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The Forgetful Archivist

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Posts posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. 8 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

    its fine. Anyway, be cautious about the cookies. I won't say anything for or against them, but if you don't want... certain side effects (you may?) I wouldn't take them.

    just to be fair, DA.

    WHAT? I resent this, my cookies are warm, delicious, and full of spikes, err I mean chocolate chips. 

  2. I have always been fascinated by contradictions and duality, Feruchemy is interesting in this regard because to be strong you must be weak, to heal you must hurt. I chose the name Forgetful Archivist. an  Archivist is a copper ferring capable of storing memories, but when the memories are stored they are forgotten. Memory and forgetfulness, a duality and a contradiction.

  3. I like the idea of crysts, however, I think they shouldn't be Aons, stormlight or anything like that. Instead, I would propose that each guild controls a supply depot of investiture, and every week they get a set amount of said investiture, i.e. the Library controls the Stormlight and gets 40 emerald bromes a week. The guilds can set their own prices and sell their commodities at there pleasure.

    I would also propose that every member of the Allyverse gets an as yet undetermined amount of crysts every week. We could also impose a negative interest rate determined by a piecewise defined function

    I would encourage this “use it or lose some of it” program because hoarding resources benefits no one. We want the money to be moving not stagnating, this way we encourage people to go out and buy goods and services, as well as combating the risk of inflation.

    Now for the problem of keeping track of all this, Kenod’s idea of a software program to keep track of all this sound complicated, if we can make it work that would be awesome but if not I propose a public domain record of all transactions and accounts. If anyone can see the records and catch mistakes then the risk of corruption decreases dramatically. Only Liebrarins (or whoever ends up running it) can update it and change it but anyone can view it. (now I see that Tineye said this same thing earlier, oops)

  4. I have done a bit of preliminary research into different monetary systems and I have found 3 basic types: commodity money, commodity-based money, and fiat money. The first one is where the monetary systom is something with innate value such as food, or gold, the obvious way to shard-ify this is to say upvotes = money. However, this would likely bring down the wrath of the moderators and adminstrators if we start messing with the reputation system. A commodity-based system shares many of the same problems, we say a “alley dollar” = 4 upvotes (think the gold standered), this would also likely bring down the wrath of the mods and admins down on us.

    The last system, fiat money, shows the most promise, this is where the goverment declares that pices of paper (or some other token) are worth something. I think we should go this route, and further more I think we should create our money free of any existing cosmere ties, we have an opportunity to do something original and awsome let not constrain ourselves to existing cosmere money. After about 10 minutes of consideration I desided that a UBI might hold promise, i.e. every member of the alleyverse gets 10 “alley dollars” a week to do with what we may. We could also impose diferent rates of positive and negative interest to encorage economic growth and other fun stuff.

    To reiterate, I think a fiat based system is our best bet, and I would tentatively put forth the idea of a UBI to ether completely comprise the income part of the system or to supplement it.

    Disclamer: I think alley dollar is a stupid name for our currency, its just a place holder until someone else comes up with something cool.

  5. Today I took my final exam in math, I thought I had done well but I failed it and as a result the class. I am reeling, I have never failed a test or a class before, part of me still can't comprehend what happened. The worst part is that I can look back and know what I could have done better, I can see every step that lead me to this point. Knowing that I could have done better but willfully made decisions that made me fail hurts worse than anything I have ever known. I was set to graduate with an associates degree this Friday, now that I have failed math I am not sure if I have enough credits to graduate. I want to blame the professor for writing a hard test or my counselor who convinced me to take a math class I didn't need, but in the end, I know that this was on me. I guess all I can do is try to use this as a lesson to ensure that this never happens again. However, this seems like an empty comfort for it holds no solace for me. I usually try to keep my failure inside, hide my weakness from others so posting this confession is new for me. I think it helps the act of typing this is helping me cut through the haze of emotion, whoever started this thread is awesome. Thanks for listening.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

    Ok, I did it! not word for word, because I dont wanna scare away any small children.

    Or large children. Or small adults. Or large adults.

    I don't share your restraint.

  7. I move that this be categorized as a mistrial until we can meet as delgets and create actual legal codes. The fact that we had a trial implies we want order, so I find the idea of a chaotic trial loosely and unofficially based around American courts systems completely irrational. This isn't order its ill-disguised chaos. 

  8. Just now, Archer said:

    I'll reiterate that mistspren was agreed upon (as judge) by both sides, thus giving him authority over this trial. Unless you have proof he colluded with a party, or evidence of bias, then you have no reason to dispute his authority @The Forgetful Archivist

    I am disputing his authority because he claimed to have the power to "revoke of all right to kill in the alleyverse for all characters." But he was never given his power by the guilds of the alleyverse just a few sharders trying to create a legal battle

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