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Everything posted by alder24

  1. You can't push metal enclosed in aluminum. The revolvers usually has slightly uncovered cylinder so you can push bullets in them, or if fully covered, the bullet that is in the barrel can be pushed/pulled if aimed at misting. Wax pushes bullets after firing, so that's why he uses regular bullets. But Vindication II is for duels with allomancers and made fully out of aluminum (coppermind about Ranette, TLM ch 19) so no wooden handle, therefore no safety mechanism. Only with wooden handle there can be this feature, but as I said, that would make this gun useless in fights with allomancers.
  2. Putting safety feature for steel/iron misting in gun made fully out of aluminum defies the purpose of making it out of aluminum in the first place. Any small piece of metal put in that gun would make it visible for every steel/iron misting and they would be able to push/pull it. So Vindication II doesn't have that safety thing. The main feature of this gun type is special chambers for bullets to kill mistings - they are still there, and they can be switched with the simple button on the handle. And tbf did this safety feature was ever used by Wax to prevent someone else from shooting at him? I don't remember anything like that.
  3. That would be intresting, but Scadrial would fail in this enterprise for sure. Scadrial has no infrastructure in CR, no transport vessels, nothing that could even transport troops to other system not to mention whole army, with equipment and supplies. Scadrial can't do it, and it would take years to create such network from scratch. Roshar on the other hand, has already something. I don't believe that what Roshar has would be enough for full scale interplanetary invasion with proper supply chains, but with small presence of Basin forces on that new planet, Roshar would easily overcome them with what they already have. We did discuss some fabrial applications recently a little. And yes, Roshar has 10 years to catch up with tech, but they don't develop in that time motors, trains, guns or anything like this. Many advancements would be made (fabrials), but not on that scale. Your proposal of painrial usage is not possible. Fabrials has limited range. They won't be able to affect rocket launching crew stationed 50km away, nor artillery crew that can be even further away than 10 kilometers. Moreover fabrial gems are susceptible to damage from shockwave of nearby explosion (they can be protected from it to some extent) or, damage from iron/steel mistings (which might be not possible depending on how invested the wiring is). And of course leechers and grenades will drain any fabrial. Those painrials would also affect Roshar troops in the same way. But yes, fabrials would be extensively used by Roshar, and that would provide them great support.
  4. 0 - manifested from investiture alone and sentient - Sprens (to Vasher frustration of changing the categories) 1 - dead body and sentient - Returned, only one type appearing naturally 2 - dead body and not sentient - Lifeless 3 - object and not sentient - Awakening 4 - object and sentient - Nightblood You want them to speak? That's type 4 - you can do it like Nightblood, but I would suggest making it not like like Nightblood. But just put enough Breaths until they start to speak? That's a no. Awaken them to move and put so much breath so they speak - no, they will just move, but putting more Breaths in it doesn't make them move more efficient - they can be only so efficient as material is capable of withstanding and what it can make. Akawening already takes the most efficient amounts of Breaths to power it, depending on command and how life-like material is. Putting more is just a waste. But like every investiture, if you put enough of it in one place, like really a lot of it, it can gain sentience - like sprens. But that's not a Breaths characteristic, just investiture thing.
  5. Yes they are, which I agreed to it. Yes, you disproved it, that's why morality was my point, not to tall they can't do it, but they shouldn't. And with getting emotional I mean that we are so stuck to our sides and so eager to prove we're right, that we immediately jumped into killing those who don't want to leave the factory, instead of thinking about damaging the factory without harming them - like sticking workers to the ground outside the building. "Let's kill them just to prove you're wrong [noise of lightsaber]". In our modern world, Roshar doesn't have that yet, They have blacksmiths that are more valued captured alive than dead. And they have burned cities with civilians. They don't have that developed concept of our modern distinction between civilian or military. If a lord rebel against his king, king has full right to slaughter every single person in lord's fiefdom as a punishment. That's why morality is the best judge now. Yes, morality won't give us anything, just bigger hole to jump into, but it is important. What Dalinar considers moral or immoral defines how war would be waged. Oh I thought about this, but that just wouldn't happen. Laws don't allow it, and Set lost so no one would tolerate this. But a volunteers, especially elderly and dying ones... but no. I've got questions about gold compounding making war factories, but I don't think know if I want to dig deeper into it. A single gem? Probably not efficient, and wouldn't kill. Many gems - make it like a rail gun and it would work very well. How portable it would be, I don't know.
  6. It's not alumium, it's Nightblood. The most invested object in Cosmere with twisted command to destroy evil, leaking corrupted investiture, as its so full of it. That's just bad combination. Aluminum contains it, but Nightblood is not fully cover in aluminum, its handle is still uncovered, and that's most likely contributes to certain abilities of him, like talking in mind, felling others, maybe stronger strikes with it. It's not just getting smacked with almost 1.5m long piece of metal, it is getting smacked with metal full of investiture. And when you unsheathe Nightblood, you have our favorite monster. Aluminum sheath is not part of Nightblood. Creation of type 4 entities is intresting, and we don't know much about it.
  7. Not much, he would slowly die, very slowly. Maybe in few years or so. Investiture resist soulcasting, but it can be done. It depends on how much Breaths they have. Some time. But it would run out. If Radiant is restrain in such a way that he can't use little Shardknife then he's dead - unless soulcasting is involved. I do not consider Awakaning to be the most dangerous, but most practical and versatile. Dalinar is much more dangerous. But Vasher is nonetheless a person you don't want to mess with. If you connect gems in such a way that light would flow into Nightblood, that it could work. But not for long. Nightblood needs exponentially more investiture to be fed with. Clothes wouldn't have that amount of strength, material would rip faster. Nightblood can kill while sheathed and that's without drawing any investiture. It can even pierce a body in a sheath. Vasher draw him fully so he can just cut through walls and ceilings (I wonder how they fix those) to quickly get from the bottom of the pallace to top to help Vivenna. Time was crucial there. And someone with the healing would do just fine, but he would be surprise what sheathed Nightblood can do. Depending on where would he be hit, Nightblood can kill him even. But sheathed Nightblood does just a normal damage, just extra strong.
  8. Uff, I'm not the only one confused here. But what Ookla means and why this name?
  9. I do like them more without healing, it makes it more engaging and thrilling. Awakening is my favorite magic system, maybe because it's so practical, easy to use, and grounded. You can just use it every day during your normal work and in house duties and it would be so easy - Awaken broom to dust the floor. It's a good question about aluminum alloy. I think it would depend on alloy, and how much aluminum loses/changes its material properties in alloy. Awakaning can do so many things. You just need to imagine it. Edit: ok frustration
  10. Lifeless with Awaken mistcloak would be great in fighting. I did also think about Awakaning ropes or clothes around a chain - clothes for movement and cheap Awakaning, chains provides stronger punches, rigid structure, that can't be cut, and will protect clothes from being fully cut - clothes can swirl in such a way to cover the cut and maintain mobility. And of course lots of stripes with metal spikes on ends for multitasking. Aluminum for now is preaty expensive and rare. I don't think Kalad's phantoms are invested enough to stop a Sharblade, maybe slow it down, but not stop. Here is better idea - small lifeless bugs with dimond jaws that would go inside the Shardplate and cut gems out of it, or crack it. Or eat into eyes. It does take less Breaths to Awaken lifeless and dress it up, than making phantom, as they require Breath for joints to move. So you can use Breaths to hold material together and make it move on it's own. You can use any material, the cheeper the better, as you can simply put something inside it, like metal, stone, aluminum, and it will perform task you can imagine, strengthen with non-awaken material you added.
  11. My opinion is that the limits of Awakening is only your Imagination and the property of material your're Awakening. I would say that Breaths enhance a little limits of that material, but not too much. Little strawman won't be able to pick up human, but a thread can stiffen enough to pick locks. You could Awaken a cloak to hide you, IF you first made that cloak to look look like a rock, or tree, or something - basically a camouflage but the cloak will take a shape of an object when commanded. Unless you use a material that can change colors. You can make an motor, without burning anything - Awaken belts to spin the gears and here you go. Awakaning a bandage to move and bandage your wounds would be a great idea, but it wouldn't heal the wounds. You would you make an army of hollow knights when you can be Susebron and Awaken clothes on enemies from a distance and suffocate them? Here is my question - can you Awaken object in such a way, that it will go and Awaken another object? Probably not, but if you made type 4 entity then could they move and Awaken clothes to suffocate your enemies, when you commanded?
  12. Why without Perpendicularities? Adonalsium invested multiple worlds, like Roshar, it's highly likely that his Perpendicularities were scadered around Cosmere, or even created by Adonalsium purposefully. And also there are some way of creating perpendicularities, either by magic systems we don't know about, or stacking lots of Investiture in one place. I don't think they had Interstellar travel.
  13. Yes, by definitions of the laws, which, quoting you "Roshar doesn't have". That's why I'm asking about morality of unnecessary killing of workers, not laws. Skybreakers aren't even on Scadrial Yes, I admit, I was wrong with violating Oaths, that's why I was talking about morality. I do think we need to step back and chill out here. We've become to emotionally invested in proving point, that deosn't exist. Instead of finding 404 ways of how Windrunner can use surges to destroy factory, without harming anyone (perfect opportunity), we're going full Anakin here, and killing not just a men, but a women and children too (they would be working there, men would be called for other duties, not necessarily fighting). Soon we will be searching justifications for soulcasting air in Elendel into mustard gas. So let's just stop this as there is no more points to be proven now.
  14. Do you consider killing workers and civilians as a right and moral thing do to? Do you think Windrunner would consider it as a right and moral thing to do? Do you think Dalinar would consider killing civilians as a right and moral thing to do? Do you think Azir would consider this a moral thing to do after all of the suffering that Sadees bring them in the same way? The moment you start killing civilians you stop fighting against Basin army, you are fighting against every sinlge person who lives there, who now considers you a threat to their own live and will do anything to protect themself and their close one from you.
  15. Yes, let's commit war crimes and slaughter innocent unarmed civilians because they are working to feed their families. What've happened with this discussion? It's not even about Oaths now, it's just about what's right or wrong, which is important to every Windrunner and their spren.
  16. She did react to where Zane will be in the future, not now, revealing where she will be in the future. She didn't react to Zane moves, but she used that moves to know where he saw her shadow, where he saw her future. The Intent does fix all the confusion nicely.
  17. We don't know what copper compounding can do yet, or if it even can do something much bigger. Brandon didn't tell us, nor did he tell us if it's useful that much.
  18. Yes, that's how I uderstand it. That's not it. She didn't simply react to Zane, that what she was doing throughout all of the fight previously, which Zane countered easily. What she did, was to look at Zane (without thinking about doing that), to see where he sees her shadow - she basically reacted to Zane's Atium shadow of herself, therefore she saw her own future, which splits the shadow for Zane. Yes, this is confusing. Messing with time messes with brain. I would say there are two options on what Atium is showing, First is that the shadow is just changing when you decide what you gonna do, predicting what your opponent reaction to that move will be - but you can understand it as Atium drastically enhances your processing spead, and you still see it early enough to to make proper corrections. Second, the Atium already includes reactions to your move - which make both your and your opponent close future set in stone.
  19. Yes, but workers aren't enemies, they are just workers. Killing them is not right. Yeah, perfectly logical, right? That's why Elsecaller would say that. Windrunners are all about morality and doing what is right. Killing innocent civilians is not right nor moral.
  20. No it's not. That's not how Atium works. Atium doesn't care about probabilities, Atium sees the future as it is. Reactions or decisions of your opponents doesn't change the future, they make that future to be realised. It's seeing the future. The only way that the shadows can be split is when your opponet aslo can see the future - which we see in the books. That's how Vin won with Zane. Your opponents reactions to your actions are predicted by the Atium shadow. Atium doesn't care about decision, the moment you made decisions of what you're going to do, Atium shadow shows what your enemy will do in reaction to that (or even before that decision is made, as Atium sees it already). No probabilities involved. Close future is indeed set in metal, Atium sees it. That's not quantum physics. Typically electrical signals inside the brain travel at no faster than 120m/s, which is still fast. But Pewter somehow makes your body much stronger, faster and durable than it's capable of. Atium increases your mental processing speed, so that number doesn't mater, as Atium makes it much greater. Your muscles will move instinctively to react to the future Atium is showing you, to make that future come to past. Edit: You could think of the near future as a quantum superposition of all possible actions and decisions that you can make. But in quantum physics just simple act of observing, collapses that wave function. Atium is that observing mechanism - it collapses superposition, leaving you with only one result - one shadow.
  21. Both of the opponents got hit in abdomen - they are not able to fight any more. And the right guy did try to strike, but by that time the center guy was already out of range and defeated the left guy. How is that not a duel? It's a duel in all the ways. To death - good luck with that in these days. Now give that guy Atium. He will win in most of the fights from video. Oh right, my bad, that was completely valid "you can't dodge" just to force your opinion. Than what? You do the same, predict where he wants you to be. He pushes you toward the table? Move bahind it. Pushes you toward a wall, move away. Pushes you toward rubish on ground - avoid. What is so hard about it when you see future? You ignore atium by saying "Stepping back only gets you impaled on the other guys spear, same as to the sides." like Seer would not see that coming. Every single time you write something like this, how the next strike would kill Seer, you ignore he have seen it with Atium already. You can't just say "and there is a spear". In any fight 1 on 1, Seer wins. There are extreme circumstances in which Seer can be checkmate, which won't just happen in any fight, and it would be almost impossible to make them in 1 on 1 fight or even 1 on 2. Every 1 on 2 or even 1 on 3 fight can be turned into small 1 on 1 fights by placing your opponents one behind another. It take just seconds to strike multiple blows and kill. In the very video I give you, the HEMA instructor told that increasing numbers of opponents doesn't increase their strength proportionally, as only 3 at most can fight at once with one guy. 3 seconds of future sight makes you see whole sequences of moves of every opponent you face, and shows you weak spots, places you can safly move, exposed area of enemy defence - you use that and in next few second half of those guy would be dead. And in books HoA Seers were dying while fighting with Koloss having Atium. The book also shows us 2 dead mistborn who burned Atium when killed, Vin being struck multiple time while burning Atium, and shows you every weakness of Atium. The books disproves your claim that "The books say if you are burning atium you are practically immortal and there's nothing that can be done to you". Koloss are much bigger than humans, every fight with them is just series of short 1 on 1 fights as if there was more they would be interacting with each other, as they came from the same direction, against army of Seers in formation from the other side.
  22. Oh I knew you will say that. So what counts as a duel, in your opinion? A 30 min battle to death with blood and desperation like in every movie? HEMA experts are not good enough for you. But this one was not about fighting with multiple opponents. It is just 1vs1. It was not about location, it was about reading what your enemy whats you do to during a fight. Predicting where he wants you to be with his attacks. Skilled fighter reads from movements of his enemy, Seer knows what he will do before he starts doing it. That's a difference, it's huge. That's a insta win for any skilled fighter. Skilled fighter doesn't need more strength, or to be faster, but increasing his ability to predict enemy moves, to the level of seeing future is a huge advantage. Predicting the enemy is more important than being stronger or faster. Here is your problem. You create artificial scenarios when Seer is already in disadvantageous position or even in checkmate, just to prove your point, ignoring whole fight in the way. You constantly forgets that Seer sees the future few seconds in advance and can prepare for any attack, before it even begins, and want Seer to just "be impaled on the other guys spear". Fights don't last 30 min. You ignoring HEMA duel, the most accurate form of fighting we can use as an example, as for some reason you do not count it as a duel, and in the same time claim that "leaning more forward" in the middle of the strike is a viable fighting form. None of us has any experience in fighting, creating any fake scenarios or possible strikes is just bad on both side. Those who had some experience straight up said that predicting your enemy moves is more important than being faster or stronger. We gonna go around talking "and then he got speard" "no, he moves to side", "but there is a wall" etc - that's pointless. That proves nothing. Every single move and strike CAN be countered by proper defence, dodge, or attack. For some reason you think that a guy, that sees the future few seconds in advance, will just walk right into a sword. Just to remaind you, in few seconds whole fight can be over, as seen by HEMA, and in that time, both sides can make multiple strikes and moves.
  23. Because enemy will just keep thrusting mindlessly hoping that one will hit? Seer sees incoming thrust in shadow, prepers himself, and times it with his opponent, so when he is going to attack, Seers is starts moving as well. And yes, it takes less than a second to move your body out of the blade's way, either by stepping back, to the side, or even without stepping, just turning your body, or leaning, and you know, using a sword after that to strike on his opponent, when he still finishing his thrust. Yes, that's sometimes entire fight. If not, they can easily see and chose to avoid positions that put them in disadvantage. For example, they see his enemy tries to push him back, so he moves to the left or right, or even attack before he does. Knowledge is a power. And this is not just some knowledge, it's seeing into the future in a fight. He can move away to safe distance, he can strike when he sees an opening, and he will see if that was successful, or puts him in danger, and can corrects for that. Yomen proves this. HEMA instructor, his students are fighting, of equal skill, without much experience in fighting with multiple opponents. You said "no human has ever defeated two opponents at once in a duel", all it takes is just one instance, to prove you wrong.
  24. But the Seer saw that thrust seconds before it came, and can move out of its way in less than a second. He can time up that dogde to start moving when he starts thrusting. Duel don't have to involve same equipment. There can be duels when one side has some advantage, or different weapons. And Seer can easily avoid being put in that situation. Matt Easton from Schola Gladiatoria, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s7KfetTixQ - around 9 min in video. But you know what they gonna do. You know how they gonna move, where they gonna strike. This is the biggest advantage in any fight. Knowing what your enemy will do.
  25. I say Starsprens for Skybreakers and Rainsprens or Riversprens for Truthwatchers, but they are scholars so maybe something different (like Concentrationspren)? And wouldn't Rocksprens (if exists?) be better for Stonewards? Or heatspren, Coldspren. Captivitysprens for Willshapers And Hungersprens for LIft - just for her
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