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Everything posted by Deldraedair

  1. Though, I don't think Djimon Hounsou would work as Sazed, he's too tough and impressive looking. Sazed should look more scholarly I think.
  2. Really like this list! I think a lot of those actors would really work!
  3. David Tennant as Hoid maybe? No?
  4. (sorry, bad grammar in that second sentence.)
  5. But it probably won't be as amazing even still. Tons of Wheel of Time fans were disappointed at the ending Brandon wrote, though they admit it Brandon did it a justice (the ones I've talked to at least).
  6. Does anyone else have this terrible paranoia that Brandon will die in like, a plane crash or car accident and never complete his series? I know its kind of irrational and stupid but still, I don't want a repeat of Robert Jordan if you know what I mean. Brandon Sanderson is too amazing to have that happen!!
  7. Thanks guys! I guess those ideas make sense. Another point though is if you consider someones spirit. A lashing effects the spiritual bond, and an object/person can only have one spirit (the literal human soul, or the cognitive identity) so I don't think it would ever be possible to even single out a single part of a persons body.
  8. I know right!!! It stinks that it won't be coming out until late fall though.
  9. Hey guys! Jonathan here! This is my first post to the 17th shard and it was brought about by a subject of discussion/argument between my brothers and I. Everyone in my family are die-hard fans of the Cosmere, the Stormlight Archive in particular, and an idea struck my brother a little while ago. He was reading in the Ars Arcanum at the end of Words of Radiance and came across the part talking about how gravitational lashings worked. He read (I paraphrase): "Advanced uses of this lashing would allow a Windrunner to make him or herself lighter by binding a portion of his or her mass upward." He thought, and still thinks, that a Windrunner could cut a person in half by binding one half of a person's body one way and another half the opposite way, splitting them in two. He thought this by assuming that when it said: "...bind a portion of his or her MASS..." that it meant the literal flesh of a person's body, and that one could single out half of a person with a lashing. I objected to this (me and my older brother who sided with me), trying to explain to him that when the Ars Arcanum used the word 'mass', that it was talking about the more complicated meaning involving weight. I explained to him Einsteins theory of relativity, explaining how gravity works with a pillow. The earth (and the spiritual bond to it that lashings interfere with) is like a large weight in the middle of the pillow, and lashings are like putting a very heavy weight away from the central weight (the earth), overcoming the earths gravitational bond and drawing a marble (the thing a Windrunner is lashing) away from it. I asked him if he could split a marble by placing it on a pillow and pressing down on the pillow on either side of it. He could not, obviously, however he still thought he was correct. I continued to explain that lashings (and therefore gravity, which is all the lashings effect) are all about weight and that an object, in order to be split by two lashings, would need to have two separate weights, while remaining one whole being. This is of course impossible, yet my brother still doesn't understand. I know this is an abstract topic and perhaps somewhat irrelevant, but it has been the subject of many a lengthy argument. My brother and I would both like a second opinion on the matter. Please respond and let me know what you think. Could lashings split someone in half with two lashings on either side? Thanks! 0
  10. Hey guys! Jonathan here! This is my first post to the 17th shard and it was brought about by a subject of discussion/argument between my brothers and I. Everyone in my family are die-hard fans of the Cosmere, the Stormlight Archive in particular, and an idea struck my brother a little while ago. He was reading in the Ars Arcanum at the end of Words of Radiance and came across the part talking about how gravitational lashings worked. He read (I paraphrase): "Advanced uses of this lashing would allow a Windrunner to make him or herself lighter by binding a portion of his or her mass upward." He thought, and still thinks, that a Windrunner could cut a person in half by binding one half of a person's body one way and another half the opposite way, splitting them in two. He thought this by assuming that when it said: "...bind a portion of his or her MASS..." that it meant the literal flesh of a person's body, and that one could single out half of a person with a lashing. I objected to this (me and my older brother who sided with me), trying to explain to him that when the Ars Arcanum used the word 'mass', that it was talking about the more complicated meaning involving weight. I explained to him Einsteins theory of relativity, explaining how gravity works with a pillow. The earth (and the spiritual bond to it that lashings interfere with) is like a large weight in the middle of the pillow, and lashings are like putting a very heavy weight away from the central weight (the earth), overcoming the earths gravitational bond and drawing a marble (the thing a Windrunner is lashing) away from it. I asked him if he could split a marble by placing it on a pillow and pressing down on the pillow on either side of it. He could not, obviously, however he still thought he was correct. I continued to explain that lashings (and therefore gravity, which is all the lashings effect) are all about weight and that an object, in order to be split by two lashings, would need to have two separate weights, while remaining one whole being. This is of course impossible, yet my brother still doesn't understand. I know this is an abstract topic and perhaps somewhat irrelevant, but it has been the subject of many a lengthy argument. My brother and I would both like a second opinion on the matter. Please respond and let me know what you think. Could lashings split someone in half with two lashings on either side? Thanks!
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