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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. But keeping a corpse in the physical realm doesn't make it alive. The transition between realms has been stated as forcing them back alive.
  2. Oathbringer is the newest, but I feel like for the added length I didn't enjoy it as much as much WoR. But both are better than the Way of Kings which, while good, has a lot of sloggy scenes with Shallan being very reactive. And Kal's flashbacks have never done much for me.
  3. Makes sense. Communication can solve most problems, but it often doesn't. And I would assume Odium's original Humans came from Braize.
  4. He did use illumination at the end of Oathbringer. He used light to banish a -Stone thing that my migraine has wiped from my brain in favor of the names of Pokemon.- But we have no idea how or why it did what it did.
  5. Unless their version of binding uses a different gravity factor because it's From Another Planet! Dun dun dun.
  6. Investiture is investiture. Stormlight powers Vasher just fine and he's from another planet.
  7. Glys was twisted like the spren in Kholinar. I'm not sure Venli will wind up half and half though. After all Odium is the human god. And I still don't think his futuresight is a surge, it's a resonance. His surge has something to do with banishing light. But... Well, we're not supposed to know yet.
  8. I think she probably could if she learned how. But... Well... She's herself.
  9. Religious ideals change and twist over time as the why for it is lost and only the tradition remains. Like Dalinar's belt. It started as "This is our place" and became more and illogical later. Like how not eating pigs makes a lot of sense in a world with poor sanitation.
  10. Oh my god, that's the gem they stuck the thrill in. Anyway, neat. He's like half a voidbinder half a radiant. Cool.
  11. Yes. They all went nuts. Jezrian's been a babbling hobo for a long time. Shallash is art vandal. Even the mad prophet guy isn't claiming to be a Herald anymore. None of the world works suggests people at large believe the heralds are still alive or have been alive for a long time. The heralds would be in power if their existence were widely known. And if I remember correctly the plan stated during the first scene in the book was for them to not associate with eachother. That implies a level of going into hiding. The timeline I've seen puts the recreance close to 3000 years after the last desolation. I'd put it closer to two, but it was still a long time.
  12. That was thousands of years before the recreance.
  13. The heralds didn't reveal themselves. They've been in hiding this whole time. And while Honor may have been dying that doesn't explain how two orders of radiants just unified and abandoned their oaths all at the same time, killing their closest companions(spren) in the process. It... The revelation shouldn't have been that powerful. There had to be more to it. I suspect infiltration by Odium of some kind. The secret had to be wielded like a scalpel. That's the only thing I can really think of toncause what we saw at feverstone keep.
  14. Right. I get that. He's talking about it disappointing him that nobody cared. Nobody cared because the problem is visible. There's actually a lot more nuance involved as well in regards to imperialism, refugees, and a lot of other real life stuff. But that's... A heavy discussion I don't feel like having and Odium mucks it all up.
  15. I still find it underwhelming. The first book made it quite clear humans weren't native to Roshar and that Shinovar was where they were supposed to be. 3 Books and 7 years into the series is too long to let an idea sit before turning it into a twist. The morality of it was dealt a long time ago for most of the readers. Not that the idea doesn't have interesting implications we hadn't thought about, but... frankly Odium is the only real invader. He's the destructive force here. His creations destroyed their planet and fled to another. He failed. And he's failing again. Without him there would be peace. So its easy to think around the problem while Odium is there.
  16. You reminded me of something. The gems are what allow the spren to transition from realm to realm. Before that they just kind of hung out on Roshar. This would suggest that the gems are an important part of their suffering. They likely wouldn't be in a state of half life without the bond the gems facilitate. So they wouldn't be doing the screaming suffering thing. (Which strengthens my scratches at the eyes are caused by the gem theory.)
  17. The scene can be read that way. But putting that much mental processing into a scene after the major conflict would ruin it. Adolin hates Sadeas because Sadeas has done the things I mentioned. Got people Adolin cares about killed. They're part of his judgement of the situation. Then Sadeas says he'll do it again. If you hate someone for things they've done and they say they're doing it again there isn't much thought involved with the decision. And what there is... Putting it on the page would be bad writing. As the audience we don't need it. We know what's happened.
  18. Also note the "without justification" part. He had justification. His family was threatened. His men killed. His friends hurt. His king undermined. That's a lot of reason. Killing is wrong. But saving lives is right. And where they overlap is messy. Look at Dalinar's question to Taravangian. Look at Kaladin and Syl's arguments about the Parsh. This is a question the story really looks at. When is killing right? When it saves enough lives? When its in defense of yourself or your family? When someone breaks the law? The series makes one thing very clear though. There is a point where killing can be right. I'll leave it at I'm pretty nonviolent. I teach anger management classes and work with criminal kids for a living. If someone had tried to kill me and my dad, then made it clear they'd try to kill my dad again, and I couldn't manage a legal option I'd be right there with Adolin. That doesn't preclude regretting the need for the action. Or that you did it. But it would always be what I'd do.
  19. Odds are irrelevant. Stories are about drama. (Beyond that even possessing a blade is a spiritual connection. And binding your spirit to something is bound to affect who you are, to change you. Especially as the bond grows.)
  20. If he revives her its because they've bonded and were previously compatible. You don't choose your radiant order, you behave as a person that is of an order.
  21. All Spren are different. Cultivation is not always non-violent. Farming is among the most violent acts mankind perpetrates. It causes massive amounts of damage to the environment. We've cultivated entire ecosystems out of existence to make more food land where we cultivate crops we've engineered over centuries to be nothing like what it was. And nature in and of itself is cultivated by violence. Plants and animals both. Some cultivation Spren are going to be more ok with violence than others. (Beyond that Adolin does feel bad about what he did, but he knows it was necessary and justified. Sadeas murdered his friends. Tried to kill him and his father. And admitted he would do so again. And again. And again. So he knows that what he did was right. He acted to give voice to the soldiers Dalinar's honor wouldn't give voice to. The dead who had been betrayed.) And Wyndle wants to be a shardblade. He was whining to tell Lyft what to do without breaking the rules. But Lyft is hard to influence.
  22. We don't really know that the language thing is a surge. It strikes me more as a resonance. I don't remember him burning stormlight in that scene and what he did with Shallan and the map seems just as related. Also remember that Bondsmiths are more than normal radiants. Their Spren Bonds are more and that implies that they gain more out of the deal(but also less). That doesn't mean that their surges do more.
  23. Something from one of Venli's interludes stuck out to me and I think it might be this. The Spren that guided her said, "I escaped." or something along those lines. And it was only him. His escape happened a long time ago, before Gavilar's death judging by his aide in finding Szeth. I think his escape is what Nale sought to stop. It doesn't entirely make sense but it could be that when someone swears enough Oaths it creates a situation where an Odious Spren can escape. And maybe there isn't a parallel to High Spren on Odium's side like there might be parallels of other Radiant Spren. We'd need to know how the Spren escaped. Of course it could also be him being kind of nuts.
  24. And his primary superpower looking good(even when he's soiled his shardplate).
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