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The Forgetful Archivist

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Posts posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. Ok, I think that a Pinnacle would be able to resist Soulcasting, based on Jasnah's explanation to Shallan about convincing the molecules that they want to change, i.e. when you want to get a solid you tell it how much it wants to be free. I think that a Pinnacle ferring would be able to tap determination and resist the allure of changing. I suppose this same principle might extend to soul forging as well. 

  2. I am willing to offer you an upvote as well of your choice of cookie, ice cream, pie, or a donut as a welcome gift. I have loved the RP stuff, IRL I am an extremely quiet person and am way more comfortable hanging out with ones and zeros that A's G's C' and T's. I also enjoy the mental stimuli that all this intrigue and tomfoolery provides. I look forward to seeing more of Drakon He'Stan in the RP, good luck.

  3. My character:


    Name: Akrasia

    Investiture: Awakener of the 6th Hightning.

    Appearance: Garbed in parshendi carapace armor as well as a hodgepodge of colored clothing

    including what appears to be Mistcloak dyed a rainbow of different shades and colors.

    Physical characteristics: Tan skin and hair dyed a variety of colors, one eye is reminiscent of a goat and the other is like a cat. There are several other animal characteristics as well. Such as some canine fangs, and patches of muskrat hair

    Relatives: He has a brother who fell thru a perpendicularity and was never heard from again, other than that he has no relatives of importance.

    Home planet: Nathlis

    History: Akrasia gained most of his breaths by spiking animals, this had some unintended side effects, namely a primordial instinct that would take hold of him when he feels strong negative emotion (think dark side of the force) When this happens Akrasia loses all control and rampages (thus the name Akrasia) When this happens he is reduced to an animal incapable of thought (for the most part) and becomes uncoordinated and clumsy. While in this state of nature he also loses the capability to awaken. When in this state his skin ripples with color like some sort of cuttlefish, the more breath used in awakening the more in control of his animal side he is.


  4. The island was in shambles, Mac had disappeared, and TFA was pretty sure that someone had put a bounty out on him. Te jogged to the edge of the island pausing only to loot the bar, before awakening a nearby rope and commanding it to lower him to the ground. He stops about 3/4 of the way down looks at the rope which had run out of slack and curses. As TFA gathered his will black shadows begin to gather into a swirling portal below him as the rope releases TFA to fall towards the portal.

  5. 3 hours ago, I am Witless said:

    And, dearest Archivist, I will be your Achilles, only you won't have a god to save you from me this time.

    I will crush you into the fields of Ilium, and even the Scamander, filth that it is, will refuse to take you down to the sea in fear that it will be punished for your ravings against the gods. You are a man who stands on top of a hill in copper armor during a thunderstorm screaming that the gods are b*st*rds. You, like the Romans, sprung from something that once was great, and now is trash. And, like the Roman empire, you will be torn apart by those who you have attempted to convince of your superiority. May Vesta curse your home.

    Have a nice day, and don't mess with someone who knows her Greek classics.


    Alea iacta est. Alexander the great was killed by a single mosquito, that one mosquito fractured one of the largest empires ever. TUBA would be wise to be wary of an individual such as myself. :ph34r:

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