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The Forgetful Archivist

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Posts posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. The last three months have been a whirlwind not only globally and nationally but also personally. Me and my fiance of 2 years parted ways and it really tore me up. I would be driving and have to pull over to cry because a song on the radio reminded me of her. She loved my parents and brothers as well as my aunts, uncles, and grandparents, not to mention my pets. And they all loved/love her, I remember one day I had had a bad day at work and came home to a classy trenchcoat and hampster (initially named Eshonai but renamed to Nippers) She was there when my old one-eared cat passed away in the same week as my dog, She went to the animal shelter with me and we found a one-eyed cat she named Kaz, after a favorite character from a book. Our first date was to the Skyward release party, and she waited overnight with me at Barns and Nobles to be in the front of the line to get Starsight. I could go on for pages about the experiences we shared but I don't want this post to be a memoir. I intend it to be context for what I'm about to say.

    There is a line from a book titled Death comes for the Arch Bishop, it goes 'I shall not die of a cold, my son. I shall die of having lived' that line resonates with me. In the grand scheme of things I haven't been around for that long but I have faced severe anxiety, a psychiatric disorder, and now my first love riding off into the sunset with another man. But even now I think to myself I shall not die of a cold I shall die of having lived and it fills me with hope for the future. Times are tough and life beats the crap out of you but when I die it's not going to be from a cold, or break up or from anxiety or from anything of that sort. When I die I will die from having lived. When my time comes I'm going to look back on my life and be grateful for the chance to have lived and grown even though it sometimes hurts. Right now I feel happy, hopeful, and mellowed and I want to share it with everyone. 

    If you need a digital hug I'm here to give you one and say it's okay, I'm here to tell you there is hope and happiness waiting. I promise that even if it feels that way it won't kill you, please don't be afraid to live.

  2. Being fairly introverted I was totally on board with the social distancing, I figured I would hang out at home, make some stuff and generally have a good time. But now things aren't seeming so great. I work on a on call basis, when someone books an escape room I come into work, but now that no one is booking I'm not working so I'm not getting paid. My laptop broke and I lost a bunch of files trying to fix it, my SLA 3D printer broke as well, and now to top it all off the power just went out. Every time I think of something to do I realize that it wouldn't work. I can't sculpt stuff because I use an bake clay and have no power, I want to print some minis but no printer and no power, how about building something out of foam, my foam cutter needs electricity Wich I happen to have none. I'm glad I'm not in a hospital with Covid 19 or anything, but life in a world ravaged by precautionary measures sucks.

  3. 11 hours ago, AonEne said:

    Since I know you have a cat, I shall amend this question; how's your guys' cat doing? 

    She is doing great!! Just this morning she brought me a present! She showed up at the back door holding a dead bird in her mouth, she was very proud and so was I. This is a rather big accomplishment seeing as she only has one eye...

    On 3/3/2019 at 7:34 PM, Archer said:

    Is it okay to play squash with gourds? Or do you have to use squash?

    For best results I would use a crooked neck squash, in a pinch pumpkins can be used. If you are feeling CRAZY you can use a banana squash but I really wouldn't, banana squash are much better as soup.

    And to answer the question that is at the forefront of your minds, Yes I have been keeping an eye on all my friends as well as my enemies. :D

  4. A few weeks ago I posted on the bad news thread, now I'm here because life is funny that way. For the last 2 and a half years I have been working on a math problem and I think I finally solved it. I won't go into details because I am going to try to get paid for it but suffice to say if it works I will have my name on a Wikipedia page and a fair chunk of prize money and maybe be in a Numberphile video, who knows. (I encoded an explanation and hid it bellow in code so my partner can't double-cross me, that's what the weird white space is). I also got to interview at and subsequently tour a bronze foundry which was awesome!! If hired I would be earning almost twice what I currently make, and would be primarily blasting things with sand as well as pouring molten bronze and aiding in other parts of the casting processes. I am incredibly pumped at the prospect of working there, its basically my dream job. I also managed to get in touch with several old friends and its been a pleasure talking to them again. Life is good.25 39 43 36 36 20 35 32 4a 44 20 32 38 40 20 78 20 72 3d 32 4a 20 28 3a 3d 44 40 3f 20 35 3a 44 34 40 47 36 43 36 35 20 32 20 3f 36 48 20 3e 36 45 39 40 35 20 40 37 20 37 3a 3f 35 3a 3f 38 20 7c 36 43 44 36 3f 3f 36 20 41 43 3a 3e 36 20 36 49 41 40 3f 36 3f 45 44 20 44 3a 3f 34 36 20 45 39 36 3f 20 78 20 39 32 47 36 20 48 40 43 3c 36 35 20 45 40 20 45 36 44 45 20 32 3f 35 20 41 36 43 37 36 34 45 20 3e 4a 20 3e 36 45 39 40 35 20 3f 40 48 20 78 20 32 3e 20 44 36 3f 35 3a 3f 38 20 45 39 3a 44 20 36 49 41 3d 32 3f 32 45 3a 40 3f 20 45 40 20 24 41 36 3f 34 36 43 20 71 43 40 48 3f 20 48 39 40 20 48 3a 3d 3d 20 44 36 36 3c 20 45 40 20 45 46 43 3f 20 3a 45 20 3a 3f 45 40 20 32 3f 20 32 3d 38 40 43 3a 45 39 3e 20 48 39 3a 34 39 20 48 36 20 48 3a 3d 3d 20 46 44 36 20 45 40 20 37 3a 3f 35 20 3f 36 48 5b 20 33 3a 38 38 36 43 20 41 43 3a 3e 36 20 3f 46 3e 33 36 43 44 5d 20 78 20 32 3e 20 41 40 44 45 3a 3f 38 20 45 39 3a 44 20 3a 3f 20 34 40 35 36 20 44 40 20 39 36 20 34 32 3f 56 45 20 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  5. There is always the cryptography route there is a basic A is 1 B is 2 method. the Ceaser cipher and Polybius square are all good yet simple number based ciphers. But that's all a bit simple, you probably want something crazy awesome. I would suggest using this to convert letters into graphs, I figure it would be pretty cool to string them all together into a massive systems equation whiten is set-builder notation or something. If you want some help I'd be more than happy to oblige :D

    They don't call me a mathematician for hire for nothing.

  6. I have had a sucky week and sharing helps me prosses it so here goes. I used to have a problem with self-harm and I had a relapse a few days ago and had to go to the hospital, It was just a bunch of shallow cuts but I had to go in anyway. My current job is ok, but I want a better one. I really want to be a salesman but I can't drive that well so it has to be close to home and the only jobs close to home are baristas and food workers, which is what I am right now, I've had to start driving more out of my comfort zone and I often drive to slow and people keep honking at me for one reason or another. I'm only 18 and have no experience in sales but I really think I would be good at it. I love talking to people and getting to know them as well as convincing them to buy things to make them happy. Currently, its just people who don't know what to order but I want to do more and better my skills. I am also an amateur mathematician and I have been working on a particular problem for the past 2 years. All I have to show for it is a box of papers and scribbles. I'm not going to stop, I'm going to solve it, but it gets discouraging at times. I also had a friend go off to college recently and he has ignored every one of my texts and emails. I kinda figured it would happen but it's still a little insulting. And my fiance dad is also being a butt head, he is highly erratic and is obsessed with a video game. when he calls her he as a 50/50 chance of making her cry or just pissing her off. I guess thats the downside of living with your parents.

    16 hours ago, Impact said:

    Real-Life Superhero (RLSH) is a subculture, mostly in America, but around the world also, that goes out and does community service using personae of superheroes that they create. I work with a group that does homeless outreach, fundraising for local charities, and street safety walks making sure that folks get home safely. 



    I've always wanted to be one of these fellows, it sounds so cool!! I'm from Utah BTW, welcome to the shard :) 

  8. Its been a rough week, three days ago my cat died, we had had him for about 9 years and he was the nicest most mellow cat you'll ever meet. Two days ago I had a medication mishap which resulted in a visit to the ER, I then spent the night throwing up. Now my dog is having health problems and it's looking like she'll need to be put down tomorrow. This coupled with garden variety doubts and self-loathing has left me feeling really down. People keep telling me that things will work out and get better but sometimes it's hard to believe them.

  9. I will join this club and make my shame public, below I have attached 2 pictures of me. The first how I used to look, the second how I look now.




    How the mighty have fallen, I hope to one day regain my throne but until then I will dwell in squalor with the other short-haired people. Question If I still have my long hair and it's just not still attached do I count as a short-haired person, just wondering.

  10. I for one am thankful for this thread, sometimes I feel old, I was here well before the idea of the Allyverse was conceived. I always thought I would outlast it (not going to lie, I kind of have a vision of me sitting in a shared throne surveying the smoldering wreckage of everything) but now I doubt. I have a feeling that it is here to stay. I used to be an Assassin in Technicolor, I then left for the DA and passed out cookies in the intro threads. But things changed the DOCI was formed, infiltration was the name of the game and I was into it, it was sometimes then when I met Riker Synclair (now Mraize) he had formed a new guild and I was the first to join. Soon I was a member of the DA, the LA, the GBs and several other small guilds. I remember the first war and the sense of confusion when The Potato infiltrated TUBA and I was exiled from the DA, I engineered several plots to kill Archer as the Righthand of the Ghostbloods. I was a force to be reckoned with, I had a network of spies and at the hight of my power, I was elected mayor. But then I stopped, I stopped trying, I wasn't a fan of the direction the Alleyverse was headed so I simply stopped participating. There was a time where evryone knew my name but that age has passed. I was TFA and this is my eulegy.

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