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I Am Witless

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Posts posted by I Am Witless

  1. A normal sword at guarantees victory for the wielder. No magic powers, no anything. The sword will, somehow, lead the wielder to win the fight, no matter how much talent they have or the powers that their enemies hold.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Mraize said:

    He would fulfill the dying wish of his friend.


    Weren't they trying to kill each other or something? Are they friends now?

    "I'm just wondering why we're enemies, and how much this fight is really worth. I mean, TUBA, the DA.... the only difference is that one group wants to put spikes in cookies and give them to people without telling them that they have spikes, and the other wants people to be aware that the cookies have spikes. That is literally our only difference. Otherwise we are crazy people with weird habits. We all enjoy the same hobbies, like reading the same books, and we all like cookies. Sometimes I wonder why we fight, and how much good we could do if we put our minds to a higher work."

  3. Quote

    Wow, not even a chance. Harsh. When are we gonna start a new RP? Soon?

    Yzabet rolled over in bed. Rhazien was gone. She stared at the empty spot for a moment for a moment, then sighed. 

    "Jael?" What? "Have you ever had somone.......... never mind."

  4. Can I join? I know that it is a bit late.

    Name: Rose

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Indeterminate eye color, slightly tan skin, brown hair of average cut, 5'6, little bit of acne

    Powers: None. Never had any in the first place.

    Backstory: Rose lives a normal life and was getting ready to move on to college. One night she was reading a Brandon Sanderson book when she was suddenly sucked in. Literally. She has read every book that he has ever written, and knows the magic systems, but she herself has no powers except her natural talents.

    Talents: Cooking, basic outdoor survival, hunting, shooting, and basic self-defense. Running, hiking, and shooting were some of her favorite activities before all of this started. Because she isn't from a Sanderson World she is immune to the effects of all Investiture-based actions, Smedry talents, etc. This means that she can't be hurt by Shardblades (doesn't go through her skin, though it will go through her clothes and possesions) can't be influenced by allomancy, can't use an unkeyed metalmind, can't be hurt by hemalurgy (see shardblades) and can't see spren. There's other stuff, but you get the drift.

  5. Yzabet and Rhazien were spat out on a random planet due to the improbability drive. There were giant penguins flying above them, and the ground seemed to be made of crystal. There also was a very, very, very angry young woman facing them. She had a really big sword.

    "Who are you?" 

    "Bastille Smedry." She growled, silver hair framing her angry face.

    The improbability drive kicked in again, and the three of them (crockpot included) all fell out onto the ground of a world very different from the one they had just left.


  6. "Lets just go." Yzabet says. She hops out of Rhazien's arms, hands him Tempest, and summons her Shardplate. Then she picks up him and they run off into the sunset.


    I want to be able to do this for my actual wedding. Ain't nobody carrying me.


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