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Posts posted by alder24

  1. 2 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    After reading Secret History, I’m convinced Kwaan’s knowledge that Shards can’t read metal comes from Preservation Himself, as part of the plot to put Rashek into position to be that cycle’s Ascendant. 

    We know Kwaan has some knowledge of the Cognitive Realm, because he was researching if trees could think. However, there’s nothing in-text or WoB that suggest there were worldhoppers among the Worldbringers, much less Kwaan himself. We don’t even know any history about the Pits of Hathsin and worldhopping to Scadrial, apart from our knowledge on Preservation’s initial creation of the Pits and its history during the Final Empire.

    I think Preservation gave Kwaan visions of the Cognitive Realm, of the fact metal glows to Shards and thus can’t be altered by Ruin (who can’t read the thoughts that Pres could use as a loophole). If not this, I think Preservation created Kwaan’s photographic memory for the aforementioned purpose of eventually nudging Rashek into position. Kwaan then just kept paying attention to his metal tablets, constantly watching for interference from Ruin. Then he made the final tablet once certain Ruin never altered a word.

    I don't think he needed Preservation for that. Realmatic Theory was a part of ancient Terris religion. Kwaan was able to travel to CR and that alone is enough to realize how metal looks for an entity watching it from outside of PR. It glows. If it glows in CR it means that it can't be read. Even Kelsier in SH immediately realized that metal and souls are the same thing. This is simple enough for Kwaan to reach that conclusion as well, especially if he knew about both Preservation and Ruin and their true nature, just like the First Generation of Kandra knew that (admittedly some of that might have come from Rashek after Ascension, but I think it's clear that ancient Terris was still aware of Ruin). 

    Cosmere spoilers:


    Moreover Worldsingers and Worldbringers are connected and have the same origin, Worldsingers were founded by Hoid so it's very likely that Worldbringers have also connections beyond Scadrial and might be aware of Worldhopping. 



    Worldbringers and Worldsingers, similar mission?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The similarity of the names is intentional.


    Similar origin?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Did Hoid start them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a RAFO. That's a RAFO, but definitely they have a similar origin.

    Firefight San Francisco signing (Jan. 17, 2015)





    So some of us happened across a line in [Mistborn: The Final Empire] that gave us pause. It's in the chapter 19 epigraph:

    "Not so Kwaan. In a way, he is as unlikely a prophet as I am a hero. He never had an air of ceremonious wisdom - nor was he even a religious scholar. When we first met, he was studying one of his ridiculous interests in the great Khlenni library--I believe he was trying to determine whether or not trees could think."

    This sounded to us like Kwaan the Terrisman might have been looking into or might have known something about Realmatics, like for instance knowing of the Realms and that things have aspects in all three. Is this the case? If so, was such knowledge common among his people or Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Realmatic theory was part of the ancient Terris religion.

    17th Shard Forum Q&A (Sept. 28, 2012)


  2. 20 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Also I think subdermal aluminum patches around the head will probably be a thing. Maybe around the stomach for more Internal allomancers to help hide their allomancy.

    I think aluminum around the stomach might interfere with your Allomancy, especially steel and iron as those come from that area. What about small watch like primer cubes charged with A-copper? You just turn it on and off when you need it and it won't mess your Allomancy. 

  3. 15 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

    Wrong we don't, That table is an in world document. And is therefore an unreliable Narrator. People in the cosmeto do not know that Atiums is not Atium   But instead Atium alloied with electrum. 

     As for what happened with  Elend,  That has been reconed.  None of the Atium we see in Arizona was real atium.

    This table literally differentiates between pure Atium and its alloys. And you just ignored the WoB I've given to you which quite definitely prove that what Elend experienced IS the same effect pure Atium gives you and that the table IS talking about the real pure Atium effect. That was already after the retcon happened, Peter clearly stated that it is older than people assume in that WoB. Did you even read it? 

  4. 7 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Imagine having several 'chip' spikes that contain various powers, then slotting them into you cybernetics which would be situated over the correct Bindpoints. Then when you need a specific power you can swap between them without needing to go over the 3 Spike limit, which makes it so you can't be controlled. Maybe Attribute Spikes will be more common, imagine having 3 'Chips' of Iron, Zinc, Copper and Tin then having a Gamer interface for a kind of 'attribute slider'. So you can switch from 3 Iron Chips to 2 Copper and 1 Tin. So fascinating. 

    Oh I love that idea! @Trusk'our what do you think?

  5. 21 hours ago, Knight of Eternal Books said:

    as a Dustbringer myself, I'm obsessed with them and therefor am very curious if any of the non radiant characters we have met could turn into a Dustbringer. this topic is also made even more intriguing as Dustbringers are 1 of the 3 radiant types not seen within the Archive yet. 

    I'm open to all theories at this point because I'm having trouble finding potential candidates for the Dustbringer title.

    To add more, the Dustbringers book in SA will have Ash as the primary flashback character, so it has been theorized that in the future Ash will become a Dustbronger. She keeps destroying stuff and she can't control that, which fits to the main theme of Dustbringers which is to master and self-control your destructive abilities, although this is Heralds madness doing, it won't be as easily solvable as joining Radiant order, as evident by Nale. 

  6. 10 hours ago, discord=more_preservation said:

    OK, so I just finished up with the Sunlit Man, and have been thinking about what this means for Stormlight, specifically its ending.

    This is the Stormlight Archive forum only, spoilers from other books like TSM should not be discussed here, but in the Cosmere Discussion sub-forum. I will ask mods to move it there for you.

    10 hours ago, discord=more_preservation said:



    2. Sigzil uses the Dawnshard to do something, we don't know exactly what. But, we know Hoid used the Dawnshard to help splinter Adonalsium. My thoughts are that Sigzil used the Dawnshard to splinter one or two of the Shards, or a combination of shards (e.g., the "War Shard" after Odium and the splinters of Honor fuse, or Cultivation if she is aligned with Todium). 

     a. Note that when Sigzil uses the Dawnshard, he is no longer bonded with his Honor Spren (that we know of). Splinters of Honor at that time maybe already came back together, unbonding the Windrunners?




    How I see the timeline is that Sig took up the Dawnshard when he was already bondless and when he was 38 years old (he doesn't look that old in RoW), "saved Hoid, but not Cosmere," left Roshar, bonded with Aux when they met in CR, decades later the Dawnshard was threatened and used Aux as a fuel source to self-protect. 

    Because both Sig and Hoid were quite clear on what happened after Sig became the Danwshard - he saved Hoid - I don't think Sig used Dawnshard to do something what you propose. This is too impactful and merging Odium with Honor under Dalinar’s mind would actually save Cosmere. But all Sig did was save Hoid - presumably from consequences of breaking oaths he made by interfering in Odium’s affairs, which left him without protection.

    Moreover Sig became disillusioned with the idea of Honor - and that's what I think is the spoiler for SA5, not that Sig will become a Dawnshard and will do something dramatic, but he will make some mistake as the leader of Windrunners and break his bond with his Honorspren, after he realized Honor is a lie. Maybe even many Windrunners will follow him. He will pick up the Dawnshard much later when he will become 38 years old - right now he feels more like in his 20s, but in SA it was never stated how old he is. Therefore I don't believe Sig using his Dawnshard will have anything to do with Honor, Dalinar, or merging Shards. 

    TSM ch 10:


    You may have saved the cosmere.”
    “I absolutely did not save the cosmere,” Nomad snapped, finding a pebble in his pocket and throwing it through Wit’s head. The image rippled and then restored. “I might have saved you though.”
    “Same difference.”
    “It’s not,” Nomad said. “It’s really not.” He stepped closer to Wit’s projection. “If they catch me, they’ll be able to connect the Dawnshard to you. And then they’ll be on your tail.”
    “Thought I did,” he said. “Then my oaths ended, and I realized that destinations really are important, Wit. They are. No matter what we say.”

    TSM ch 6:


    Aux might have started their relationship hesitant to show his true self, but after decades together, his expressiveness had grown and grown. Until that day

    TSM ch 11:


    He’d been thirty-eight when time had finally stopped tracking him, his soul bending under the Dawnshard’s influence—and that was by his planet’s accounting, which had longer years than most.

    TSM ch 20:


    They’d spent years together with the potential lurking there, unseen. Then, in a moment of need, he’d unconsciously reached out for any energy source he could access. The Dawnshard had found Auxiliary, a being of Investiture.
    It had turned Aux’s very substance into power to fuel Nomad’s abilities.
    The Dawnshard—the weapon—protected itself. No matter what. No matter who it killed. Nomad had barely been able to stop himself before burning the entirety of Auxiliary’s soul away in a moment of supercharged power.

    TSM ch 33:


    “Let’s just say that leadership didn’t agree with me.”

    TSM ch 40:


    He clasped his hands behind his back, remembering what it felt like to wear that uniform, bear that armor, carry those oaths. “I had to ask myself, once it was all done, if honor was a sham. If it was a ruse used to make men kill one another—to let them pretend there was a purpose to it. If that concept—the very idea of an honorable soldier—was not the most pernicious evil that had ever blighted the cosmere.”



    Brandon Sanderson


    For those who are wondering, this does take place moderately far into the Cosmere’s future. This is not a spoiler for Stormlight 5, in that I intend it to be read before Stormlight 5. But you will find out in Stormlight 5 what caused this whole thing to happen. If it’s a spoiler, it’s not for much in the future of Stormlight. The division point will happen pretty soon here. And this is Sigzil’s story, here called Nomad. He will come out of this book with a different name. And he has a role to play in the future of the Cosmere.


    Secret Project #4 Reveal and Livestream (March 24, 2022)



    10 hours ago, discord=more_preservation said:

    3. A deathrattle states: "Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns." Three of sixteen = the shards of Odium, Cultivation, and Honor. The "Broken One" will be vessel of whoever takes up the combined shard they form. Maybe Kaladin? Maybe Dalinar, who gets broken by Odium in Book 5? It's anyone's guess who the vessel will be.

    Well, Honor is now broken. Or it's all about Odium, as Odium is damaged too because of his fights. You don't have to unite all Shards to create the Broken One (how would that be the Broken One), just unite Honor's broken pieces or Ascend to some of them, like maybe what Dalinar did in OB. Moreover Dalinar alone can unite and merge Shards together as a Bondsmith, he doesn't need any Dawnshards for that:



    Stormfather once said that "Three of sixteen ruled but now the Broken One reigns" [my note: that was indeed a Death Rattle, not the Stormfather's words] and that "Odium reigns" [my note: those are the Stormfather's words from WoK ch 46], is not crazy to think that Odium is the Broken One. My question is, could be possible to fuse Odium's shard (without Rayse) with the remanents of Honor (his Cognitive Shadow) in order to create a new whole Shard? Could Dalinar do something like that? He would be uniting them (two Shards, one of them supposed to be the Broken One and the other that we actually now is a bit broken).

    Brandon Sanderson

    [That] is possible

    General Reddit 2020 (June 18, 2020)


    Anyway I think it's possible for someone to unite all 3 Shards of Roshar, Cosmere might aim in that direction IF Adonalsium is ever to be restored. However I think it's more likely that just Odium and Honor will merge without merging with Cultivation. To Ascend to a Shard one has to have a very strong Connection to it and deep understanding of its nature - just because Dalinar was touched by Cultivation doesn't mean he has this strong Connection and needed understanding of what Cultivation represents. I doubt he would be able to Ascend to that Shard. But in my opinion he is well fitted to both Odium and Honor.

  7. 22 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

    You're making a lot of assumptions namely that we know what Atum unadulterated does.  We have no guarantee that has anything to actually do  Into the spiritual realm. 

    All we know so far is that when combined with alomantic metal  It reverses the target. So electrum  Combined with atium causes you to see the future of others instead of yourself.. Combining it with gold allows you to see the past others instead of yourself. presumably is the same for all alomatic metals. 

    We do know what pure Atium does - it was written on the Allomantic table. Pure Atium grants expansive vision of the future and enhances one's mind to process that information. Even in WoBs it was stated that we've seen the same effect when Elend burns Atium-electrum alloy with duralumin; pure Atium does the same thing. It pulls you into SR allowing you to see the future in its fullest.




    My understanding is that Brandon thinks it is a plothole that Lerasium can be burned by Scadrian (regardless of if they are mistings/mistborn) but Atium can't.

    His solution is to retcon the Pits to naturally produce an Atium/Electrum alloy, presumably by the design of Preservation. Therefore we don't know what pure Atium looks like or does when used in any magic.

    Peter Ahlstrom

    We do know what it does. It’s on the Allomancy poster, and the effect appeared one time at the end of Hero of Ages.


    Interesting. Do you know if he had already conceived the retcon by the time the poster was written, or if that line about pure atium just turned out to fit really well retroactively?

    Peter Ahlstrom

    The retcon is way older than a lot of people assume.


    Does this mean he had it in mind by the time Hero of Ages released (since the first public version of the poster dates to 2008), or just that it's old but not sure exactly how old?

    Peter Ahlstrom

    Remember that what's in the books is filtered through the understanding of the characters. So even if Brandon planned it from the beginning, if the characters didn't know about it, it's not going to come out in the book.

    And see this thread reply from 2009.

    Footnote: The link is to a post on the Timewaster's Guide forums, where Peter responds to someone asking about whether atium is an alloy by saying he now knows enough to confirm or deny the theory, but is not allowed to.
    General Reddit 2022 (Dec. 4, 2022)




    Can somebody travel to the Spiritual Realm, the same as the Cognitive?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, but it's a very different experience. It is possible… You may have seen people do it...


    As in you're not sure, or you're being obnoxiously vague?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Questioner #1

    As in, you probably have but he's having trouble remembering it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    No no no... For instance, Elend burning atium and duralumin pulled most of him into the Spiritual Realm.


    Oh, that's what happens there.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. He kind of got yanked into- You also have seen people Ascend with the powers and dip into the Spiritual Realm for a little bit.


    So, Vin?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. But they could be on both, or either, or both at the same time. But you have seen Vin stick into the Spiritual Realm. And it happened to Sazed/Harmony...

    Questioner #2

    Oh! So is that where the gods live? Kinda?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most of the bulk of the Shard's energy of being is contained in the Spiritual Realm, yes. Except for one notable exception!

    Questioner #2

    The <mists? mistwraith?>?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Footnote: We now know that the "one notable exception" Brandon refers to at the end is the Dor, which is mostly contained in the Cognitive Realm.
    Shadows of Self Chicago signing (Oct. 12, 2015)


  8. 9 hours ago, Trusk&#x27;our said:

    Yup, I said it; Atium (the pure, non-alloyed form) is better than Lerasium. 

    Or, at least it has a far greater potential, in my opinion. 

    Both God Metals are quite useful in their own right; Atium can be used to see and comprehend the SR while Lerasium allows you to make permanent changes to your Spiritweb. 

    And I think most people see Lerasium as the superior metal because it grants permanent, powerful Invested abilities with pretty much no downside, while Atium is used up in a flash.

    I used to think this way too until I realized something; Atium gives knowledge and comprehension. That means a lot, I believe. 

    What's a Dawnshard's biggest power? Granting the knowledge and comprehension of a deity.

    And so, I think pure Atium may be able to do something similar, though on a smaller scale.

    Want to use a highly, highly advanced Awakening Command to, oh, say recreate Nightblood? Atium vision grants you the knowledge and ability to use it.

    Want to know how to Bondsmith your way to Ascension? Atium. Boom. Knowledge. 

    Want to know how to Forge yourself into a only borderline possible yet much more powerful version of yourself? Atium again. 

    Want to know how to crack Hemalurgic Compounding, add multiple Hemalurgic charges or powers in a single spike, add more than 5 spikes to a person, evade the Flaw, add +500 IQ via Hemalurgic copper (while remaining somewhat human), or otherwise rewrite a Spiritweb in literally any way you want? You probably know by now; Atium. 

    Even if you don't have another form of Investiture as your disposal to gain insight into, you could learn the next leap in technological advancement for your civilization (with you owning its patented rights,  of course), know what to do regarding a close personal matter, or simply gain a greater insight into how the Cosmere works.

    Have I convinced anyone else to join team Atium over team Lerasium yet?

    Edit: Hmm, I get the feeling that people are voting without actually checking my argument. . . 

    Disagree. Atium shows you the future, not knowledge directly, just the future and gives you the ability to comprehend it. Just because you want something doesn't mean it will happen in your future - all you might see is that you will never achieve what you're looking for. It's not knowledge you gain, it's the future which becomes open to you, thus providing you with information to make a decision at the right moment. But Atium will NOT give you the precise way and words of the Command to Awaken another Nightblood, it may ONLY show you the way to achieve that among thousands of possible ways where you won't do that, if it's even possible for you. But then we don't know to what extend Atium shows you the future, or rather whose future Atium shows you - yours like electrum does, someone else's like Atium-electrum alloy, or both? This detail might make it more restrictive.


    Seeing the future is powerful and very dangerous, not just for your opponents but for you as well. Relying on your own future sight too much will blind you and will eventually cause your downfall, as you will for sure miss a possibility, or your vision will be clouded by someone else's future sight. We've seen this multiple times in books, the future is not set in metal and seeing it doesn't make you invincible, nor will your wishes come true. It takes an infinite mind to comprehend what you see, Atium brings you nowhere near that level, even Shards are short of if and they've been misled by their own future sight on many occasions. Relying too much on a fragile and distant maybe is very risky. Too risky. 

    That's why I will choose Lerasium - not just for Mistborn powers, but for the ability to modify my spirit web. That's more powerful than an uncertain and distant possibility once seen with Atium. 

  9. 11 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    Could you use hemalurgy to bond a radiant spren?

    Yes, but as said by Duxredux, the spren can just break the bond at will. You can steal a dead Shardblade, but if you want to steal Surgebinding powers, you would have to steal both the bond from a Radiant (which is Connection) and the power from a spren, which would require you to use two spikes. 



    So, the fan page wanted to know. Would it be possible for Hemalurgy to steal a living Shardblade? That was the top voted question.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ok, so you're bonded to a Shardblade. You get spiked, then they spike off the bond so that the Shardblade is bonded to someone else.


    I assume so...

    Brandon Sanderson

    But can they do it with a living Shardblade? You can definitely do it with a dead Shardblade because its just stealing the Connection. With a living Shardblade, yes you could do that 'though the spren could break the bond at will.


    So the spren would survive? That was the second-- the corollary--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ehhh. Would the spren survive? The spren would survive as long as the oaths were--



    Brandon Sanderson

    --the person didn't break the oaths. But you could theoretically steal the bond, break the oaths, and kill the spren. If you wanted to. Its a very convoluted to kill a spren, they are easier to kill than that, but yes. You could do that. That is a viable but twisted route that you can do. You would end up with a dead spren and a Shardblade, so there is that. But there are easier ways to accomplish that...

    White Sand vol.1 Orem signing (June 29, 2016)



    Questioner (paraphrased)

    If I wanted to Hemalurgically acquire a power from First of the Sun, which metal would the spike need to be?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    This is going to be pretty complicated, but several metals would work.

    Questioner (paraphrased)

    Would it involve Connection between the person being spiked and the bird?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Well it would be even harder than on Roshar, where you need to somehow spike the spren and also the Radiant. You would need to spike the bird and steal the power, but also spike the person and steal Connection.

    GenCon 2017 (Aug. 17, 2017)


    11 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    How large (or small) can a spike be for it to be effective?

    We don't know. They can be quite small or irregular, but I guess they have to be small enough to precisely pierce the binding point you're aiming for. Hitting two different binding points at once would make the spike not work - heart has 4 points for example. 

    11 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    Can you steal an attribute from someone who has been spiked and take that power? For example, if I spiked someone who was using a steel spike to give them pewter could it take the pewter?

    No, the power is contained in the spike, it's not really a part of your soul, as it's not yours. It's in the spike so you would have to take that spike out and spike yourself with it to get that power. 

    11 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    Completely unrelated to hemalurgy, how does compounding a coppermind work?

    We don't know. Some theorize that it creates an ideal copy of a memory, some think it creates a vision-like state in which you can relive that memory, but we don't know in the end. By Brandon's words, not every attribute compounded does something spectacular or useful.



    And how does Copper compounding work? Memories can't really get (indistinct...)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Let's just say that some sorts of compounding are more effective than others.

    Leipzig Book Fair (March 24, 2017)




    I was wondering what happens when you compound copper?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I will reveal this eventually. You're getting a RAFO. Do know that not all compounding does cool stuff. Not all of it does cool stuff, but a lot of it does cool stuff.

    Shadows of Self San Francisco signing (Oct. 9, 2015)




    Is there any use to being a copper Compounder, from a Feruchemical point of view? I think the same point would also apply to an aluminum Compounder.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Some combinations, like some abilities themselves, aren't really that useful. That said, being able to Compound copper...that could do some things. Aluminum, not so much.

    17th Shard Forum Q&A (Sept. 25, 2012)


  10. 10 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    Atium doesn’t fit into the 16 metals

    This, this is precisely why it matters. Atium doesn't fit. Everyone in the world always wondered about how weird Atium is compared to other metals and that was a clue that Elend and Vin needed to realize something weird is happening. 

    10 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    then Vin presumably influenced him into going to the Pits of Hathsin to fulfill Leras’ plan.

    Vin didn't know Leras' plan. She was surprised that Elend somehow found a whole army capable of burning Atium. She had no idea what was needed to be done. HoA ch 81:


    A figure in white slowly stepped out into the ash, brilliant white cape fluttering. He held a sword in one hand.
    Elend! she tried to cry at him. No! Go back! Charging them is madness! You'll be killed!
    Somehow, Elend had found an entire army who could burn atium.


    10 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    So why not go the extra step and create Mistborn?

    The out-of-universe reason is that Brandon wanted it that way so it happened. You can't really consider out-of-universe reason as all explanations can do is to point out in-universe reason. And that simply is that Mistborn weren't needed. Mistborn would be a distraction. Elend had never burnt Atium before, he knew Atium for its economic value, not as a powerful weapon - he was a Mistborn but wasn't thinking like a Mistborn. If Demoux was a Mistborn, the vials of metals he got to burn would work and Elend would have never questioned why Demoux was Snapped. Elend only started to think of burning Atium after he started to think why Demoux was unable to burn his vial of metals:


    Why can't I do it? Elend thought with frustration. I spend a year searching out storage caverns to provide food, only to end up trapped with my people starving. I search all that time looking for the atium—hoping to use it to buy safety for my people—and then I find it too late to spend it on anything.
    Too late. . . . He paused, glancing back toward the metal plate in the floor.
    Years searching for . . . atium.
    None of the metals Demoux had given his soldiers had worked. Elend had been working under the assumption that Demoux's group would be like the other mistfallen back in Urteau—that they'd be composed of all kinds of Mistings. Yet, there had been something dif erent about Demoux's group. They had fallen sick for far longer than the others.
    Elend pushed forward, rushing past Sazed, grabbing a handful of beads. A vast wealth, unlike anything any man had ever possessed. Valuable for its rarity. Valuable for its economic power. Valuable for its Allomancy.
    Two hundred and eighty men, Elend thought. Sent away from my army because of all the ones who fell sick, they were the most sick. Sixteen days.
    Two hundred and eighty men. One-sixteenth of those who fell sick. One out of sixteen Allomantic metals.

    Yomen had proven that there was such a thing as an atium Misting. If Elend hadn't been so distracted, he would have made the connection earlier. If one out of sixteen who fell sick remained that way the longest, would that not imply that they'd gained the most powerful of the sixteen abilities?

    The whole reason Elend was able to connect the dots, was because Demoux was unable to burn any other metals and all other clues regarding the number 16 appearing over and over again. If Preservation had thrown Mistborn into the mix, there would be no 16, there would be no thinking "why Demoux wasn't able to burn anything," there would be no burning entire Atium stock away. There would be just an army of Mistborn.

    Moreover even earlier If Demoux and his men were turned into Mistborn, they might have realized this earlier at some point (just like Vin, from traces amounts of metals) and Elend would have never sent them back to Luthadel, they would have never ended at the place where Atium was. Moreover, Preservation had set Mistsnapping to work without his intervention, as he knew he would lose his mind. It had to work as well as it could and forcing it to Snap Mistborn would just strain the system, require too much power and it could be potentially more deadly than normal Snapping as more power had to be pushed into people, giving Ruin a better opportunity to twist it. I fully believe that Snapping Mistborn would not work to fulfill Preservation's plan - it's not a sign as obvious as Mistings, no number 16, no thinking "what metal could they be able to burn" etc. 

    10 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    Also, if it was an army of Mistborn it would perfectly reference the title of the series. And that would make me happy lol.

    Oh, so I have no explanation that would satisfy you, if that's what you mean. 

    10 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    I don’t believe any of this for a second. There are many implications that indicate Leras wasn't just setting the plan in motion, he was actively facilitating it. Everything he did with Kelsier (pits, shadow, vision) and his choice of Vin were active and happening right now rather than thousands of years ago.

    Secret History confirms he “made it work last time” with the Lord Ruler - maneuvering Rashek into the position of Ascending and preventing Ruin’s freedom. It confirms that back then, he predicted Alendi would give up the power.

    He did that every 1024 years, he prepared someone to take up the power to use it to maintain the status quo. This was solely because his mind was gone and he was unable to remember what his end plan was. He didn't act because of his plan, he acted because he wanted to prevent Ruin from escaping and only that mattered for him at this point. He only hoped that once Ruin escapes, his plan would be enough to stop him, not knowing what it was. Just go back and reread the first few chapters. Leras keeps repeating that Ruin can't escape, that Vin has to use the power and he is working only to prepare Vin for her role in maintaining the prison. He was totally stunned and frightened when Rashek died. Leras was dead at this point, he was unable to work on his plan that he didn't remember. Kelsier was just a happy accident that ultimately proved to be what his plan needed.  

    The thing with Rashek wasn't pre-planned action, it was a last ditch attempt to stop Alendi from freeing Ruin after Leras had realized that Alendi won't do what he should have done. It happened with Vin as well - Sazed was Leras' failed attempt to stop Vin from freeing Ruin, but this time Ruin was ready for it and had Marsh in a position to stop Sazed - something that he missed during Alendi's times. 

    I don't believe that Preservation's plan was specifically about Vin and Sazed, rather it was general enough to help people win against Ruin, no matter when Ruin is freed. If Vin were to use the power of the Well instead of releasing it, the plan would still exist 1024 years later and other people would be there to act on it. The plan was just a hope, a hope that people would see clues left for them and use them against Ruin. It might not have worked as well as it worked with Vin and Sazed, but there would still be people capable of doing what was necessary to do - because all people on Scadrial have both Ruin and Preservation on them, all are capable to destroy to protect just like Vin did, all are capable to understand the nature of both Shards as they all are made of their essence.

    That's also how the future sight works, it gives you possibilities, not certain futures. Predicting how one specific person would be able to Ascend seems too much, but predicting someone, sometime will do this, if proper actions are taken and clues are left for them feels just right to me. If Alendi were to free Ruin, who knows, it might have ended with Rashek as a dual-Vessel. Or maybe Kwaan who back then played the same role as Sazed? Either way, I believe the plan was general enough to allow for some person to Ascend to both Ruin and Preservation if the time had come, but their success would depend heavily on them and their actions. The plan was to give people hope and relied on their hearts - not specifically on Vin or Sazed. In different times there would be others like them.



    The Hero of Ages prophecy: For a while it seemed to me that the prophecy was entirely bogus (invented by Ruin as a lure), but it ended up coming true! So my question is, where did the prophecy actually come from? Was it Atium in some form, or something else entirely?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The religions of Scadrial had a lot of ups and downs. First, you have Ruin and Preservation working together as two gods. Then you have the schism between them, and Preservation betraying Ruin, with Preservation adapting the religion to his own needs and trying to hide in it practices that will keep Ruin imprisoned as long as possible, and then give a chance to defeat him when he escapes. (As Preservation assumes he'll be dead by then.) Finally, you have Ruin corrupting the religions with his influence, trying to figure out what he can twist to his own needs--while missing the hidden layers that Preservation left.


    Were there a lot of Hero of Ages who ascended beyond the ones we directly saw in the books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I wouldn't say so.

    /r/books AMA 2015 (July 6, 2015)




    What was Vin supposed to do at the end of Well of Ascension? How exactly did not-using the power, end up releasing Ruin? I still don't get how that all worked. Can you explain it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What was she supposed to do? Well, this is difficult to answer, since the prophecies have been changed and shifted so much. Originally, the prophesies intended for a person to go take the power every thousand years and become a protector of mankind for a period of time. Someone to keep an eye on Ruin in Preservation's absence and watch over the world as he would have done. Imagine an avatar who arrives every thousand years and lives for their lifetime blessing the people with the power of Preservation, renewing Ruin's prison, and generally being a force for protection. (Note that Ruin wouldn't have gotten out if the prison wasn't renewed, he'd simply have been able to touch the world a little bit more.) Obviously, it changed a LOT during the years that Ruin was playing with things.

    What should she have done? Well, Ruin's release was inevitable. Even if she hadn't let him go, the world would have 'wound down' eventually. The ashfalls would have grown worse over the centuries, and the next buildup of the Well might not have come in time for them to do anything. Or, perhaps, mankind would have found a way to adapt. But Ruin was going to get himself out eventually, so the choice Vin made was all right. There weren't really any good choices at this point. She could have decided to take the power and become a 'good' Lord Ruler, trying to keep the world from falling apart. Of course, she would have had to make herself immortal with Hemalurgy to make that work right. And since she was already tainted, chances are good she wouldn't have ended up any better than the Lord Ruler himself.

    Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide (Oct. 15, 2008)



    Brandon Sanderson

    Chapter Seventy-Nine

    The Mists Chose Someone

    There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than even the author of these epigraphs knows. Reasons why Vin was chosen, and why the power of Preservation needed a new mind to control it.

    The author is right in that Preservation did need someone to control its power, and it did seek for a host in which to invest itself. It began this search with what mind it had left about sixteen years before the return of the power to the Well of Ascension, just as it began a search for a new host before the return of the power the previous time.

    Unfortunately, just as Ruin took control and manipulated Alendi, he took control and manipulated Vin.

    The Hero of Ages Annotations (May 13, 2010)



    Chaos (paraphrased)

    In the most recent Hero of Ages annotation, you said that Preservation chose Vin to be the recipient of the power, just as Preservation had chosen Alendi previously (thus, this was why Ruin had manipulated the Prophecies). Was Alendi also chosen precisely sixteen years before the Well of Ascension's power returned?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Yes. He was chosen exactly sixteen years before, but he was a bit older then Vin when he was chosen.

    Ancient 17S Q&A (May 1, 2010)


    11 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    There’s this line after Vin frees Ruin: “It was going to happen,” Preservation said. “I thought… Maybe…” 

    To me, this indicates Leras predicted Ruin would break free this cycle. Even before he imprisoned Ruin, he knew he would break free one day. That the Well of Ascension would only delay Ruin. 

    Yes, Leras knew Ati's escape was inevitable, but he hoped he could have delayed it this time as well, just like he delayed it 1024 years ago with Alendi and Rashek. He didn't know it would happen now.

    11 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    Leras did do something. He programmed the Mists to dripfeed into Vin, Connecting her to Preservation.

    Just as it happened with Alendi, WoB above. 

    11 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    As for Leras not predicting Rashek would soon die… that’s an interesting assumption. It’s true Leras said he loves Rashek’s immortality and stability, even though he disagrees with Rashek’s actions. But not wanting to kill Rashek doesn’t match up with having to thread through The Plan - to get both Shards into the grasps of The Hero of Ages.

    Saying that Leras didn’t remember the plan is a bit… complicated. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t threading through the plan or knew aspects of it. Remember that Fuzz is a shadow of the Vessel who chose Vin as his successor, or commanded Kelsier to survive, or put Rashek into place.

    Let’s be honest, Rashek needed to die for The Hero of Ages to be created. He would’ve prevented anyone from going to the Well. He would’ve prevented anyone from going to the Pits of Hathsin or Trustwarren. He would’ve killed Vin, Kelsier, and Sazed - essential pieces of Leras’ plan. 

    Rashek was the prophesied Hero of the Ages - as per Terris original prophecies (WoB above). In my opinion Rashek, Vin and Sazed were all Hero of the Ages, but each had a different role to play. If Rashek took up the power again, he would have prevented Ruin from escaping, delaying the plan for another 1024 years - and that's what Leras at this time wanted. You said it yourself, Leras was at this point just a shadow of a Vessel he once was, his mind was mostly gone and he was unable to act on the plan he created himself. The plan was meant to give people hope and a fighting chance against Ruin without Leras's intervention, as he knew he would be dead by that point. 


    It's fine to disagree. This is my interpretation of how Preservation's plan was set up, Terris prophecies and Hero of Ages title, the sources give us enough wiggle room to interpret them differently as we want. We probably will never see the full picture, so that's what we have to do. It's fun to read your interpretation. I'm glad to see you were enjoying the story and shedding new light for you on events of Era 1. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Quantus said:

    I kinda think what she does and what UnMaking seems to be (at least with the Sibling in RoW) are essentially the same thing.  

    30 minutes ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

    Agreed - she is unmaking lesser spren. 

    The unmaking process seems to be an additive process, rather than subtraction / rearranging. When we see Raboniel unmaking the Sibling she is only adding Odiums Investiture to the spren, which would ultimately warp the very essence (personality, disposition, memories) of the creatur

    I think they are the same process but on different levels. Both invest and corrupt with Odium's investiture, but Unmaking seems bigger than Enlightening. Moreover Unmaking isn't just about investing, it's about ripping the mind to pieces, Transforming the soul - Sja-Anat fears she will be Unmade by Odium if he ever catches her red handed. RoW I-2:


    If Odium caught her in a verifiable lie, he would unmake her again. Steal her memory. Rip her to pieces. But in so doing, he would lose a useful tool.

    And because Unmaking Sja-Anat would cost Odium a useful tool, it seems like Unmaking is losing investiture in the process, it's a subtractive process. On the other hand Glys doesn’t remember the moment of Enlightening well, but he’s never said if he forgot everything before it. I feel like an eternal True Spren would never agree to be essentially killed if Enlightening would be like Unmaking. To me at least it seems like Enlightening isn’t that brutal as Unmaking and it just changes the spren, without killing them, stealing their memories or destroying their mind  - it’s additive, their gaining a piece of Odium’s investiture, while the rest of their soul remain still of Honor and Cultivation - Unmades are of Odium, at least mostly. However we have too little information to determine how similar those processes are. But I agree, they are essentially the same, based on the same mechanism of corruption.

  12. 2 hours ago, Display-Names-Are-Stupid said:

    If Harmony's Intent did shift to Discord, would he get a new God Metal and Perpendicularity? 

    I think it's possible for Harmonium to change property. Harmonium is unstable because it represents two halves of Sazed that aren't fitted together well. If as a Discord he manages to mix them better than Harmony, Harmonium might become more stable, if not it should not change at all. The name will probably change to Discodrium no matter what. Either way both options are likely, it depends.

    But a perpendicularity would stay as it is - unless he chooses to relocate it, or create a new one. A perpendicularity is not about the nature of a Shard, it's just a result of a massive concentration of investiture in one place, that pierces realms.


    Mason Wheeler

    Harmonium is ettmetal... Its chemicals properties are sort of analogous to cesium. It explodes in contact with water. People are made out of water. You try to spike someone, you try to swallow it, you try to wear it as jewelry, it will not end well. Why in the world would he pick something so inharmonious?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He didn't pick it. It's unstable because of the two halves of him not meshing well.

    Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)




    So harmonium, we have a working theory that the reason it's so volatile is because some of the subatomic particles are associated with Ruin and some of them are [of?] Preservation. Is that true?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, that's basically what's going on is that it's creating a very unstable metal. Now, it is in the nature of the Cosmere not a compound but an element. But, you could call it a subatomic particle sure. It's very volatile because it is in nature spiritually in contrast with itself. And so though it is a single element rather than a compound, the spiritual nature is not happy as it is, and you can set up in the physical realm, through reactivity things that would just rip it apart and really your energy is not, your energy in that is actually pulling from the Spiritual realm, and so that's why it can be so much more explosive than even the chemistry would account for.


    Boskone 54 (Feb. 19, 2017)



    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    If Kelsier created a metal while holding Preservation that it would have acted the same as lerasium, though over time the properties of it might shift.

    Footnote: Unspecified question by Ted Herman
    Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing (Dec. 3, 2016)




    Are Shards limited to one per perpendicularity? Can a non-Splintered Shard control where and how their perpendicularity manifests?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO, but yes on the second.

    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 20, 2018)



    2 hours ago, Display-Names-Are-Stupid said:

    Or is his metal and location just linked to the fact that he holds both Shards, not the Intent of the joined shard? 

    Properties of a god metal are linked to the Intent (and intents of both Shards Ruin and Preservation that made Harmony/Discord), location of a perpendicularity is not - it's either deliberately chosen spot, or natural manifestation because there was a lot of investiture in that area (like for example there was Ruin's perpendicularity in the Pits of Hathsin, which was destroyed when Kelsier destroyed the Pits - no investiture, no perpendicularity).

  13. 35 minutes ago, Franklin said:

    Can Sja anat corrupt other unmade? and what would happen if she did?

    I don't think so. Sja-anat Corrupting Oathgate spren was already edging on her limits - she was never able to Corrupt such a powerful spren before. Unmades are vastly more powerful than Oathgate spren. They would be comparably invested to her and that should make them too hard to corrupt.

    35 minutes ago, Franklin said:

    can she also un-corrupt spren?

    It's unknown if she can reverse the enlightenment of a spren. It seems like this is permanent - she invests/corrupts them with Odium's investiture.

    35 minutes ago, Franklin said:

    could she even corrupt Oduim or Honor or other like them?

    That's out of the question. She is just a tiny Splinter of Odium compared to the full power of a Shard. Shardic power is basically infinite. Sja-Anat knows Odium can destroy her, if he even catches her betraying him. 

  14. 5 hours ago, UltimateArchivist said:

    In my studies, a pattern has emerged concerning connection and Shards. I am certain you have all noticed it; it is not all that obscure. However, a question has arisen. When Kelsier sought to take up the Shard of Preservation, he needed to use an instrument like the Ire's Orb to Connect to Preservation. Could a Bondsmith or a Connector Ferring therefore use Connection to Ascend to a Shard?

    I believe so, but only if a Shard is without a Vessel at that moment. You wouldn't be able to Ascend to a Shard that has a Vessel. But as seen by the example of Kelsier, just because he had strong enough Connection to Ascend, it doesn't mean he was a good Vessel - the Shard resisted him as he didn't understand the nature of Preservation. It nearly slipped out of his hands a few times. Connection is just one thing, understanding and strong will are also needed to properly control a Shard. 

    5 hours ago, UltimateArchivist said:

    In addition, would it be possible to use connection in such a way to reconstitute a Splintered Shard and rebuild?




    Stormfather once said that "Three of sixteen ruled but now the Broken One reigns" and that "Odium reigns", is not crazy to think that Odium is the Broken One. My question is, could be possible to fuse Odium's shard (without Rayse) with the remanents of Honor (his Cognitive Shadow) in order to create a new whole Shard? Could Dalinar do something like that? He would be uniting them (two Shards, one of them supposed to be the Broken One and the other that we actually now is a bit broken).

    Brandon Sanderson

    [That] is possible

    General Reddit 2020 (June 18, 2020)


    5 hours ago, UltimateArchivist said:

    Does anyone have any idea of any possible consequences or attribute of the reconstituted Shard?

    We don't know. 

  15. 4 hours ago, Nomad8 said:

    So I recently finished reading the Sunlit Mas (which was amazing) and I was left wondering what would happen if one of the charred were left out in the sun on Canticle? Would it leave both the cinder-heart and a sunheart or just the cinder-heart?

    I think they would make a sunheart charged with corrupted investiture, as cinderhearts are made out of corrupted investiture. 

  16. 1 minute ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    "Long, deeply frustrated sigh"

    Okay, one more time: We don't know exactly how many Spikes a person can get powers from, what you are describing is not on how many Spikes you can have in total, it is the limit how many spikes you can have before becoming vulnerable to direct external control, 4 spikes is the minimum needed to control someone through the cracks in the spiritweb. The Koloss can be controlled through emotional allomancy due to having 4 spikes, the Steel Inquisitors can be controlled due to having 11 Spikes.

    What the Set managed to do was use Trellium to prevent themselves from being controlled by Harmony when they use 4 or more Spikes, though this came at the cost of being controllable by Autonomy when near-dead.

    Dumad, the Set's 'Anti-Wax' member in TLM had 5 Spikes, granting him allomantic pewter, steel, duralumin, bronze and chromium. That means the 'power spike' limit is a minimum of 5 spikes, maybe more but we don't know for sure. It's probably less than 11 in my opinion.

    I've seen people make this assumption several times before, and it's still not correct. 4 Spikes and you're vulnerable to mind-control, the limit of power spikes is unknown.

    True, you're right, my mistake. 

  17. @JustQuestin2004 answered your questions already, but I'm gonna do what I do the best - add more and throw some WoBs at you!

    7 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    How many spikes can one person hold? 

    There is a limit on how many spikes a soul can handle. The more spikes you have, the greater the mental and physical impacts of them are on you. They break you down, they crack your soul - that's why with many spikes a linchpin spike is needed as it holds your soul together. After the Catacendre the limit is 4 spikes, after which a soul would reject any new spikes, but the Set found the way to sidestep this limit by using a Trellium spike, which allowed them to have 5 spikes. But there are ways of magnifying a charge of one spike, you can potentially even steal multiple powers with a single spike, or multiple chargers, but this was not discovered yet. TLM Ars Arcanum:


    Modern souls, however, seem to simply reject spikes of this magnitude. Further research is required, but I believe that this has something to do with the nature of Ruin’s subservience to Preservation in the current dual vessel known as Harmony. The level of corruption of a soul that was possible in ancient days is no longer viable; if too many spikes are added, souls stop gaining powers. Marsh doesn’t think this is a conscious decision on Harmony’s part.
    Indeed, I think this is beyond the conscious abilities of even a Shard. Instead, I believe this is the nature of souls (read: the Invested portion of a person’s nature) and their balance with the cosmere. In the ancient days, Ruin was pushing hard on the fabric of Scadrial, leaking into spirit- webs through any method possible. Causing souls to decay faster, to accept more spikes than they should have been able to, and leaving the resulting person burdened beyond what was reasonable.
    At any rate, the end result is a limit on the number of spikes a person can hold without external intervention




    Is there a maximum number of spikes a person can have? Would having more spikes eventually cause issues, be it mental or physical limitations?

    Also do the benefits from spikes have some form of diminishing returns, or could some one have like, 200 bronze spikes and be able to sense a person burning metal through copper from 50 miles away?

    Brandon Sanderson

    1) Yes, it would cause big issues.

    2) #1 interferes greatly with what you would like to do here, but there are other ways of magnifying the powers to the extent you postulate.

    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 22, 2018)




    Can you reuse a spike?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Uh, yes, technically, but not as easily as that question makes it sound.


    Can you re-use it if it's for the same exact thing or for a different thing? Will that change?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Spikes are going to get keyed by Identity--


    So you can't already spike that person. But if you spike and don't kill them can you spike the same person again?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah and if you can somehow strip the identity of the person or the spike-- So yes you can use them again but it comes into a sort of-- Like, you can't just take that spike and spike somebody else.

    JordanCon 2018 (April 22, 2018)




    Is it possible to use Hemalurgic spikes to steal multiple attributes from the same person?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No. At least, this isn't thought to be possible

    General Signed Books 2018 (March 20, 2018)


    7 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    What happens if a spike is melted down and possibly combined with another metal?

    A molten metal can still be used in Metallic Arts, but that's not a pleasant experience. However just melting a spike down, reshaping and letting it cool down won't change the charge of the spike  and it would still be usable, with some decay happening. Alloying it with another metal would mess things up. Just like in metalminds, the charge is tied to the atomic structure of a metal. If you take an iron spike that holds strength and mix it with carbon to get a steel spike, that charge is now not aligned with the atomic structure of a spike, as steel steals physical Allomantic powers. So the charge would be there, but you most likely won't be able to use it. If you then melt that steel spike down and separate iron from carbon, the iron spike would regain its usability.

    However, It's worth noticing that Hemalurgy might be different than how it works with Metalminds - in BoM it was said that ReLuur's Blessings are made out of pewter (steals physical Feruchemical powers), which is not a metal used for Blessings. Moreover Paalm (Lessie) had her one spike made out of Trellium, charged with either Allomancy or Feruchemy, that worked like a Blessing to her. We don't know how they made it, or what was ReLuur's Blessing charged with, but this shows us that there are other uses for metals outside of what the HoA Hemalurgic table has shown us, and it's possible that melting and alloying a charged spike might not make it unusable, as it would happen with Metalminds. Binding Points and Intent plays a crucial role in Hemalurgy, so you might be able to do fancy stuff with metals outside of their traditional use.



    Can you burn or Feruchemically fill molten metal? Assuming, you know, that was something you wanted to do.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, you should be able to but that would be very nasty.


    Would it affect the Investiture?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, it would affect the Investiture.

    Shadows of Self release party (Oct. 5, 2015)



    ntdfbladez (paraphrased)

    If a metalmind is melted down and changes shape, does it still retain its power?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Yes, only by mixing it with other metals would the power be completely lost. Also if any pieces of the metalmind are lost, then some of the power will be lost (as it would be in the missing pieces).

    Rithmatist Houston signing (May 20, 2013)




    So, about Feruchemy. If someone takes, for example, a copper metalmind, fills it with memories, and then a tin metalmind, fills it with senses, then melts them together into a bronze metalmind, would you be able to tap anything from it, and what?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If you made an alloy of them, you would not get anything out of them. You would know there's Investiture in there, but you wouldn't be able to pull it out. 


    Even if it's your own?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Even if it's your own, yup. They would interfere with each other to the point that you wouldn't be able to get anything out. Sorry.

    Tel Aviv Signing (Oct. 18, 2019)




    What would happen if a Feruchemist fills, for example, a tin metalmind then mixes it to make a pewter metalmind? Does the stored attribute change? Is the Investiture gone when you melt the metal? What if he just makes it into a tin metalmind again?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If you make it impure, you'll keep the investiture, but won't be able to get it out. If you make it back into the same thing, you'll be fine, and can access it normally. If you try to fill it, after changing the composition to make another viable metal, it will act a little like a computer hard drive with corrupted sectors. Some of it will work for the new investiture, but you won't be able to fill it nearly as full. (Depending on how full it was before you melted down.)

    This holds for basic uses of the metallurgic arts. Once you start playing with some of the more advanced parts of the magic, you can achieve different results, which are currently RAFO.


    Similarly, if you were to soulcast a metal would it have similar effects of corrupting the investiture and making it inaccessible? Like if you turned a steel metalmind into pewter.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I've stayed away from soulcasting and forging in these types of discussions, as I feel my answers will dig too deeply and prompt more questions that, eventually, will lead to lots of RAFO type questions. I don't really want to go there--but I will say this. Changing invested objects with other magics is hard, and often requires such a force of investiture yourself, that it becomes very power-inefficient. Just like we can technically turn lead into gold right now--by spending way more money than the gold is worth.


    So you could, for example, use electrolysis to dissolve a metalmind in water, then reverse the reaction later to get the investiture?

    OR, better question, if you store investiture in one allotrope of iron, can your retrieve it off you change to a different allotrope?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I see no reason why these wouldn't work.


    So would forging with the blood of a radiant(kaladin, dalinar,etc) work on a shard blade from a fallen radiant to say change who they had bonded, or how the bond was broken (to say death instead of giving up on the oath)?

    Brandon Sanderson


    General Reddit 2016 (Nov. 11, 2016)


    7 hours ago, laserz667 said:

    How does stealing identity work?

    We don't have a full picture yet. This is something that Brandon keeps for the future books. What we know is that Identity works like some kind of encryption key, that codes investiture to a person, so that only they can use it. A Feruchemist fills a metalmind that only he can use, because investiture in that metalmind is keyed to them via Identity. If you steal Identity you would be able to use all metalminds, Breaths, or some other investiture they were using, IF you also have that power yourself. So if you are a Feruchemist, you would be able to use all metalminds of a person you've stolen Identity from. But stealing anything from them will carry a part of their identity, often enough so you can also use their metalminds - so just stealing their Feruchemical powers will give you enough of their Identity that you would be able to access their metalminds of this specific power you have stolen (and powers you already have). 

    What's more, is that the victim if they survive, now would likely  have no Identity at all. That makes them susceptible to all kinds of interactions in Cosmere. But also it might be possible that for example if they retain their Feruchemical powers, they would be creating from this point on unkeyed metalminds - metalminds that all other Feruchemist with that power can access. Being without Identity also makes it easier for you to use someone else's stuff, but some other steps might be needed too.

    Moreover, Identity seems to be tied to healing in a big way, so by stealing someone else's Identity, you might be able to change the way you can heal yourself. This is more speculative but Brandon confirmed that healing is affected by Identity in some way. 

    BoM ch 3:


    “Identity,” VenDell said, slapping his reed against the wall, casting a shadow on the image. “Lord Ladrian, could another Feruchemist use your metalminds?”
    “Of course not,” Wax said. “Everyone knows that.”
    “Well … because. They’re mine.”
    “The raw power of both Allomancy and Feruchemy,” VenDell said, “is something we call Investiture. This is very important, as in Feruchemy, an individual’s Investiture is keyed specifically to them. To what we call Identity.”
    “You’ve made me curious,” Wax said, looking at the wall as VenDell leisurely walked back to his machine. “How does it know? My metalminds … do they recognize me?”
    “After a fashion,” VenDell said, changing the image to one of a Feruchemist tapping strength. The woman’s muscles had grown to several times their normal size as she lifted a horse above her head. “Each man or woman has a Spiritual aspect, a piece of themselves that exists in another Realm entirely. You might call it your soul. Your Investiture is keyed to your soul—indeed, it might be a part of your soul, much as your blood is a part of your body.”
    “So if a person could store their Identity,” Marasi said, “as Waxillium does with his weight…”
    “They’d be without it for a time,” VenDell said. “A blank slate, so to speak.”
    “So they could use anyone’s metalmind?” Marasi asked.
    “Possibly,” VenDell said. [...]
    “Some have been experimenting with your idea,” VenDell said, “and early results are promising."




    Then we also talked about, theorized about unkeyed metalminds - that is Identity-less ones that anybody can that has the power can tap.

    Brandon Sanderson



    We also were wondering is it like, we compared it to cryptography and encryption, stuff like that. Is it just that like, your Identity is sort of this unique encryption key.

    Brandon Sanderson

    And you need a key to you getting it. That's a valid line of theorizing. It is not exactly but it's close enough to be a good model.


    Prague Signing (Oct. 26, 2019)




    If someone used Hemalurgy to take someones Feruchemical abilities would they be able to use that persons personal metalminds? Most relevantly perhaps to take that person's knowledge from their copperminds?

    Brandon Sanderson



    If someone stored their identity in an aluminium metalmind, then had their powers and metalminds stolen via Hemalurgy, then the person who took the powers used the aluminium metalmind to draw out the first persons identity would it permanently overwrite their personality with the original persons ? ( would kind of be a long winded way of stealing someone else's body and becoming immortal )

    Brandon Sanderson

    All Identity questions are a RAFO until I deal with it more in the books. (Sorry.)

    WeiryWriter (in response to the first answer)

    If the spike granting Feruchemy were to be reforged/split into two distinct spikes which are then implanted into two different people, could those two people "share" a metalmind (as in actually be able to tap something the other stored and vice versa?).

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's complicated, but no.

    There would be too much of the other person mixed in. Both could use the metalminds of the person the Feruchemy was stolen from, but when they made their own, their own Identity would "muddy" the creation.

    Worldbuilders AMA (Dec. 7, 2015)




    If a Ferring creates a metalmind and then loses his power (for example through Hemalurgy), could he still use his previous-made metalmind ?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, he could not. And, unfortunately, the person who stole a bit of his soul would probably be keyed with enough Identity to use his metalmind. :( (This is uncertain, though, based on how much of the soul got ripped off, and how much the spike has decayed.)

    /r/books AMA 2015 (Sept. 3, 2015)




    Would a Feruchemist actively storing Identity be more susceptible to Forgery? Would more outlandish changes be able to take effect? Thanks for your time, and have a wonderful day.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, if you store Identity, it makes you susceptible to ALL KINDS of things in the Cosmere. Forgery would be on the short list.


    /r/books AMA 2015 (July 14, 2015)




    Could you use the Feruchemical ability to store Identity to heal damage done to you in the Cognitive Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um... yes, but it's gonna take a roundabout method to make it happen... Yes, but Identity can be very useful for all sorts of things like this.

    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing (March 21, 2014)



    Illuminarrator (paraphrased)

    Is there an Awakening Command that could stick a Cognitive Shadow to a corpse? 

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Yes, but that would be a bad way to do it. You'd need something more. 

    Illuminarrator (paraphrased)

    More Investiture? 

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Not necessarily. The body at that point died because something happened to it, plus it started decomposing. You'd need to do something to it to really get the Cognitive Shadow to stick.

    Illuminarrator (paraphrased)

    like a Hemalurgic spike?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    That's one way to do it. 

    Illuminarrator (paraphrased)

    Oh! To follow up... because Regrowth is Spiritual... if a Cognitive Shadow was Awakened into a corpse, then healed with Regrowth, would the body be healed to appear like the Cognitive Shadow's body?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    No, it would heal... wait, yes, Regrowth would heal based on the Identity of the Cognitive Shadow attached to it. 

    Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 20, 2023)



    Krios (paraphrased)

    If you have a form of manipulating your Identity and a form of healing, are you able to shapeshift or even evolve your body like growing wings?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    You'd have to do some real work on your Spiritweb to make that work. It'd take more work than you're implying, but the [singers] for instance are doing this. It'll take a little more work, it's not just blanking your Identity. Hemalurgy would make it very easy, but also very evil. But what you want to achieve is possible.

    Stuttgart signing (May 17, 2019)


  18. 1 hour ago, Trusk&#x27;our said:

    No, I don't think that Allomantically Burning a pure Godmetal will necessarily grant you access to the system directly. I think that there are individual ways to use the pure form of each Godmetal to access (or, I suppose, just improve the use of as some people have argued) the magic system they're tied to; Lerasium you ingest, but Tanavastium you Bond, just like with a Spren. 

    Could be that Edglium you Command with "your Breath become mine" or something like that.

    Hmm I don't think so, but I don't really have anything. You ingest every god metal, just like every god metal can be used in Hemalurgy or Feruchemy, but that's the nature of Metallic Arts specifically which are focused on metals. Burning god metals however isn't of Allomancy, but in my mind Allomancy and burning god metals use the same mechanism to get the power into the soul. So I think you have the opposite way of thinking - because god metals are metals they can be used in Metallic Arts, as those three arts are uniquely focused on metals.

    I was writing my incoherent thoughts here, but they didn't really make any sense. I just stop here, after trying to rewrite it several times now - my mind clearly isn't in shape today. I just feel like what you are proposing is too much, but I can't really put a finger on the issue here. God metals are more about investiture in general, less about their specific invested art. They aren't tied to their magic system, they don't have it, they are tied to their Shard who manifests in a few different ways - physical investiture is just one manifestation of a Shard, invested art is another one.

    1 hour ago, Trusk&#x27;our said:

    That is the electrum/Atium alloy I believe, not the purified form of the Godmetal. 

    Oh yes, my bad. Buuuut being nitpicky here, Eland did strike Marsh at the end, but chose to not kill him because he knew Marsh had to kill him. So you can still fight using pure Atium's future sight and get the outcome you want. 


    16 minutes ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

    So WHY does Lerasium draw the magic, so to speak, out of godmetals and grant access to those magics. If it's an act of preserving those magics (into a person), what does that say about the nature of godmetals. That feels significant to me. The OP is not far off from true, as long as Lerasium is involved.

    The way I see it is that Lerasium forges a Connection to something - in its pure form it Connects you to Preservation, which makes you a Mistborn. In alloyed forms this is overwritten and it Connects you to a Shard associated with the second alloy component, like to Autonomy if you mixed it with Bavadinium. And because Connection is what often grants you invested arts, you gain them when burning alloyed Lerasium. So in my opinion the side effect is that you gain invested arts, but the main effect that you can do fancy stuff with is that Learsium changes your spirit web and forges a Connection.

    22 minutes ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

    Another question I have is what happens to Atium when it's alloyed with Lerasium and burnt. At one point, I would have thought you cannot allow them as their Intents are diametrically opposed, but if you can blend stormlight and voidlight, I am sure you can allow Atium and Lerasium. Would you be able to suck out other's allomancy? Any magic system? I dunno, just spitballing here. 

    I believe it would make you into a Feruchemist. We know Allomancy happens because of the Preservation's extra investiture in people's souls, Feruchemy however is a balanced system between two Shards. It seems to me that to have Feruchemy, you have to be extra investiture of Ruin and Preservation in equal amounts. Scadrians have one already. Lerasium-Atium alloy's effect is overwritten with Atium's power, so if Lerasium invests you with Preservation's investiture, Lerasium-Atium might invest you with Ruin's investiture, equalizing Preservation's fragment and making you into a Feruchemist. That's my thoughts at least. The wording of this WoB, specifically the "instead of Ruin" seems to slightly point in that direction. 



    How is a new Feruchemist made?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What do you mean?


    Well you can make a new Mistborn by lerasium--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, okay.  Other than through birth? That’s a RAFO, good question though.  Right now, as far as anyone knows, it’s by birth only.  But--  Well we’ll leave it there.  You know that the extra Preservation instead of Ruin had some effects on people on Scadrial.

    Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)
  19. Just now, robardin said:

    Well it depends what you mean by "broken soul" versus "cracks" in the soul. As that WoB says, " it's usually traumatic experience. So crazy is not required, but there's got to be a place for the magic to go, to get in."


    "Usually" traumatic experience, but not necessarily, and "crazy is not required", sure - but there still has to be "a place for the magic to go" in the soul. It could be something positive or happy - as per other WoBs as to ways that "Snapping" can happen for an Allomancer - and I think "seeping in" is a way of saying, it would take longer, eh?

    I mean this part: "Sometimes the bond allows it to kind of bypass some of this." The bond does allow the magic to get into your soul, no matter if it's cracked or not. That's why "crazy is not required." Broken soul and cracks are the same in my mind. You don't need to have any cracks in your soul to bond an Aviar, you don't need anything to Awaken or hold Breaths etc - in general cracks in soul aren't always needed, for Radiants what matters the most is the will of a spren as the Nahel Bond allows the power to get into your soul even with no cracks in it. 

    5 minutes ago, robardin said:

    As for whether or not Kaladin counted as having "broken his ideals" in WoR in the same way that Shallan had done with her first Cryptic, that's an interesting question. You might say he went FURTHER along than Shallan in doing so: she was still able to summon her "Testamentblade" and to soulcast the goblet into blood and so on, while Kaladin couldn't do any Surgebinding or even to draw in Stormlight.

    I think Kaladin couldn't do anything not only because of the state in which his bond was, but also because after he had fallen into chasms, the Stormfather took Syl and prevented her from going back to Kaladin. 

    7 minutes ago, robardin said:

    Either way, the statement "I was only as dead as your oaths", and the repeated theme in WoBs about reviving deadeyes as being nigh impossible without their original bonded Radiant, suggests that the "cabling" of the bond is still there, just dormant/blocked and not severed.

    (Also that deadeyes were not a thing until the Recreance, hmmm.)


  20. 29 minutes ago, laserz667 said:

    Perpendicularities connect all three realms, the cognitive,  the physical, and the spiritual; however, you can only travel between the physical and cognitive, not the spiritual. I wonder if you gathered enough investiture to travel all three realms.

    What do you think? 

    The Spiritual Realm is not a place, it's not somewhere you can go. In the Spiritual Realm distance and space is irrelevant, time and space are compound into one. You can't enter into the Spiritual Realm, but you can look into it through a Perpendicularity - that's the closest you can get to SR. What looking directly into SR would do? Elend did it at the end of HoA - he saw the past and the future, so that's something that might happen if you do this in a Perpendicularity.




    In Shadesmar, the solid and liquid phases are inverted. So, in the Spiritual Realm, is it something to do with solid and gas phases, or is it not the same at all?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not quite where you're going, but I like the way you're thinking.


    So then what's the reason that they can't travel to the Spiritual Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Spiritual Realm is not a place.

    Skyward San Francisco signing (Nov. 8, 2018)




    A being with a lot of Investiture worldhops, then dies. What happens to the Investiture that was part of them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most likely, it returns to the Spiritual Realm, where all places are one, and where you were is irrelevant.

    #SandersonChat Twitter Q&A with Audible.com (Feb. 4, 2016)




    Mistborn travels to Roshar, what does he or she use to get Invested?

    Brandon Sanderson

    *pause* So. *pause* I think I've talked about this before on the 17th Shard, but I'm not 100% sure and so I don't want to anything right now, not knowing what I've said. But you can look it up. You can ask Peter. Hey Peter, have I talked about someone using-- Have I ever in an interview before talked about using metals... A Mistborn travels to Roshar and uses the metals there?

    Peter Ahlstrom

    I think that you have said that they could do it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I said it.  Okay, so the thing about the metals you have to understand is the metals are a key, the metals are not magical themselves, except for specific ones. If I've already said that I can tell you, go to Roshar and you could use the metals that are there to power your Allomancy because the difference is in your soul and you're actually drawing directly from Preservation. Remember that on the Spiritual Realm, this is the big tidbit--they're listening. On the Spiritual Realm time, distance, and space are irrelevant. It's a place where time and space are compounded in one. So anything that exists on the Spiritual Realm, space doesn't matter for it.

    Shadows of Self release party (Oct. 5, 2015)




    Could you use perpendicularities to see into Spiritual Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 4, 2018)




    What would a Hemalurgic spike granting atium do for an Allomancer already able to burn atium? Does it function similarly to bronze, granting enhanced atium-ing? Along this line of thought, would enhancing electrum burning via spike be of any advantage?

    Brandon Sanderson

    A spike of something you have would enhance your ability, giving your more strength. With atium, more strength makes for a minimal edge--the length you can push out the atium shadows. However, there's a certain breaking point where you kind of crack the whole system, peer straight into the [Spiritual Realm], and kind of have a "It's full of stars" moment.

    Electrum could reach this same moment, potentially, though there's more interference to fight through. Extra strength in electrum isn't going to be terribly useful up to that point.


    Is that what happened when atium was burned with duralumin?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Footnote: In his original response Brandon mistakenly said burning atium and duralumin would cause the Allomancer to peer into the Cognitive Realm, rather than Spiritual Realm. He has since confirmed that this was a mistake.
    /r/books AMA 2015 (Aug. 1, 2015)


  21. 11 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

    Honor's pure Godmetal is only seen in one way; the Honorblades. Which also happen to grant access/expand one's power in their Shard's respective magic system. 

    You mean Honorblades grant access to Honor's magic or Tanavastium do that when burnt? The latter is unconfirmed.

    11 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

    and Trellium may possibly allow access to Sand Mastery or Star Marks.

    Not on its own - you need to alloy it with Lerasium.



    If Hoid was to get his hands on "bavadinium," could he alloy it with lerasium and get Sand Mastery?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is theoretically possible.

    FanX 2018 (Sept. 6, 2018)

    And because of this WoB I don't think burning pure god metals will give you their Shard's invested arts. Alloying them with Lerasium will do that, but alone that won't work in most cases. 

    But assisting in their respected invested arts? More likely. It's less direct, unlike Lerasium and allows for a broader spectrum of possibilities. God metals are condensated power of Shards, they do one specific thing, connected to their Shard. I find it ironic that Atium grants enhanced future vision when Ruin is not so good at looking at the future, but that allows a person to be a perfect killing machine, which is fully aligned with Ruin. Atium helping with Hemalurgy is more like an accidental bonus in my opinion, than a true purpose of it - any ability that allows you to see the future helps with Hemalurgy, it doesn't have to come from Ruin. I would expect god metals to be more similar to Atium in what they are doing, than to Lerasium. Lerasium seems to be more unique in its ability to forge Connections and rewrite spirit web. It wouldn't be very original if all god metal do what Lerasium does - what's the point of Lerasium-Bavadinium alloy if Bavadinium alone can do the same? Lerasium-Atium alloy can most likely rewrite your spirit web with the power of Ruin, Atium doesn't do it on its own. All god metals do something else, but aligned with their Shard's intents. 


    Questioner (paraphrased)

    What will an Atium-Lerasium Alloy do ?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Ah, I've been asked this before. There are a number of theories, but nobody's really sure, since there haven't really been any opportunities to alloy lerasium with atium. You can choose which one to believe. Most require an understanding of realmatic theory to comprehend, which you need to be a Shard or Splinter to even begin to understand.What Lerasium is, is essentially a hack for something like your spiritual DNA. It rewrites what your spiritual self is capable of. So, combined with atium, which allows you a glimpse into the vision of everything - past, present, future - the theories say it could do one of two things. It could either create a substance so volatile that it would have world-ending repercussions, or rewrite your "spiritual DNA" (his phrase, not mine) with atium's power. Is that a vague enough answer?

    TWG Posts (March 23, 2010)



    17th Shard

    If a Mistborn burns lerasium, as in, not just ingests it, what effect would it grant Allomantically?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is a RAFO. It would do something, but the thing you've gotta remember is that, when ingesting lerasium for the first time and gaining the powers, your body is actually burning it. Think of lerasium as a metal anyone can burn. Does that make sense? By burning it you gain access to those powers. It rewrites your spiritual DNA, and there are ways to do really cool things with lerasium that I don't see how anyone would know. Were most Mistborn to just burn it, it would rewrite their genetic code to increase their power as an Allomancer.

    17th Shard Interview (Oct. 3, 2010)


  22. 16 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

    I think Leras wanted Kelsier to become the Survivor of Hathsin as a gambit, as part of his plan. It’s why he told Kelsier to Survive, made him into a Cognitive Shadow, and showed him the future vision of going west to the Ire’s fortress. He wanted Kelsier to destroy all the atium in the Pits of Hathsin, restricting Ruin from one of the two ways he can regain his full power. He wanted Kelsier to get the Ire’s orb, artificially Connecting himself to Preservation and serving as the middleman between Leras and Vin. Ensuring Vin gets the Shard before Ruin Splinters it. 

    I also think Preservation fueled Kelsier’s Allomancy in the Pits, with the mists. And Snapped him into a Mistborn at that moment, like how he theoretically Snapped Vin during her birth.

    Interesting, it's possible, but judging by how Leras behaved in SH, by that he didn't remember what was the plan, was just hoping people would recognize it without his intervention, or by that he didn't wanted to preserve Kelsier from going into the Beyond until Kelsier showed an unbreakable will to save himself and convinced Leras to made him into a CS, I think at that point Leras was too far gone to do anything as a part of his plan - he didn't know what his plan was. I think it would be more like what happened at the Well at the beginning of SH - Leras was just impressed by Kelsier's actions and just felt he deserved to be preserved, not knowing he would ultimately serve a role in his plan. Leras didn't predict Rashek would die, he didn't predict Ruin would be soon freed, he didn't know he needed to do anything this time as he thought Rashek would Ascend again, thus maintaining the status quo.

  23. 12 hours ago, Franklin said:

    Szeth can speak with sword nimi, does that mean they are bonded? like how someone can bond with a spren? and if he is bonded with sword nimi, would that interfere with also being bonded with a spren?

    Yes, Szeth is bonded with Nightblood, but that's not a Nahel Bond. It's a bit different than that, but working by the same mechanism. This bond allows Nightblood to read Szeth's mind or sense where he is for example. This would not interfere with a spren bond, a person can be even bonded to multiple spren at once and that would cause no problems. 


    Argent (paraphrased)

    How is it that Nightblood, who is merely a near-sentient awakened object, was able to read minds, something a Shard like Ruin was unable to do?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    It requires bonding (with the person whose mind is to be read) to read minds.

    Steelheart Chicago signing (Oct. 1, 2013)




    How important are bonds like the Nahel Bond and a seon bond in the Cosmere?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'd say very important.


    Is this kind of bond relatively common or is what seons, spren, and Nightblood do little more rare among Splinters. I'm specifically talking about the act of making bonds not a giving of magic powers really, that appearing to be function of Roshar. Also regarding your post about Stormlight 3 I am personally okay with 2000 pages if need be so make the chapters as long as you want.:)

    Brandon Sanderson

    The bonding is basically the same mechanic, regardless of the world, just with different flavoring. Roshar isn't the only place where the bond gives powers; it's a matter of what's stuffed into the soul, and how.

    /r/books AMA 2015 (June 19, 2015)



    tganchero (paraphrased)

    Is it true that humans can bond to multiple spren?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    They can theoretically bond to multiple spren.

    Words of Radiance Lexington signing (March 18, 2014)


  24. 21 hours ago, robardin said:

    The way the Nahel bond has been described to work, by analogy, is that the spren "fills in the cracks" in a person's soul. Which requires "cracking" the soul in the first place, with pain, conflict, doubt, etc. And each advancement in Ideal represents a further, deeper "soul cracking".

    When Kaladin is struggling to reach the Third Ideal, to reconcile and to overcome his feeling that he's betrayed his Second Ideal in agreeing to stand by and let Moash proceed with his plot with Graves to murder Elhokar, he complains to Syl that she's asking too much of him, that he's not like the Radiants of old, "some glorious knight of ancient days". That he's a broken man.

    And she replies, "That's what they all were, silly."

    To bond different kinds of living, sentient spren at the same time seems very difficult, then. As we saw in RoW, spren can even decline to engage in an otherwise possible bond because the person is already "spoken for" by another one.

    I think to do this might require some force. As in, something on the level of Crazy Unchained Ishar Doing Nahel Bond Manipulation, as he nearly did in RoW with Dalinar/SF.

    Just to point out, having a broken soul isn't required to become a Knight Radiant - the Nahel Bond bypasses this requirement and allows the power to seep into the soul of the knight. It helps, but it isn't needed as a sapient entity is also involved who can choose - a spren. 


    AndrewStirlingMacDonald (paraphrased)

    Is being a little bit crazy a prerequisite to becoming a Knight Radiant?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Well, so, for many of the cosmere magics to work, you have to... it has to get into the soul somehow. Right? Sometimes you ram it in by spiking someone else's soul and ripping off a piece and sticking it into yours. Sometimes, it just seeps in the cracks. Sometimes the bond allows it to kind of bypass some of this, but it's usually traumatic experience. So crazy is not required, but there's got to be a place for the magic to go, to get in.

    Shadows of Self Boston signing (Oct. 14, 2015)


    13 hours ago, robardin said:

    That Moash scenario made we wonder, though: supposing Kaladin had gotten recruited by the Skybreakers right after “killing” Syl (no longer holding an active Nahel bond), upon emerging from the chasms with Shallan, and something causes Moash’s plot to be delayed by a few weeks.

    Imagine if he progresses rapidly as Szeth did, and then does in fact swear the Third Ideal of the Skyhbreakers to follow Dalinar’s vision of justice (which results in protecting Elhokar, but for a different reason).

    He then swears to pursue a Crusade against Amaram, Roshone, and other “lying lighteyes” who have abused their station…

    …and then somewhere along the way, feels compelled to protect Roshone against Moash despite his Crusade, after finding him doing his best to help the people of Hearthstone deal with the singer occupation.

    I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right.

    I was only as dead as your oaths, Kaladin.

    Could he revive his “dead” bond with Syl at that point, and become a Windrunner and a Skybreaker of the Third Ideal? It would certainly mess up his pursuit of his Crussde, though!

    And what would you call him? A Skyrunner? Windbreaker? LOL

    I am not 100$ sure Kaladin has fully broken his Ideals at this point. He was close, but not there yet, he didn't do what Shallan did when she fully broke her bond. Kaladin had sworn two conflicting oaths to two different people, but he still wanted to protect people. That's why he had to just swear the 3rd Ideal and his bond and Syl were back working. If he were to follow and assist in assassination of Elhokar, then his bond with Syl would have been fully broken, just like Shallan's bond with Testament - swearing the 3rd Ideal would not work anymore, Syl would be a deadeye. At least that's what I think was happening. In that case, if Kaladin were to fully break his bond with Syl, he would have to reswear all of his Ideals to bring her back to life. 



    The dead Shardblades, could you possibly get Stormlight into them to reawaken them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Dead Shardblade, could you pump enough Stormlight into them? That alone would not be enough.


    So you would have to find someone to re-swear with oaths?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There is something broken on the Spiritual Realm because of the broken oath and simple Stormlight will not fix that.


    So say--

    Brandon Sanderson

    If the person were still alive and could re-swear the oath then yes.


    But someone like [...] could go [...] the Spiritual Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not outside of reason but it would be very, very, very difficult.

    Firefight release party (Jan. 5, 2015)


  25. 7 hours ago, Meekers said:

    But regarding the tones of Honor, Cultivation and Odium- and how they all interact with eachother, how do you think that would look on Scadrial? Or anywhere else.

    The pure tone of Preservation was most likely what Vin felt with A-bronze as the pulses the Well of Ascension was sending. Allomantic pulses are also related to the pure tone of Preservation. Feruchemy would most likely send out tones related to merged tones of Preservation and Ruin (as Feruchemy is a balanced system between Ruin and Preservation), while Hemalurgy might be related to the pure tone of Ruin.



    Is that tone and rhythm stuff universal to the Shards and Investiture elsewhere?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The tones can be expanded to other Shards and Invested Arts around the cosmere.


    Are the Allomantic pulses a Seeker hears (like drum beats) related to the tones of Preservation, then?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, they are.

    General Reddit 2020 (Nov. 22, 2020)




    Is the Well's pulsing a 'pure tone of Scadrial'?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Miscellaneous 2020 (Nov. 30, 2020)


    7 hours ago, Meekers said:

    like if a mistborn were able to hum the pure tone of Preservation what would that look like? Or a hemalurgist with Ruin’s etc.

    personally, I think it’d be a stretch to say it does something to the injested metals but maybe it would be a method of absorbing the mists? Similar to how the different lights reacted to it?

    What happened when Navani sang a pure tone of Honor? Not much. What happened when Raboniel sang a pure tone of Odium? Not much. Those tones allowed them to manipulate and move lights associated with them, but it didn't give them any boost of investiture. So a Mistborn would not get invested just by singing. However it's possible it would allow them to manipulate Mists to some extent, but it's unlikely they would be able to draw power from Mists directly. One needs to be strongly Connected to Preservation and Mists to do that - like Vin.

    7 hours ago, Meekers said:

    anti-tone/ resonance? I wonder how the repulsiveness would look like. Like would a Anti-Ruin tone really mess with a steel-inquisitor? 

    Yes. 100% it would hurt them just like it hurt Raboniel when she heard the anti-tone of Odium. But it should not break them or destroy their spikes, just hurt them really badly.

    7 hours ago, Meekers said:

    the deeper i think about this I wonder if a Singer could hear the tones on Scadrial, or if it’s because of their connection with Roshar. Likely no answers yet

    They can, but they might have to be more invested to hear pure tones of Scadrial. But they would still be able to hear regular Rhythms even off-Roshar. 



    I have a question about the singers. If one of them were to reach the Third Heightening, would they then be able to sing the pure Tones of Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. They definitely could. They might be able to before they reached that Heightening, as well.

    Dragonsteel 2022 (Nov. 14, 2022)




    If you took a Parshendi... And they were born outside Roshar and never visited Roshar in their lives, would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar... If you took one that was not born on Roshar, would they feel the Rhythms off-Roshar or just Rhythms in general?


    Rhythms in general.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, they would sense them.


    Even beyond Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What they are sensing... it's something that pervades the Cosmere but on Roshar has specific way of manifesting.


    Is it the same thing that Soothers and Rioters are using?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Now you're straying into RAFO territory with your question/good question...

    Warsaw signing (March 18, 2017)


    6 hours ago, Meekers said:

    Though, I wonder what prerequisites Vin met in being able to absorb the mists in the first place, other than just being looked at with interest by both Shards. 

    Vin was chosen by Preservation to be its next Vessel. She was prepared for this role and that gave her Connection strong enough to draw power from Mists. HoA epilogue epigraphs:


    Vin was special.

    Preservation chose her from a very young age, as I have mentioned. I believe that he was grooming her to take his power. Yet, the mind of Preservation was very weak at that point, reduced only to the fragment that we knew as the mist spirit.


    Nobody else could draw upon the mists. I have determined this. Why were they open to Vin and not others? I suspect that she couldn't have taken them all in until after she'd touched the power at the Well of Ascension. It was always meant, I believe, to be something of an attuning force. Something that, once touched, would adjust a person's body to be able to accept the mists.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Chapter Seventy-Nine

    The Mists Chose Someone

    There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than even the author of these epigraphs knows. Reasons why Vin was chosen, and why the power of Preservation needed a new mind to control it.

    The author is right in that Preservation did need someone to control its power, and it did seek for a host in which to invest itself. It began this search with what mind it had left about sixteen years before the return of the power to the Well of Ascension, just as it began a search for a new host before the return of the power the previous time.

    Unfortunately, just as Ruin took control and manipulated Alendi, he took control and manipulated Vin.

    The Hero of Ages Annotations (May 13, 2010)

    Vin wasn't the only one who ingested Mists, Wax did that too, but he was chosen by Harmony to be his Sword. It's more likely that Harmony directly made it happen, giving him strength necessary to work on his behalf, than he was naturally so strongly Connected to Mists like Vin was. He didn't breathe in Mists like Vin did, he didn't fuel his Allomancy with it, but they gave him strength and calmness, they were always there in the most important moments of his life. The Mists he took in were but a tiny drop compared to what Vin took. If I were to point out a moment from Era 2 where Wax breathes in some Mists, I would pick this from AoL ch 18. There are probably more moments like this but they aren't obvious and it's not confirmed if Wax ingested Mists in those moments, or it's more like Harmony's emotional Allomancy acting on him through Mists. 


    Waxillium breathed out, blowing the mists in front of him. What Miles had said bothered him: Is there any doubt we’ve been given this for a reason?
    Waxillium gritted his teeth, then forced himself to stand. He felt better in the mists. The wounds didn’t seem so bad. The pain didn’t seem so sharp. But he was still unarmed. Still cornered. Still …




    Has Wax drawn on the mists at some point?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)


    3 hours ago, Isilel said:

    Now that you mention it, it occurs to me that it should be possible for Seekers to learn to hear the rythms of Scadrial and other planets when burning bronze. 

    They can hear Rhythms:



    Can an Allomantic bronze burner hear the Rhythms on Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, this is possible.

    General Signed Books 2016 (May 2, 2016)

    But Roshar is unique, Rhythms are uniquely strongly manifested on Roshar (4th WoB I've posted), so it should be much harder to pick them up on Scadrial. 

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