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The Forgetful Archivist

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Posts posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. TFA looks up from the tower he has been constructing out of coasters and asked "Has any one seen Nohadon lately? The last I saw of him was 8 days ago" turning back to his tower he added, "I hope no one killed him, there has been a lot of that going around..."

  2. I am so glad to see someone who hates Alcatraz too! Why can't he number his chapters sequentially and what is the deal with persecuting the librarians. As a believer of Hobbs' social contract theory, I think the librarians have been right the whole time.  Disclaimer: I don't believe any of what I just said, I love Alcatraz! I am infiltrating the library!

  3. Just now, Archer said:

    If you were in a room filled entirely with people named Gary, and I mean filled - thousands of Gary's packed into a concert hall for a big convention - and you were the only one not named Gary, what would you do? Would you try and conceal your identity? Or rise up and become the leader of the Gary's? Or try and escape the Gary's before they find out who you are?!? 


    I literally fell out of my chair laughing! 

  4. 17 minutes ago, AonEne said:

    I'm actually considering leaving and going to the Light Alley now. Honestly I'm back and forth. I'll update when I decide. Wait, is quitting allowed? *Prepares to run to safety*

    There have been light alleys before as have there been mediocrity lit alleys and assassins in technicolor, all have fallen, all will fall. The DA is forever if you do leave us please remember that you are always welcome to return.

  5. The field of combat darkens and a swirling mass of shadow begins to form, with a woosh a figure steps out as the shadowy mass disperses and the field renters to its normal lighting. Dropping a coin the figure rose into the sky towards the large floating island as he approached he hollered " HOWS IT HANGING MAC, MIND IF I JOIN YOU? I BROUGHT POPCORN"

  6. 2 hours ago, FeruchemicalBreath said:

    but a hammer would cause crippling damage to anyone who was hit

    I would argue that a shard weapon with a blade would be more effective, bladed weapons can cut souls while shard hammers just smash.

  7. If we are dealing with Shardplates we need to remember that they absorb impacts really well (we have seen them being used to jump off high places without shattering the user's legs) this means a Shardhammer or any other weapon for that matter would be unable to transfer much force to a person inside a Shardplate. It typically takes 2 hits with a Shardblade to crack a piece of Shardplate, this is because a six-foot-long magic metal sword already has a fair amount of heft to it. Shardblades are special because they can cut the soul, a weapon that doesn't cut ignores the most powerful aspect of a blade.

  8. 4 hours ago, Lepth said:

    Why would a radiant use a shard hammer?

    The whole idea of Shard hammers kind of confusing isn't the point of a war hammer to use a large amount of weight to crush an opponent? Shards are way lighter so it would be like fighting a battle with a paper-mache hammer instead of a steel hammer.

  9. Full name: Brutus Klønete

    Investiture: Spikes that grant me the of Coinshot and Subsumer abilities and about 50 breaths (but I have no clue what to do with them).

    Nationality of the Cosmere: Fjorden 

    Height: 5' 8'

    Age: 25

    Hair color: Dyed bright red and burgundy ('cus hey I was in T'Telir)

    Eye color: Usually green but when I use different types of investiture they turn black and leak smoke.

    Heroic history: I was trained in the Fjeldor monastery, after graduating I was assigned to infiltrate Elantris but fell into a blue pond as I was crossing the mountains behind the city. To my surprise, I ended up in a weird world then to my further surprise a white-haired man insulted me and directed me towards a fellow from Scadrial who was in the area. This Scadrian explained the concept of the Cosmere, as well as a few ins and outs of hemalurgy, the Scadrian fellow (name of Delmore), was on his way to Nalthis I followed him there where I purchased about 50 breaths, we were about to go back thru the perpendicularity when I tripped and fell on a high priest. I spent about a year in prison when I got out Delmore had left, since then I have spent my time doing low-level infiltration and assassination jobs.

    Personality: Quiet with a vain of sarcastic humor, very loyal and quick to anger. 

    What brought your character here? I had been abandoned on Nalthis when I caught wind of the tower and figured I would see what it was all about 'cus hey, there might be free food.

    FYI, I have never done anything like this before, if I am doing it wrong please tell me.

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