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Everything posted by alder24

  1. I see three problems with Twinborn vs 4th Ideal Radiant geting to the Radient without being hit by the blade cracking through the plate draining them out of Stormlight so they can't heal anymore If there is a Twinborn that can resolved all 3 problems and remain alive, he wins. Is there any Twinborn capable of doing that? Pewter compounder can dodge a Shardplade and is strong enough to eventually crack through a Shardplade. However he only needs to be hit once to be kiled and he is only a bit faster with pewter, not fast enough to constantly avoid Shardblade. They would eventually be hit and die. Gold compounder can withstand any hit by a Shardblade and heal almost instantly, he is invulnerable, but there is almost no way for him to effectively get through a Shardplate and then drain Radiant out of Stormlight. Chromium compounder with infinite fortune maybe could get pass a Shardblade and then drain a Shardplate or a Radinat, but that would be, well, very lucky. Duralumin compounder could befriended Radiant and instead of fighting, they could became best friends 4ever, and both would win that way. Nicrosil compounder could compound enough investiture untill it would collapse on itself and create black hole, killing them both. But he would need a lot of Nicrosil for it. But realistically, can he compound so much investiture that he would ascend at least to the levels of Well of Ascention? Tbf we don't know much about nicrosil compounding. And Steel compounder, who in my opinion can repeatably win against Radiant. With almost infinite speed, he can run as fast as air resistance allows him, moving faster than Radiant can even react, pick up a hammer, or a rock, and hit Radiant with it until Plate breaks as it won't be able to heal fast enough. Then repeat the same with Radiant's body, turning it into bloody goo, until he killes him or Radinat runs out of Stromlight. Steel compounder needs to get full advantage of kinetic energy E=(mv^2)/2. But that is all without looking at any surges. Only steel compounder would be able to move faster than Radiant would be able to use any surges. Steel compounder is the only Twinborn that would win a fight against 4th ideal Radiant. You would need to point that acceleration against the gravity vector, so upwards, but there is nothing to be pushed perfectly up on a straight wall. And you can't really run/jump of the objects suspended/falling in the air - if they're small. It is kind of weightless environment like in ISS, so if the object is large enough, you can push from it, but small, you can push it away from you, as the force acting on you is very small.
  2. It's not the Everstorm that kills people. In OB first Singers in Alethkar attacked and siezed food supplies. Kholinar was on the brink of total food shortage during siege. Refugees and food rationing in camps. It is fair to assume that Alethkar suffered through widespread famine at least during first year of True Desolation. Although no numbers are know for us so it's hard to include it as a factor in the index.
  3. I highly disagree. Look at the new map of Scadrial. Mountain ranges and rivers are scattered all across the continent, granting great defensive capabilities. Elendel Basin is surrounded by circle of snow covered mountains, and crossed by multiple rivers and extensive canal network - perfect for defence. Even modern warfare has difficulties with crossing rivers and mountains and fighting in mountains. On top of that, Scadrial being sparsely populated is advantageous in terms of defence, as it lack infrastructure for logistic and movement of large army. Outside of the Basin there is no roads, no train rails, not cities or population centers providing shelter, no food to forage, no easily accessible clean water. Of course the same problems applies for Scadrial if they try to defend those lands. Moving thousands of troop through the fields with no roads is a logistical nightmare as the fields quickly turn into mud and your army get stuck in it.
  4. I might not fully understand this fully, but I think there is a problem. He stores his identyty in aluminum as a CS in CR, giving it feruchemical charge, but it doesn't have hemalurgic charge. They stab his body with it, but it's not hemalurgic spike yet, and his body is NOT attach to a soul, so there isn't any piece of soul left that can be stolen and made into hemalurgic charge. And his body is just pile of bones, and blood is necessary for hemalurgy. Hemalurgy can't work on his body in his dead/only bones state. And can't prevent from gaining new powers - having aluminum spike in you, won't stop you from gaining power from Lerasium. Onced spiked, it won't prevent you from acquiring new powers. Also, aluminum steals all powers, but does it count allomancy, as there is 4 metals for it already, or is it only for non-allomantic, and non-feruchemical powers? You can only steal one power with one spike, and that's one of the allomanic powers, not all of them - if aluminum could steal all alomantic powers at once, you would think inqisitors would use it all the times to steal from Mistborn everything, yet despite knowing this metal, they didn't do it. That sounds good, if that's how Kandra spikes are made, Lord Ruler could make them with his compounding. But steel spike is confirmed, so it is a problem for any additional aluminum spike theory. With your explanation he wouldn't need steel spike. I think that they use mistwraith and gave it his bones, then Kelsier as a CS stood where mistwraith is but in CR and someone in PR with right intent stab mistwraith with a spike, through Kel's CS, spiking it to a mistwraith - like nailing piece of paper to a tree. The reason why Kel can't use allomancy anymore, is that the spike is the only connection he has with this body, and that body is mistwraith's body, not his, and it is not connected to allomancy at all.
  5. Hoid, Rashek, Ishar, Susebron. Hoid, well, he's Hoid and he never hold a Shard, he was offerd one, and he hold a Downshard, which is not a Shard. Rashek was a Fullborn, he did not hold the Shard, just hold enough of it to become a Sliver. Ishar is unchained mad Bondsmiths who fought for thousands of years. Susebron - more than 50000 Breats is impressive. Among other beings, there would be aethers or dragons who are powerful probably. Stormfather as well I would say - he holds some parts of Honor's shard, but not all of it. But his power is in form of raw investiture, not combat skills or usefulness. And of course Downshards. Edit: Nightblood! He still is a character even if in shape of the sword. He is one of the most invested object ever made, and he consumed a lot of investiture in all this years. Everything fears Nightblood! He is the strongest. I wonder, can he hold a Downshard?
  6. Inquisitor is far less powerful than what Bands provide. Hemalurgy is net negative, and some power is always lost. Classical FE inquisitors had 9-11 spikes, 5 out of steel to steal 4 Physical Allomantic powers and 4 out of bronze for Mental Allomantic powers. They would be always less powerful than a Mistborn unless they were a Mistborn befere. And just because something can't be seen, doesn't mean that it is not visible or recognisable by our senses. Blackness is just lack of light. We technically can't see black as there is no black light. Our brain interprets this as a black color - it fills nothing with information. The same way aluminum would work for any steelsight - they would know it is there and what it is as their brain interprets lack of lines as aluminum. Godmetals however are still visible with lines. Why not? Only aluminum has this property. It is still metal, and that's what they see. Traces amounts of metals are everywhere (maybe even in aluminum) so they see everything, and recognise it for what it is (and Tin somehow works). Inquisitor can't see atoms, but I think Wax with Bands was able to see to that level. Bands are very powerful. If Bands provide atium/gold/electrum, it would be stronger than what Inquisitor has. Blind person can still use Atium but they would have to be savants to see shadows
  7. Lord Ruler didn't make them I do think not only Kelsier was involved (planing and giving the idea for creating them), but also Spook as a full Mistborn, and some full Feruchemist or multiple Ferrings. Also, Ghostbloods still think Kelsier is Mistborn So if he gave Bands to some Ghostbloods, they might realised that he is powerless. If they are not refillable, keeping them away untill he figures out how to use them and fill them up, is the best option. Kel and Marsh do meet frequently however, he could be involved.
  8. Satisfying doesn't mean there is no war, it might mean rules of war has changed dramatically. Freeing Odium would change the war and still be satisfying as an ending. And if we gonna quote Brandon, he also said that he decided to switch Odium for Taravangian, because Odium already lost several times and he no longer felt like a threat - first time in OB with Dalinar and Thaylen, second in RoW with Kaladin and the Tower. Why would he place Taravangian as the new threat if the very first thing he would do, would be to lose again, like old Odium? I predict that Odium will score a big win in SA5 and Coalition might achieve some pyrrhic victory at best.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it true that if spren is too far away from Radiant, he can't summon his blade or it takes longer? With the speed of light, the distance shouldn't matter, at least for movement of spren, there are different factors here as well. Also Shallan used process of summoning and cancelling it before summoned to navigate Pattern to her location. This very much tells us that it's not fully instantaneous - which effectively would be if sprens were moving with the speed of light. 1 meter away or 1000 km away is still the same with the speed of light for human senses.
  10. Yes, full Radiant can just transport himself to CR via either perpendicularity or transportation surge and soulcast even Fullborn metalminds from CR. Full Radiant can fight fully from CR, where Fullborn can't fight him.
  11. Inverting the intent is too much. Intent stays the same, there is a little room to different interpretations (like what Odium is doing with Passion) but the intent is still there. If the Vessel of Autonomy realized that Autonomy is bad, then he would most likely give up the shard - like when Kelsier with Preservation shard wanted to act destructively and shard opposed him, to the point of almost slipping from Kelsier's hands.
  12. Considering that the sprens are still partially in the CR where they do have their limits, I don't think that sprens in PR can move without restrictions. The biggest one is how people have viewed them for ages.
  13. Lift is an Edgedancer, changed by Cultivation, she can create Lifelight from food, touch her spren, and now she has the Aviar. I think that's quite a big combination of different invested "arts" for a "10 years old" girl. Vasher is using stormlight to feed his Divine Breath. Renarin is doing his enlightenment surges and voidbinding. Bleeder and Set with their Trellium spikes. And then you have Lord Ruler, a Fullborn with spike. And every Inquisitor, Twinborn, Compounder and spiked one. But this is just the beginning. It can go much further than that. Someone can get a lot of powers with just hemalurgy. A misting/twinborn can get breaths from Nalthis, go to Roshar and become a Radiant, and on top of that find a Downshard - there are very little limits to the amount of powers people can get in the Cosmere.
  14. Badass? I don't know if the first one is badass but it is great one for sure "I'm pure. I'm a child and stuff. I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." - Lift "I'm God! God cannot be killed. God cannot be overthrown. Your rebellion—you think I haven't seen its like before? You think I haven't destroyed entire armies on my own? What will it take before you people stop questioning? How many centuries must I prove myself before you idiot skaa see the truth? How many of you must I kill!" - Lord Ruler And inspirational: "Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right. If nobody starts, then others cannot follow." - Lirin "Survive!" - Preservation to Kelsier
  15. Jasnah has the biggest skills with using her Radiant powers, as he has nearly 10 years of experience. But this is necessary for her, as she's using transportation and transformation surges, that require a lot of expertise. Kaladin is a great soldier, he also has years of experience with fighting and is one of the most skilled fighter on Roshar. And as we've seen in RoW that even without surges and Shardblade he is still extremely dangerous, more dangerous than Jasnah would be in that situation for sure (as she struggled fighting with one Fused without her Radiant powers). And I would add to this list also Szeth and Dalinar. Szeth as he also is experienced with most of the surges, he is an excellent fighter, able to fight multiple Shardbeares and half-shards with just his bare hands and surges, and what's most important, he now has the sword that kills everyone with a single touch. He stopped Ishar, Herald with 7000 years of fighting experience and Honorblade. And Dalinar for his dozens of years of fighting - he is the most experienced warrior on Roshar. Of course, not counting Heralds or Fused or Vasher.
  16. Yes, any God metal can be made into spike, like Trellium was, Raysium as well. What would they do, we don't know. Conducting properties of Raysium are most likely not the same as its Hemalurgic properties. That being said, you can use regular 16 metals to steal any power, any ability, any connection and anything they allow to take from any place within Cosmere. You just need to use specific metal to acquire what you want. You can steel Nahel Bond with spren from Radiant, though spren can break that bond. You can steal bond with Aviars and powers they give You can steal Divine Breath, or any investiture or attributes and powers people have. So basically you can steal anything everywhere, you just need to have correct metal for a spike, and know how to do it.
  17. Well tbf I don't know, I just put some big number to it. Most likely lashings would be a rosharian g as that's what Radiants are familiar with, so with a black hole of that size it would be near infinite amounts of lashings. So do not open the portal to a black hole. Buuuuuut, why not just take ridiculous amounts of investiture and collapse it to small space, to create your very own, pocket black hole. Perfect! Full Radiant doesn't need a portal, he could just made one. And you don't need sun-masses of investiture, the smaller the better, gem-mass black hole would evaporat from Hawkins radiation within fraction of the second and explode, killing Fullborn in the instant - while Full Radient would transfer through perpendicularity to probably safe CR. Wax saw her moving moving from a window to a governor resistance. So that's not that fast. And in the governor's brother home, Bleeder still moved much slower than a speed of sound. Leeching through the plate would be extremely difficult if nearly impossible, and when Full-Radiant opens perpendicularity in his hand, any damage to a plate would mean nothing, as it will just heal instantly using light from perpendicularity. He could soulcast away his metals and Fullborn is gone just to Allomancer. The moment Radiant opens perpendicularity Fullborn can't win. Speed is the only way for him to strike, and even striking with a lot of weight and strength, he would have to be able to withstand the same strike that he delivers to Radiant - 3rd law of motion - and that's the problem, as any strike that he can heal (no mater of tapping pewter), Radiant can as well. Snapping neck won't kill Radiant. Fullborn is ridiculously powerful, but Full-Radiant us just on the another level - he is bale to manipulate fundamental forces of the Cosmere. This is just shard powers.
  18. Half-lashing up wouldn't be enough the moment you open a portal to 60bil. solar masses hole in space. You would literally need like 30bil lashings away from portal or even much more depending on distance from the black hole the portal is opened. That ridiculous. The moment you open the portal, gravity is affecting you as well. Or the portal itself might get ripped by gravity and collapse. Even with perpendicularity in your hand, I doubt you could not get pulled into it, as that would be almost shard level of investiture just to prevent you from falling into it. And not to mention that you opening a portal to a place billions years in the past and there is not black hole there anymore as it just moved an you don't know where it is currently. But cool idea, love it anyway, but there are better places to teleport Fullborn into - just send him to the space close to the sun. That's it, but you either use that 10x speed in an instant burst of power, or store it in metal mind. And to compound everything, all the times you would need to have a lot of metals waiting in your stomach. F-steel does have its limits. Even with A-pewter and F-gold, you get to the point when air resistance will make you slow down faster than F-steel speeds you up - and you would require constant gold compounding healing and pewter just so you wouldn't be burned down by the air. I can't see how anyone would be able to win a fight with full Radiant. That is just ridiculous amount of powers for one person. Even with F-steel, all full Radient needs is to open perpendicularity and you can't kill him. He can soulcast air around into whatever toxic gas he wants, soulcast ground into the Sun, and soulcast Fullborn metal minds into something, removing Fullborn's power completely. Fullborn even with Atium seams just weak compared to him. Fullborn is ridiculously powerful already, but full Radient is a demi-god. However I doubt there ever will be one, and there was Fullborn already. Not to mention, if full Radiant is binded by all oath, which might restrict his powers a lot. Still he will win. Depsite all the powers full Radiant would have, I would still choose to be Fullborn, as that just offers me a bit more useful feruchemic attributes, like mental speed, or determination. The biggest downside to it, is that I would not have 10 sprens flying around me and being Awesome - this is the biggest advantage of being full Radiant!
  19. However these were asked before RoW and before Kaladin got his plate. Shardplate gives him a huge advantage in a fight, so Kelsier would need some sort of miracle to get behind a plate. That's why I think Kaladin would win - unless being stabbed while sleeping is still part of the fight, then Kelsier wins. And you should edit out TLM spoilers from here, or put it in a spoiler tag.
  20. Some yes, most, including main team, no. There were some instances of armor, like full plate armor appears few times, or some officers wearing breastplate, one was not protected from being cut and disemboweled. But uniforms are constantly described: in the camps, on the battlefield etc. Armor not so much. In my opinion there should be much more armor description than there is. No uniforms on the battlefield, just armor.
  21. There are little to none armor on the soldiers in the books, most of them are running around a battlefield with only uniforms on them, some pov characters even got an armor and never used it. And when armor does appear it doesn't do what it should have - protect. The only exception is Shardplate. There is so many different swords in his books, but only like 3 armors, which is much more important on the battlefield.
  22. The problem is, this WoB is only talking about lashing and using other Radiant abilities on something/someone invested like lashing shardplate, or Radiant breathing in light from shardplate. It's not the same as leeching. If it was the same for leeching, than leeching misting that activity burns iron would be very hard - however this is not the case. Nale's larkin also didn't have any trouble leeching Lift's light as she was Awesome at that moment. So leeching is clearly an exception. Leeching is able to stop summoning the Shardblade. I would say that if Skybreaker would use division on Mistborn that is touching him, that investiture pushed into division might be the first to be leech off.
  23. How I've missed that extrema effect of duralumin powered Atium that was able to pass through Marsh's Atium? That alone is a huge deal. But Eland now saw the Preservation plan? That is massive. But I agree, electrum would focus only on misting life, but most likely entire life in different possible ways. And pure Atium with duralumin could see even more. TLM spoilers It seams that Scadrial really have the best future visions in the entire Cosmere, rivaled only by Shards.
  24. She only needs to live for more than 10000 years... (I put more in spoiler as I don't know how much you know about Cosmere and Hoid - not much spoilers there just some general Hoid things) Other than all of the above, she is on a straight way to be new Hoid. But she already made few guys red from embarrassment and anger. However I agree a bit differently, she would make a great storyteller - she already told a few of them in engaging way, and she can definitely aspire to be a new Hoid of storytelling. And if she goes to a wider Cosmere, she would collect and learn all kinds of stories.
  25. Unable to refill regular medallions? Quotes? And how does weight medallions works when they are just tapped and filled? They have telegraphs on Scadrial? They have trains, industry, gun production and Wax was able to acquire full, expensive and specialized laboratory equipment. Electricity might even already get to Roughs at the end of TLM. I agree that would be the hard part. But as it is said in the WoB - make a spike gun and try until it worked. Marsh has the biggest knowledge from all of them and he might have some idea. Set did not have his help. Still calling her Radient is not wrong, she is a Radient but not Stonewards. He asked if Ardets have them, and then laral interrupted. So at least two sets of spanreeds in a town - very little Good? Nah, I just for spelling mistakes after I write a post. There is too many of them in my opinion. But thanks, as long as it's understandable it's good. Again Wayne went from the bottom to the top! Which resulted in his death, because his best friend the king/prince make sure they will never cause any troubles. You can use an example of law privileging rich people as a example of rights pore people "have". I don't need singers, just humans. Scadrials need to convince only humans on Roshar. Human to human. Trellium spikes as they were unknown. Plus regular spikes - I'm not sure about that. It doesn't mean that university will know about plans of invasion of Roshar. University... Yes, I said tensions exist, and they are having an arms race. But are not in war yet. Because making more is hard. And Bands already have all of them. That's why Malwish need them - to study and make better medallions. But Bands are already there, ready to be filled. Radios non - trains are in Roughs. And other new equipment as I mention above Soo try and error? Again, I admitt this is hard part, but this can be done. Most likely in heart or around. Spikes guns! One will work and then they will know. Or experiment on Scadrial before invasion on spiking connection - Ghostbloods can provide them with Aviars as they are basically similar to Nahel Bond I just discovered that i can separate long quotes by pressing enter 2x. I love it!
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