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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. I have to say I really dig the detail around the safehand. That's some topnotch indication of how desperate her situation is. Has me hyped for Jasnah's story in this next book.
  2. People figured out Vasher super quickly. Like... The day of release. (I read it about a week prior so some of us had a head start.) I knew something was up with him and in retrospect its obvious, but while I recognized Nightblood I didn't immediately catch the Vasher thing.
  3. Maybe the gems are needed to sustain the shardblades "life" long enough for a Nahel(ish) bond to form between the shardbearer and the Zombiespren. Making it a form of Necromancy really. So placing a dun gem won't do anything, but once the blade has taken in the stormlight it needs to be alive its stuck that way for a week or so until the bond cements and it can be released.
  4. I'm a little odd. I'll read the leadup stuff, but not anything else. So like, the Dalinar sections in (I think) unfettered 2 I haven't touched. But as the samples are released I'll read them. And I'll listen at signings obviously. But, I like to read the book in order. And frankly it both whets the appetite and sates the cravings at the same time. At least as far as Stormlight and The Dresden Files are concerned.
  5. There are too many of them. Which cuts down on the description... And I dunno. I get sticking in character and all that. I could never hope to write a series as beautifully complicated as Malazan, but man, I just wanted the tiste to feel different. If they felt as epic as they do in the main series I'd be all over it, musings and all.
  6. I love the main series and really enjoy a lot of Esslemont's stuff. But I wanted Forge and Fall to feel more Alien(like Stormlight archive). For whatever reason they just feel bog standard where the main timepoint is anything but.
  7. Audible. It's a big series and building it in a library while keeping up with new releases took a while. Especially with Malazan, which it would appear you like. I have all of those too, but haven't managed to finish Fall of Light yet. Everything else I've read.
  8. Just relistened to Stormlight. I'll hang out on the forums more now. Between then and now I'll be reading other stuff. Witchwood Crown just hit, so that's the current one. After that I'm not sure. Something different from Stormlight to keep the anticipation Spren away. Or maybe I'll finally redo the whole Wheel of Time. I finally got all the audiobooks last December.
  9. It really does sound like its mostly the torture. I mean, Millenia of agony will break anyone. The fact the Heralds held up for that long... It's awe inspiring in its own way. I don't think there needs to be any more.
  10. I just loathe legal proceedings. Its a story that should be done. There are more interesting things for Adolin to be doing than dealing with yet more petty Alethi politics. We've had two books of those. Lets get to the people facing the Desolation. To the other nations on Roshar. To anything other than more High Princes bickering. I like Adolin. I want to see him doing something entertaining.
  11. There comes a point where people become uninfluanceable. Sadeas spurned anyone that had the station and will to try to change him. He was a cankerous infected limb. Unlike Elhokar, who was more a gamey leg. This is why I call it justified. Doesn't make it right. But Sadeas as a character is an aging violence addict. A man with a need to kill. if it weren't for his wife I don't think his murder would have repercussions. I don't want it to. I think that Storyline(like a Shallon, Adolin, Kaladin love triangle) will be dull and uninteresting. A side tangent to what I love about the Stormlight Archive. So I hope Sadeas's death is never pinned on Adolin. Or anyone else. I hope his wife vanishes from the series and the worst consequence is Amaram as a High Prince opposing Kaladin's attempted justice against Rashone.(I do find it odd that so far as we know Sadeas never had kids. That would have been intriguing.)
  12. When nobodies eyes glow in the dark. And they can, you know, see in the dark. It'd be really hard to see in the dark if you have bioluminescent irises. The radiants I'll forgive. That's magic. And they illuminate everything around them. Stormlight might alter perception. But for ordinary people, no. Their eyes don't glow.
  13. Killing Sadeas was wrong. It had to happen, and its justified. But justice and morality are very different things. I don't actually like Justice much. It's... Too close to vengeance and the two often get conflated by people looking to justify their own actions. That answer isn't on the poll. Not really. All of that said, I hope Brandon leaves this as a finished plotthread. I know that's less dramatic, but the direction it goes isn't something I find interesting.
  14. I would think Dalinar will keep it. He can't really hold a Shardblade anymore. Its a fantastic defensive weapon for him. Lets him fly(maybe.) Can block a shardblade. Doesn't scream bloody murder when he touches it. I doubt he'd hand it off to Navani. It would make her too much of a target with no experience defensing herself physically. Somebody would work it out and I doubt he wants to risk losing her.
  15. We know the Skybreakers kept going. But I don't think they had Sprenbonds between the Recreance and the recent past. That seems... Difficult to hide. What with new shardblades and plate appearing(along with people holding Stormlight and flying around.) But an order of people living up to the oaths of the Skybreakers wouldn't be anywhere close to as obvious.
  16. So we know each order has specific surges. But sometimes it seems like they get something else too. Kaladin has his combat affinity. It's something he's always had, but it might be a slightly supernatural thing too. It certainly feels that way. So maybe Edgedancers(who's oaths are remarkably therapisty) have a kind of aura that affects how people talk to them. People certainly talk to Lift in a different manner than most. And it could be her attitude. There are ways to talk to people that get them to open up more. Body postures you take and ways you modulate your voice so they feel more at ease. But if there's something supernatural going on it could be that people who become edgedancers also have(like I said) an aura, but one that's a little more intuitive. Maybe introspective. But maybe also more connected to magic. Not like we've seen another edgedancer to get hints about it.
  17. 44 Truthwatcher 42 Windrunner 41 Lightweaver 39 Willshaper 24 Elsecaller 22 Dustbringer 18 Bondsmith 17 Skybreaker 11 Stoneward 6 Edgedancer Low percents on everything. Which is typical of my personality test taking. My Myers Briggs scores are all borderline except for Intuitive. I kind of like it though. A good Balance of Renarin, Kaladin, and Shallan.
  18. Ten Soon was Third Generation. Only the first generation were Terris from what I remember.
  19. The difference is that I want Szeth to define his own punishment. Imprisonment is a terrible punishment. It either breaks the prisoner if they are in solitary or exposes them to a culture that promotes and honors the same violence they already were steeped in. It also wastes resources and... Well. There all kinds of research into why prisons create criminals. We shouldn't want to see anybody punished. We should want to see them redeemed. And prison is the opposite. That is of course ignoring the nature of Assassination. Everything Szeth has done has been SS an agent of a political power and while World War 2 had given us a system that allows us to punish men for crimes they would have been killed for not committing, I'm not sure that makes it right(but that's a messy subject with no good answers). Instead we should be looking at the architect of the assassinations. Because a lot of the hate for Szeth comes from his own outlook on what he's done. If we saw him as a man who believed in what he done odds are we wouldn't see him as so bad. James Bond regularly does very similar levels of murder in his stories. As do any number of "heroes". All under the guise of saving the world. Much like Szeth is technically doing, so far as his master is concerned. Which is another messy subject with no good answers. When is killing murder is a hard question to answer. It's Szeth's belief enough to make his actions murder? Is he to blame? Or is he making a point about the dangers of indoctrination.
  20. As far as Seth goes, I don't like him right now. We're not really supposed to. I pity him. But I don't buy that he needs to be punished. Working in the line of work I do I see a lot of punishment that creates no chance for change or atonement. Instead it perpetuates a negative cycle that cripples the person and everyone in their lives, often leading to whose crimes. Szeth is a prefect example of this. And so I'd rather see him work for his own atonement. I want to see him rehabilitated and made back into the man he was before his culture failed him. Neither execution of imprisonment can do that. The same holds for our penal system and much of our focus on punishment today. Punishment teaches all the wrong lessons better than it teaches the right ones because punishment is little more than revenge. It's not about teaching.
  21. Because Kal and Syl is great. Because he's an interesting character. And because Spears are the best weapons. Especially that last one. But also his abilities are cool. He's also kind of an eyeist jerk though.
  22. I'm like this kind of all the time. I have trouble picking up anything that isn't superb. Between Sanderson, Rothfuss, Butcher, and Erickson almost nothing else holds a candle. I can manage a few series of lesser caliber it isn't easy. And nothing has the raw vibrant almost Miyazakiesque imagery of the Stormlight Archive. Every author has their thing, but as a Synesthetic I crave those colors on a visceral level. Cold and light in fiction make them feel more real due to the quirks in my brain. As I'm sure people will notice if I ever get published.
  23. Because Zahel is Vasher.There's more obviously, but that's the basic answer.
  24. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=JZ1pU-O0KoieyASKtoKQDA&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DmyyNCCCbByI&cd=2&ved=0CDcQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNER-MyCKi0EMlCoyM4QqLlahWKSDg&sig2=Lw8RDBTkI5X0yK1zli9nEw So apparently there are ways to lighten someones eyes... Not necesarily viable ones on Roshar, but intriguing none the less.
  25. Welcome to the Shard Serack. Good to see more people from the Butcher Forums.
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