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Posts posted by alder24

  1. 2 hours ago, Sythrin said:

    This gives me the idea, that if you could pair a healing power for example "regrowth/growth" with an external intent or identity. Could you theoreticlly enforce your intent on the healing progress of a person that you heal and give them for example cancer?

    No, altering their identity isn't enough because their perception of themselves will always filter your healing to match their mental image. Even if you knock them unconscious, the way they view themselves is still saved in their spirit web. To do that you would need to mess with their spirit web first and that can be done with Hemalurgy. 



    We know that magical healing has a lot to do with Identity, like Lopen and Rysn. Suppose someone was tapping Identity from an unkeyed metalmind, and then you tried to heal them with any kind of magical healing. What would happen?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most likely, that person’s perspective of themself is going to filter that unkeyed metalmind, and so what’s going to happen is what would normally happen to that person. In most instances. There are ways to get around that, but the vast majority, that’s what you’re gonna see.


    And if they were storing Identity instead?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Then you’re gonna go back to their Cognitive picture of themselves, which is going to be what’s filtering this, how they see themselves. If you knock them unconscious, they can’t see themselves, you’re blanking them of Identity, and things like that. They still, basically, will have… it’s gonna be really hard to get that all separated. The mental picture of themselves still exists on the Spiritual Realm. Remember, Realmatics is based on Plato’s theories of the forms, but your perspective is what’s shaping that. So there’s still gonna be, like, on the Spiritual Realm, there’s gonna be some version of yourself that is deeply influenced by how you view yourself that is going to be what that Investiture is trying to match, it’s trying to bring your body into alignment with that. So you’ve gotta replace that thing if you want it to do something different. Which you can do with Hemalurgy.

    Dragonsteel 2022 (Nov. 14, 2022)


  2. 6 hours ago, Master Silver said:

    So Nale when he uses his honor blade uses more stormlight than when using his spren blade.

    That's not how it works. He gets the same powers from both of his highly efficient 5th Ideal spren bond and his inefficient Honorblade, there would be some kind of compounding effect which simply would make him efficient and strong with Surges. It doesn't matter what blade he holds in his hands. 


    Questioner (paraphrased)

    If a non-Windrunner picked up Jezrien's Honorblade would they gain Windrunner powers as well?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


    Questioner (paraphrased)

    If a Windrunner picked up that blade, would their abilities be enhanced?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    There would be some compounding but strength is not as much an issue with Surgebinding as is the strength of the spren bond and how much Stormlight you are using.

    Words of Radiance Houston signing (March 11, 2014)


    WoR ch 87:


    “No. But Kaladin, you have to understand. With this sword, someone can do what you can, but without the . . . checks a spren requires.” She touched it, then shivered visibly, her form blurring for a second. “This sword gave the assassin power to use Lashings, but it also fed upon his Stormlight. A person who uses this will need far, far more Light than you will. Dangerous levels of it.”


    6 hours ago, Master Silver said:

    But would a non-radiant use even more stormlight than Nale while using Nale's honor blade? Remember how Kaladin got better with stormlight the more oaths he said. I wonder if it is the same for the Heralds. 

    No, there is no difference here. The third WoB said: "Honorblades are less efficient; this doesn't change when a Herald uses them." The inefficiency comes from Honorblades itself and Heralds also suffer from the same inefficiency. There is no Oaths or Ideal to swear to change that. 

    6 hours ago, Master Silver said:

    Did the Heralds breaking their bond weaken Honor so that Odium could kill him. Or did that start the long death? The Recreance could have served as the final nail in the coffin. 

    No. The Recreance happened when Honor was already dying, all nails were in the coffin, the coffin was just being lowered into a grave.



    Was Odium able to Splinter Honor because the Heralds abandoned the Oathpact?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Good question. Um, their abandonment of the Oathpact is related... but mostly tangentially. If I was pinned down on that, I would say no.


    Is there any of the Oathpact still functioning because of Taln's continued participation?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, indeed.

    Steelheart Seattle signing (Oct. 14, 2013)


    6 hours ago, Master Silver said:

    Possible oaths for the Heralds.

    Oaths: 1. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

    2. I will serve as a Herald of the Almighty, I will protect the people of Roshar.

    Another way to say this will less room for interpretation. 2. I will serve as a Herald of Honor, I will protect mankind. 

    3. I pledge my body and soul to cage Odium, and I will never break. 

    The Oathpact isn't like that. It's not like the Nahel Bond and Radiant Ideals, there is no progression or improvement. The Oathpact is a bond forged by Ishar the Bondsmith and Honor. We don't know the details, but it's not like what Radiants have. 

    6 hours ago, Master Silver said:

    Breaking the other oaths causes the Herlads to turn into the ten fools,

    That's the nature of Cognitive Shadows. They've lived far longer than they should have, this strained their mind and soul and broke them, causing them to go mad. To add even more, they are more similar to spren thus they are susceptible to perception of people about them, which also causes further deterioration. You can see the signs of their madness even in the WoK prelude - Kalak already is showing signs of his future indecisiveness. Oathpact doesn't help them. 



    Why or how are the Heralds the only ones we've seen so far that are affected by magical maladies due to either their high Investiture or long lives?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would argue the Fused are having the same situation, so they're not the only ones. The why and how... there's a whole host of things going on here. Like a lot of physical and mental illness, it's not one thing or the other. But it is a compound of other things.

    One is going so long without certain protections that you kind of need to take. The human being's soul might be immortal, depending on your argument in the cosmere. (That's really up to you.) But they certainly aren't meant for thousands of years of existence, the same way that our bodies aren't. There's some of that.

    There's some of the things they've been through. Like, legit trauma; this is not all simply a magical ailment. You've got people with PTSD, layers of PTSD on top of layers of PTSD, for thousands of years, bearing things that no human being without their level of Investiture would even be able to bear. You've got that manifestation, you've got their own sense of guilt.

    And these things are all just kind of overlapping together with the fact they've been alive for so, so very long. And a lot of the people that you've seen otherwise have not been alive nearly... orders of magnitude more for the Heralds. The only people you've seen that are that old are: some of the dragons, Hoid, and Vessels of various Shards. And you're basically at that group. And this is a group who knows what they're doing. Either they were built like the dragons, this is part of their innate nature, that they are functionally immortal. Or you are getting the Shards. Or you're getting people that are 300 years old, which is a very different thing, cosmere-wise, than having lived for thousands and thousands of years, part of it being torture.

    Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)




    The Heralds seem to be insane in the ways of their Divine Attributes, at least somewhat. Is this because they're Heralds? As Cognitive Shadows, they're subject to people's perception, like how spren are?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a very astute question, and yes, that is influencing them quite a bit. I'm doing something here with the Heralds. Like, I want the Heralds "madnesses," as we call them, to be magical diseases. And the contrast of something like Kaladin's depression, which I'm trying to treat very real-world. I'm trying to treat them as these things that couldn't exist in our world. They're fantastical mental diseases, like we have fantastic physical diseases in Elantris. So I did make them thematic, and I would say part of the reason for that is people's perception of them and their mental state reacting against that. And that should be a theme among all of the Heralds.

    San Diego Comic-Con@Home 2020 (July 23, 2020)
  3. 8 hours ago, MerlinArcane said:

    When Navani bonded the Sibling, and before when she was studying them, she noticed that a lot of the fabrials were primitive, or of lesser quality than the current ones used. Do we think, with her bond, Navani is able to magically remake the fabrials to be more modern? that, or do it manually throughout the entire tower. 

    If that’s possible, what sort of new things could be added to the tower to make it more useful? We know it won’t be a spaceship, but it could become the beating heart of civilisation again, or at least the beating heart of the Radiant Orders.

    Many fabrials in the Tower were indeed added by ancient Radiants to provide more functionality to the city (for example the soulcasting fabrial that created the glass barrier around the crystal heart of the Sibling). Modern fabrials rely on trapping spren, something that the Sibling is unwilling to accept. But Navani for sure will upgrade many fabrials in the Tower by incorporating new discoveries about the metal cage and aluminum - they've already replaced many fabrials in the Tower to make them work again after they moved in, like in elevators. 

    Remaking them "magically" won't happen (depending on what you mean by "magically"). Ancient fabrials are physical manifestations of spren, so at best she will have to explain to those spren to change their form to add new elements, but in the case of aluminum they will have to add it manually as aluminum likely can't be created by spren. Many of those fabrials are the Sibling's body, if Navani will be able to convince the Sibling to change them, they will change it - if it's even needed. There are many advanced fabrials made by the Sibling, more advanced than what Roshar developed on their own, like the suppressor fabrial. 

    Moreover Navani now knows that ancient fabrials are physical manifestations of spren, it still might be problematic to find spren willing to sacrifice for humanity if she wants to add some new fabrials. Communication with those spren might be tricky as well - Navani knew at the beginning of RoW that ancient fabrial have a spren trapped in CR, but they weren’t able to communicate with them. Maybe her new Bondsmith powers will allow her to do that, but she will have to learn this first.

    However Navani doesn't need to really replace or modify any fabrials, now with her Connection to the Sibling she can just activate all of the Tower's fabrials with Towerlight. That's one crucial thing that was missing before, Towerlight was needed to power those fabrials, not Stormlight. She has full control over them and she already did restore the Tower to its former glory.

  4. 8 hours ago, EDPDragon said:

    The chapter heading in chapter 40 of The Hero of Ages says "However, each spike also distorts the koloss body a little more, making it increasingly inhuman."

    I know that by default koloss have 4 spikes, but what's the limit of spikes the koloss's body can take? Could a stronger koloss be made with 5 or 6 spikes, or would that kill it?

    Well, TenSoon was wearing 4 spikes and he still remained a Kandra. I think if you know what you're doing, you can give a Koloss more spikes and they will still remain a Koloss - bigger, stronger and probably more mindless, but still a Koloss. However I don’t think Koloss will be able to handle more spikes, 1, or 2, maybe 4 at best - a linchpin spike might be required as with Inquisitors. Inquisitors needed a linchpin spike after their 4th spike, Koloss already have 4 spikes. I think it's also possible that the addition of a linchpin spike would change a Koloss enough so they would no longer be a Koloss, then the answer would be you can't give them more spikes. Unfortunately this is all speculation as we don’t have answers to those questions, it can go either way.

  5. 7 hours ago, Master Silver said:

    So Minor spoilers from the prologue for Stormlight Five. 

    My theory is that we have not yet really seen why the Heralds are spoken of with such awe by the Fused/Singers and the legends of mankind. The reason for this is that the honor blades which are splinters of Honor behave sort of like Radiant Spren bonds. Yes they give the basic lashings of their respective order, but this is the least they are supposed to do. It is sort of like how dead blades and plate are still fantastic weapons. Why aren't the Honor blades more fantastic? Broken oaths. Re-swear those oaths and I bet they do so much more. The major thing or most obvious thing would be the honor blades acting as a source of stormlight for their bearers. A direct connection to Honor by which they can be filled with Stormlight. Another interesting effect would be how we see the Radiants leak less stormlight as they progress to higher ideals. I imagine this is true of the heralds too. If they re-swear their oaths I bet their stormlight efficiency sky rockets.

    Yes, Honorblades can do more than we've seen till now. Honorblades aren't bound by Oaths like Radiants and their True Spren are. Honorblades aren't like a Nahel Bond, the Nahel bond is like Honorblades - it was Spren who started to copy Honorblades first. 

    One thing Heralds were capable of is drawing power directly from Honor, not needing Stormlight for their Surgebinding - but after Honor's death this is likely no longer possible. However Honorblade are the first generation, the prototypes of Shardblades and because of that they are less efficient (and also less fantastic) - they require more Stormlight to power Surgebinding, they don't heal as well as Radiants can (for example they can't heal spiritual wounds), they can't change their forms and this doesn't change when they are in Herald's hands, thus no oath can change that too. They are tied to the Oathpact but not directly, they are more like a symbol of the Oath Heralds made. Honorblades were even swapped by Heralds from time to time so they aren't even that strongly tied to each Herald specifically. 

    I doubt Heralds can just reswear their Oath and be good - that won't work like it does with Radiants, as they didn't swear Oaths like Radiants do. They were a part of the Oathpact, they made one Oath, forged by Ishar and Honor. The Oathpact is a cage made out of Herald's souls, now it's nearly broken. Oaths aren't needed, even the Stormfather warns Dalinar that with Jezrien's blade he can be more than a Windrunner, nearly like a Herald. We don't know what it even means to be like a Herald, so yes, Honorblades are likely capable of more, but they have some serious limitations in comparison to Shardblades. 

    OB ch 16:


    This weapon, instead, was made directly from Honor’s soul, then given to the Heralds. It is also the mark of an oath, but a different type—and does not have the mind to scream on its own.
    What will you do with it? the Stormfather asked as Dalinar entered the empty corridors. It is a weapon beyond parallel. The gift of a god. With it, you would be a Windrunner unoathed. And more. More that men do not understand, and cannot. Like a Herald, nearly.




    The Heralds, back before Honor died, were they directly powered by Honor?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. You’ll find out more about that, but the Shardblades [pretty sure he means Honorblades here] were pieces of Honor’s soul that he gave them and direct access to his essence.


    Like Vin and Elend?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, a little like that. That’s why Honorblades don’t work like Shardblades do, like Radiants do.


    The second part of the question is, what would happen if they were directly powered by Honor and they were holding Nightblood?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Boskone 54 (Feb. 17, 2017)



    Brandon Sanderson

    A full-blown Radiant can heal almost anything (cut from a Shardblade included) because of the way the magic works--their soul is literally bonded to Investiture, and it suffuses them in such a way that even the soul is very resilient to damage.

    Honorblades are what you'd consider a "prototype" for what eventually happened with Shardblades. An Honorblade can be used by anyone, without need for oaths, which makes them very dangerous--but since the bond isn't as deep, they are far less efficient. They use more Stormlight, for example, and can't heal to the extent that a Radiant can.

    So the difference is not in the device that did the damage, but in the method using to heal. Over the course of the first two book, the reader should be able to subtly pick out differences from what Szeth says is possible (in more than just healing) and what Kaladin experiences.

    General Reddit 2017 (Sept. 8, 2017)




    Does a Herald using an Honorblade consume the same "dangerous" amounts of Stormlight?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Honorblades are less efficient; this doesn't change when a Herald uses them. (But they have other advantages.)


    Are Honorblades closer in power to Nightblood than they are to Shardblades made from Spren?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Hard to say. They're all similar, but at the same time, very different. And in a way, Nightblood is what you might call a "Third Generation" blade.


    Ah gotcha. And in this analogy, Honorblades would be 1st gen and Sprenblades would be 2nd gen?

    Brandon Sanderson


    /r/books AMA 2015 (Aug. 4, 2015)




    When the Heralds abandoned the Oathpact, why did they believe they needed to leave their Honorblades behind as they disbanded? Did they know what would happen to their blades after they left them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There's a couple things going on here. If you've read Way of Kings Prime, there is built, originally into the Honorblades, the ability to find other Honorblades by using them. This has not been canonized into the cosmere as it exists yet, but it is still a power that's in the back of my mind, it is most likely something you can access with the Honorblades: let you find the others. This is calling back to the old Fred Saberhagen Swords books, which were part of the inspiration for these. So one reason they would leave them behind, the lesser reason, is: they're supposed to go split up, and they don't want to see each other. They want to leave them behind, because it's like: "The others might be able to find me. We're going our separate ways. We are done."

    But the greater reason, the canon reason, that you can cite is that idea of: "I am walking away from being a Herald. This was the gift I was given, and a representation of that gift I was given, that represents me standing up for humankind. And I am no longer willing to do that, so I have to give this thing up." And they all knew it. They didn't have to be told it, because they knew what they were doing meant they didn't deserve those anymore. Not in a magical sense, but in a sort of philosophical and moral sense.

    Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)




    Did the Heralds ever temporarily swap Honorblades and learn to use more than their regular two Surges?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It has happened. (But it was not common.)

    /r/books AMA 2015 (July 16, 2015)


  6. 3 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

    Mistborn spoilers:


    We see in MB 1 that a Shard can easily wipe out all of the people on a planet. Ruin was only indirectly wiping out Scadrians (he was really trying to destroy the planet, the people were a side effect) by erupting the ashmounts and causing the earthquakes, etc - and that was a weakened shard.


    This is SA forum only, please put that fragment into a spoiler box with a proper warning. :) 

    2 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

    I didnt mention this but I believe Odium is Invested in Roshar at this point (i think there is a wob).

    Here is that WoB:



    When one of the shards, like Odium, move from world to world in the cosmere, does their presence, like the metals they leave behind and their magic, leave with them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Odium never really settled on a planet.  He is now settled on Roshar and his magic has permeated things.  Leaving would be very difficult for him. It would either involve leaving behind some of his power or ripping that out, which would be a difficult process.  So yes it is very tough to leave.

    Phoenix Comicon 2013 (May 24, 2013)
  7. 1 hour ago, gokucauthon said:

    i thought his authority came from him being bonded to the Stormfather/remnants of Honor

    This is important, but that alone doesn't give Dalinar the authority to negotiate in the name of the entire Roshar. He needed to become a leader of the Coalition first. His Connection to the Stormfather and therefore Honor's remnants allow Dalinar to free Odium from Honor's imprisonment. OB ch 57:


    Dalinar stood up. “I offer you a challenge of champions. With terms to be discussed. Will you accept it?”
    Odium stopped, then turned slowly. “Do you speak for the world, Dalinar Kholin? Will you offer this for all Roshar?”
    Storms. Would he? “I…”

  8. 1 hour ago, ThisIsthePlace said:

    I'm not sure if this has any significance, but I recently was re-reading Oathbringer, and noticed that it mentions the leader of Tukar as the God-King. Is this a possible relation with Warbreaker? Or is it just something that develops individually across the Cosmere that they have in common?

    No, it's just a title. We know that Tukari God-King is Herald Ishar and Heralds are incapable of leaving Roshar. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Quantus said:

    F-Nicrosil stores the ability to Use a particular investiture

    Yes and that's innate investiture. Metallic arts come from Preservation's fragment and that's innate investiture. By compounding and later tapping your metalmind you will increase your innate investiture, become more invested and that gives you similar effects to Heightenings in general. And while compounding your Allomantic or Feruchemical powers would make you stronger in those arts, I don't care about it, I only care about how invested will your Preservation's fragment become by tapping all what you've compounded and what passive effects of being that invested you will get. 


    To everybody who doesn't see many uses for heat and F-brass. Feruchemy protects you from some harmful effects of using your powers. Everything that's below the melting point of brass (930 degree C) is a free real estate for you (technically you can also store in liquid metals but it would affect investiture in some way). For people who work with metal it would be a really useful thing. You can literally fuse pieces of aluminum together by melting them in your hands. You can boil water for tea or coffee with no effort - you'll never get wet in rain with F-brass. You can shape plastic like clay with your bare hands. I think it would be fun to have such power - but your wardrobe won't be happy, you either work naked or get used to burning clothes.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    But this raises a question. Why does a Herald or a Shardbearer go for help to deal with a child bonding a Spren? Why does she not just tell the Spren to leave and is obeyed?

    Highspren like hierarchy, that's why they are obeying Nale, but Honorspren clearly showed that they will go any lengths to achieve their goals, even if it means imprisoning a Herald. Heralds have only a limited authority among spren and vary depending on their type. Cryptics have a "reputation," they were the first to respond to the incoming Desolation, their society isn't centered around militarism like Highspren or Honorspren's, they likely don't care that much about what a Herald orders them to do.

  11. 4 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

    No honor, no problems with him telling people anything. This assumes that Cultivation does not exist and that the shards would have known what would happen and disapproved.

    You've asked for consequences of Splintering of Honor, I gave you them. This "telling people" is in the past. Recreance happened because Honor was dying and wasn't able to perform his duties as he did previously. If he wasn't Splintered, Recreance most likely wouldn't have happened. I have no idea why you brought Cultivation into this particular point. 

    4 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

    So because there is too much power in the hands of a human being who can be killed, if worst comes to worst, you would give divine powers that come with an influence that warps the mind to another human being?

    Being a Shard chains you with limitations and rules you have to obey. Bondsmith Unchained can do things that even Shards can't. Honor restricted those things to prevent another Ashyn from happening, but Shards can't just blast a planet into oblivion, they are limited by their nature. Reformed Honor is a much lesser threat than a Bondsmith Unchained, especially if it falls into reasonable hands, like Dalinar.

    4 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

    Do I need to point out that the original Honor approved a plan that got 90% of Roshar's population killed over and over?

    That was not Honor's plan at all. Did you forget, Honor didn't predict that Heralds would break their Oath? Honor assumed that once Heralds go to Braize, Fused and Voidspren would never come back to Roshar as they will be trapped on Braize for an eternity. You can't accuse him of being malicious when he just made a tragic mistake. He was blinded by his Intent. OB ch 38:


    “He was like a spren himself,” Dalinar said. “You told me before—Odium too.”


    4 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

    How is this in the interest of the people of Roshar? Why would they rekindle the cycle of Desolations to do that?

    Because Odium said that once he is freed, he will kill every Splinter of Honor on Roshar and he will Splinter Cultivation as well. That's why this is in the interest of the people of Roshar. Nobody wants to restart Desolations, they need to stop them and bringing back Honor with a fresh Vessel is a first step to finding the ultimate solution that isn't an endless Desolation and the one that doesn't allow Odium, a force that wants the be the only god in Cosmere, to rampage freely among stars. OB ch 57:


    “And what are the consequences of my releasing you?”
    “Well, first I’d see to Cultivation’s death. There would be … other consequences, as you call them, as well.”
    “A man cannot serve two gods at once, Dalinar,” Odium said. “And so, I cannot leave her behind. In fact, I cannot leave behind the Splinters of Honor, as I once thought I could. I can already see that going wrong. Once you release me, my transformation of this realm will be substantial.”

  12. 13 hours ago, Quantus said:

    Allomancy doesn't store any Investiture in the misting themselves so at most they'd only gain those additional benefits while actively burning.  That path leads to Savantism fairly quickly.

    Not via Allomancy, but with Feruchemy. F-nicrosil stores innate investiture, you only are using Allomancy for compounding to create huge storages of innate investiture, then you just tap that nicrosilmind. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

    Quick thought here; since high levels of Investiture can help heal someone, would keeping an injured (non powered) person in a Shardpool make them recover more quickly?

    Or, since the Investiture isn't actually a part of them, would it be ineffectice?

    I think it would be ineffective. You need a way to draw that investiture in and turn it into a healing power and a non-powered individual doesn't have that ability. Even a Coinshot won't be able to use that to heal.

  14. 6 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

    What mess? Honor was splintered thousands of years ago. No major ill effects from that are observable. There is no mess. Hence a very simple question: Does anybody have a practical reason to restore Honor?

    Recreance wasn't a mess? Thousands of dead spren because Honor was too busy dying and was raving instead of assuring Radiants that they will be fine. The limitations placed on Surges by Honor are fading now, Ishar can do crazy stuff because he's unchained now - that's a mess waiting to happen, repetition of Ashyn is now a real danger. Honor's power in the hands of a mortal, the Bondsmith bonded with the Stormfather. It takes just one wrong person over centuries to allow Odium to leave and it will end with a disaster. Odium already has found a way to walk around the Oathpact, without Honor to counteract him he is just one step away from being freed. The contest of Champions doesn't remove Odium as a threat, it gives him permanently half of Roshar. That's a huge mess that never happened when Honor was alive.

    Restoring Honor puts back some pressure on Odium. It gives him an enemy that will oppose his every action, unite and command humanity and spren against him. Honor will cloud Odium's future sight way better than Renarin can. There are many reasons why restoring Honor is a great idea, doing that to mess with Odium's plans is enough of a reason for me.

  15. 4 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

    @Quantus, as an argument for Nicrosil Compounding, I think it's possible to exploit raw Investiture usage by Storing A-nicrosil's potency while not Burning it, then Tapping it while Compounding to exponentially increase the Investiture gained. That Investiture doesn't do much on its own, but being 1,000 times as Invested as the standard Misting (even if only briefly) has to bring some benefit. Maybe slight Spiritweb expansion?

    7 minutes ago, Quantus said:

    But assuming you can Compound it in some way to get a Power increase, what exacting is getting increased?  The only Power you'd ever be able to Compound is the ability to Store Powers itself, and multiplying that offers no (obvious?) benefit.  Even with a quantitative Compounding effect, Nicrosil is only useful in a world where Other powers are around to be gathered and stored.  But without anything like that it's as useful as  Duralumin-Gnat, technically a Power and an Investiture use, but without any actual benefit (beyond the ability to eat & destroy samples of a particular metal).

    Good idea. You just get more invested. You are increasing the innate investiture of your soul and that has massive consequences. You will be harder to affect with Allomancy in general and Warbreaker spoilers:


    you can become a Returned without any Breaths, just by the sheer quantity of your innate investiture you can get the same effects as Heightenings give. That's a much better way of achieving agelessness than F-Atium. 


    I agree with @Trusk'our that F-aluminum just blanks your identity, you don't store it at all. But without knowing for sure, I will go with Cadmium. Compounding breath isn't that useful in your day to day life. 

  16. 13 minutes ago, The Stick said:

    Here, what I would like to posit is whether or not a Nicrobusts misting could Nicrobust another Nicrobust misting, so the Nicrobust from that misting applied to another misting, let's say a coinshot, would increase the power. If so, could mistborn use Duralumin to boos Nicrosil, then go down the line to crazily amplify powers?

    What does nicrosil and duralumin do? It burns all your burned metals in an instant. If you nicroburst a Nicroburster who is boosting a Coinshot, that Coinshot will still burn all his metals in an instant - it makes no difference for a Coinshot if there is a chain of Nicrobursters boosting each or just one. He literally can't burn his metals any faster. 

  17. 18 hours ago, SPECTRE120 said:

    There are a lot of posts asking who would win, and it always comes down to a Scadrian and a Rosharan. It might be mistborn, twinborn, 3rd ideal radiant, full radiant, etc., but most people have one side they usually agree with, no matter the characteristics. I want to settle the debate once and for all. In general, who do you think would win?

    This topic again :P

    Where and when? Right now, as it is at the end of RoW/TLM, both Rosharans and Scadrians can't compete with each other on their home ground. Rosharans can't invite Scadrial as their spren and Radiants are bound to Roshar, unable to leave, their regular troops stand no chance against modern weaponry, while Scadrians can use Metalborns on Roshar, but they also can't leave Scadrial as they have no infrastructure in CR, nor their Metalborns and modern army can reasonably compete against Radiants on Roshar. Right now there is simply no competition at all. 

    However in the future of Cosmere things change, Emberdark spoilers:


    A full scale war would end up in a mutually assured destruction. Both sides would lose.

    In TSM we see Scadrian tech being distributed among common people, weight devices, steelpush watches and possibly many other things, future development of Malwish medallions and primer cubes. They seem to be easily accessible, granting Metalborn powers to everywhere. Even Nomad knew Scadrians could have overwhelmed him with their technology despite having a Shardblade and being a Dawnsliver. They weren't scared of Nomad being a Radiant, they were scared of him being the one that the Night Brigade was looking for. They are dangerous.

    Scadrian spaceships and space stations are scattered everywhere across Cosmere, they provide transportation services and in times of war allow the use of orbital bombardment to level their enemies. They have powerful Harmonium-Trellium, comparable in scale to modern thermonuclear weapons, which most definitely evolve in the future into more powerful bombs, I’m 100% sure they adopt anti-investiture weapons after they become more Cosmere aware. And we can't forget about their numerous colonies and vast resources they are getting from those places. 

    Rosharans are dangerous too. Radiants wield huge power that level the fighting plane, their Shardplates allow them to resist a lot and fabrial tech, while not that common across Cosmere as Scadrian tech, grant them many tools and allow them to construct spaceships. Radiants and Shardbearers can leave Roshar, they can access dangerous amounts of Stormlight, they are valuable mercenaries. They have antigrav technology (probably fabrials) that allow them to also create their own spaceships, just like Scadrians they have numerous planets colonized.

    In a full scale war against those two there would be no winners. They would obliterate each other until nothing but dust is left on both Roshar and Scadrial and even their fancy tech and magic won't protect them. Each of them possesses weapons capable of destroying civilization right now, in the future they will make them even better. I think that's the reason they are scrambling to capture as many colonies as they can, they each want to get an edge over the other, they try to avoid an open conflict as they know it will be disastrous. They are focusing on proxy wars instead. We don't know if that's how the futuristic political scene of Cosmere is like, but I feel it would look like the Cold War for the same reasons. Once they both have nukes and anti-investiture, they would not want to risk an open war because of a mutually assured destruction.

    But there is no "draw" option on the poll for me to vote for so I won't vote.

  18. 2 hours ago, Stefano said:

    Wayne is a bloodmaker, and at the end of TLM he gains full mistborn abilities.

    Wouln't it make him a gold compounder? Why didn't he try to save himself filling up the metalminds before blowing up?

    I guesstimate the power of the explosion to be comparable to the 2020 Beirut explosion, which had a yield of around 1 kt. That might have instantly melted or vaporized all of his gold and it would have certainly ripped his body to pieces, separating him from metalminds faster than he could have healed.

    To even consider compounding gold as an option he needed to burn his gold to gain health in the first place, which takes just as much time as burning regular gold (if not longer) and makes you lose gold, as you burn it away. He didn't have infinite healing as he didn't have lots of gold and he couldn't have spent any time burning it to accumulate needed storages of health to tap from because the ship had to be stopped right now, before it could have gone any closer to Elendel. 

  19. On 5/3/2024 at 5:15 PM, Nightstar The Bright said:

    I’ve noticed that many of the major Rosharan nation pages (Azir, Alethkar, Shinovar etc), which could be considered the successors to the Silver kingdoms, include history from before their founding (human arrival, heraldic Epochs etc). I think this should be removed, or rather moved to the Silver kingdoms pages, because, like I said, the states weren’t there yet. These nation pages aren’t about the land itself, their about the nations. What do you guys think of this?

    Disagree. Is the history of the Ottoman Empire separate from Turkey's history? Would you remove the history of HRE, or Prussia before unification of Germany in 1871, saying that it's not Germany because that state didn't exist, nor was it named Germany at that time? But back then it was an empire, nothing like today's state, then it changed into a republic, the 3rd Reich, it was divided into West and East and unified again in 1990. When did the history of modern Germany start? The current iteration of Germany started in 1990 - would you remove everything that was before because those states were vastly different from modern Germany? Where would you draw the line? 

    People form nations. Nations evolve, change, grow or fall with their people. The history of a state doesn't start when its modern iteration began, it starts with its people and rulers far in the past that lived in a state that didn't even share the same name as today's country. It's a continuous history and past iterations of a nation aren't removed from its modern form, they are the predecessors that grew into what's now. Germans lived in Germany before Germany existed, Alethi lived in Alethkar before it existed. They've simply changed, but their past directly shaped them in the modern times. The history of previous states is still their history, even if the name was different.

  20. 55 minutes ago, Slappyface said:

    Is it confirmed that the previous bondsmiths could open perpendicularities? 

    I thought the Stormfather was suprised that Dalinar could open it, and Dalinar explains that they are something new?

    Yes, that's a Bondsmith power. The Stormfather was seeing something else and was referring to what he saw, he wasn't talking about the perpendicularity Dalinar made. 



    Dalinar Ascends, right? Like, right then, there.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I have RAFO'd that. Whether he is Ascending or not is a RAFO.


    Okay, because I know he kind of mentions from that, I don't know how to say his name but the older guy who has the Diagram--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Taravangian, yeah. Whether that deserves to be a capital "A" or not is a matter of argument. It can be disputed.


    I guess my main question would just be Dalinar's now able to pull Stormlight and give it to people now.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He definitely can. That is a Bondsmith power, so.


    That is a Bondsmith power, okay.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is specifically a Bondsmith power.


    Because my roommate was saying well, the Stormfather was surprised he could do that or was the Stormfather surprised that he was able to bridge--

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was surprised by what was happening to Dalinar as a whole.


    Oh okay, that's what I thought because I was like, because I felt like the Stormlight, that power would be a Bondsmith power.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Let's say that the Stormfather and Odium were seeing something in Dalinar that, perhaps, the average person watching even who is knowledgeable about Surges would not completely understand... But he will be able to use that power and Bondsmiths in the past have used that same power.

    Footnote: Brandon clarified that he might have been unintentionally misleading in his answers to this question during his Stormlight 4 Update 1.
    Idaho Falls signing (Dec. 29, 2018)


  21. 14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

    I guess the first question is.... could you create a one shot zapping cattle prod commanded to "Destroy Evil"? Some serious touch of death vibes here? 

    Probably not, the shape of Nightblood was important for its Awakening. It also matters that he's made out of steel. It wouldn't have worked if he was something else. Not to mention that Endowment was involved in Nightblood's creation, he is one and only in Cosmere, something that can't be repeated without Endowment's involvement. 



    If Vasher and Shashara had Awakened a non-weapon in exactly the same way as Nightblood (say a shield), would the object exhibit the same properties as Nightblood?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, if you said "destroy evil" to a shield... no, it wouldn't be exactly the same. The Command is the most important part of all of this, but the shape, how the weapon perceives itself, how you perceive it, is all gonna play into this. They're playing with some real dangerous stuff when they made Nightblood. And it didn't go as intended.

    San Diego Comic-Con@Home 2020 (July 23, 2020)




    If the only variable we change, during the creation of Nightblood, is to use a different Allomantically-viable metal (say, iron or bronze instead of steel), but keep everything else constant (the same Breaths, same people doing the same visualization, and whatever other factors were involved), would it have manifested different powers/capabilities?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Most likely.

    YouTube Spoiler Stream 3 (Dec. 16, 2021)




    When Nightblood created, was Endowment involved in any way more than normal?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Good question, you qualified that the right way! I would say yes, but maybe not to the extent you're thinking.


    Normal being using Endowment's Investiture to Awaken. There's something special.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would say, there is something special.

    Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)




    At Dragonsteel this year, you confirmed that Nightblood is not a Dawnshard. However, its abilities seem to be far greater than that of Vivenna’s blade, presumably made with the same method. This disparity may be due to the person who originally Awakened the swords and leads one to believe that Nightblood, despite not being the Dawnshard, had a Dawnshard involved in its creation. Therefore, is Shashara, the person who Awakened Nightblood, a Dawnshard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Excellent questions. You’ve got one faulty premise: Vivenna’s sword was intentionally designed differently to not get another Nightblood. So let’s keep that in mind. That said, I don’t know that they could make another Nightblood if they wanted to. But she definitely did not want to, and there’s a different process that they use nowadays for safer swords.

    Questioner 2

    Is Vivenna’s sword better or worse than Nightblood?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Depends on what you want from the sword. Vivenna’s sword does not automatically suck the soul and Investiture out of anything it touches, disintegrating that which it touches, which is both a plus and a minus.

    YouTube Spoiler Stream 6 (Dec. 19, 2023)


    14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

    What about a supercharged plasma cutting sword or something?  Brass compounder with a tungsten blade funneling heat through the weapon? Feruchemy protects the ferring as they would be hot enough to heat the weapon in the first place... And Tungsten can withstand temps above 6000 degrees f before melting at 6200f. So I assume you could swing that bad boi around and pretty well melt through everything. Is this the closest to a lightsaber Scadrial can get? 

    Brass would melt and your clothes would catch fire long before reaching 6k degrees F. Sure Feruchemy protects you from some effects of your increase in power, but not from all - a F-pewter makes you slower as massive bulky muscles restrict your movement, F-iron also slows you down, F-steel doesn't protect your from friction etc. F-brass might protect you from some effects of heat, but not from all, I expect it won't protect you from such extreme temperatures. 

    You want a lightsaber on Scadrial - give some levels of self-awareness to Atium swords, make Honorblades out of them. And it just happened that medallions work by very similar mechanisms and are self-aware a little, just like Honorblades. Make an Atium-medallion and you might end up with a Shardblade - which is better than a lightsaber. 

    You can make a railgun with primer cubes charged A-steel, A-iron and A-duralumin, which would be even easier to make than on Earth. 

    14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

    Please share any thoughts. Extra points if you can make a hammer or staff that is lightning charged. 

    Pretty sure investiture alone can be made into electricity - TSM. In the future turning investiture directly into lightning won't be any problem. 

  22. 3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    In TSM


    Meant to click spoiler

      Hide contents

    Nomad can skip, which doesn't come from his skybreaker or windrunner abilities. 



    Nor directly from his Dawnshard - Hoid can't skip. It was granted to him by some unknown event that happened at one point before TSM. That's not a direct Dawnshard ability.



    Is there a specific reason as to why Hoid cannot Skip, but Nomad can?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, there is a specific reason for that. I'll get into it someday. Let's just say the Skipping started because of a certain event, that probably I won't write a book to talk about, but you will get an answer to that someday I hope. So it's a RAFO, but a RAFO with a little bit of a promise.

    Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)

    If you're fine with it, there is no need to use spoiler boxes for TSM - it's out of the spoiler period.

    To use Dawnshard to its full potential, you need some kind of Surgebinding (Invested Art). Rysn has none, she is incapable of using her Dawnshard. Dawnshards still grant some passive effects, but no planet destroying powers on their own. They are just Commands. To use Surgebinding you need to have Intent and Command - Dawnshards are the Command, intent comes from your mind, but you have to have your own Surgebinding. Dawnshard doesn't give that. Dawnshard ch 19:


    Nikli laughed. “Mere words cannot explain. The Dawnshards are Commands, Rysn. The will of a god.”
    “The most powerful forms of Surgebinding transcend traditional mortal understanding,” Nikli said. His body began to re-form, hordelings crawling back into place. “All their greatest applications require Intent and a Command. Demands on a level no person could ever manage alone. To make such Commands, one must have the reasoning—the breadth of understanding—of a deity. And so, the Dawnshards. The four primal Commands that created all things.” He paused. “And then eventually, they were used to undo Adonalsium itself. . . .”




    Did she use the command to manipulate the Sleepless? He seems pretty surprised it worked...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Rysn did not use the Dawnshard in this story, and indeed is incapable of it.

    Dawnshard Annotations Reddit Q&A (Nov. 6, 2020)


    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    We know that Dawnshards don't just supercharge, there is a theme to each one- change, bind maybe etc. Aimia is the home of soulcasters. To me it seems possible that Ishar's bondsmith abilities on Ashyn might have come from a Dawnshard of Connection. The quote that dawnshards can bind anything is highly suggestive.

    Yes, there is a theme, I agree. They do specific things. But the quote suggests that there is a Dawnshard related to bonds, not that Dawnshard can be like supercharged Bondsmithing on its own. WoK ch 36 epigraphs:

    "Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above."


    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    Gavilar had it 5 years before.

    Yes, that's true of course. I meant it wasn't widely known that's possible before Navani did that. How Gavilar made anti-light is unknown, but he was somewhat aware of Cosmere, he knew more - if Cosmere scientists theorized that anti-light is possible, the knowledge might have spreaded from them to Kalak/Gavilar. 

    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    I don't think that's how that works at all. Nor does it make sense. Who and why would anyone do that? It's much more easier to believe that they used something that they had idea the destructive potential of.

    That was just an example, one of several. The point was, there are other ways of destroying a planet that don't involve anti-light. 

    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    "An opposite was used, from the things I have been told"

    Brandon sets up that Honor was killed by anti light( she thinks it's voidlight, she is wrong)

    That was a lie.

    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    "Gavilar was trying to kill a god"

    A big revelation for Navani and the reader. And it makes perfect sense that gavilar's megalomania that we don't question it.

    False conclusion, Gavilar wanted to kill Fused, not Odium.

    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    "We could never have made enough"

    Suddenly all that set up is nothing. The war wouldn't end like that, as Odium is still unkillable( except nightblood). It is very unsatisfying revelation. Brandon never does that. Honor's death is a mystery, and the direct clue says that anti light was used.

    The set up was - Rabonile manipulated Navani into creating anti-light. Rabonile deceives her. It's obvious when you know Shardic power is basically infinite - you would need nearly an infinite amount of anti-light and because in Cosmere investiture can't be destroyed - it can be turned into energy - Honor's power annihilating with anit-light would have blasted Roshar out of existence - it clearly didn't happen. Moreover Odium has killed 3 other Shard before coming to Roshar, anti-light was unlikely to be involved (as Odium didn’t know how to make it, he only know it’s theoretically possible - if he knew how to make it, they would just make it, Navani would have been useless to them). All of it was just a lie and manipulation, and that’s what the set up was for.


    James Clifford

    Science question!

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ohh science. Is it real science, or fake science?

    Adam Horne

    It is Brandon science.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Fake science!

    James Clifford

    With the discovery of anti-Investiture in Rhythm of War, would the correct form of anti-Investiture be usable to clear up the mess in the Sel Cognitive Realm. If so, would this completely destroy a splintered Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    *laughs, coughs, and is otherwise stunned* That would not be a good idea. So why would that not be a good idea? So no, this would not clear up the problem. The problem that's going on in the Cognitive Realm in Sel is that a bunch of Investiture that should be in the Spiritual Realm has been packed into the Cognitive Realm instead, through a very weird circumstance of events. If you were to introduce a bunch of anti-Investiture of the right type there, you would just generate an explosion that would be a very bad thing. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, Investiture can't be either, so it's actually changing forms. It's going from Investiture into energy! Which you know, does not leave the system. So the investiture would eventually make its way back around, you can't destroy anything in the Cosmere, just like you can't destroy anything in our universe. But you can make it change forms. And so, what's going on there is just this hope by a certain individual that what has happened there will prevent the power from becoming self-aware.

    It's basically Odium being like "alright I just murdered you people, I don't wanna have to come back and do it again". So he's trying to figure out a way to make this happen. As it currently stands (again, these things can change when I write future books), it was partially happenstance that he took advantage of rather than something that he was able to set up very intentionally from the beginning, but he was definitely a part.

    YouTube Spoiler Stream 2 (June 3, 2021)


    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    My idea comes from the fact that anti light requires a connection to that part shard. 

    Kind of. It requires intent. They've made anti-Voidlight, by placing it in vacuum, which made the light unable to hear Odium's rhythm, kind of blanking its Connection to Odium, and then Navani played rhythm of anti-Odium to overwrite the rhythm it hears, which requires no Connection, it's math, it's music, it's a frequency. I personally wonder if you can just play Honor's tone and make Stormlight from Voidlight that way. Intent is needed, we don't know if Connection is needed too, even in Ars Arcanum Khriss said nothing about Connection:


    However, I find electrifying the news out of the mountains of Ur, that their current queen seems to have been able to Command the creation of an anti-Investiture. Long theorized, this will be my first true evidence it is possible—and can only be created through Intent.


    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    This is the only way that I can think about how connection can be outwardly destructive. How Ishar's bondsmithing may have destroyed Ashyn so completely.

    Connection in Cosmere is everywhere, it binds everything together. What would happen if you start breaking Connections of individual neutrons with their bonded protons in atoms (Axi in Cosmere)? Fission, you would split the atom. That releases energy. Do it wrong and you have a nuke, do it extra, impossibly wrong with a Dawnshard and you have atmospheric ignition, where the whole atmosphere of a planet is undergoing fission. That can happen by accident, Ishar might have just discovered fission and took it one step too far. Ignition of the atmosphere was a question seriously considered by the scientists of the Manhattan project before the first test of a nuclear bomb. 


    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    That Koravari and tanavast were Dawnshard holders.

    I find this to be very likely.

    3 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

    And that their shards are as a result very similar to their Dawnshard intents. 

    Yes, but not because they held the Dawnshards, but because they split Adonalsium in a specific way with Dawnshards and those two were already molded by their Dawnshards to embrace change and bonds, so they fit well with the Intents of Honor and Cultivation, so they took those Shards. Commands of other Dawnshards seems also plausible, I more or less agree with the rest of your points that I didn't mention earlier, or find quite likely. 

  23. 8 hours ago, L0N3STARR said:

    Gained something... Gained means he didn't have it before. That means he was bound, prior to refusing a shard.

    My theory? Hoid either was the vessel of Adonalsium, or was a splinter of Adonalsium. More likely a splinter, since Frost is older than him. He was there for the shattering, because it was he, or rather because he was a part of, who was being shattered. 

    Perhaps the shattering gave him his autonomy. 

    I don't even know where to start, but I think we know enough and have enough evidence to say that's not true. The best is to read Hoid's Coppermind page, as it compresses most of what we know - but it includes spoilers from all published books.

    Looking at the quote, he gained freedoms relative to other Vessels who can't have those freedoms again. He had them before, but wasn't aware of them. By refusing to take up a Shard, he realized he has freedoms others don't anymore. He's an artist, a storyteller - playing with words is his job and hobby. He always tells things that mean something else. 

     From WoBs we know Hoid aged before the Shattering and that he was born naturally - this excludes him being a Vessel and a Splinter.


    dgenio8 (paraphrased)

    Was the Hoid we see born naturally, or was he created?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    He was born naturally.

    Lisbon signing (Nov. 7, 2016)




    I was wondering if you could elaborate on a past wob. You said that Hoid and Frost are two of the oldest beings in the Cosmere. Does that include the vessels? Are the original 16 vessels younger than Hoid and Frost?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In the current outline, Hoid predates the others by a bit--he'd already started aging oddly before the Shattering. But that's not strict canon yet. (You can find evidence of it in Dragonsteel.)

    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 6, 2018)


     If he were a Splinter, his investiture would have been assigned to one of 16 new Shards, thus he would have been bound once more and restricted, just like spren are. 


    Overlord Jebus

    Is all Investiture in the cosmere associated with a Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, well, okay. So this is a complicated one. *pauses* So, Investiture predates the Shattering of Adonalsium, all Investiture was from Adonalsium, all Investiture got assigned to one of the 16 Shards when Adonalsium was Shattered. Some of the Investiture was not on Yolen but location is irrelevant. So Investiture is related to Shards even on planets where none of the Shards are inhabiting. 


    Oathbringer London signing (Nov. 28, 2017)




    So, at the Forbidden Planet signing you said that when Adonalsium was Shattered, all Investiture in the cosmere was associated to one of the Shards... So, what happened with Adonalsium's spren on Roshar? Were those associated to Honor and Cultivation? What happened with them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So they were very-- They were already associated to certain parts of Adonalsium and they went with those associations. There's a lot of Cultivation in all of the spren, particularly the natural spren.

    Footnote: Chaos is referencing this exchange.
    Salt Lake City signing (Dec. 16, 2017)


    Have you read any of the Secret Projects? Tress spoilers:


    He said he was in a secret plot to kill a God - it's hard to be part of a plot to kill yourself, ch 39:


    That is probably the craziest, most reckless thing I’ve ever heard someone say—and I was literally part of a secret plot to kill God.

    And he said this to Adonalsium, this doesn't make sense if he was Adonalsium. ch 56:


    “So far as I can tell,” he said, his voice growing very soft. “I’m sorry, Tress. I can’t let you face the Sorceress. I can’t. For your own good, you see.”
    Ah, those words.
    I’ve heard those words. I’ve said those words. The words that proclaim, in bald-faced arrogance, “I don’t trust you to make your own decisions.” The words we pretend will soften the blow, yet instead layer condescension on top of already existent pain. Like dirt on a corpse.
    Oh yes. I’ve said those words. I said them with sixteen other people, in fact.


    TSM spoilers:


    He said he was a boy, he was young on Yolen before Adonalsium was killed. He can't be Adonalsium's Vessel, he can't be a Splinter. He talks a little bit about his childhood. ch 10:


    “There was a boy, once,” Wit began, “who looked at the stars and wondered if—”
    Nomad deliberately turned and walked away. He’d heard far, far too many of this man’s stories to care for another.
    “I was that boy,” Wit said from behind. “When I was young. On Yolen. Before this all began—before God died and worlds started ending. I I was that boy.”
    “No lies, not right now,” Wit said, gazing up at the sky. “I can remember sitting on a rooftop. Looking up and wondering what the stars were.
    “I assumed I’d never know. The town philosophers had talked themselves hoarse arguing the matter, as was often their way. Talk until you can’t talk anymore, and then hope someone will buy you a drink to keep the words flowing.” He smiled at Nomad, eyes twinkling. “Yet here I am. Millennia later. Walking between the stars, learning each one. I got my answers eventually. Yet I’d guess that, by now, you’ve seen more of the cosmere than I have.”


  24. 17 minutes ago, MindMeltingMistwraith said:

    This was my original thought. If Feruchemy works by storing Investiture in pieces of metal, with the effect stored affected by the structure of the metal, then it seems like having another type of Investiture (especially if it was already keyed to you) could still work because the metal would tell the Breath how to behave. Isn't this essentially how compounding works? The metal you burn is charged Feruchemically, so when you burn the metal, the flood of Investiture from the SR takes on the Feruchemical properties.

    Theoretically yes, but it's different. You don't store investiture by Awakening, you're making the object a little alive. And I think that's where the problem lies - burning metals that are alive, like Shardblades, is impossible because they are alive. Awakened metals might not always be like Nightblood, or Shardblades, but there is one step beyond metalminds in being alive. They would work differently and Breaths in those metals act like the soul - it's not like investiture that metalminds are filled with.

    If you were to store Breaths via nicrosilmind, not Awaken, just store them, then you might be able to compound them with Allomancy and Preservation's power. This might do something new, we don't know, but that's a possible way to compound Breaths - if you can even store Breaths in a nicrosilmind. Those Breaths won't be alive, won't be activated, or Commanded, they would act as raw investiture. But that would still draw from Preservation and we don't know what Nicrosil compounding does at all. Would that compounding increase the strength of those Breaths, or would it multiply those Breaths? Maybe it would do something else entirely? We don't know if storing normal Breaths in a nicrosilmind is even possible. 



    What would happen if a person from Scadrial were to try to burn a manifested metal from Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So you're meaning they're in Shadesmar, they manifest it, and they try to burn it, right?


    Say a Spren of a Radiant manifests as a bead of metal instead of a Shardblade?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You're not going to be able to burn that if it's something that's coming from a spren, because that's not going to be treated as a metal in your body. Like, those are God Metals, and that one is actually alive and awake and it's just not gonna work. There are ways, though, that you could make that work. So it's totally possible, but you're gonna need something that's not an alive spren that's manifest like that. You're gonna need some way to get access to some tanavastium or something like that that's not, like, some living being.

    Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


    25 minutes ago, MindMeltingMistwraith said:

    Does everything I've said sound right? Do I have a fundamental flaw in my understanding of Feruchemy?

    No flaws here, that should work like you said, but per WoBs it doesn't. So it's either that you need to do more to power Feruchemy with powers of other Shards that aren't native on Scadrial (Feruchemy is still Preservation's magic system), or it's something with how Breaths work specifically that prevents them from being compounded like that. 

  25. 14 hours ago, Leuthie said:

    Do we have confirmation that it was Odium that killed Ambition? Because this quote suggests otherwise.

    I don't know if it was said directly that Odium killed Ambition, but most evidence points to that conclusion. I think this WoB also strongly suggests it was Odium. The "But then he got trapped" refers to his hit list and inability to kill more Shards. And we know that Odium would have gone after Autonomy later, and since Splintering of Devotion and Dominion, he learned to do it better - how did he learn if not by Splintering Ambition?

    Endowment also implies in her letter to Hoid that it was Odium that killed Ambition. He mortally wounded Ambition during their clash at Threnody AU:


    Long ago, soon after the Shattering, Odium clashed with (and mortally wounded) the Shard Ambition here. Ambition would later be Splintered, though that final act took place in a different location.

    I find it possible that it was Mercy who mercy killed mortally wounded Ambition, but I think this new WoB also implies it was Odium, as he didn't expect it to be that hard. In the end I still think it was Odium who did something to Ambition that was also similar to what happened to Devotion and Dominion (which we know was done directly by Odium, so if it’s similar Odium had to do it, as no other Shard would know how to repeat that).



    I had a question about Odium's intent for going after Ambition. Obviously, with Devotion and Dominion teaming up, he didn't want a twosome over there. Are we ever gonna learn more about the background on Threnody? 'Cause Khriss implies that there was always Investiture there, before the clash. So I'm looking for a little bit of information about the Evil before the Admiral's background story.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Before the clash, the Evil was not the Evil. It is the clash that warped it. And Secret Project Five has a splintered piece of Ambition as a plot point. Some of these books... All that stuff I said about not having to know multiple magic systems? That goes out the window for things like Secret Project Five. Those are books that are about that. You will find out some more there; it's gonna take me a long time to get to what actually happened with Ambition, why, and things like that. Know that Odium was not expecting it to be as hard as it was and ended up severely wounded in that clash.

    C2E2 2024 (April 26, 2024)



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