullborn to do it. Ultimately he would hit a limit when he can't go any faster as there is just so much air in front of him, which stops him from accelerating.
  15. Your body is just strong enough to sustain new weight, but not to sustain more damage. If Wax pushes himself from a coin on top of the building and then just slamms into the ground, he would be dead. If he makes himself much heavier, he would still be dead, as the same force is acting on his body (F=ma), and it cannot survive that injury. It's not pewter. You increase mass, speed is decreased, deceleration on impact is also decreased, force is the same. Iron only makes you able to carry your new weight, its not giving you pewter-like strength. You don't gain new strength. 3 law of motion also works here, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You still have the same momentum, the same energy, the same force acting on your very same body. Everything is still the same. And when your body at regular weight can't survive that landing, gaining more weight won't change this. It's not the speed that matters. F=ma. That's what matters. With lower speed you just have lower deceleration "a", but you are increasing "m", force would still be the same. You are switching kinetic energy E=(mv^2)/2 for gravitational one E=mgh. Energy is conserved. You don't have pewter. There is a way to survive a jump from a building. First you store your weight, then you jump, and freefall. Decreasing your weight has no effect on air drag, but it does decrease your terminal velocity, it can go way down to speeds that don't cause injury to human body. That what Sazed did. Increasing your mass is a wrong way to go, as you are increasing your terminal velocity. But if you jump with high mass or push yourself from a coin to add more speed, you now gain more energy. You store weight, gain more speed and can exceed new terminal velocity. Air drag will try to slow you down, but if the height of the fall is too short, you will still have too much energy, and won't survive the fall, as your speed did not decrease fast enough. Even if you start tapping your weight just before impact, you still have too much energy, as you transferring kinetic one to gravitational. Tapping weight is the very opposite thing you want to do to survive a fall. You still get the same energy that is deadly in contact with the ground. You need to get rid of that energy, and air drag is the way - to do it, you need to decrease your weight to reduce your terminal velocity, and air will steal more energy from you, and that's how you would survive that fall - if you have enough time to slow down.
  16. Yes, but I was responding to his idea about Wax: I WoA Sazed jumps from high places while having his weight reduced to that of a feather, and can land safely due to air resistance.
  17. I agree, they are on par, that's what I try to say by "really close".
  18. I think with a Bondsmith power, you could disconnect Stormlight from Honor, making unkeyed light, which you could connect to Endowment, creating some sort of Endowment-light, capable of fueling Awakening. However I agree with @therunner, your Awakened blade and plate won't be on the same level as Shardplate or Shardblade, but really close to them. And your Awakened plate can also fight and strike, if you command it to do that, or you could strap to it Mistcloak-like cape with spikes at the ends of each strap, that would attack your opponents. Awakening is able to create a very formitable tools for close quarters.
  19. Yes, that's how I see it. To add more, for me it's all about differences. I wouldn't call Selish magic Surgebinding (I can see why someone would call it that), but for me Fused Surgebinding is the same as Radiant Surgebinding - they are too similar, and operate on the same principles with little differences. Ashyn surges might be as similar to Radiant surges, as Fused surges are- they were developed on the same system, and more importantly, Odium was involved on Ashyn and with humans. There are Voidsprens in human form, they might have come from Ashyn. Specifics might differ, but it is likely they were close to each other to justify calling them the same surges.
  20. The problem with landing is that you still have the same momentum. Doubling your weight gives you greater mass, greater force on impact, and greater potential energy E=mgh. Without changing your mass, you have greater speed, and this means greater kinetic energy E=(mv^2)/2. Energy is conserved. and that means landing would be hard no matter what you do. So you just break your bones. How about just throwing a coin before landing and pushing it, like all coinshooters do?
  21. Yes, and few others, particularly this one
  22. The simplest explanation is the best - he didn't care. He had almost god-like powers from being Fullborn, he could deal with any army or uprising himself if needed. He had the army of koloss at his disposal. The only thing that mattered to him is that everyone is submissive to him. Moreover he was Terrisaman, jealous of what other countries had, and how they were superior to Terris. So he took that away out of spite, changed them to be biologically inferior, and only a few selected ones became the first great houses. He wanted to have full control, in his mind, the best way to achieve this is by creating a slave society. He wasn't a god, he was just a jealous shepherd that accidentally touched the power of god.
  23. They had a Bondsmith on Ashyn and use boosted surge of transportation to get out of there - from WoBs. It's very likely they had access to all 10 surges. I guess it depends if you consider Fused Surgebinding the same Surgebinding as Radiants use. They manipulate 9 surges without bond with spren. If they're not the same for you, Ashyn Surgebinding is also different system. But this is asking "how many magic systems does Roshar have?' all over again. Depending on your definition, there could be more than 30, or just 3.
  24. I'm in! Will we get a tinfoil hat or should I make one for myself?
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