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Everything posted by alder24

  1. Strength of the steel push is the same, is constant without flaring. It is how much power you can get from burning your steel. But strength of the effect of steel push on object vary, as you now look at the effect your steel push have on different object, which depends on values like weight, distance, angle, being braced etc, and strength of your steel push (like Vin had stronger steel push than Kelsier, but due to mass difference, they both had almost equal effect on coin) Those factors determinate how strong effect deos your steel push have on something. Flaring increace your strength of the steel push. I don't konw if there is any value for steel, but for pewter, it makes you 3 times stronger, while non-flared pewter only 2x. So expect something similar with steel.
  2. You right, it doesn't. The steel push is always the same strength, but the strength of its effect on object depends on weight.
  3. Compounding would happen. You get lot's of feruchemical attributes to use or store back in Bands. But don't burn nicrosil, you may break how the Bands work or something.
  4. For him not to get launched, he would have to have greater weight than train car. But can he braced? He doesn't have pewter to counter being crushed between two steel pushes. so he most likely just increased his weight well beyond train car (I don't remember what was it in book). In Era 1 Vin was always using pewter to survive being braced between two steel pushes - it's necessary. Without pewter he has to use weight.
  5. 100% agree Szeth is such a great and conflicted character, with powerful weapon and full of mysteries.
  6. It's basically like conservation of momentum, if allomancer and the metal have the same mass, they both have the same spead, if allomancer is much heavier, inertia prevents him from moving, and metal flies away. So when Wax pushes on train car, he has to have almost the same mass as that car to push it.
  7. If you read further into article I linked, it then takes into account atmospheric composition, greenhouse gasses, how much solar radiation reaches the surface and how much atmospheric radiation affects the surface, radiation from the surface etc. I haven't read it all yet, I plan to as it looks interesting.
  8. Mercury doesn't have atmosphere, and around 1/3 of Sun's heat is reflected back to space by Earth's atmosphere (while Venus is like 70% reflective). Mercury is so close to Sun that solar winds and other stuff affect it as well. And it's smaller than Venus. Not a good comparison to Earth-like conditions. I think with my weirdish head calculations, that Venus recieves twice the amount of Sun's energy than Earth. Energy, not temperature. Found something to prove it: And just below it says: So it seams that it proves @cometaryorbit claims, that if Venus has Earth atmosphere it would be around 30 degree C.
  9. You don't need to fit all that metal in your stomach, you just need to have it. Let's say you have a two huge piles of iron, you start with cutting small, eatable pieces of 1st pile and compounding it, and storing it into more small pieces, and what you can't store in small pieces of 1st pile, you store in second one. After some time you are left only with 2nd pile full of attribute - you touch it and tap it all at once and collaped into black hole. But your compounded weight dissapears in that moment and, via Hawking Radiation, you implode, as that black hole returns into human mass. But yeah, the piles of iron size of the mountain - "theoretically" possible. I think if she went Mach 10000 not only she would be smashed into bloody goo by atmosphere, but everyone around her would be dead Just little above Mach 1 would be ok with description in books. Nicrosil stores ability to use investiture, like feruchemy, allomancy, surgebinding. That's what medalions are doing. Not investiture like Stormlight. But what allomancy compounding does? Can it make your allomancy stronger than that of Lord Ruler, or it doubles it so it can be granted to someone else?
  10. Yeah, me to, however there is like 32 more max point, from which Nalthis gained only 1/3, 12,5. So math is ok. Nalthis didn't score well somehow. I can't think of anything else to add to new sections, but to economic section of Nalthis I would add that Hallandren have extensive dye plantations and dyes made out of Tears of Edgli (uniqe good in whole Cosmere), which are very desirable and are the reason for the wealth of Hallandren. Also they sell Breaths and have whole market around that. T'Telir has restaurants and food delivery form them. They also trade with other worlds via CR with goods like paintings and art pieces famed across Cosmere. Idris have the only known copper mines in the world. That means both Hallandren and Idris has monopoly on specific trade good and thus rich and stable economy.
  11. I don't remember how it was described in book, and I don't have book to check, but Spectrograph works by showing absorptions spikes. So spikes is the lack of light of specific frequency. So you have a light emitted/bounced by an object and you looks for absorptions spikes, which corresponds with atoms and molecules that absorbed that light. In case of godmetal alloy, you have one huge spike for godmetal, and smaller ones for specific metal. There could be multiple frequencies absorbed by one atom or molecule.
  12. wisdom - the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise. virtuosity - great skill in music or another artistic pursuit. For me they look pretty similar by definition. Both are about experience and skill. That is one of many possibilities.
  13. I already did it, several times. Dawnshard ch 19 - you should read it. Dawnshards are commands, they aren't granting commands, they are them. If you building your house out of bricks, can a brick become your house? Surge is usage of investiture, and it require investiture, command and intent. Command on its own (in person or not) can't become a Surge. They aren't on the level of Dawnshard, they aren't on the level of divine understanding of Command, to achieve this, you need to expand your spirit web, which is what Dawnshards are doing, and to do this, you need to infuse it with investiture, which is what Dawnshards are doing. Dawnshards are Divine Command, made out of investiture, so the divinity could happen - if you take that investiture away and use it for surge, Dawnshard will no longer be a Dawnshard. Again, can you take piece of spren and fuel Surges with it?
  14. You're right, I confuse it with Whimsy somehow. Still there is a Shard with similar intent to Wisdom, but it doesn't have to be survival shard as Brandon RAFO it. This Shard might simply realized that survival is not a good option, and that might be Virtuosity, so some other unknown/known shard.
  15. Can Identity manimulation trick your spirit web into thinking it should look like someone's else spirit web - like feruchemist storing his identity and taking someone else's one? Maybe with some connection manipulation?
  16. Because it's a command. Command is just a command. Nothing more. They might provide Commands to investiture, which created the Universe, or whey might be use with something. But creating surges doesn't mean the provide surges. They are Commands, and Commands only. What about the rest of the quote, which clearly states that Surge requires Command, and the greatest Surges require god-like Commands, which are Dawnshards?
  17. Yes, there is some Shard with intent similar to Wisdom, but it's not Wisdom, and thinks now that survival isn't the best option. So it's not Wisdom. "There is a Shard with a similar intent." Wisdom is a shard, we know it now. So there is another shard that is not Wisdom, but has similar intent. From second WoB we know that this Shard realized that over time. But still we don't know if that's survival shard. These WoBs might refer to Virtuosity (it is similar to Wisdom), and it doesn't mean that she was the survival shard. Those WoBs might not be about survival shard at all.
  18. No it wasn't? A shard with similar intent to Wisdom was described like this. Not Wisdom. Here is a WoB that was rreferred to in previous RAFO WoB. He didn't say its Wisdom.
  19. We know it. Nikli separated Suegebinding from a Command for a reason. Why is he calling Dawnshard Commands? How can Command grant a Surge when Command is a requirement for a Surge? It's all there in quote I provided to you, which you deny. There is nothing outstanding about Rysn, exept for a fact that she isn't Surgebinder.
  20. Are mists a gas? They are water molecules stuck to particles in air. I think you can do it with right intent or not, but it wouldn't do anything visible, as gases are too dissolved to catch a lot of molecules from it.
  21. Shard is not just an Intent. It's a power shaped by its Intent. Dawnshard is a Command, lacking power. Vessel is just a vessel. It provides mind for a Shard but mind and an Intent for that Command. But where does investiture comes from? You still need Surgebinding. Dawnshard is investiture in form of a powerful Command. You can't split it from it and to something with it, as you would lose the Dawnshard in process. Dawnshard merges with your soul and expands it. Can you just take part of your soul and fuel surgebinding with it? You need investiture from other source to use Dawnshard. You need Surgebinding. In Dawnshard novel, ch 19, Nikli specifically talks about Surgebinding, which reqires both Intent and Command. To use the most powerful forms of Surgebinding, you need to achieve the level of understanding comparable to deity. That's what Dawnshard is for, to give that understanding to you, so you can use the most powerful forms of Surgebinding. Dawnshard is not a Surgebinding, nor does it provide Surgebinding. It's only a Command. Surgebinding is all invested arts. Again, you refuse to accept books and WoBs as evidence while they specifically talks about it.
  22. Treachery sound like a cool Shard name. And fits well, complete opposition to Honor. His invested arts must be great. Tolerance also is good one Justice is theorized to be name for Shards of Odium and Honor combined. Looks like this Ai subscribes to that theory. I'm surprise that there is Ambition but not Odium. Why?
  23. This moment is just wholesome. Kaladin cares about everyone. And he cared about Shen also in Way of Kings - during one of his last attacks, when they were using bones of Parshendi, he let Shen stay in tha camp so he wouldn't have to witness what they did with those bones. It's interesting to see your opinion about Moash. That was me as well, when I read the book for the first time. I just wanted my favorite characters to finally clash. But on the other hand I didn't because one of them could end up being killed and I didn't want any of these to to be dead!
  24. He doesn't talk about making her Returned, but I think just making her Lifeless, Awaken or type 4 like Nightblood. Her body now is soulcasted into stone, most likely, and it is possible to awaken that, and even would be easy to do. What he suggest can be done. However I think it's unlikely, as Dalinar already overcome it, accept that he killed her, and was ever forgiven by her voice. So bringing her back now would lack emotional stakes that were present in OB. Adolin is unlikely as well, but now he seams to hate his father for what he's done, and that he wrote about it in his book. He is angry about it. He would not fight for Odium, but Rayse is dead, long live Taravangian! I can see, how Todium could trick Adolin into thinking that Taravangian doesn't want to fight this war and in the Duel, but want to make peace, as he now holds the Shard, but can't because he's forced to fight in the Duel. So he need Adolin to stand against his father and convince him to withdraw from it, surrender or release Todium from the contract. That would make Adolin willing contestant, but also a tricked one as well.
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