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The Forgetful Archivist

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Posts posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. "I remember the days when the Allyverse was naught but an idea spoken of in the shadows by the DA, I remember how it slowly began to gain traction and acclaim, I remember when we were given our own subforum. Today is not the day we celebrate our accomplishment, it is the day when we are immortalized! Citizens of the Alleyverse this is your moment! This is your time! These are your accomplishments! And this is your hall!"

    To thunderous applause TFA cuts a ribbon with a pair of comically oversized scissors.

  2. A large rectangular room with gently glowing lines of blue casting an eerie light over the reverent scene. Hundreds of alcoves lined the walls a little over 40 contained statues of people, empty alcoves stretching into the vastness. On the opposite side of the hall, a statue stood of a man in a bowler hat, monocle, and mustache an inscription beneath it reads


    In memory of Mac Thorsen, Gentlemen Heamelergest extraordinaire. Mac was here before the Alleyverse existed, he came into the fight as an assassin in technicolor before joining the DA and becoming one of their most iconic members. He headed up the Division of Counter Intelligence, it was he who revealed the deception of TUBA, and the Ghostbloods. He was truly a chapman of truth who dwelt in the shadows of a dark alley. We hail him as a founding father of the Alleyverse. Now he is gone but may one day return.


    Similar inscriptions are located beneath the statues on the other side of the hall, they detail each characters accomplishments and give a brief history. (If you want to make your own inscription just post it below and I’ll edit it in.)


    @I think I am here. 



    Here lies the statue of Rashan Caer, who quickly came to know the Alleyverse As his home, starting out as a simple twinborn assassin for the Ghostbloods, Rashan quickly got promoted to Squad Leader and to eventually Council Member.

    Rashan dabbled in surgebinding in the Hall of Surges, becoming an Elsecaller squire of Voidus’ before his master tragically passed away and Rashan became a truthwatcher. 

    He participated in many duels, many of which he lost, but to his defence he was fighting men much more powerful than him.

    Rashan died shortly after bringing the leader of the Ghostbloods back to life after Assassination. He got ressurected after his death, but not much of known of the once legendary assassin Rashan Caer now...


    @Nohadon There seems to be a bulge in the statues pocket...


    Here is the statue of Devaan Sheonar, the final empire’s thorn.

    Born in Luthadel, Devaan served as a loyal thorn in the side of the nobility of Scadrial, unbeaten in games of chance, not through magic, but skill and fast hands.

    World hopping, Devaan created many magical artefacts scattered around the alleyverse.

    A fierce fighter, who intends to fight to the very end.


    At the end of the hall stands a grand archway thru which lays a spiral staircase which descends into gentle darkness. frescos, bas-reliefs, and tapestries line the curving walls detailing the history of the Alleyverse.

    Such as this. (same thing as with the inscriptions, just post a picture of something you think should be added and ill throw it in)



    Only a few of you will recognize this, it's from pretty early on.



  3. I swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

    -The Forgetful Archivest, Alleyverse mayor

  4. 5 seons float into the room one forms a head another and arm and so forth, soon the mayor stood before them comprised of gently glowing seons. "Sorry for the precautions but I will be joining you from an undisclosed location, now let's get this party started." Walking into the crowd TFA smiles broadly and heads off to look for someone to bother.

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