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alder24 last won the day on September 30

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  1. Baxil in WoK wanted to go and ask Nightwatcher for courage and it looks like she made him immaterial so he can go everywhere without worrying of being detected. I said it in the Stormlight-only section thread, his current state looks a lot like Yumi and Nikaro's situation and even Kel's in SH. None could see them beside highly invested entities, they couldn't interact with regular matter etc. Baxil can do something more than that, people who look out for him can see him, but it's still very similar. Is his physical body still attached to him, or did something happen to it like in Yumi? Is he a kind of Cognitive Shadow because he feels like he's a step away from dissipating, or it's just something totally different?
  2. I'm gonna read that later, thanks. If Kaladin were to bond another Honorspren, he would be able to say all 4 Ideals at once, because he already is living by them (there was a WoB about it, that it's possible to bond and be ready to swear all the way up to 5th Ideal, can't find it now). Shallan however doesn't just bond another Cryptic, she's bonded with a Deadeye - she has to re-swear her broken Oaths to revive Testament. Shallan's situation is just vastly different than if someone were to try to bond another living spren. She broke her bond, she broke her Oaths and Truths. Just like Kaladin, Dalinar, Eshonai and maybe even Lift - they never said the First Ideal before they were able to use Stormlight. Dalinar remembered using Stormlight before swearing his Oaths, Kaladin was obviously using Stormlight and Reverse Lashing before Teft told him about the First Ideal, Eshonai never said the First and Second Ideal - she couldn't say the Second Ideal because he was underwater, she said it in her mind and most importantly she died embodying it. We've never seen any of them saying the First Ideal before using their powers for the first time.
  3. What stops a Shard from brute forcing Connection to a new Shard, creating their own Connection Orb? Or maybe their shared Connection to Adonalsium is enough to allow them to pick up other Shards? It wasn't the only WoB in which Brandon talks about Odium and Rayse's unwillingness to pick up a Shard, so I think Shards can do it, Rayse just didn't want to because it would change him. Ruin and Preservation were a very unique case where powers were in conflict for so long that they polarized. By the WoB further below, it's specifically Rayse who made Odium afraid of being changed, I think Taravangian is different enough to accept Odium changing into something else, thus combining it with other Shards will be his goal. Taravangian already separates himself from the power, so for him it doesn't really matter if the power will change, because he won't be affected by it that much. I think you're onto something, but it's not a desire to destroy other Shards, it's selfishness - Odium is by nature selfish so it will always push their Vessel to become the only god.
  4. The reason Nightblood works so terrifyingly good is because he's a sword. It wouldn't work the same if you Awaken a shield or a corpse in the exact same way as Nightblood was Awakened. However, you can Awaken a Soulcasted corpse into sentience, that's a regular type 4 BioChromatic entity - like Vivenna's blade. You most likely won't bring back that person, it would assume its own identity and personality. Additionally a human body won't work like a Shardblade, for the same reasons a shield won't be like Nightblood. WoBs: This one below is about Lifeless, but it should more or less work the same with a type 4:
  5. Maybe, but I don't think so. Hoid's Tamu Kek is described as a bone, not a skull.
  6. No, the terms say that neither side can harm a chosen champion before the contest. The loophole might be not about a champion that is already harmed, but a champion that will be harmed when trying to reach the top of Urithiru, like choosing Moash - Navani, Gavinor and all of the Bridge Four would love to kill him. But I also think if Odium's champion were to intentionally provoke Dalinar's side to harm him, it would count as Odium breaking the terms. RoW ch 112:
  7. Sorry, I didn't make it clear but I agree with you and I was just expanding upon your statement. If the Stormfather wanted to be honest, he should have said what I proposed. And while he might be telling true statements, he is still lying by omission - which is clearly visible in quotes from ch 64 and 65 when he tried to hide behind true but unhelpful words. He was technically correct in those quotes (which is the best kind of correct), but he was omitting the truth from Dalinar, avoiding answering questions and was intentionally misleading him, and Dalinar caught him in ch 64/65. But being technically correct is the best way of hiding important information. Edit: If the Stormfather is the Stormfaker, then he directly lied to Dalinar in OB ch 38 by telling him that no Herald has died since Aharietiam.
  8. Battar looks spectacular. I looove it. And are those chicken skulls (looks like parrots) hanging from her belt?? WHY?? Tanavast holds the gem directly above his heart - a gemheart. This reminded me of a certain death rattle, which probably is unrelated, but sounds poetic in this context: Also Tanavast has a chain as his belt - a chain he used to imprison Odium? Cultivation looks like she just had the most fabulous musical entrance. Taln looks cool, we've seen this image before so not much to say. Yes. Violet Salas with Battar, blue Nomon with Ishar (all three moons are present on Ishar's image, but Nomon is in the center) and Mishim is with Ash. However Mishim is green, but the moon on Ash's image is red/orange, but this may be because only a tiny sliver of Mishim is illuminated in that image, unlike moons in Battar and Ishar's pictures, which are fully illuminated. I wonder why they have moons behind them and if this is someone related to Hoid's story.
  9. "I’ve shown you what you need" - so there is more the Stormfather can show, but he chose not to. Even if the nature of those visions are a bit different, this is something the Stormfather was aware of the entire time, but chose to hide. He knew how to do that, he knew how to show it to Dalinar, he knew how Dalinar could see them, but he decided Dalinar didn't need to see it. And this makes his statement from OB ch 28 a plain lie, because there was more the Stormfather could have shown to Dalinar, there was more for Dalinar to see. Then he should have said "There are no other visions of Nohadon," instead he said "I've shown you all, I can show no more" - this is way too broad to be applied just for Nohadon. The Stormfather tried to mislead Dalinar and hide the fact that there are more visions. Who knows, maybe there are more visions of Nohadon, but if the Stormfather were to reveal that to Dalinar, then Dalinar could have rightly wondered "if the Stormfather hid one vision from me, how many more did he hide." And the fact that in WaT the Stormfather said "I’ve shown you what you need," not all that was created for you to see, but what you need, means what he said in OB ch 28 was intentionally misleading at best, a blatant lie at worst. This is not the first time the Stormfather was caught red-handed - this happened at least two times in OB. The first time was, when he tried to hide the fact that he can sense Ishar, a chapter later he tried to omit that Dalinar can speak other languages. Both times he revealed the truth only because Dalinar pressed him further and the Stormfather was not happy. OB ch 64: OB ch 65: Now I also think that Gavilar might have seen more than Dalinar and it makes sense. Dalinar's visions were focused on Radiants and Radiants alone, there was only one vision related to Heralds - the vision of Aharietiam. So why would Gavilar be certain that he was going to become a Herald? Why did he feel he knew Heralds very well and he thought of them as his colleagues? Maybe because he saw more visions of Heralds, visions of the Oathpact being made, ancient times when Heralds were joining the Oathpact or fighting during Desolations and all of this gave him a false impression that he was meant to be a Herald as well. And that's why the Stormfather said he will try differently next time, that's why he chose to hide those visions from Dalinar in the first place.
  10. I don't agree. You have to kill off weeds to cultivate your plants. If a plant grows in a place it shouldn't, you can take small saplings of it and plant them in a more suitable space, while also destroying that plant. Cultivation would Splinter Odium and cultivate his Splinters afterwards, but she probably can't because it's very dangerous to go 1 on 1 with another Shard, Odium might have some advantage over her, her power might be already busy doing other things, or she's simply too afraid of an direct confrontation. She was hoping Taravangian would be a better Vessel, this plan failed, so maybe now it's time for pesticides (Dalinar). I disagree. I still think "I'm terrified" from WoK was said to Testament, it was her voice Shallan heard and because she tried to summon Testament as a Shardblade, she was able to Soulcast (WoB). This means that "I killed my mother" said at the end of WoR was her 3rd Ideal and ever since then she used Pattern as a Shardblade. Yes, she repeated this truth in WaT ch 9, which I still think she said to Testament. This strengthened their bond and allowed her to fully use substantiation. Her platespren were hanging around her from the very first chapter of WaT, before she reswore this Truth - in ch 5 she noticed a few unusual Creationspren which were changing shapes, unlike any other Creationspren in Shadesmar.
  11. They were created after the Stormseat was broken, because the Song of War recalls this event. The songs were created shortly before or after the Last Legion abandoned their forms, as a way to preserve their knowledge. They had to be made within that generation otherwise Listeners would risk forgetting everything. And because Listeners fled to Narak specifically to isolate themselves from everyone on Roshar, if the Stormseat was shattered after Listeners abandoned their forms, they would have no idea that humans blamed Fused and Voidspren for the destruction of Stormseat, so the city was already broken when the Last Legion settled in it. Plus the Songs recall that the Last Legion chose those ruins as their home because they could isolate themselves. WoR I-4: Moreover, the song suggests that the destruction of Stormseat happened a long time before the False Desolation. Firstly, humans blame Odium's forces for its destruction, so they clearly don't know what happened there, or so much time had passed that the truth was forgotten. Secondly, they are blaming Singers gods - Fused, Voidspren and Unmades - all of which except for Mishram were either trapped on Braize, or were presumably inactive on Roshar during this time period. The sheer fact that Listeners know that Fused and Voidspren are their gods seems to suggest that the Last Legion lived when they were on Roshar - during one of real Desolations, which is at least 4500 years ago. Honor's death happened after the Recreance, thus after Mishram was captured and after the Last Legion was already exiled on Narak. However, because Honor's death was a long event and he was already dying when Recreance happened, he could have received a deadly wound which shattered Stormseat before all of this happened. Dawnshard maybe? Playing and amplifying an anti-tone of Stormseat? Every Dawncity has its own tone, as proved by cymatics and the Shattered Plains are symmetrical. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the anti-tone of the Stormseat itself (which may be related to the way a spren is being Unmade, as this theory suggests).
  12. The name Narak means exile and that's because it's where the Last Legion escaped. Moreover the Song of Wars recorded that the Stormseat was already Shattered and all the songs were remembered before the Listeners abandoned their forms - the Stormseat had to be shattered long before Mishram was captured. WoR I-1:
  13. Stormseat was already Shattered when the Last Legion abandoned Odium, which had to be at least before Mishram's imprisonment, if not even before the Aharietiam.
  14. WaT ch 16: The Stormfather hid more visions from Dalinar, he rage-quitted angry at Cultivation for exposing the truth, he even lied to Dalinar in OB ch 28 saying he can't show him more visions. It really looks like Cultivation messed up whatever plans the Stormfather had - or maybe he just didn't want to be caught lying. The Stormfather can lie, can omit stuff from Dalinar, can have ulterior motives and can be just as suspicious as Gavilar's Stormfather. For me this is the final nail in the coffin of the Stormfaker theory. The Stormfather can't be trusted, he was the Stormfaker all along!
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