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The Forgetful Archivist

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Posts posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. Due to my lagging polls, I have decided to roll out one of my future projects I would undertake as mayor. I would propose a large infrastructure bill to construct a "hall of heroes" where all the major events are depicted as friezes and all Alleyverse participants get a statue, If you want a statue of yourself elect TFA as mayor.

    I am The Forgetful Archivest and I approve this message.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Archer said:

    Imagine the DA and TUBA as two hockey teams. They both enjoy a similar passtime, but each do it a little differently. On occasion, they fight each other. One team is old, so it won some championships in their heyday. The other team is an expansion pack, a team that came out strong (possibly because they're cool like that, possibly because the overlords rigged the process to generate interest). Before every meeting with the other team, the teams get together to talk about the other's flaws. Some people point out their technical flaws, others maintain that their foe is a group of soulless monsters who deserve no mercy! using dramatic partying and the like to convey their message. 

    While you can technically help out both teams, their rivalry makes them annoyed when you do that. And anyone who trades teams or betrays the team they're on... is a potato. And potatoes don't win Stanley Cups. 

    That is a really good metaphor

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